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Paintings in the Musée national d'art moderne

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National Museum of Modern Art   wikidata:Q1895953
National Museum of Modern Art
Native name Musée national d'art moderne
Parent institution Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou Edit this at Wikidata
Coordinates 48° 51′ 38″ N, 2° 21′ 08″ E Link to OpenStreetMap Link to Google Maps Edit this at Wikidata
Established 1977 Edit this at Wikidata
Website www.centrepompidou.fr
Authority file
institution QS:P195,Q1895953

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label description image creator inventory number Centre Pompidou ID MNAM artwork ID
Sans titre Dimensions: 195 x 130 cm; Created: 1972 / 1973; Acquisition: Don de M. Pierre Rey, 2012; Inventory: AM 2013-223 Abdelkader Guermaz AM 2013-223 cnkdXr 150000000699870
Port de Gravelines Dimensions: 61 x 79 cm; Created: [1938]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 2322 P Abel Bertram AM 2322 P cL9bLnL 150000000028987
San Lucas à Tolède Dimensions: 50 x 61 cm; Created: 1925; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1945, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2567 P Abel Gerbaud AM 2567 P cEXRza 150000000019273
La source Dimensions: 300 x 200 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Don de Mme Nadja Perilli, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-215 Achille Perilli AM 2015-215 cBgjozB 150000001136772
Ultimate Painting n° 6↵(Dernière peinture n°6) Dimensions: 153 x 153 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1974; Inventory: AM 1974-19 Ad Reinhardt AM 1974-19 cezqj9 150000000015410
Grande composition sur fond noir Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-614 Adolf Fleischmann AM 1977-614 cz9nxx 150000000026680
Heat wave↵(Vague de chaleur) Dimensions: 197,8 x 168 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Don anonyme, 1985; Inventory: AM 1985-75 Adolph Gottlieb AM 1985-75 cKxbKb7 150000000017503
Occhio di lucertola↵(L'oeil du lézard) Dimensions: 130 x 152 cm; Created: [1960]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1961, Attribution, 1962; Inventory: AM 4033 P Afro Basaldella AM 4033 P coXzbr 150000000004415
Grande Prédelle Rainbow Elbow Acrylic painting on canvas by Agnès Thurnauer
Agnès Thurnauer AM 2009-7 c6rbxM4 150000000059959
Grandes prédelles painting by Agnès Thurnauer Agnès Thurnauer D-2015.1.1
AM 2010-38
Le Couronnement Dimensions: 91 x 119 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Achat en 1964, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 28551, AM 2013-DEP 35 Ahmed Cherkaoui AM 2013-DEP 35
FNAC 28551
Ombre fugitive Dimensions: 130 x 89 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1961, attribution 1962; Inventory: AM 4037 P Akira Kito AM 4037 P c6bbBqg 150000000020958
Image pour la confrérie de Saint-Maurice Dimensions: 190 x 192 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don de Mme Denise Breteau, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-251 Alain Jacquet AM 1979-251 c4ryeMk 150000000011947
Hypergraphie Dimensions: 35 x 26,5 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de Maurice Lemaître et ses amis, 1968; Inventory: AM 4466 P Alain Satié AM 4466 P cxAzo4r 150000000004242
Composition à la cheminée painting by Albert André Albert André AM 4520 P
DB 970.1.8
crbzyxG 150000000040578
Espaces des courants inégaux Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-301 Albert Bitran AM 2022-301 150000002272505
Le Chant de guerre painting by Albert Gleizes
Albert Gleizes AM 3028 P cEb7da 150000000017045
Le Couronnement de la Vierge painting by Albert Gleizes Albert Gleizes AM 4245 P
D 98.3.3
cpgGAA4 150000000016583
Peinture à sept éléments painting by Albert Gleizes Albert Gleizes AM 4220 P
cEnzpGj 150000000004680
Landscape, Mediterranean bay, view of Agay painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet RF 3162
AM 1826 P
cgjbXxb 150000000008528
The blonde woman painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 2229 P cqGjp9X 150000000012337
The Coffeepot painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3276 P
Bx D 1962.2.24
cgz5R8L 150000000016705
The Grenelle Bridge painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 4224 P (392) cGbBrMj 150000000059292
Parisian suburb painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 4224 P (96)
cAnz7pX 150000000035834
The Seine and the Apse of Notre Dame painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 1988-755 co47Rx4 150000000007691
Matisse in Manguin's Studio painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3488 P cdLydxA 150000000024486
Le Quai des Grands Augustins painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 2230 P cqpKbb 150000000028447
Fécamp Beach painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 2429 P cKxaApA 150000000012544
Le Bassin du Roy au Havre painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet LUX.1805 P
D 2010.0.1
ce9A9o 150000000020496
14 July at Le Havre painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 4224 P (20)
coXKyby 150000000035993
The Two Friends painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet Da.970.1.71
AM 4224 P(55)
cAbnpj9 150000000015402
Nude on a Divan painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet LUX.1643 P cBAg9b7 150000000020296
Portrait of André Rouveyre painting by Albert Marquet (2)
Albert Marquet AM 2227 P c5ejpjy 150000000015411
Women of Laghouat painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet LUX.0.128 P cbj8zo 150000000016059
The quai de Paris in Rouen painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet LUX.1019 P cdqjBXG 150000000024480
The Banks of the River painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet LUX.1030 P cny8aG 150000000027590
The Apse of Notre Dame painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet Da.970.1.73
AM 4224 P(52)
The Port of Saint-Tropez painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3856 P
D 1955.1.52
cKxLaxq 150000000023409
The Port of Naples painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 4224 P (391)
crgG69L 150000000035452
The Pont Saint-Michel and the Quai des Grands Augustins painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3614 P c79kEX 150000000004565
Rotterdam painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 2353 P cMeq7o 150000000004376
The Seine in Paris painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet D 1955.1.39
AM 3838 P
cxA9gpe 150000000019418
The Old Port of Marseille painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 4224 P (34)
cyXLoX 150000000035835
The Port of Marseille, 1918 painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3825 P
D 1955.1.35
c9j5Aja 150000000027369
Swan Island painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 3196 P cGEB9pa 150000000007696
Les Sables d’Olonne, beach painting by Albert Marquet
Albert Marquet AM 1976 P
cbjLXn 150000000028025
La Plage des Sables-d'Olonne depuis la promenade painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet AM 3443 P
ckXyKqK 150000000011901
Le port d'Alger painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet AM 3904 P
Bx D 1961.12.67
co7yng 150000000027818
Port de Boulogne painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet AM 3851 P
D 1955.1.10
c9bbrp 150000000031357
Sète, le Canal de Beaucaire painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet AM 3824 P
D 1955.1.34
cab8aB 150000000007460
Port d'Alger painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet AM 3839 P
D 1955.1.40
cBAy8zX 150000000011449
Sacco e bianco↵(Sac et blanc) Dimensions: 149 x 249,5 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1973, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-936 Alberto Burri AM 1976-936 c8bq44 150000000026616
La mère de l'artiste Dimensions: 91,8 x 72,7 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Dation, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-101 Alberto Giacometti AM 1982-101 cMar64 150000000009054
Nature morte à la pomme Dimensions: 70 x 55 cm; Created: 1914; Acquisition: Legs de l'artiste, 1972; Inventory: AM 1972-23 Alberto Magnelli AM 1972-23 cKxLExM 150000000015599
Le Songe Dimensions: 46 x 54,8 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Achat, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-388 Alberto Savinio AM 2020-388 150000002018601
Sign and Harrier Dimensions: diamètre: 86,5 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1972 , attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-940 Alex Colville AM 1976-940 cLrrXyE 150000000014529
Lumière sur Alger Dimensions: 72 x 116 cm; Created: [1948]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1953, Attribution, 1953; Inventory: AM 3241 P Alexandre Garbell AM 3241 P coXMA7A 150000000011739
Village de Murnau Dimensions: 33 x 40,7 cm; Created: [vers 1909]; Acquisition: Don de M. Jacques O'Hana, 1963; Inventory: AM 4068 P Alexej von Jawlensky AM 4068 P cbLyg7M 150000000030804
Saint Sébastien Dimensions: 164 x 59 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Achat, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-272 Alfred Courmes AM 1984-272 czA4bjg 150000000003888
Mon atelier à Rome Dimensions: 60 x 122,5 cm; Created: [1937]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2446 P, D.994.4.18 Alfred Giess AM 2446 P
cL99Ap8 150000000021788
Paysage Dimensions: 8,5 x 14,7 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-3 (11) Alfred Jarry AM 2003-3 (11) c9ng8En 150000000040924
Réunion champêtre à Eguilles Dimensions: 71 x 91 cm; Created: [vers 1907]; Acquisition: Donation de l'artiste, 1966; Inventory: AM 4421 P (14) Alfred Lombard AM 4421 P (14) cGzrXk 150000000006099
Espace matinal painting by Alfred Manessier Alfred Manessier AM 2981 P
cny8g4 150000000003947
Les Dieux marins Dimensions: 89 x 146 cm; Created: 1935; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-348 Alfred Manessier AM 2003-348 c5pdK6e 150000000040697
Nature morte au compotier Dimensions: 95 x 98 cm; Created: 1912; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3039 P Alfréd Réth AM 3039 P c5ed766 150000000026182
Sans titre (Vers le sud le dernier des pays habités est l'Arabie) Dimensions: 185 x 159 x 6 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Achat, 1991; Inventory: AM 1991-82 Alighiero Boetti AM 1991-82 ca9AAG 150000000014026
The knights painting by Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso AM 3636 P
cRRLbzG 150000000011969
Bird vendors Dimensions: 103,2 x 66,8 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Eugen Kilpatrick Perry à l'Etat, 1955, Attribution, 1955; Inventory: AM 3378 P Amanda De León AM 3378 P cy4drL 150000000009464
Portrait of Dedie painting by Amedeo Modigliani
Amedeo Modigliani AM 3974 P rO4IqXY 150000000026052
Q122674966 painting by Amedeo Modigliani, LaM – Lille Métropole, musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut
Amedeo Modigliani AM 1994-424
c6rjEko 150000000009837
Moïse Kisling
Amedeo Modigliani AM 1994-423
cjbeXX 150000000017830
Amedeo Modigliani AM 1994-425
cMdzX99 150000000029791
Amedeo Modigliani JP 558 P cL9Ka4e 150000000006148
Amedeo Modigliani AM 4286 P cgzzRxy 150000000010097
Gaston Modot painting by Amedeo Modigliani, Centre Georges Pompidou
Amedeo Modigliani AM 2002-128 cBAyk9e 150000000038302
Kariatyde Dimensions: 60 x 54 cm; Created: [1913 - 1914]; Acquisition: Achat, 1949; Inventory: AM 2929 P Amedeo Modigliani AM 2929 P c88rKo8 150000000018824
Paysage italien painting by Amadé Barth Amédé Barth INV 20144
JP 861 P
Le Buffet Dimensions: 150,5 x 176 cm; Created: 1925; Acquisition: Don de Raoul La Roche, 1962; Inventory: AM 4022 P Amédée Ozenfant AM 4022 P cnkL79 150000000008233
L'Apparition Dimensions: 81 x 100 x 2.4 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Achat, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-750 André Bauchant AM 1978-750 cRLrny 150000000030015
L'oeuf à la coque Dimensions: 81 x 56 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Donation Jean Aubier, 1956; Inventory: AM 3425 P André Beaudin AM 3425 P cg4qLX 150000000010176
Sans titre Dimensions: 129,5 x 195 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 2011; Inventory: AM 2011-26 André Cadere AM 2011-26 cGbBodp 150000000366345
L'aveugle Dimensions: 99,5 x 65 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1949 , attribution 1949; Inventory: AM 2902 P André Chochon AM 2902 P co4kKxe 150000000015323
Saules et cyprès en Toscane painting by André Cottavoz André Cottavoz AM 4224 P (42)
DA 970.1.34
cX4kn95 150000000040602
La Seine au Pecq painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 3773 P ckX8Gj 150000000023896
Le Vieil Arbre painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 3077 P ceba4A 150000000007942
Les Deux Péniches painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 1972-1 c6bK4r 150000000027845
Les Quais de la Tamise painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 1990-202 qmEZbAW 150000000004257
Le Faubourg de Collioure painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 4367 P ulKyzy4 150000000015884
Londres, Westminster painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 3857 P
D 1955.1.48
cpjkEz 150000000012005
Portrait du père de l'artiste painting by André Derain André Derain AM 1994-77 c7ppjAa 150000000020185
Portrait de Lucie Kahnweiler painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 1984-507 c4g9Mp 150000000012437
La Tasse de thé painting by André Derain
André Derain AM 2220 P
cn7k95R 150000000019461
Vue de Saint-Maximin painting by André Derain André Derain AM 1939 P
André-Marius Aillaud et Jacques Pierre painting by André Devambez André Devambez RF 1977 154
AM 2281 P
L'Aire à blé painting by André Dunoyer de Segonzac André Dunoyer de Segonzac AM 3823 P
D 1955.1.33
cgzXdEX 150000000027790
La Vénus Médicis Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1908; Acquisition: Dation, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-780 André Dunoyer de Segonzac AM 1978-780 cdaKLg 150000000021663
Self-portrait with blond woman painting by André Favory
André Favory AM 3957 P cMdd654 150000000027291
Nature morte Dimensions: 27 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3784 P, 1959 120 592 André Favory AM 3784 P c5zxyA 150000000046031
Femme au miroir Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1946; Inventory: AM 2613 P André Fougeron AM 2613 P cLrjdxG 150000000004209
La nouvelle digue d'Honfleur Dimensions: 81 x 100 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1949 , attribution 1949; Inventory: AM 2914 P André Hambourg AM 2914 P cgjzxGn 150000000029471
Multitudes Dimensions: 97 x 195 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1949, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2912 P André Lanskoy AM 2912 P cBz5Ga 150000000017030
Portrait de femme face/profil painting by André Lhote André Lhote AM 2884 P cdqaEX5 150000000031346
Le 14 juillet en Avignon painting by André Lhote André Lhote AM 2165 P
D 2003.2.1
cMjGGp 150000000023171
Arbres en fleurs painting by André Lhote André Lhote AM 2885 P
D 2003.2.2
c6r5ELE 150000000019411
Le chemin creux painting by André Lhote André Lhote AM 4224 P(72)
cnykgxL 150000000040624
Les inconnus Dimensions: 172 x 225,5 x 2,5 cm; Created: 1935; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2166 P André Marchand AM 2166 P cyXLy7 150000000022450
Sans titre Dimensions: 162 x 114 cm; Created: avril 1959; Acquisition: Don de Marie et Didier Marfaing en 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-285 André Marfaing AM 2023-285 150000002490445
Le Jet de sang painting by André Masson André Masson AM 3002 P cMLk7X 150000000030328
Le Percheron painting by André Masson André Masson AM 3037 P
Bx D 1957.4.3
FNAC 22010
L'homme et la femme painting by André Masson André Masson AM 3991 P
czb8rz 150000000022127
Portrait de Rolland Tual Dimensions: 75 x 50 cm; Created: [1921 - 1922]; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-680 André Masson AM 1984-680 cRdB46 150000000012897
Les deux sœurs painting by André Minaux André Minaux AM 4224 P (58)
cxA9L4o 150000000040636
La Marne à La Ferté Dimensions: 64,8 x 92,2 x 2,4 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1941; Inventory: AM 2307 P André Planson AM 2307 P cyjXydX 150000000020401
Etant donnés 1° La chute d'eau 2° Le gaz d'éclairage Dimensions: 210 x 140 cm; Created: 2006 - 2008; Acquisition: Achat, 2009; Inventory: AM 2009-6 André Raffray AM 2009-6 c9nb5L5 150000000059964
Nature morte à la tarte Dimensions: 92 x 93 cm; Created: [avant 1936]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1936, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2308 P André Rageade AM 2308 P carApz 150000000026876
Gaudes (Ariège) Dimensions: 224,5 x 155 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5090 P André Spitz AM 5090 P c6bXp5y 150000000020694
Intérieur Dimensions: 90 x 94,5 cm; Created: [avant 1940]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1940, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2462 P André Tondu AM 2462 P cRd7xr 150000000024893
Maurice Utrillo en 1910 Dimensions: 45 x 39 cm; Created: 1910; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1940, Attribution, 1942; Inventory: AM 2432 P André Utter AM 2432 P c9n4p7R 150000000010543
Village corse : Bergolère painting by André Utter André Utter AM 3808 P
1959 120 640
cnyXr8K 150000000046055
Issu de l'eau, du roc et de la bête Dimensions: 92 x 59,5 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1966; Inventory: AM 4361 P André Verdet AM 4361 P ckXyK6R 150000000016004
Age atomique Dimensions: 92 x 60 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1963 , attribution; Inventory: AM 4280 P André Verlon AM 4280 P cRbrBA 150000000016900
Les Septuagénaires Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2188 P André-François Breuillaud AM 2188 P ckXyjgE 150000000030336
Pliage (Grand triangle bleu et rouge) Dimensions: 220 x 413 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Achat, 1998; Inventory: AM 1998-141 André-Pierre Arnal AM 1998-141 cgjz4j5 150000000035506
Ten Lizes painting made by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol AM 1986-82 cKabAA7 150000000011674
Funzione di forma concreta↵(Forme concrète et fonction) Dimensions: 60,2 x 70 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don de la Fondazione Angelo Bozzola, 2022; Inventory: AM 2023-165 Angelo Bozzola AM 2023-165 150000002377213
N°7-1952 Dimensions: 50,4 x 73 cm; Created: 1952 - 1953; Acquisition: Don des amis du Centre Pompidou, Groupe d'Acquisition pour la Scène Française des années 1950-1980, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-454 Anna-Eva Bergman AM 2023-454 150000002426402
Tulipe blanche Dimensions: 35 x 22 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Don de Mme Sonia Delaunay, 1970; Inventory: AM 4518 P Anne-Marie Uhde AM 4518 P cqrAGX 150000000023103
Peinture Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: [vers 1961]; Acquisition: Don, 1979, de Mme Fourtina, la mère de l'artiste; Inventory: AM 1979-341 Anny Fourtina AM 1979-341 cxAzL44 150000000025664
Châtelaine espagnole Dimensions: 70,5 x 47,5 cm; Created: 1962 - 1969; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-963 Anselme Boix-Vives AM 2021-963 150000002171566
Marché en Afrique équatoriale Dimensions: 96 x 130 cm; Created: [avant 1937]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2183 P Antoine Marius Gianelli AM 2183 P cqG5EoG 150000000027303
Roi et reine Dimensions: 100 x 163 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste à l'Etat, 1955, Attribution, 1960; Inventory: AM 3734 P Antoni Clavé AM 3734 P cLrbGky 150000000023423
Le Chapeau renversé painting by Antoni Tàpies Antoni Tàpies AM 1976-1024 cGb54L 150000000023427
Grand blanc horizontal Dimensions: 195 x 310 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-17 Antoni Tàpies AM 1982-17 cRRreog 150000000019429
Canari cage et fenêtre Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1952 , attribution 1953; Inventory: AM 3210 P Antonio Corpora AM 3210 P c5egKLM 150000000019805
Vecchia convalescente Dimensions: 74 x 63 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5069 P Antonio Feltrinelli AM 5069 P cxA9ayo 150000000029773
Esterel Dimensions: 146,5 x 114 cm; Created: [1959]; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1960 , attribution 1960; Inventory: AM 3885 P Antonio Guansé AM 3885 P c69Eo4 150000000012639
O Salvador↵(Le Sauveur) Dimensions: 120 x 90 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de Mme Mariana Valdrighi Amaral, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-728 Antonio Henrique Amaral AM 2022-728 150000002248914
Bonjour Monsieur Dimensions: 200 x 300 cm; Created: 1978; Acquisition: Don de Mme Hélène Rochas, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-396 Antonio Recalcati AM 1980-396 coXKoxe 150000000013740
Inès Dimensions: 162 x 130 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Legs de l'artiste, 1998; Inventory: AM 1998-247 Antonio Saura AM 1998-247 cGzyKR 150000000035782
Parc aux aveugles Dimensions: 200 x 200 cm; Created: 1978; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-351 Antonio Seguí AM 1982-351 co4k78e 150000000004557
Espace Homme Machine dans Fantaisie orientale Dimensions: 90 x 100 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Achat, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-336 Aref El Rayess AM 2014-336 cbqLgpB 150000000808095
Venise Dimensions: 173 x 91 cm; Created: [avant 1957]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1957, Attribution, 1957; Inventory: AM 3538 P Aristide Caillaud AM 3538 P cGpdRk 150000000021194
Canard sauvage Dimensions: 82 x 60 cm; Created: [vers 1931]; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1932 , attribution 1936; Inventory: AM 1895 P Armand Brugnaud AM 1895 P cz4yrk 150000000004939
Landscape-Table↵(Table-paysage) Dimensions: 92 x 121 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat, 1971; Inventory: AM 1971-151 Arshile Gorky AM 1971-151 cMedgjq 150000000009821
Intérieur Dimensions: 52,5 x 65,5 cm; Created: 1918; Acquisition: Don de Mme Marianne Segal, 1967; Inventory: AM 4398 P Arthur Segal AM 4398 P cyn55q6 150000000012282
Algue marine, Formentera, Baleari Dimensions: 65,5 x 81 cm; Created: 1933; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5057 P Arturo Ciacelli AM 5057 P cnkK6G 150000000012915
Femme du 5 octobre Dimensions: 63 x 76 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Achat, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-268 Asger Jorn AM 1978-268 cnyAgX9 150000000018020
Joueuse de luth
August Macke AM 4348 P cjkjAR 150000000019238
Nocturne Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3108 P August Puig AM 3108 P c9nBKBg 150000000030042
Sans titre Dimensions: 188 x 141 cm; Created: 1983; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-932 August Walla AM 2021-932 150000002212149
Bord de mer Dimensions: 104,5 x 75 cm; Created: [1905]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Jacqueline Grassi, 1995; Inventory: AM 1995-301 Auguste Chabaud AM 1995-301 cMdLeRL 150000000003982
Fleurs Dimensions: 73 x 48 cm; Created: [1908]; Acquisition: Achat, 1952; Inventory: AM 3172 P Auguste Herbin AM 3172 P cbqr8jg 150000000017540
Narcisses Dimensions: 35 x 26,5 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1945, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2748 P Augustin Rouart AM 2748 P cqG5z4r 150000000022481
Portrait de lady Derwent Dimensions: 71 x 81,5 cm; Created: [vers 1930]; Acquisition: Don de Lord Derwent, 1946; Inventory: AM 2662 P Augustus John AM 2662 P cBAKA5R 150000000018294
Pierre angulaire Dimensions: 89 x 116 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1968; Inventory: AM 4482 P Aurélie Nemours AM 4482 P cbjbjL 150000000006684
Anne de dos Dimensions: 116 x 89 cm; Created: 11 octobre 1973; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1976, attribution 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-401 Avigdor Arikha AM 1980-401 cXbj5pg 150000000028055
Composition Dimensions: 49 x 69 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1961 , attribution 1961; Inventory: AM 3955 P Axel Olson AM 3955 P cyj58r5 150000000027850
Alice painting by Balthus Balthus AM 1995-205 cxbyxx 150000000024740
La Toilette de Cathy Dimensions: 165 x 150 cm; Created: octobre 1933 - décembre 1933; Acquisition: Achat, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-196 Balthus AM 1977-196 cEzejR 150000000004835
Shining Forth (to George) painting by Barnett Newman Barnett Newman AM 1978-371 czAAorg 150000000011912
Jericho painting by Barnett Newman Barnett Newman AM 1986-272 cda4jB 150000000023874
Compositie n°3↵(Composition n°3) Dimensions: 69,9 x 109,3 cm; Created: 1916; Acquisition: Don de la Clarence Westbury Foundation en l'honneur d'Alfred Pacquement, 2013; Inventory: AM 2013-284 Bart van der Leck AM 2013-284 cqpynpL 150000000769755
Sans titre Dimensions: 114,2 x 162 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Donation Solange et Jacques du Closel, 1994; Inventory: AM 1995-59 Beauford Delaney AM 1995-59 cR5yXBM 150000000020059
Sans titre Dimensions: 87 x 170 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Don de Mitra Goberville, 2013; Inventory: AM 2013-483 Behjat Sadr AM 2013-483 cGbB7eX 150000000808005
La Clepsydre et le temps Dimensions: 199 x 199 cm; Created: [vers 1948 - 1949]; Acquisition: Don de Adriana et Giovanni Joppolo, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-741 Beniamino Joppolo AM 2018-741 cpnRLkb 150000001749296
Portrait de Bernard Naudin Dimensions: 199,2 x 168,5 cm; Created: 1914; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1921, Attribution, 1921; Inventory: AM 5133 P, D.86 Bernard Boutet de Monvel AM 5133 P cgjrLKd 150000000010187
Pietà Dimensions: 172 x 255 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1950; Inventory: AM 3011 P Bernard Buffet AM 3011 P cjkbap 150000000028328
Sans titre Dimensions: 64,5 x 81 cm; Created: vers 1955; Acquisition: Don de M. Philippe Dufour, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-703 Bernard Dufour AM 2021-703 150000002152249
Les centaures motorisés Dimensions: 340 x 260 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4551 P, DB.970.1.63 Bernard Lorjou AM 4551 P cKaRnx 150000000040627
Où es-tu ? Que fais-tu ? Dimensions: 178 x 195 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Achat, 2010; Inventory: AM 2010-206 Bernard Rancillac AM 2010-206 c9jEKA5 150000000061942
Fanisse was my Grandmother (José Craveirinha Poem) Dimensions: 70 x 59 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-964 Bertina Lopes AM 2022-964 150000002383964
Coin d'atelier Dimensions: 72 x 60 cm; Created: [vers 1933]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1933 , attribution; Inventory: AM 1942 P Bertrand Py AM 1942 P ckaLdz 150000000012030
Caves Dimensions: 172,5 x 172,5 cm; Created: 1991; Acquisition: Achat en 2001, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 01-214, AM 2013-DEP 38 Bhupen Khakhar AM 2013-DEP 38 150000000880994
Bianco + Viola Dimensions: 146 x 195 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-664 Bice Lazzari AM 2022-664 150000002270941
Head of Girl II Dimensions: 57,5 x 55 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don anonyme, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-367 Bill Culbert AM 2021-367 150000002015388
Marchande de fruits Dimensions: 81 x 61 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4552 P, DB.970.1.77 Blasco Mentor AM 4552 P c88ERX8 150000000040632
Le Parc d'Auxigny Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: [1921]; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Léon Baratz en mémoire de M. et Mme Abraham Dobry, 1966; Inventory: AM 4051 P Boris Grigoriev AM 4051 P cAbodey 150000000026672
Le petit camp à Buchenwald en février 1945 Dimensions: 300 x 500 cm; Created: octobre 1945 - novembre 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2743 P Boris Taslitzky AM 2743 P cpbL9L 150000000005245
Neige Dimensions: 111 x 130 cm; Created: [1923]; Acquisition: Dation, 1997; Inventory: AM 1997-3 Bram van Velde AM 1997-3 cAnzpbK 150000000012207
Thira Dimensions: 244 x 460 x 6,5 cm; Created: 1979 - 1980; Acquisition: Don de la Centre Pompidou Foundation en l'honneur de Pontus Hulten, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-190 Brice Marden AM 1983-190 czgKLx 150000000004748
Les lutteurs Dimensions: 46 x 64,5 cm; Created: [vers 1922]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Cécile Grégory, 1948; Inventory: AM 2806 P Camille Bombois AM 2806 P cGzERX 150000000018904
Précambryen painting by Camille Bryen Camille Bryen AM 1980-56 c4bBr5 150000000026677
Hépérile Dimensions: 146 x 89 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1970, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-935 Camille Bryen AM 1976-935 150000000026917
Struktur-Progression Dimensions: 120,3 x 120,3 cm; Created: [1971]; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-141 Camille Graeser AM 1982-141 cR5RbjB 150000000014831
Composition Dimensions: 179 x 150 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat en 1946, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 20015, AM 2013-DEP 46 Candido Portinari AM 2013-DEP 46 150000000881599
Bild mit schwarzem Keil 2↵(Tableau au coin noir 2) Dimensions: 64 x 76,5 cm; Created: 1931 / 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1974; Inventory: AM 1974-21 Carl Buchheister AM 1974-21 cAX94X 150000000015803
Enseigne Kilroy Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1976, attribution 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-110 (5) Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd AM 1977-110 (5) cL9j9jM 150000000065885
Autoportrait Dimensions: 99 x 77 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3124 P Carl Kylberg AM 3124 P cRR6gA 150000000026181
Gul hest↵(Cheval jaune) Dimensions: 42 x 47,5 cm; Created: 1941; Acquisition: Don de Mme Sidsel Ramson, 2012; Inventory: AM 2013-251 Carl-Henning Pedersen AM 2013-251 ck4XKqa 150000000696314
Physichromie 220 Dimensions: 60 x 200 cm; Created: février 1966; Acquisition: Dation, 2019; Inventory: AM 2020-234 Carlos Cruz-Diez AM 2020-234 150000001887301
Toro↵(Taureau) Dimensions: 100,5 x 61 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5026 P Carlos Páez Vilaró AM 5026 P cn7jEg5 150000000009099
Cosmopolis VIII Dimensions: 35,5 x 45,5 x 5 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Achat en 1990, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 90086, AM 2013-DEP 31 Carmelo Arden Quin AM 2013-DEP 31 150000000880949
Portrait de Pierre Reverdy Dimensions: 50,5 x 58,5 cm; Created: 1943; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1963, Attribution, 1970; Inventory: AM 4569 P Cassandre AM 4569 P cej9BrG 150000000009226
Saltimbanques Dimensions: 39 x 46,2 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3787 P, 1959 120 611 Celso Lagar Arroyo AM 3787 P c6rgEgX 150000000046034
Poissons dans une grotte à Belle-Ile en mer Dimensions: 96 x 118 cm; Created: [avant 1941]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1941, Attribution, 1941; Inventory: AM 2344 P Charles André Igounet de Villers AM 2344 P cygRRR 150000000028482
Nature morte Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1934 , attribution 1934; Inventory: AM 1966 P Charles Blanc AM 1966 P cAzzgA 150000000030670
Portrait d'Albert Marquet painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 2857 P cMa4MK 150000000014059
Jardin de la Villa de Georges Grammont à Saint-Tropez painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 3833 P
D 1955.1.37
cGEBqoA 150000000029718
Marseille, canal de la douane painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 3853 P
D 1955.1.46
c9n55pj 150000000021765
Place des Lices painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 3832 P
D 1955.1.49
cajbX4g 150000000009776
Marseille, le pont transbordeur painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 3854 P
D 1955.1.50
cBKyM7d 150000000013792
L'extérieur du Moulin-Rouge painting by Charles Camoin Charles Camoin AM 3805 P
1959 120 677
cqGy49X 150000000046051
Le couple Dimensions: 171 x 208 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1954 , attribution 1954; Inventory: AM 3321 P Charles Counhaye AM 3321 P ca45Ma 150000000025027
Scène de rue Dimensions: 53,35 x 95,5 cm; Created: 1903; Acquisition: Don anonyme, 1943; Inventory: AM 2501 P Charles Dufresne AM 2501 P co4jM6K 150000000023532
L'Epte à Giverny Dimensions: 50 x 61 cm; Created: avant 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1931 , attribution 1932; Inventory: AM 1879 P Charles Jacquemot AM 1879 P cRR6Gb 150000000027262
Croiseur vers les débuts du siècle painting by Charles Lapicque Charles Lapicque AM 2420 P
cqGL6Eg 150000000024225
Vase de fleurs Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1919; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3804 P, 1959 120 626 Charles Picart Le Doux AM 3804 P c6j4KE 150000000046050
Petit café, boulevard de la Chapelle Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3793 P, 1959 120 631 Charles Rocher AM 3793 P cBAgooK 150000000046040
Femme dans un café Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3798 P, 1959 120 629 Charles Réal AM 3798 P crgj57n 150000000046045
Winter painting by Charles Walch
Charles Walch AM 2358 P
cAnBBRA 150000000012508
Bad-Mouthing painting by Charles Walch
Charles Walch AM 2958 P cKLjM9 150000000024665
La pêche Dimensions: 38,5 x 55 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4566 P, DB.970.1.106 Charles Walch AM 4566 P coXMnA 150000000040679
Hommage à Corot Dimensions: 73 x 91,5 cm; Created: [1925]; Acquisition: Don de l' Association des amis des artistes vivants, 1933; Inventory: AM 1952 P Charles-Étienne Péquin AM 1952 P cMdd6Xq 150000000009525
The big altar boy painting by Chaïm Soutine
Chaïm Soutine AM 1995-207 czAy9qK 150000000031562
Le lièvre au volet vert painting by Chaïm Soutine Chaïm Soutine AM 1988-758 crg47rA 150000000011647
Nature morte à la dinde painting by Chaïm Soutine Chaïm Soutine AM 1988-757 cy94nM 150000000019612
Nature morte à la pipe painting by Chaïm Soutine Chaïm Soutine AM 1988-756 cKaaXjB 150000000027547
Le groom painting by Chaïm Soutine
Chaïm Soutine AM 3611 P cL9KX4B 150000000007649
La Volaille pendue painting by Chaïm Soutine Chaïm Soutine AM 3612 P cMjda9 150000000015604
Luta de dragões Dimensions: 55,7 x 76,1 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de Galatea, 2023; Inventory: AM 2024-287 Chico da Silva AM 2024-287 150000002470700
Avenue of the Allies, 5th Avenue, New York painting by Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam JP 397 P cazXrLx 150000000038253
Style Bretagne Dimensions: 137 x 200 cm; Created: 1972; Acquisition: Achat avec le soutien de Léopold Meyer, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-630 Christian Babou AM 2016-630 cEok9en 150000001312955
La Chambre ovale Dimensions: 115 x 146,5 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1968 ; attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-365 Christian Boltanski AM 2009-365 czzyGG4 150000000025190
La petite gitane-Almunecar Dimensions: 100 x 45 cm; Created: [1936]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1936, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2117 P Christian Caillard AM 2117 P cerRjz 150000000004531
Graf St. Genois d'Anneaucourt↵(Comte St-Genois d'Anneaucourt) Dimensions: 103 x 80,5 cm; Created: 1927; Acquisition: Achat en souvenir de Siegfried Poppe, 2000; Inventory: AM 2000-4 Christian Schad AM 2000-4 c88XKkK 150000000036317
L'aventure Dimensions: 147 x 114,5 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Achat, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-450 Christian Zeimert AM 1980-450 cnjE97 150000000014718
Sans titre Dimensions: 81 x 94 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Don de M. Henri Goetz, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-626, D.CIT.84.1.1 Christine Boumeester AM 1981-626
crbbA6L 150000000027332
Cratère Dimensions: 163 x 123 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-286 Christo AM 2020-286 150000001974086
Arne Dimensions: 259 x 213 cm; Created: 1999 - 2000; Acquisition: Don des American Friends of the Centre Pompidou, 2020 (Don de Milly et Arne Glimcher à la Centre Pompidou Foundation, 2008).; Inventory: AM 2020-392 Chuck Close AM 2020-392 150000000060178
La-Roquette-sur-Siagne Dimensions: 130,2 x 161,8 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Don de Sachiko Kimura, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-729 Chuta Kimura AM 2022-729 150000002372071
Rien d'autre Dimensions: 81 x 100,2 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Achat à l'artiste 2005; Inventory: AM 2005-25 Claude Bellegarde AM 2005-25 c4rg5LR 150000000043877
Voyage d'Yvrac à l'île d'Oléron Dimensions: 252,5 x 81,7 cm; Created: août 1979; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-426 Claude Lagoutte AM 1979-426 cjb7qR 150000000022033
Pont sur la Loire Dimensions: 61 x 74 cm; Created: [1916]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1932, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1916 P Claude Rameau AM 1916 P cg4XKo 150000000010574
toiles à l'unité, 1973 / légendes, 1985 Created: 1973 - 1985; Acquisition: Achat, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-1063 Claude Rutault AM 1988-1063 cKz8M7 150000000036073
La mère de l'artiste Dimensions: 116,5 x 73 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1946; Inventory: AM 2621 P Claude Schürr AM 2621 P cynjxay 150000000004966
Metablu Dimensions: 140 x 200 cm; Created: 1976; Acquisition: Don de l' Archivio Claudio Olivieri, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-271 Claudio Olivieri AM 2024-271 150000002618625
Composition Dimensions: 115,1 x 84,5 cm; Created: [vers 1945]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1973, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1023 Clyfford Still AM 1976-1023 cej4pAE 150000000009953
Aphrodite et Stellio Dimensions: 61 x 50 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1935, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2080 P Clément Serveau AM 2080 P ckXKogE 150000000008056
Aurore, novembre Dimensions: 89,5 x 117 cm; Created: 1915; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1954, Attribution, 1956; Inventory: AM 3400 P Clémentine Ballot AM 3400 P cMej89n 150000000007681
La maison potagère Dimensions: 81 x 60 cm; Created: [1950]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3142 P Colette Beleys AM 3142 P c49B46 150000000018262
Fleurs Dimensions: 65 x 50 cm; Created: 1922; Acquisition: Donation M. René Philipon, 1924; Inventory: AM 1973-43 Conrad Kickert AM 1973-43 crg4dxb 150000000007766
L'animal sorcier Dimensions: 110 x 85 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1981; Inventory: AM 1982-83 Constant Nieuwenhuys AM 1982-83 cAneKM7 150000000007104
Paysage du Devonshire Dimensions: 65 x 77,5 cm; Created: [1916]; Acquisition: Achat, 1958; Inventory: AM 3591 P Constant Permeke AM 3591 P cGEBz86 150000000010560
Achilles Mourning the Death of Patroclus painting by Cy Twombly Cy Twombly AM 2005-24 Vm6rPRY 150000000043884
Composition géométrique n° 4 Dimensions: 63 x 66,5 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1972, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-956 César Domela AM 1976-956 c6jozg 150000000020973
Volume Dimensions: 100 x 80 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don de l'Archivio Opera Dadamaino, en l'honneur de Bernard Blistène, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-415 Dadamaino AM 2014-415 cAbGdE 150000001037958
Nature morte aux deux verres Dimensions: 77 x 90 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1952 , attribution 1966; Inventory: AM 3163 P Daniel Ravel AM 3163 P cpg7eqr 150000000031521
Sans titre Dimensions: 49,5 x 129 x 3,5 cm; Created: 1982; Acquisition: Donation M. Achim d'Avis, 1991; Inventory: AM 1992-12 Daniel Tremblay AM 1992-12 cRbeEk 150000000024041
Paysanne de Tolède Dimensions: 166,5 x 94 cm; Created: [avant 1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1936, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 5038 P Daniel Vázquez Díaz AM 5038 P cpbzEpn 150000000004925
The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate, East Yorkshire in 2011 painting by David Hockney David Hockney AM 2018-988 cBrrkyy 150000001604784
Mystery Box Dimensions: 93 x 70 cm; Created: 1990 - 1999; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International, 2020; Inventory: AM 2021-564 David Koloane AM 2021-564 150000001937225
Sans titre Dimensions: 130,2 x 195,4 cm; Created: décembre 1976 - janvier 1977; Acquisition: Achat, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-548 Denis Rivière AM 1977-548 cbL79r 150000000027012
Campement tzigane Dimensions: 62 x 79 cm; Created: 1913; Acquisition: Achat, 1946; Inventory: AM 5113 P (R) Dezső Rózsaffy AM 5113 P (R) caz5er8 150000000011980
Hommage à Yves Klein Dimensions: 67,5 x 52,7 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Achat, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-59 Dick Bengtsson AM 1981-59 cqrXEL 150000000010781
Was Mässiges und graues↵(Ce qui est modéré et gris) Dimensions: 48,5 x 65 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Dation, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-175 Dieter Roth AM 2017-175 cnK8rrG 150000001200422
Paysage de Cassis Dimensions: 55 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3799 P, 1959 120 598 Dimitrios Galanis AM 3799 P cAnp785 150000000046046
La jungle Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1954, Attribution, 1954; Inventory: AM 3297 P Dominique Lagru AM 3297 P cyn6aX7 150000000014425
La tour Eiffel Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (73), DA.970.1.76 Dominique Mayet AM 4224 P (73) cr4xR6 150000000040630
Sieste estivale Dimensions: 50 x 61 cm; Created: [1933]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Cécile Grégory, 1948; Inventory: AM 2804 P Dominique Paul Peyronnet AM 2804 P cAnXnRG 150000000028408
Peinture Dimensions: 89 x 130 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1962, Attribution, 1962; Inventory: AM 4052 P Domoto Hisao AM 4052 P cnykred 150000000015581
Painting with three balls↵(Peinture avec trois balles) Dimensions: 149,5 x 149,3 cm; Created: 1986; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1994; Inventory: AM 1994-263 Donald Baechler AM 1994-263 cynjGoE 150000000014249
Nature morte à la lampe Dimensions: 50 x 61 cm; Created: 1941; Acquisition: Don de la Galerie Makassar-France, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-738 Dora Maar AM 2019-738 150000001877145
Un tableau très heureux Dimensions: 91,1 x 122 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1968, Attribution, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-65 Dorothea Tanning AM 2009-65 cazzkr8 150000000030088
L'Adorable Trixie Dimensions: 104 x 149,6 x 4 cm; Created: 1975 - 1978; Acquisition: Achat, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-740 Dorothy Iannone AM 2021-740 150000002137111
Le seau bleu Dimensions: 97 x 120 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1947; Inventory: AM 2703 P Dorus Roovers AM 2703 P cLa8R7 150000000029669
Nature morte Dimensions: 50,2 x 73,4 cm; Created: [avant 1961]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Angèle Barnabé, 1968; Inventory: AM 4422 P Duilio Barnabè AM 4422 P ckanAL 150000000027466
Joella Dimensions: 152,5 x 127 cm; Created: 1973; Acquisition: Donation M. Achim d'Avis, 1991; Inventory: AM 1992-7 Ed Paschke AM 1992-7 cXkyjq 150000000021592
Pulsarerna Dimensions: 215 x 218 cm; Created: 1975; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-1 Eddie Figge AM 1979-1 cX4kb9y 150000000012714
Marelle des métamorphoses Dimensions: 130 x 291 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean-Pierre Naccache, 2017; Inventory: AM 2018-16 Edgard Naccache AM 2018-16 150000001616033
Femme à l'oeillet painting by Edmond Aman-Jean
Edmond Aman-Jean RF 39063
AM 1290
L'aire Dimensions: 46,5 x 55 cm; Created: [avant 1921]; Acquisition: Donation M. André Berthellemy, 1931; Inventory: AM 2512 P Edmond Ceria AM 2512 P cMde6e4 150000000029952
Varvara Dimensions: 74 x 103 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Don de Galina Manevich-Steinberg, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-837 Eduard Steinberg AM 2016-837 cR8E55x 150000001341908
Maske↵(Masque) Dimensions: 60 x 46 cm; Created: [1936]; Acquisition: Don de Egill og Evelyn Jacobsen Fondet 2012; Inventory: AM 2012-13 Egill Jacobsen AM 2012-13 c6bXGBk 150000000548376
Window, Museum of Modern Art, Paris Dimensions: 128,3 x 49,5 cm; Created: novembre 1949; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-386 Ellsworth Kelly AM 2015-386 coyG5E9 150000001252211
La Fusée noire Dimensions: 194 x 130 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Achat grâce aux amis du Centre Pompidou, Groupe d'Acquisition pour la Scène Française des années 1950-80, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-66 Emanuel Proweller AM 2023-66 150000002473449
Nature morte aux danseuses Dimensions: 73 x 89 cm; Created: [1914]; Acquisition: Achat, 1963; Inventory: AM 4228 P Emil Nolde AM 4228 P cnygjA 150000000005558
Compagnie dans un parc Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: [vers 1945]; Acquisition: Don de la famille Goldring en 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-372 Emil Szittya AM 2023-372 150000002538861
Rabat painting by Emile Baes
Emile Baes JP 532 P cbk7Xg 150000000019548
La noce Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1955 , attribution 1955; Inventory: AM 3347 P Emile Blondel AM 3347 P cMdjg8p 150000000026122
Le guet Dimensions: 130 x 140 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1954 , attribution 1954; Inventory: AM 3319 P Emile Hecq AM 3319 P cj7ybKg 150000000028481
La fermière Dimensions: 35 x 27 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5073 P Emile Lahner AM 5073 P cAXgKd 150000000019057
Nature morte aux papiers froissés Dimensions: 60 x 72,5 cm; Created: 1954 - 1955; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1949 , attribution; Inventory: AM 2915 P Emile Sabouraud AM 2915 P cjy5nkB 150000000025812
Les moissonneurs; Auvers-sur-oise Dimensions: 73,5 x 100 cm; Created: 1915; Acquisition: Don de Mme Dupuis, 1935; Inventory: AM 2043 P Emilio Boggio AM 2043 P c7j7Me 150000000026470
Pittura 4 Dimensions: 150 x 150 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Don des Archivio Emilio Scanavino, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-321 Emilio Scanavino AM 2017-321 ckAKaK7 150000001572336
Fleurs Dimensions: 130 x 87 cm; Created: [1927]; Acquisition: Don de M. Adalbert Berger, 1938; Inventory: AM 2209 P Emmanuel Gondouin AM 2209 P
D 964.103
c4z4x7 150000000017405
Monument pour un oeuf à la coque Dimensions: 194,5 x 130 cm; Created: 1991; Acquisition: Achat, 1992; Inventory: AM 1992-3 Emmanuel Pereire AM 1992-3 c8dxLG 150000000024629
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 38 x 52,8 cm; Created: [vers 1960]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2022-560 Emmanuel le Calligraphe AM 2022-560 150000002152352
Le mouvement continuel Dimensions: 89 x 116 cm; Created: vers 1963 - 1965; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5120 P Endre Rozsda AM 5120 P 150000000004537
Generale↵(Général) Dimensions: 146 x 114,5 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Achat, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-201 Enrico Baj AM 1977-201 czAyXBk 150000000024663
Architecture spatiale chromatique Dimensions: 64,5 x 49 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Achat, 1966; Inventory: AM 4344 P Enrico Prampolini AM 4344 P cbLkgAb 150000000023816
Terra fredda Dimensions: 100 x 81 x 2,5 cm; Created: [1964]; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1967; Inventory: AM 4418 P Enzo Brunori AM 4418 P cdqjbky 150000000014859
Blood from Everywhere (Zewszad Krew) Dimensions: 64,5 x 57 x 4 cm; Created: 1984; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou grâce au soutien d'Arthur Trawinski et Irmina Nazar, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-662 Erna Rosenstein AM 2018-662 cEgR5bz 150000001741610
VIIIeme symphonie Dimensions: 129,7 x 96,5 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1968; Inventory: AM 4419 P Ernest Klausz AM 4419 P cqjjBk 150000000018245
Toilet – Women in Front of the Mirror painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner AM 1980-54 cXbkbqR 150000000031153
Inferno Hallelujah Dimensions: 200 x 160 cm; Created: 16 juillet 1964 - 12 août 1964; Acquisition: Achat, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-533 Ernst Wilhelm Nay AM 2014-533 c6bGbb 150000001039472
Roi Inca Dimensions: 52,3 x 57,5 x 4 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Don du Cercle International - Groupe Moyen-Orient de la Société des Amis du Musée national d’art moderne, 2016; Inventory: AM 2017-202 Etel Adnan AM 2017-202 coKzyM4 150000001375977
Vue de Clisson Dimensions: 70 x 70 cm; Created: [avant 1941]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1941, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2481 P Etienne Bouchaud AM 2481 P cBAgRKp 150000000020754
Figure - Masque allongé Dimensions: 113,5 x 47,5 cm; Created: [vers 1930]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Simon-Cournault, 1959; Inventory: AM 3619 P Etienne Cournault AM 3619 P cL9jAAo 150000000009736
Cuscino↵(Coussin) Dimensions: 200 x 200 x 3 cm; Created: 1990; Acquisition: Achat, 1992; Inventory: AM 1992-119 Ettore Spalletti AM 1992-119 cnyoMk 150000000020036
Les Dardennes Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: [1958]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1959 , attribution 1959; Inventory: AM 3730 P Eugène Baboulène AM 3730 P cL9j7oa 150000000029154
Port Dimensions: 12 x 21,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation de Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (90) Eugène Baudin AM 4224 P (90) czy44a4 150000001156138
Ferme en Berry Dimensions: 61 x 92 cm; Created: [avant 1945]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1945, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2580 P Eugène Corneau AM 2580 P ckXa9p4 150000000018101
Nature morte au lièvre Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: [avant 1938]; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1938 , attribution 1938; Inventory: AM 2180 P Eugène Dabit AM 2180 P cR5dx7M 150000000025889
La Création, les filles de Leucippe painting by Eugène Leroy Eugène Leroy D 2013.0.1
AM 2003-292
c6b9GXR 150000000039113
Autoportrait, recherche de volume Dimensions: 81,4 x 54,7 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-290 Eugène Leroy AM 2003-290 cBKyBpq 150000000039110
Blancheur de cygne Dimensions: 55 x 33 cm; Created: 1931; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-548 Eugène de Kermadec AM 1984-548 czbq4k 150000000018437
Le retour de Tarzan Dimensions: 196 x 132 cm; Created: 1972; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Antoine, 2009; Inventory: AM 2009-169 Evelyne Axell AM 2009-169 cKbd7y 150000000060988
Dessinateur Dimensions: 100 x 90 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don de M. John A. Moberg, 1958; Inventory: AM 3631 P Evert Lundquist AM 3631 P c7p5ayo 150000000008348
Hommage à Gaston Bachelard Dimensions: 320 x 296 x 4 cm; Created: 1984; Acquisition: Achat, 2013; Inventory: AM 2013-265 Farid Belkahia AM 2013-265 cXbkb58 150000000718936
Sans titre Dimensions: 133 x 95 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Don de Mme Maneli Keykavoussi, 2013; Inventory: AM 2013-497 Farideh Lashai AM 2013-497 c8Edz9L 150000000810825
Interno di mattina Dimensions: 178 x 151 cm; Created: 1931; Acquisition: Don de M. Pierluigi Pirandello, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-253 Fausto Pirandello AM 1979-253 cMjjkB 150000000026548
La Cène sur la Seine painting by Ferdinand Desnos Ferdinand Desnos AM 3766 P cazgAK 150000000012208
Plein champ Dimensions: 92 x 100 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1961; Inventory: AM 3919 P Ferit Iscan AM 3919 P cMej8nn 150000000027421
Le quai de Jemmapes Dimensions: 65,3 x 92,3 cm; Created: 1942; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1945, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2578 P Fernand Herbo AM 2578 P cajzpGR 150000000008644
Le Square Dimensions: 100 x 74 cm; Created: [1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1942, Attribution, 1942; Inventory: AM 2436 P Fernand Labat AM 2436 P cnykga 150000000023506
Composition of three figures painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 2284 P 1TB2Ndh 150000000010914
The Alarm Clock painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 3303 P cpggqbg 150000000011164
The Wedding (La Noce) painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 2146 P 69vaa5W 150000000007183
Composition à la main et aux chapeaux painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 1982-104 cAbno5q 150000000020907
Composition aux deux perroquets painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 3026 P cdLq6e6 150000000014665
Le Cirque Médrano painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 4316 P crdxR4 150000000031091
La Couseuse painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 1984-578 cez98yg 150000000014502
Contrastes de formes painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 3304 P cifpiTf 150000000027098
Les Grands Plongeurs noirs Fernand Léger AM 1982-102 cEXdMB 150000000025123
Le Mécanicien painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger AM 1994-421
cGzqoA 150000000029678
L'Intérieur de l'église Saint-Germain-des-Prés painting by Fernand Sabatté Fernand Sabatté LUX 786
D 961.0.01
LUX.786 P
cGbX8X 150000000004222
Piston Dimensions: 110 x 75 cm; Created: [avant 1949]; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1949 , attribution; Inventory: AM 2905 P Fernand Steven AM 2905 P c5pjGX 150000000025248
Tienda de peluqueros, Madrid Dimensions: 100 x 119 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1966; Inventory: AM 4360 P Fernando Delapuente AM 4360 P cgz6KRd 150000000027531
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 192 x 144 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Achat, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-472 Fillìa AM 2018-472 ceEdXyj 150000001754742
Temple Dimensions: 71 x 54 cm; Created: 11 octobre 1941; Acquisition: Don de Mme Jacqueline Victor Brauner, 1973; Inventory: AM 1973-37 Fleury Joseph Crépin AM 1973-37 cynXMAM 150000000008031
39.8.994 Dimensions: 62 x 47 cm; Created: 1994; Acquisition: Don des amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International - Europe Centrale, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-46 Florin Mitroi AM 2024-46 150000002629072
Three Figures in a Room painting by Francis Bacon Francis Bacon AM 1976-925 crgb5kG 150000000004985
Portrait of Michel Leiris, 1976 painting by Francis Bacon Francis Bacon AM 1984-487 cajzjnq 150000000008954
Van Gogh in a landscape↵(Van Gogh dans un paysage) Dimensions: 153 x 120 cm; Created: [1957]; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-2 Francis Bacon AM 1982-2 cGEBLRj 150000000012949
Trois bateaux Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1948, et de la Galerie de France; Inventory: AM 2826 P Francis Etienne Montanier AM 2826 P c6bXnE7 150000000025728
Woman on a sofa painting by Francis Gruber
Francis Gruber D.98.11.17
AM 2789 P
cdLy7z4 150000000020050
Nature morte Dimensions: 40,7 x 116 cm; Created: 1933; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1935, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2076 P Francis Gruber AM 2076 P cgzjkn7 150000000008075
Pied et boîte de peinture Dimensions: 38 x 46 cm; Created: [1953]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Sylvie Harburger et des ayant-droits de l'artiste, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-467 Francis Harburger AM 2021-467 150000002065013
Fleurs sur fond rose Dimensions: 27 x 22 cm; Created: [1907]; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4546 P, DB.970.1.58 Francis Jourdain AM 4546 P czA76yy 150000000036860
L'Œil cacodylate painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 4408 P co4yLBM 150000000015430
Udnie painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 2874 P A6Zfdvn 150000000015651
L'Arbre rouge painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 1979-108 cRR86p9 150000000023661
New York painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 1974-111 cMdberg 150000000007703
Pêcheur assis devant la mer painting by Francis Picabia Francis Picabia AM 5017 P
cqLezG 150000000023428
Animal Trainer painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 1998-174 krxhMOM 150000000035630
The Double World painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 2003-3 (1) AH3tiUL 150000000039548
L'Adoration du veau painting by Francis Picabia
Francis Picabia AM 2007-198 cL9b6A6 150000000057194
Effet de soleil sur le Loing Dimensions: 20,5 x 28 cm; Created: 1904; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1905, Attribution, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-452 Francis Picabia AM 2009-452 cdLKdz5 150000000018950
Intérieur au cactus Dimensions: 130 x 162 cm; Created: 1961; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1962, Attribution, 1963; Inventory: AM 4098 P Francisco Bores AM 4098 P c7pyKBE 150000000022639
Femme assise Dimensions: 60 x 42 cm; Created: [vers 1910 - 1912]; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3778 P, 1959 120 607 Francisco Iturrino AM 3778 P c79rAK 150000000046026
Peinture objet Dimensions: 130 x 195 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1960 , attribution 1961; Inventory: AM 4013 P Francois Fiedler AM 4013 P c5pezbn 150000000011560
Mas o Menos↵(Plus ou moins) Dimensions: 300 x 418 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Achat grâce à la participation de la Scaler Foundation, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-95 Frank Stella AM 1983-95 cojkjL 150000000021681
Petite Fille au ballon painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 3464 P cR5yMoR 150000000007375
Le Rouge à lèvres n° II painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4209 P cz9yRk 150000000007593
Ordonnance sur verticales painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 3562 P cAekGR 150000000031037
Plans verticaux painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 3479 P cbqk7M8 150000000014837
Espaces animés painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4196 P ck7op8 150000000018569
Crépuscule et lumière painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4190 P c6gRx8 150000000025809
Facture robuste painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4179 P cdzKkA 150000000022356
Fleurs en broderie painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 3550 P c9jdaAr 150000000010100
L'acier travaille painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4193 P czz5Mk4 150000000006956
Plans verticaux et diagonaux n°II painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4204 P cyjXEqK 150000000009911
Plans verticaux et diagonaux n°I painting by František Kupka František Kupka AM 4205 P cBK5M4 150000000029869
Portrait de Madame Kupka Dimensions: 63 x 63 cm; Created: 1905; Acquisition: Achat, 1957; Inventory: AM 3560 P, D.994.4.24 František Kupka AM 3560 P
cnrp6y 150000000012052
Elsinor VII Dimensions: 100 x 74 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1968 , attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1001 František Muzika AM 1976-1001 c9g9jn 150000000016006
L'Accident Dimensions: 114,2 x 146,0 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1958 , attribution 1958; Inventory: AM 3595 P François Arnal AM 3595 P cMejEad 150000000031218
Poupes et proues Dimensions: 162 x 114 cm; Created: [1952]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3175 P François Baron-Renouard AM 3175 P
cgjzdAk 150000000017971
Prague Dimensions: 25 x 32 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (87), AA DGB 9 François Desnoyer AM 4224 P (87) cdLLeR8 150000000060787
Peinture Dimensions: 68,7 x 31,2 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 1985; Inventory: AM 1985-491 François Morellet AM 1985-491 cEeKEB 150000000008943
Ulysse chez Calypso Dimensions: 46 x 60,5 cm; Created: 1921; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1921, Attribution, 1933; Inventory: AM 1946 P François Quelvée AM 1946 P cMaXB9 150000000012579
Sans titre Dimensions: 100 x 80,4 cm; Created: vers 1964; Acquisition: Don de Mme Renée Ristori, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-480 François Ristori AM 2020-480 150000001927335
Paysage à la mare Dimensions: 15 x 20 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (97), AA DGB 73 François Vernay AM 4224 P (97) coXKnzr 150000000060825
L'Absinthe Dimensions: 65 x 56 cm; Created: [1926]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3050 P François Zdenek Eberl AM 3050 P c9nb6GK 150000000014458
Prats-de-Mollo Dimensions: 33 x 41,5 cm; Created: 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1933, Attribution, 1933; Inventory: AM 1945 P François-Martin Salvat AM 1945 P cnjBop 150000000008675
Plat de cerises et couteau espagnol Dimensions: 49,5 x 67 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Don de M. Henri Goetz, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-631 Françoise Gilot AM 1981-631 cajbzgM 150000000024581
Quietly Dimensions: 83,5 x 119,5 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Don de la Frederick Hammersley Foundation, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-739 Frederick Hammersley AM 2019-739 150000001862490
The Frame painting by Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo JP 929 P EaZN1kV 150000000010785
La Digestion verte de l'or de la vache Dimensions: 60,5 x 57 cm; Created: mai 1957; Acquisition: Donation Solange et Jacques du Closel, 1994; Inventory: AM 1995-60 Friedensreich Hundertwasser AM 1995-60 c5pdknK 150000000025690
Composition n° 24 Dimensions: 150 x 130 cm; Created: [1926]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1974; Inventory: AM 1980-397 Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart AM 1980-397 cMjg87 150000000004989
Les Correspondances Dimensions: 195 x 113 x 3,5 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don des Amis de Frédéric Benrath, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-742 Frédéric Benrath AM 2019-742 150000001879549
Environs de Toulon Dimensions: 50 x 73 cm; Created: [1929]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1931; Inventory: AM 1829 P Frédéric Deshayes AM 1829 P cKLxKp 150000000013181
Portrait d'Alfred Jarry Dimensions: 30,5 x 22,5 cm; Created: 1902; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-3 (6) Frédéric-Auguste Cazals AM 2003-3 (6) c5pXdbk 150000000040954
Composition Dimensions: 93 x 137,5 cm; Created: [1947]; Acquisition: Achat en 1947, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2006; Inventory: FNAC 20682, AM 2006-DEP 9 Félix Del Marle AM 2006-DEP 9 150000000046844
Paysage Dimensions: 70 x 119 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5063 P Félix Denayer AM 5063 P c6b9qnp 150000000019983
La Reine de Saba Dimensions: 72 x 113 cm; Created: [1927]; Acquisition: Achat, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-9 Félix Labisse Casemiro Miraflores Buenavista AM 2017-9 cAo97oA 150000001370289
Sitting on a rock painting by Félix Vallotton
Félix Vallotton AM 4565 P
cezj5L8 150000000031770
Mme Colomba Dimensions: 100 x 50 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1952; Inventory: AM 3192 P Gabriel Dauchot AM 3192 P czgRk4 150000000010430
Le Voyage Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat, 2010; Inventory: AM 2010-262 Gabriel Pomerand AM 2010-262 cMejRj 150000000061943
Gartentor in Sèvres↵(Portail de jardin à Sèvres) Dimensions: 34,4 x 45 cm; Created: [vers 1906]; Acquisition: Don de la Société Kandinsky, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-151 Gabriele Münter AM 2015-151 cby7K77 150000001037572
Composition Dimensions: 199,5 x 105 cm; Created: [1947 - 1948]; Acquisition: Achat, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-273 Gaston Chaissac AM 1984-273 cyj5ynd 150000000026068
Le pêcheur Dimensions: 81 x 60 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1961; Inventory: AM 5074 P Gaston Larrieu AM 5074 P c7GpGz4 150000000012665
La chute d'Icare Dimensions: 97 x 129 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-675 Gaston-Louis Roux AM 1984-675 cajzdj6 150000000012667
Palette et pinceaux Dimensions: 72,5 x 92 cm; Created: 1925 / 1930; Acquisition: Don anonyme, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-51 Geer van Velde AM 1983-51 c7Gzjj6 150000000012394
Les bords de la Marne Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3788 P, 1959 120 600 Gen Paul AM 3788 P cjy55xx 150000000046035
La Cuisine Dimensions: 195 x 113 cm; Created: 1946 - 1947; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2012; Inventory: AM 2013-227 Geneviève Asse AM 2013-227 cojGnj 150000000701145
Composition abstraite Dimensions: 65 x 92 x 4,5 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-263 Geneviève Claisse AM 2017-263 c45xr49 150000001378973
Die Mädchen von Olmo II painting by Georg Baselitz Georg Baselitz AM 1982-19 FXzARDb 150000000030669
Remember Uncle August, the Unhappy Inventor painting by George Grosz George Grosz AM 1977-562 tNdteTj 150000000030770
Rêverie Dimensions: 72,9 x 60,2 cm; Created: 1925; Acquisition: Don de UIA S.A., 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-24 George Papazov AM 2024-24 150000002619020
Jeune fille aux bas de soie Dimensions: 72,7 x 61,7 cm; Created: [1927]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1931; Inventory: AM 1876 P Georges Barat-Levraux AM 1876 P cAzqEe 150000000027342
Composition au chandelier Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3088 P Georges Bauquier AM 3088 P cXb5Eb5 150000000007741
Coin de table aux tomates Dimensions: 65 x 54,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Legs Mme Suzanne Broustra, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-315 Georges Bouche AM 1984-315 cEnop7n 150000000018084
Le Grand Nu painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2002-127 crd6AR 150000000038301
Route à L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 3060 P czAgK65 150000000016937
Les Instruments de musique painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2004-464 oGalcO3 150000000043651
Femme à la mandoline, étude libre d'après Corot painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4300 P c57E96 150000000028658
L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 1982-98 24Cju3A 150000000019646
The Viaduct at L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque in Paris Georges Braque AM 1984-353 GyFi3gC 150000000003943
La Terrasse à L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 1984-498 cqG9LKA 150000000011893
Les Usines du Rio-Tinto à L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque (Paris) Georges Braque AM 3973 P cG7BA7 150000000028885
Le Guéridon painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 3168 P ck4XrGM 150000000012963
Femme à la guitare painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 3487 P cKx5bbn 150000000024918
The Guitar Player painting by Georges Braque (Paris) Georges Braque AM 1981-540 cMejMnk 150000000015850
Les Poissons noirs painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2762 P cdaK76 150000000004371
La Sarcleuse painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4310 P cnyoEd 150000000020084
Compotier, bouteille et verre painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 1984-499 cazGnE 150000000019857
Nature morte au violon painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4299 P cjyp8X 150000000020942
L'Estaque painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4297 P cGb4p6 150000000011682
Petite Baie de La Ciotat painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4298 P cnydKK 150000000031597
Femme nue assise painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 1984-497 cx9y5A 150000000023855
Guitare et Compotier painting by Georges Braque (1919) Georges Braque AM 3167 P cxAXGK5 150000000020709
Le Billard painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2604 P cAzRAE 150000000028237
Compotier et Cartes painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2701 P cezrzB 150000000005002
La Chaise painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 4306 P
crgbk9g 150000000012336
Paysage à l'Estaque painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 3847 P
D 1955.1.44
cb7AR5 150000000015408
La carafe et les poissons painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2607 P
c8za7d 150000000012343
Nature morte aux poires painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque AM 2059 P
DG 2004-2-1
Femme lisant dans un intérieur Dimensions: 98 x 130 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1945 , attribution 1946; Inventory: AM 2610 P Georges Dayez AM 2610 P c7G56xM 150000000005910
Roses rouges à Venise Dimensions: 86,5 x 66,5 cm; Created: 1903; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2310 P Georges Dufrénoy AM 2310 P cbq79xz 150000000010912
Brodeuse Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: [1924]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1995 P Georges Emile Capon AM 1995 P cgzX5yo 150000000013061
Symphonie harmonique Dimensions: 70 x 88 cm; Created: [1941 - 1942]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2777 P Georges Folmer AM 2777 P c5pdxkR 150000000019466
L'artiste et sa famille à La Clarté Dimensions: 155 x 128 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat du fils de l'artiste, 1952, Attribution, 1953; Inventory: AM 3181 P Georges Hanna Sabbagh AM 3181 P cy9xoq 150000000013195
The pupil at the easel painting by Georges Kars
Georges Kars JP 897 P cj7ye7n 150000000004956
My friend Pre and the tiger hunt painting by Georges Kars
Georges Kars AM 2882 P cR5bk7B 150000000024873
Red odalisque painting by Georges Kars
Georges Kars AM 4355 P coXyk7y 150000000016887
Woman with gray shawl painting by Georges Kars
Georges Kars JP 670 P czAb4qy 150000000020890
La fête Dimensions: 97 x 146,5 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1969 , attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-997 Georges Malkine AM 1976-997 cy9gXp 150000000024333
Karaté painting by Georges Mathieu Georges Mathieu AM 2015-228 c8Xp68q 150000001040271
Rêves desséchés painting by Georges Mathieu Georges Mathieu AM 2015-231 c9XprMy 150000001040277
Frotissance Dimensions: 92 x 70 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Dation, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-221 Georges Mathieu AM 2015-221 cBgjk8d 150000001040080
Grand palimpseste jaune Dimensions: 200 x 200 cm; Created: 20 novembre 1960; Acquisition: Achat, 2008; Inventory: AM 2008-21 Georges Noël AM 2008-21 czA5nnp 150000000058165
Femme couchée Dimensions: 50 x 61 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2016 P Georges Pacouil AM 2016 P c5egKXz 150000000026041
Nature morte au crâne Dimensions: 35 x 85,4 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1940, Attribution, 1942; Inventory: AM 2414 P Georges Rohner AM 2414 P czzR7a 150000000004520
Le Clown blessé painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault AM 1987-564 cKazzn 150000000018050
La pauvre famille painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault AM 3852 P
D 1955.1.45
cLr85n 150000000030200
Christ aux outrages painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault AM 1988-759 c6rbn8A 150000000009057
Coucher de soleil painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault AM 1988-760 cGEX8aj 150000000017031
Tête de femme Dimensions: 40 x 26,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation de Mme Georges Rouault et ses enfants à titre de don manuel en 1963; Inventory: AM 4231 P (696 V) Georges Rouault AM 4231 P (696 V) c9nXd8z 150000000023718
Gravelines Channel painting by Georges Seurat
Georges Seurat D 1955.1.51
AM 3818 P
cy9LMo 150000000036552
Composition painting by Georges Valmier
Georges Valmier AM 3202 P cgrR47 150000000027711
Composition Dimensions: 36 x 54 cm; Created: 1917 - 1918; Acquisition: Achat, 1973; Inventory: AM 1973-1 Georges Vantongerloo AM 1973-1 cpg4dza 150000000013398
Portrait de Paul Valéry painting by Georges d'Espagnat Georges d'Espagnat AM 3369
AM 3369 P
Jeune malgache nue dans un fauteuil Dimensions: 100 x 65 cm; Created: [1937]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2157 P Georges-André Klein AM 2157 P cBexga 150000000006698
Paysage Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5119 P Georgette Chen AM 5119 P cn7jkeq 150000000004629
Red, Yellow and Black Streak painting by Georgia O'Keeffe Georgia O'Keeffe AM 1995-178 ckX8AX 150000000003814
Mir Dimensions: 51 x 40 cm; Created: 1985; Acquisition: Don de la Vladimir Potanin Foundation, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-743 Georgy Guryanov AM 2016-743 c95LMyA 150000001326230
Rolled-up Palm Lane at Middelharnis, California↵(Allée de palmiers roulée à Middelharnis, Californie) Dimensions: 103 x 162,6 cm; Created: 1975; Acquisition: Achat, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1041 Ger van Elk AM 1976-1041 cL9r4Xp 150000000027808
Lili painting by Gerda Wegener
Gerda Wegener JP 445 P cjbg4p 150000000024748
Siesta painting by Gerda Wegener
Gerda Wegener JP 630 P
Juni (527) painting by Gerhard Richter Gerhard Richter AM 1984-399 cbLkA5b 150000000010980
1024 Farben (350-3) painting by Gerhard Richter Gerhard Richter AM 1984-285 KkdvO7p 150000000030922
Paris, rue Villiot Dimensions: 63 x 54 cm; Created: 1942; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1942, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2469 P Germain Delatousche AM 2469 P cxgXKR 150000000009382
La Bièvre à Gentilly Dimensions: 80 x 65 cm; Created: [avant 1909]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1909, Attribution, 1909; Inventory: AM 5132 P Germain Eugène Bonneton AM 5132 P cebnEk 150000000021620
Entente cordiale Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: [avant 1955]; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste à l'Etat, 1955, Attribution, 1955; Inventory: AM 3366 P Germain Van der Steen AM 3366 P cj7GjR 150000000017930
Sans titre (This is the Father and the Son...) Dimensions: 12,6 x 17,6 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2022-899 Gertrude Morgan AM 2022-899 150000002169073
Mercury Passing Before the Sun painting by Giacomo Balla, National Museum of Modern Art, Paris Giacomo Balla AM 3058 P zDV6XyV 150000000023017
Partie de campagne Dimensions: 118 x 186 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1973 ; attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-314 Gianni Bertini AM 2009-314 czAgnyK 150000000010179
Progretto per paravento - parete animata Dimensions: 22 x 30 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Don, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-804 Gianni Monnet AM 2022-804 150000002377200
HHHHHH Un homme saoul en vaut deux Dimensions: 38 x 47 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Don de Barbara et Hedy Laure Wolman en 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-361 Gil J Wolman AM 2015-361 cgXkj8o 150000001170830
Figure speculari↵(Silhouettes reflétées) Dimensions: 59 x 40,5 cm; Created: 1940 - 1948; Acquisition: Don de M. Piero Dorfles, 2022; Inventory: AM 2023-164 Gillo Dorfles AM 2023-164 150000002375445
Le Manège Dimensions: 63,5 x 95 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1953; Inventory: AM 3230 P (R) Ginette Rapp AM 3230 P (R) cbqL4r7 150000000029871
La Danse du pan-pan au Monico Dimensions: 280 x 400 cm; Created: [1909 / 1960]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Severini et ses filles, 1967; Inventory: AM 4411 P Gino Severini AM 4411 P c4r9Bng 150000000024627
Natura morta Dimensions: 102 x 40 cm; Created: 1914; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1961, Attribution, 1962; Inventory: AM 4029 P Giorgio Morandi AM 4029 P cMjbK9 150000000030107
Portrait (prémonitoire) de Guillaume Apollinaire painting by Giorgio de Chirico Giorgio de Chirico AM 1975-52 KjIsESJ 150000000030640
Ritratto dell'artista con la madre painting by Giorgio de Chirico Giorgio de Chirico AM 1992-58 cynXG4d 150000000022682
Mélancolie d'un après-midi Giorgio de Chirico AM 1999-24 Zv6cWYu 150000000035724
Verger Dimensions: 38 x 50 cm; Created: [1946]; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5082 P Giovanni Omiccioli AM 5082 P czg85A 150000000022574
La Notte cieca Dimensions: 228 x 986 cm; Created: [1962]; Acquisition: Achat, 1990; Inventory: AM 1990-89 Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio AM 1990-89 cBKorBx 150000000030910
Tableau-relief P 537 Dimensions: 200 x 200 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1972, Attribution, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-406 Gottfried Honegger AM 2009-406 cEXzgR 150000000004447
The Dead Tree painting by Grandma Moses Grandma Moses AM 3328 P c4jzRz 150000000008454
Nature morte aux figues Dimensions: 65 x 54 cm; Created: [circa 1920 - 1930]; Acquisition: Achat, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-504 Greta Knutson AM 1981-504 cr4pXo 150000000016752
Pintura Negra Dimensions: 130 x 97 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Achat, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-255 Guido Llinás AM 2024-255 150000002619027
Etude de nu Dimensions: 120 x 79,5 cm; Created: 1937; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5084 P Guido Pajetta AM 5084 P cpg4jBG 150000000026252
Le soleil au plumage multicolore Dimensions: 113,5 x 162 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat et attribution 1963; Inventory: AM 4140 P Guillaume Cornelis van Beverloo AM 4140 P cqr9X7 150000000031444
Nature morte aux poissons Dimensions: 45,5 x 55 cm; Created: [avant 1934]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1935, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2092 P Guillaume Met de Penninghen AM 2092 P c6r4qXM 150000000009590
Sans titre Dimensions: 28 x 39 cm; Created: vers 1935; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-796 Guillaume Pujolle AM 2021-796 150000002152348
Fenêtre sur jardin Dimensions: 162 x 130 cm; Created: 1944; Acquisition: Dation, 1986; Inventory: AM 1987-476 Gustave Singier AM 1987-476 c88z4A 150000000015442
L'arbre effeuillé Dimensions: 81 x 54 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (26), DA 970.1.13 Guy Bardone AM 4224 P (26) cMdR9RA 150000000040588
Etude de nus Dimensions: 65 x 53,5 cm; Created: [1919]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Fauconnet, 1926; Inventory: AM 1526 P Guy Pierre Fauconnet AM 1526 P cdqLLga 150000000024707
Les jeunes gens Dimensions: 80 x 100 cm; Created: [vers 1937 - 1938]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2151 P Gérard Ambroselli AM 2151 P cEnBqBj 150000000023337
Sans titre Dimensions: 73,5 x 92,2 cm; Created: 1944; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2869 P Gérard Ernest Schneider AM 2869 P cMdagjM 150000000006831
Mon tableau s’égoutte Dimensions: 220 x 150 x 30 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2012; Inventory: AM 2013-254 Gérard Fromanger AM 2013-254 cejBakG 150000000700052
L'Ouvreuse Dimensions: 150 x 150 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Achat, 2007; Inventory: AM 2007-3 Gérard Gasiorowski AM 2007-3 cej94nE 150000000046736
Le Tourneur Dimensions: 116 x 81 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-730 Gérard Singer AM 2019-730 150000001871178
Composition Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: février 1948; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1948, Attribution, 1948; Inventory: AM 2844 P Gérard Vulliamy AM 2844 P cKLjbj 150000000014921
Evidenz II Dimensions: 189 x 151 x 8 cm; Created: 1975 - 1976; Acquisition: Don de M. Wolf Fruhtrunk, 2007; Inventory: AM 2007-170 Günter Fruhtrunk AM 2007-170 c4rr4oA 150000000047054
Visionäres Porträt↵(Portrait visionnaire) Dimensions: 53 x 38 cm; Created: 1917; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1972; Inventory: AM 1972-20 Hans Richter AM 1972-20 cL9Key9 150000000023587
Paysage de Hollande Dimensions: 80 x 40 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1959 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3729 P Hans Seiler AM 3729 P cnjBd8 150000000019412
Untitled (Obermühle, Ahnenhaus)↵(Obermühle, Maison des ancêtres) Dimensions: 260 x 468 cm; Created: circa 1981; Acquisition: Achat, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-55 Heidi Bucher AM 2015-55 150000001136207
Spring Bank↵(La Rive au printemps) Dimensions: 273,5 x 269,5 cm; Created: février 1974; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Georges de Menil, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-552, D.998.2.4 Helen Frankenthaler AM 1977-552 cz9y7K 150000000010512
Sans titre Dimensions: 90 x 100 cm; Created: circa 1958; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-833 Helen Khal AM 2019-833 150000001877557
Hemdanziehender Knabe↵(Garçon enfilant sa chemise) Dimensions: 92 x 65 cm; Created: 1924; Acquisition: Achat, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-338 Helmut Kolle AM 2014-338 cqGjgxB 150000000939432
La Meute Dimensions: 260 x 170 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2011; Inventory: AM 2011-7 Henri Cueco AM 2011-7 cAne5pp 150000000366091
Bouquet de fleurs Dimensions: 91,5 x 71 cm; Created: [avant 1915]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Pamela Diamand, 1959; Inventory: AM 3678 P Henri Doucet AM 3678 P cRRzkr 150000000025357
Rome Dimensions: 65 x 86 cm; Created: 1911; Acquisition: Achat, 1946; Inventory: AM 2636 P Henri Ernest Rioux AM 2636 P cGEX5pd 150000000004536
Femme au buffet Dimensions: 73 x 54 cm; Created: 1935 / 1942; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2196 P Henri Jannot AM 2196 P ckX5e6 150000000020007
Pierre-Jean Jouve Dimensions: 81 x 100,5 x 3 cm; Created: [1909]; Acquisition: Achat, 1946; Inventory: AM 2655 P Henri Le Fauconnier AM 2655 P c4bXjg 150000000028507
Vignes à Saint-Paul Dimensions: 60,2 x 73 x 2 cm; Created: avant 1934; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1934; Inventory: AM 2012 P Henri Malançon AM 2012 P cxAgEoR 150000000013505
Bois Dimensions: 80 x 100 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1953 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3220 P Henri Malvaux AM 3220 P cBKy97a 150000000006329
Bocal de cerises
Henri Manguin AM 2233 BIS P
crbEe7q 150000000020997
Nature morte à l'anguille painting by Henri Manguin Henri Manguin AM 1654 P
LUX 1654 P
Bx D 1984 2 1
Nature morte à l'ananas painting by Henri Manguin Henri Manguin AM 3828 P
D 1955.1.7
cej49RA 150000000013030
Portrait de Maurice Ravel painting by Henri Manguin Henri Manguin AM 1974-112 cnyxn8A 150000000016992
Blue Nude II painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 1984-276 CtQ1tcy 150000000029841
The Sorrows of the King painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3279 P cyb4Ax 150000000014173
Luxe, calme et volupté painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1982-96
DO 1985 1
KD9tGay 150000000018696
La Blouse Roumaine painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3245 P Tf4mMLp 150000000014635
Woman Reading painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3968 P cG7Rgq 150000000011639
The Painter and His Model painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2585 P x2i5PXk 150000000006927
Young Woman in White on a Red Background painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse Inv. 1993-35
AM 1991-273
cpbn5kM 150000000013802
Luxury I painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2586 P PZ9Lb3s 150000000015351
Intérieur, bocal de poissons rouges painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 4311 P R1DtrEq 150000000027076
White and Pink Head painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1976-8 d3ksoO1 150000000019123
Grand Intérieur rouge painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 2964 P xAcyYGO 150000000026112
Porte-fenêtre à Collioure painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1983-508 5dq7dfI 150000000014952
Nature morte au magnolia painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 2588 P Y5BlJZ2 150000000022395
La Gitane painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3815 P
D 1955.1.5
caz6gza 150000000009031
Marguerite with a Black Cat painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2013-544 caj44bX 150000000866029
Nu rose assis painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 2001-215 cR5R8bX 150000000038201
Self-portrait painting by Henri Matisse in the National Museum of Modern Art, Paris
Henri Matisse AM 1991-271 cGzzr7 150000000005838
Première nature morte orange painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1972-5 c6rgMK7 150000000006198
Auguste Pellerin II painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1982-97 cg9L7n 150000000010971
Le Violoniste à la fenêtre painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 1975-260 nQzgd9Q 150000000023123
Lorette à la tasse de café painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2001-214 cKj9rM 150000000038200
Odalisque à la culotte rouge painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse LUX.0.85 P cpb4nq 150000000018877
Figure décorative sur fond ornemental painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2149 P pmYML7A 150000000022636
Le Rêve painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 1979-106 cEzMEE 150000000010635
La Fenêtre ouverte painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 4224 P (10)
cez98zB 150000000060798
Portrait de Georges Besson à lunettes painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 4224 P (455)
c887nK8 150000000042620
Portrait of George Besson painting by Henri Matisse (1918)
Henri Matisse AM 4224 P(9)
cozE4k 150000000039358
Nature morte au lierre painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 4224 P(6)
cXb444o 150000000031689
Femme à la fenêtre painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3816 P c5Xrzn 150000000028965
Young Woman Lying on a White Fur painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2001-217 cazjXax 150000000038202
Nu rose, intérieur rouge painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 1991-274 cR4Lbo 150000000017776
Liseuse sur fond noir painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 2589 P sNNXLm5 150000000030582
Intérieur jaune et bleu painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 4507 P uqnvGnX 150000000006451
Jeune Espagnole painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3959 P
Bx D 1962.2.1
coXMpG8 150000000010890
Nature morte à la table de marbre vert painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 2591 P cXbb9BL 150000000030351
Portrait of Bevilacqua painting by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse AM 3960 P
Bx D 1962.2.2
cMdjAjx 150000000007409
Belle-Île painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3961 P
Bx D 1962.2.3
c6r7Lzb 150000000023594
Paysage de Corse (L'Olivier) painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3962 P
Bx D 1962.2.4
Nature morte painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3963 P
Bx D 1962.2.5
c6bEe4M 150000000015355
L'Arbre painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3964 P
Bx D 1962.2.6
cn7kerR 150000000027532
Paysage Corse (La rue) painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3965 P
Bx D 1962.2.7
cxxapa 150000000019599
Femme assise painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3966 P
Bx D 1962.2.8
c6r9zaR 150000000018864
Intérieur à Nice, mesdemoiselles Matisse et Daricarer painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse AM 3848 P
D 1955.1.23
cRRqL8 150000000013038
Atelier de tisseur picard Dimensions: 40 x 54,5 cm; Created: [1895]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1951 , attribution 1951; Inventory: AM 3069 P Henri Matisse AM 3069 P cR5RrRE 150000000031554
Intérieur à Nice, la sieste
Henri Matisse AM 3906 P cAbn5y4 150000000030828
Portrait de Greta Prozor
Henri Matisse AM 1982-426 cXb4qzn 150000000022958
Esquisse Dimensions: 9,5 x 14,2 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5142 P Henri Morisset AM 5142 P cpgBMXG 150000000030508
Le bateau Dimensions: 32,5 x 44,5 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Don de Mme Hedwige B. Nadolny à l'Etat, 1959, Attribution, 1959; Inventory: AM 3688 P Henri Nouveau AM 3688 P coXkGgz 150000000027414
The Barnyard painting by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau AM 81-65-860 c6b9GRk 150000000007793
Le Peintre et son modèle painting by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau AM 81-65-861 cR5LeXn 150000000015742
Still-life with cherries painting by Henri Rousseau, Centre Georges Pompidou Henri Rousseau AM 2003-3 (4) 7xAcN6R 150000000040928
The Beach at Saint-Clair painting by Henri-Edmond Cross
Henri-Edmond Cross D 1955.1.9
AM 3813 P
c7jGA8 150000000035350
Hélène Adam Mossolov Dimensions: 81,7 x 60,5 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Don de Mme Hélène Mossolov, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-479 Henri-Georges Adam AM 1980-479 cqpMoX 150000000012603
Femme en blanc dans un paysage Dimensions: 65 x 54 cm; Created: 1935; Acquisition: Don de M. David David-Weill, 1937; Inventory: AM 2137 P Henriette Gröll AM 2137 P czgEqb 150000000016250
My wife and her sisters painting by Henry Caro-Delvaille
Henry Caro-Delvaille D.961.0.09
LUX.0.428 P
cR5bLaX 150000000023972
Eve Dimensions: 130 x 80 cm; Created: [avant 1938]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 2249 BIS P Henry Louis Gaston Ramey AM 2249 BIS P cjyEgzk 150000000020074
Sleeping Courtesan painting by Henry Ottmann
Henry Ottmann LUX.0.143 P1 c69BM9 150000000026310
Intérieur et nature morte Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation de M. Charles Wakefield-Mori en 1939; Inventory: AM 3794 P, 1959 120 623 Henry Ottmann AM 3794 P cdL4GK 150000000046041
Moscou la sainte painting by Henry Valensi Henry Valensi AM 3874 P cKxzBdb 150000000012605
Noce en Bretagne Dimensions: 157 x 332 cm; Created: [vers 1904]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1904, Attribution, 1905; Inventory: AM 5144 P Henry d'Estienne AM 5144 P cj76qg8 150000000014313
Le Monastère blanc (Mendristo, Italie) painting by Henry de Waroquier Henry de Waroquier AM 3776 P
1959 120 648
c6rgn96 150000000046024
Parisienne à l'éventail Dimensions: 92 x 65 cm; Created: 1912; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1963, Attribution, 1965; Inventory: AM 4287 P Henryk Hayden AM 4287 P c7p5nkr 150000000012283
Nos 35-1969 et 36-1969 Dimensions: 59,5 x 114 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Achat, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-48 Henryk Stażewski AM 1980-48 cgz5Eqk 150000000015199
Autoportrait Dimensions: 75 x 58 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Don de Mme Maria Boeckl, 1987; Inventory: AM 1987-633 Herbert Boeckl AM 1987-633 cxx5q87 150000000024450
Paysage urbain Dimensions: 92 x 74 x 2 cm; Created: [avant 1932]; Acquisition: Don, 1932, du Comité de la Tombola des artistes pour les Sinistrés du Midi; Inventory: AM 1898 P Hermine David AM 1898 P cEbnGnj 150000000014157
Femme au balcon Dimensions: 116,2 x 73 cm; Created: [1925 - 1935]; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5086 P Hilde Polsterer AM 5086 P cGzyMR 150000000030894
Composition avec grande ogive bleu pâle Dimensions: 190,8 x 180,4 cm; Created: 1961; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1976 ; attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-381 Horia Damian AM 2009-381 cBAy5go 150000000025315
Bribes de corps Dimensions: 88 x 129 cm; Created: 1973; Acquisition: Don de la KA Collection, Art moderne et Contemporain, 2013; Inventory: AM 2014-6 Huguette Caland AM 2014-6 c5dder 150000000843325
The Cow's Visit Dimensions: 50,5 x 69,5 cm; Created: 2000; Acquisition: Don de Fátima Melo et Almeida & Dale Galeria de Arte, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-69 Hélio Holanda Melo AM 2023-69 150000002470794
Place de Tarquinia painting by Hélène Girod de L'Ain Hélène Girod de L'Ain AM 4542 P
czA444b 150000000040617
Mademoiselle Tirka, danseuse painting by Hélène Perdriat Hélène Marie Marguerite Perdriat AM 3806 P
1959 120 624
cpgbe7e 150000000046053
Fanfreluches Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: [avant 1950]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1950, Attribution, 1950; Inventory: AM 2962 P Hélène Marre AM 2962 P cKjbbn 150000000018015
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 235,5 x 153,5 x 1 cm; Created: [1912]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-928 Hélène Smith AM 2021-928 150000002178993
Neige à Courchevel Dimensions: 97 x 128 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1959 , attribution 1960; Inventory: AM 3745 P Hélène de Beauvoir AM 3745 P c5pdGGr 150000000011197
Elément d'un paysage de Casamance Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Achat en 1976, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 32207, AM 2013-DEP 42 Iba Ndiaye AM 2013-DEP 42 150000000881101
Composizione↵(Composition) Dimensions: 70 x 49,5 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Don de M. Paolo Berra, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-19 Ideo Pantaleoni AM 2018-19 150000001616035
Etre (Composition 32) Dimensions: 91 x 117 cm; Created: [1962]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1963 , attribution 1964; Inventory: AM 4266 P Inshō Dōmoto AM 4266 P cByay8 150000000022976
Arlequinade Dimensions: 48 x 40 cm; Created: [1948]; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1960 , attribution 1960; Inventory: AM 3947 P Iosif Iser AM 3947 P czz5EpR 150000000024050
Le palais du sultan à Zanzibar Dimensions: 71 x 71 cm; Created: 1944; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1949, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3049 P Irma Stern AM 3049 P ca9nM9 150000000012707
Rubbing from the calcium Garden↵(Frottis prélevé dans le jardin de calcium) Dimensions: 243,5 x 243,5 x 5 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1971 , attribution 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-416 Irving Petlin AM 1980-416 cn7kjb7 150000000030255
Portrait de Serge Férat Dimensions: 26,7 x 22 cm; Created: [1910 - 1920]; Acquisition: Don de M. Alban Roussot, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-455 Irène Lagut AM 2021-455 150000002073514
New York Dimensions: 96,5 x 195 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Legs de l'artiste, 1954; Inventory: AM 3308 P, DA 54-16 Irène Reno AM 3308 P c88oEL 150000000003831
Portrait de femme Dimensions: 65 x 50 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1932; Inventory: AM 1864 P Isaac Dobrinsky AM 1864 P co4yppE 150000000004730
Nature morte au violon Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: [avant 1953]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1953, Attribution, 1953; Inventory: AM 3219 P Isaac Païles AM 3219 P cXjAqk 150000000024264
Night Owl Dimensions: 127 x 101,6 cm; Created: [circa 1950]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Evelyn Nicholas, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-978 Isabel Rawsthorne AM 2022-978 150000002133712
Nombre (XXI) Dimensions: 65 x 54 x 2 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-597 Isidore Isou AM 2019-597 150000001801587
Europe painting by De la Serna Ismael González de la Serna AM 5019 P cbL8br 150000000027075
Composition Dimensions: 44 x 40 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Don de Mme Koudriachov, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-13 Ivan Alekseevich Kudriaschov AM 1975-13 cGbBz77 150000000024142
Fenêtre VI Dimensions: 98 x 89,3 x 3 cm; Created: 1975; Acquisition: Don de la Vladimir Potanin Foundation, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-767 Ivan Chuikov AM 2016-767 ckKo4pd 150000001348810
Flowers group Dimensions: 54 x 106 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1957 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3534 P Ivon Hitchens AM 3534 P cjkdG8 150000000023909
Entertainment in a marshy woodland↵(Divertissement dans un bois marécageux) Dimensions: 45,5 x 61 cm; Created: vers 1951 - 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 1954; Inventory: AM 3300 P Jack Butler Yeats AM 3300 P c9jdkMM 150000000016556
The Deep painting by Jackson Pollock Jackson Pollock AM 1976-1230 cg9Kgy 150000000008001
Painting (Silver over Black, White, Yellow and Red) painting by Jackson Pollock Jackson Pollock AM 1972-29 cajbjx6 150000000015948
The Moon-Woman Cuts the Circle↵(La femme-lune coupe le cercle) Dimensions: 109,5 x 104 cm; Created: [1943]; Acquisition: Don de M. Frank K. Lloyd, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-66 Jackson Pollock AM 1980-66 cxggLz 150000000023963
Le feu de bois à Laudun painting by Jacqueline Bret-André Jacqueline Bret-André AM 4224 P (83)
DA 970.1.23
c8bKEA 150000000040592
Portrait de George Besson à la blouse savoyarde painting by Jacqueline Bret-André Jacqueline Bret-André AM 4224 P (84)
c6gAAn 150000000060786
George Besson à la fenêtre painting by Jacqueline Bret-André Jacqueline Bret-André AM 4529 P
DB 970.1.28
cknoAa 150000000040596
Sinaï Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Don de M. Benjamin Silvestre, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-438 Jacqueline Pavlowsky AM 2021-438 150000002060661
Personnages en quête d'une composition Dimensions: 100 x 150 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1951 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3114 P Jacques Busse AM 3114 P co4rLAg 150000000008488
Les chasseurs Dimensions: 113,5 x 145,5 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1948; Inventory: AM 2788 P Jacques Ceria Despierre AM 2788 P cKxLzxa 150000000022020
Route à Ancy-le-Franc Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat à l'artiste, 1936, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2121 P Jacques Denier AM 2121 P c885g4E 150000000020630
Equilibristes Dimensions: 72 x 62 cm; Created: [1948]; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-727 Jacques Doucet AM 1984-727 cny8L5 150000000007758
Nationaliste dans un chariot Dimensions: 195 x 130 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Achat, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-2 Jacques Grinberg AM 2017-2 cj5Krjq 150000001370304
Vue de New York Dimensions: 57,5 x 58 cm; Created: [1923]; Acquisition: Don de l' Association des amis des artistes vivants, 1933; Inventory: AM 1935 P Jacques Mauny AM 1935 P czA95z6 150000000007989
Meurtre n° 10/2 Dimensions: 163 x 333.5 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-96 Jacques Monory AM 1975-96 cejbpek 150000000007600
Soldats en marche painting by Jacques Villon Jacques Villon AM 1976-1057 WHEvcg3 150000000022720
Le scribe painting by Jacques Villon Jacques Villon AM 2943 P
D 94.2.1
cbqk9gp 150000000022469
Lutteurs painting by Jacques Villon Jacques Villon AM 2402 P
Quantum d'affect II Dimensions: 265 x 162 cm; Created: 1981; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-88 Jacques Yves Bruel AM 1982-88 cBKo9k4 150000000013299
Na terra sem males Dimensions: 100 x 80 cm; Created: 2021; Acquisition: Don des amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International Amérique latine, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-341 Jaider Esbell AM 2022-341 150000002300649
Composition Dimensions: 114 x 146 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1960 , attribution 1961; Inventory: AM 3887 P James Guitet AM 3887 P cGpgoG 150000000011672
President Elect↵(Président élu) Dimensions: 228 x 366 cm; Created: 1960 - 1961; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1973, attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1014 James Rosenquist AM 1976-1014 cezX7AK 150000000011695
Notre-Dame de Paris Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de M. Pablo Lozada Echenique, 1967; Inventory: AM 4410 P Jan Kwiatkowski AM 4410 P cXbjoAk 150000000013564
Printemps en Provence Dimensions: 89 x 116,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. de Pulaski, 1949; Inventory: AM 2787 P Jan Wacław Zawadowski AM 2787 P c6rjx4d 150000000003956
Interferencje↵(Płomier) Dimensions: 60 x 60 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de M. Artur Trawinski, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-4 Jan Ziemski AM 2021-4 150000001977253
La Veuve Dimensions: 75,2 x 47,5 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-140 Jan Zrzavý AM 1982-140 cxAXLXn 150000000021889
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 66 x 57,9 cm; Created: [vers 1946]; Acquisition: Achat avec le soutien du Museum of Everything en 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-240 Janet Sobel AM 2023-240 150000002470661
Bataille de cavaliers Dimensions: 54,5 x 64,8 x 0,5 cm; Created: [1934 - 1936]; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5051 P (R) Janice Biala AM 5051 P (R) cajz4xd 150000000019978
Composition Dimensions: 60 x 75 cm; Created: [1933]; Acquisition: Achat, 1951; Inventory: AM 3052 P Jankel Adler AM 3052 P c88dobK 150000000007197
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 37,3 x 83,8 x 0,5 cm; Created: [vers 1970]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2023-293 (R) Janko Domšič AM 2023-293 (R) 150000002172064
Figure 5 painting by Jasper Johns Jasper Johns AM 1976-2 c7GjLyz 150000000010968
Nature morte à la table Dimensions: 92 x 60 cm; Created: 1939; Acquisition: Don de M. Xavier Vilato, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-1023 Javier Vilató y Ruiz AM 2022-1023 150000002299595
Tänzerin painting by Jean Arp Jean Arp AM 1976-247 cqGjz79 150000000024180
Terrasse à Ténérife Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1935; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2280 P Jean Aujame AM 2280 P c5jnjz 150000000014191
La rade de Toulon Dimensions: 80 x 66 x 2 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1931; Inventory: AM 1858 P Jean Berque AM 1858 P cAnXz55 150000000021613
Composition : dominante rouge Dimensions: 92 x 65 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1959, Attribution, 1959; Inventory: AM 3731 P Jean Bertholle AM 3731 P cXyL9A 150000000011927
Le vieux chef ivoirien Dimensions: 98 x 162 cm; Created: [avant 1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1935, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2072 P Jean Bouchaud AM 2072 P c6jjB7 150000000021393
Le port de Sormiou Dimensions: 65,5 x 100,5 cm; Created: 1932; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1932 , attribution 1936; Inventory: AM 1925 P Jean Burkhalter AM 1925 P c9n55pG 150000000022965
La Baie des Songes Dimensions: 80 x 120 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1949, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2930 P Jean Carzou AM 2930 P cajjaAK 150000000026784
Notes et dessins Dimensions: 90 x 80,5 cm; Created: [vers 1940 - 1947]; Acquisition: Dation, 2018; Inventory: AM 2019-293 Jean Cocteau AM 2019-293 150000001844339
Chantier naval à La Ciotat Dimensions: 89 x 130 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1951 , attribution 1951; Inventory: AM 3109 P Jean Cortot AM 3109 P cxA94d9 150000000012984
Les femmes aux bols Dimensions: 162 x 114 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1948 , attribution 1949; Inventory: AM 2855 P Jean Couty AM 2855 P cAzya6 150000000016789
Pollen noir Dimensions: 130 x 96,5 cm; Created: décembre 1955; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-3 (3) Jean Degottex AM 2003-3 (3) c4zxbb 150000000040959
Peinture n° 1 Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Donation M. Daniel Cordier, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-287 Jean Dewasne AM 1989-287 c8EGnbL 150000000013219
Les poires sur la table Dimensions: 130 x 89 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat; Inventory: AM 3029 P Jean Dries AM 3029 P c845a4 150000000013770
Sous-bois Dimensions: 60 x 81 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5067 P Jean Dubreuil AM 5067 P cyn49BG 150000000017138
Jazz Band (Dirty Style Blues) painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM 1982-325 cyn4p6k 150000000005855
Site avec trois personnages (E 341) painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM1986-319
Site et passants (F 125) painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM1986-328
Le Train de pendules painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM1976-958
Le cours des choses painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM1985-11 xU4Uhfh 150000000026515
Dhôtel nuancé d'abricot painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM1981-501 c8E4LBM 150000000021799
Le Voyageur sans boussole painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM 1976-11 XqqQa9L 150000000022798
Pierre Matisse portrait obscur painting by Jean Dubuffet Jean Dubuffet AM 1991-296 cdqLKa9 150000000016644
Trois personnages dans un paysage de montagne Dimensions: 90 x 67,8 cm; Created: [1924 - 1925]; Acquisition: Donation M. Daniel Cordier, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-232 Jean Dubuffet AM 1982-232 cR5L87z 150000000029496
Un intérieur Dimensions: 61 x 50 cm; Created: 1921; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3792 P, 1959 120 589 Jean Dufy AM 3792 P cEnX8E4 150000000046038
N°30 Dimensions: 142 x 201 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Achat, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-58 Jean Dupuy AM 2015-58 cbyrrdL 150000001136203
Les Blanchisseuses Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: [avant 1937]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 5039 P Jean Emile Laboureur AM 5039 P c5egkpa 150000000012434
Tête d'otage painting by Jean Fautrier Jean Fautrier AM 2001-35 nNc4u76 150000000037642
Lac bleu II Dimensions: 45,5 x 54 cm; Created: [1926]; Acquisition: Don de M. Samy Tarica, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-408 Jean Fautrier AM 1984-408 cGEpkqq 150000000029469
Composition n° 5 losangique Dimensions: 78 x 78 cm; Created: [1926]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-4 Jean Gorin AM 1975-4 crg5Bar 150000000017127
Choses vues en Mai painting by Jean Hélion Jean Hélion AM 1991-102
cL9Xodx 150000000008334
Composition orthogonale Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Achat, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-66 Jean Hélion AM 1975-66 cbqj4en 150000000010478
Les Cartons à chapeaux Dimensions: 60 x 90 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2547 P Jean Lasne AM 2547 P cKkjGy 150000000019741
6/53 LXVI Dimensions: 100 x 78 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1954, Attribution, 1954; Inventory: AM 3317 P Jean Leppien AM 3317 P c6r5z5o 150000000004103
Nature morte au foulard brun Dimensions: 53 x 71,5 cm; Created: [avant 1941]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1941, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2456 P, D.995.1.9 Jean Lombard AM 2456 P
coj9GE 150000000006997
Composition painting by Jean Lurçat (Boulogne-Billancourt) Jean Lurçat AM 2442 P cqpynnq 150000000016890
Portrait d'Annie Dalsace Dimensions: 170 x 96,8 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Donation des enfants d'Aline et Pierre Vellay en 2022, En mémoire d'Annie et Jean Dalsace, leurs grands-parents; Inventory: AM 2022-938 Jean Lurçat AM 2022-938 150000002379064
Rennemoulins Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: 1909; Acquisition: Don de M. Dunoyer de Segonzac, 1963; Inventory: AM 4099 P Jean Marchand AM 4099 P cbqyKno 150000000007136
La Grande après-midi Dimensions: 224,5 x 366 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Don de Clara Messagier, 2021; Inventory: AM 2022-385 Jean Messagier AM 2022-385 150000002144520
Tricoteuse painting by Jean Metzinger Jean Metzinger AM 2706 P ckaggg 150000000031240
Femme au verre painting by Jean Metzinger Jean Metzinger AM 3022 P cnyzA8 150000000015291
M. P. Bourdan et son petit fils Dimensions: 73 x 54 cm; Created: [1945]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2907 P Jean Oberlé AM 2907 P cyj9roK 150000000021897
Cimetière n° 6 Dimensions: 200 x 300 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Achat, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-54 Jean Olivier Hucleux AM 1975-54 cAbgEqG 150000000004192
Chevreuse Dimensions: 301 x 391 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat et attribution 1960; Inventory: AM 3881 P Jean Paul Riopelle AM 3881 P cxAxn94 150000000019909
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 16 x 27,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Legs de Nina Kandinsky, 1981; Inventory: AM 81-65-1054 Jean Piaubert AM 81-65-1054 c5e7GLa 150000000019040
Maisons blanches Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3043 P Jean Pierre Capron AM 3043 P czAAqGG 150000000005770
Marine à Douellan painting by Jean Puy Jean Puy AM 4558 P
cMebLaa 150000000040662
Jument et son poulain Dimensions: 62 x 81 cm; Created: 1902; Acquisition: Achat des Musées nationaux 1968; Inventory: AM 4465 P Jean Raoul Chaurand-Naurac AM 4465 P cn74kjE 150000000009936
L'enfant et la nuit Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Don de M. Louis-Gabriel Clayeux, 1983; Inventory: AM 1984-15 Jean René Bazaine AM 1984-15 cdj4xX 150000000013246
Nature morte noire Dimensions: 89 x 146 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1957, Attribution, 1957; Inventory: AM 3528 P Jean Simian AM 3528 P cMdL7rk 150000000008489
Métro Bastille Dimensions: 124,5 x 174 cm; Created: vers 1954; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat de la Société des Peintres de leur temps, 1954; Inventory: AM 3333 P Jean Vinay AM 3333 P crdgjE 150000000030384
Le casseur de pierres Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm; Created: 1942; Acquisition: Don de Mme Elisabeth D'Ennetières à l'Etat, 1954, Attribution, 1955; Inventory: AM 3332 P Jean de Bosschère AM 3332 P cnkL6X 150000000014377
La carrière de Ville d'Avray, vue de l'étang Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: [1945]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2771 P Jean Ève AM 2771 P cpgbeqn 150000000007200
Autoportrait Dimensions: 46 x 33 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (82), AA DGB 4 Jean-Claude Bertrand AM 4224 P (82) cAb7Xa 150000000060783
Dans les champs d'oliviers Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: [avant 1933]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1933 , attribution 1934; Inventory: AM 1965 P Jean-Eugène Bersier AM 1965 P cMda75X 150000000017299
L'arc de Titus et le Colisée Dimensions: 47,5 x 55,5 cm; Created: [1926]; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1931 , attribution 1936; Inventory: AM 1856 P Jean-Gabriel Goulinat AM 1856 P c6965r 150000000005574
Les Murs Dimensions: 59,7 x 80,7 cm; Created: [1946]; Acquisition: Don de Michel Fontana en mémoire de Georges Richar-Rivier, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-350 Jean-Jacques Deyrolle AM 2021-350 150000002060582
Femme aux seins nus assise Dimensions: 92 x 60 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de Mme Albert S. Henraux, 1967; Inventory: AM 4416 P Jean-Louis Boussingault AM 4416 P cRRLLKM 150000000025211
The Ghoo that Jack Built Dimensions: 76 x 50,5 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Achat, 2009; Inventory: AM 2009-154 Jean-Louis Brau AM 2009-154 c9ndoEM 150000000061018
Nord Dimensions: 71,8 x 96 cm; Created: 1983 / 1985; Acquisition: Achat, 1985; Inventory: AM 1985-144 Jean-Luc Poivret AM 1985-144 cEna4MR 150000000019074
Nature morte Dimensions: 89 x 119 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Don R.L., 1957; Inventory: AM 3512 P Jean-Marie Calmettes AM 3512 P cMeR5qB 150000000010548
Mésopotamie painting by Jean-Michel Atlan Jean-Michel Atlan AM.4054.P
cn7kKxE 150000000008856
Sans titre Dimensions: 45,5 x 54,2 cm; Created: [1945]; Acquisition: Dation, 2006; Inventory: AM 2006-819 Jean-Michel Atlan AM 2006-819 c4bbjML 150000000045411
Slave Auction painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat Jean-Michel Basquiat AM 1993-99 rPROJIS 150000000010432
Sans titre Dimensions: 86 x 165 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Don de Mme Aline Stalla-Bourdillon, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-699 Jean-Michel Coulon AM 2022-699 150000002374090
Hommage à Matisse Dimensions: 302 x 256 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Achat en 2009, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2009; Inventory: FNAC 09-390, AM 2009-DEP 38 Jean-Michel Meurice AM 2009-DEP 38 150000000061383
Calligraphie d'humeur Dimensions: 90 x 190 cm; Created: 22 septembre 1974; Acquisition: Achat, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-583 Jean-Michel Sanejouand AM 1988-583 c7LKGo 150000000009686
Paysage Dimensions: 115,8 x 89 cm; Created: [vers 1956]; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1958; Inventory: AM 3575 P Jean-Pierre Jouffroy AM 3575 P cjyMbM 150000000006458
Portrait de Charles Peguy Dimensions: 118,5 x 89 cm; Created: 1908; Acquisition: Achat, 1959; Inventory: AM 3673 P
Jean-Pierre Laurens AM 3673 P c495Kb 150000000009658
Sans titre Dimensions: 206 x 190,5 cm; Created: 1968 - 1969; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1987; Inventory: AM 1987-637 (R) Jean-Pierre Pincemin AM 1987-637 (R) c7Gyrz5 150000000012829
Herbes magie Dimensions: 49,5 x 64,5 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de Mme Chantal Cusin Berche en 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-310 Jean-Pierre Vielfaure AM 2017-310 150000001552645
Nature morte au kilo de sucre Dimensions: 65 x 80,5 cm; Created: [vers 1915]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1954; Inventory: AM 3288 BIS P Jeanne Rij-Rousseau AM 3288 BIS P cynjK6b 150000000007941
Fleurs Dimensions: 55 x 46 cm; Created: 1909; Acquisition: Legs M. Georges Grammont, 1959, Legs à l'Etat français pour dépôt au Musée de l'Annonciade, Saint-Tropez; Inventory: AM 3811 P Jeanne Selmersheim-Desgrange AM 3811 P cEb7gd 150000000019113
Vlaamse-Aarde Essentie-Aarde↵(Terre Flamande - L'Essentiel-Terre) Dimensions: 130 x 97 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don de Axel Vervoordt, 2012; Inventory: AM 2012-246 Jef Verheyen AM 2012-246 c8GLy9 150000000629442
Le mouvement Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: 1932 - 1936; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1972; Inventory: AM 1972-19 Jenny-Laure Garcin AM 1972-19 co4zjr4 150000000028219
Rotation Dimensions: 100,5 x 100 x 7,5 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-529 Jesús Rafael Soto AM 1980-529 c88A7g 150000000019241
Blues in Black and White Dimensions: 50,8 x 58,5 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Don de Mme Dallas Ernst, 2000; Inventory: AM 2000-95 Jimmy Ernst AM 2000-95 cnko4j 150000000037443
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 60,5 x 60,8 x 0,5 cm; Created: [vers 2000]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-925 Jimmy Lee Sudduth AM 2021-925 150000002168758
Paysage d'échecs Dimensions: 110 x 55 cm; Created: [1925]; Acquisition: Don du Vicomte Charles de Noailles, 1971; Inventory: AM 1971-161 Jindřich Štyrský AM 1971-161 cnyXbjG 150000000029641
La Course de taureaux painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 2763 P cgzzkpj 150000000027658
Interior painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1997-99 ukKXFTJ 150000000031664
La Sieste painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1977-203 cKzb8B 150000000027666
Peinture painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1994-422 crjaEB 150000000025637
Blue I painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1993-119 HZBRjXX 150000000029858
Blue II painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1984-357 MJtMo25 150000000017493
Blue III painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1988-569 c9dfB4q 150000000026300
L'Addition painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró AM 1983-92 cEzqpg 150000000027025
Bather painting by Joan Miró in 1924 Joan Miró AM 1984-618 crbB76 150000000011089
Painting painting by Joan Miró (1927) Joan Miró AM 3294 P cBALkLo 150000000019718
Sans titre Dimensions: 254 x 203 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Dation, 1995; Inventory: AM 1995-161 Joan Mitchell AM 1995-161 c4rb6nM 150000000008864
Maternité Dimensions: 100 x 80,6 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2966 P Joaquim Sunyer AM 2966 P czgjbB 150000000015343
Ciudad painting by Joaquín Torres-García
Joaquín Torres-García AM 3448 P cpgdXkj 150000000018901
Estructura constructiva con formas geométricas painting by Joaquín Torres-García
Joaquín Torres-García AM 3415 P czA94jE 150000000010917
Sans titre Dimensions: 73 x 60 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Dation, 1993; Inventory: AM 1993-58 Joaquín Torres-García AM 1993-58 150000000022658
Blockage (Yellow) : With Person (Blue) Being Attacked↵(Obstruction (en jaune) et personnage (en bleu) subissant une attaque) Dimensions: 183 x 136,4 x 10 cm; Created: 2005; Acquisition: Achat, 2005; Inventory: AM 2005-206 John Baldessari AM 2005-206 cBAK96o 150000000045083
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 60,3 x 75,5 x 0,4 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2023-507 John Bunion Murray AM 2023-507 150000002169091
Worn by the sea Dimensions: 96,5 x 144,5 cm; Created: [avant 1957]; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1957 , attribution 1957; Inventory: AM 3536 P John von Wicht AM 3536 P c8Ed5Ey 150000000012895
Inner - Outer↵(Dedans - dehors) Dimensions: 194 x 194 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean-Robert Arnaud, 1986; Inventory: AM 1986-172 John-Franklin Koenig AM 1986-172 cAbKqg 150000000013170
La Danse de la mort, opus 2 Dimensions: 114 x 146,5 cm; Created: 1972; Acquisition: Achat en 1977, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 32463, AM 2013-DEP 34 Jorge Camacho AM 2013-DEP 34 150000000880980
Glove Stretchers III↵(Tendeurs de gant III) Dimensions: 39,4 x 52,7 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Donation The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, 2001; Inventory: AM 2001-227 Josef Albers AM 2001-227 cxb8rd 150000000036027
Rizière Dimensions: 73 x 118 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2003 P Joseph Inguimberty AM 2003 P c6joeL 150000000026434
L'homme au doigt coupé Dimensions: 126,5 x 100 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Achat, 1952; Inventory: AM 3119 P Joseph Kutter AM 3119 P c9jXEXk 150000000016298
Peinture Dimensions: 262 x 112 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Don de Mme Coutrot à l'Etat, 1961, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3998 P Joseph Lacasse AM 3998 P c9gkLg 150000000008992
Forme claire sur fond rouge et gris Dimensions: 100 x 73 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1967; Inventory: AM 4401 P Joseph Probst AM 4401 P cR5dxrR 150000000019302
Fin de journée Dimensions: 38 x 55,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de Mme Yves Rossi, 1937; Inventory: AM 2141 P Joseph Rossi AM 2141 P cEnaxMr 150000000016216
Luna de tres picos↵(Lune à trois pointes) Dimensions: 101 x 81,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5062 P José Cuneo Perinetti AM 5062 P ck7RBA 150000000007423
Composition n°1 Dimensions: 100 x 63 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1955, Attribution, 1955; Inventory: AM 3389 P (V) José Vilató Ruiz AM 3389 P (V) cazKbL 150000000015264
Fond blanc coupé bleu Dimensions: 243 x 180 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-411 Joël Kermarrec AM 2009-411 cMexqz 150000000027829
Violin and Glass painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 3978 P c9j5ykr 150000000004585
View across the Bay painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-535 c6rbxjd 150000000012136
The Electric Lamp painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-537 cMdKko8 150000000024294
Still life with the book painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-520 cXryny 150000000019870
The Breakfast painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 2678 P cqpxgk 150000000016494
Music paper painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-521 cyjyBR 150000000027825
The Book painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-518 cKx5ka7 150000000023662
Glass and newspaper painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-524 cbqzn5B 150000000015860
Still life on a chair painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 3169 P cejrMyX 150000000020508
The guitar painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 1984-519 c5gjX7 150000000031612
The blue Carpet painting by Juan Gris
Juan Gris AM 3979 P ckaAaL 150000000020303
Construcción n° 37↵(Construction n° 37) Dimensions: 76 x 51 x 3 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2012; Inventory: AM 2012-59 Juan Melé AM 2012-59 cbL5yd8 150000000547861
Ils ont soif insatiable de l'infini Dimensions: 109 x 97 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Achat, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-271 Judit Reigl AM 2003-271 cejrx95 150000000042061
Scaffolding of Tyre↵(Echaffaudage de pneu) Dimensions: 101,6 x 111 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Don de The Judith Rothschild Foundation, 2004; Inventory: AM 2004-157 Judith Rothschild AM 2004-157 cBAzq56 150000000043095
Portrait de Rouault Dimensions: 66,8 x 47,2 cm; Created: vers 1926 - 1927; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1939 , attribution 1939; Inventory: AM 2315 P Jules Arthur Joets AM 2315 P cr7KBz 150000000013654
Le vase bleu Dimensions: 78 x 78 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1959, Attribution, 1959; Inventory: AM 3681 P Jules Cavaillès AM 3681 P ckXaq5X 150000000012179
Le Trocadéro Dimensions: 48,5 x 71 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1936 , attribution 1937; Inventory: AM 2114 P, D.995.1.6 Jules Flandrin AM 2114 P
c9g4pA 150000000015187
La Tour Eiffel et le chemin de fer de Versailles Dimensions: 130 x 81 cm; Created: [1944]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1946; Inventory: AM 2625 P Jules Lefranc AM 2625 P cRRdagr 150000000025810
Deux dormeuses painting by Julius Mordecai Pincas
Jules Pascin JP 653 P
Projet d'affiche Dimensions: 108 x 83 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. Paul Rosenberg, 1946; Inventory: AM 2635 P Jules-Alexandre Grün AM 2635 P ckKXXEX 150000000004110
Coin de montagne sous la neige Dimensions: 88 x 115 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5101 P Jules-Émile Zingg AM 5101 P c7GLRn6 150000000015101
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 147,3 x 107,9 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Don d'Edward Burns en mémoire de Denise et Claude Laurens; Inventory: AM 2017-136 Julian Beck AM 2017-136 cg5GBr5 150000001365766
Radiacja IV↵(Radiation IV) Dimensions: 94 x 69 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don de Inga Raczko-Runkiewicz et Malena Romaniuk-Raczko, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-26 Julian Henryk Raczko AM 2024-26 150000002618617
Sans titre, dit American picnic Dimensions: 217 x 374,5 cm; Created: [1918]; Acquisition: Don de la Fondation Albert Gleizes, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-82 Juliette Roche AM 2023-82 150000002481573
Femme au profil penché Dimensions: 59 x 26 cm; Created: 1904 - 1906; Acquisition: Don de Mme Roberta González, 1964; Inventory: AM 4234 P Julio González AM 4234 P cqG955x 150000000014287
Ronco 17.oct.59 G Dimensions: 18,3 x 22,2 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don de Mme Lisbeth Bissier, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-537 Julius Heinrich Bissier AM 1981-537 cMedRq6 150000000018986
Bunny Dimensions: 110 x 90 cm; Created: 2006; Acquisition: Donation de la Collection Florence et Daniel Guerlain, 2012; Inventory: AM 2012-906 Julião Sarmento AM 2012-906 c8EGLeK 150000000686035
Opposition grise Dimensions: 102 x 132 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Don de Mme Katarzyna Hałas, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-93 Józef Hałas AM 2023-93 150000002469810
Alles geht vom Volke aus↵(Tout est issu de la volonté du peuple) Dimensions: 286 x 286 x 2,8 cm; Created: 1976; Acquisition: Achat, 2004; Inventory: AM 2004-102 Jörg Immendorff AM 2004-102 cqGyk8K 150000000043107
Paysage d'orage Dimensions: 97 x 130 x 3,3 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Achat, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-533 Jürg Kreienbühl AM 2021-533 150000002122882
La Promenade Dimensions: 85,5 x 144,5 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Don de Charlotte et Nicolaas van der Vorm, 2008; Inventory: AM 2008-115 Karel Appel AM 2008-115 cbLkMX9 150000000059001
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 92 x 67,5 x 8 cm; Created: [vers 1890]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-924 Karl Junker AM 2021-924 150000002168479
Magic Lantern Dimensions: 45,5 x 35,5 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Don de Mme Alice Mayoux, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-691 Kay Sage AM 2018-691 c4EdkoL 150000001754057
Black Cross painting by Kazimir Malevich (1915)
Kazimir Malevich AM 1980-1 8zdNiQp 150000000029805
Sensation of danger painting by Kazimir Malevich
Kazimir Malevich AM 1978-630 ZxPqv20 150000000021322
Black Square (Plaster, 1920/30) painting by Kazimir Malevich
Kazimir Malevich AM 1978-631 0LxJOIY 150000000025821
The white horse painting by Kasimir Malevitch
Kazimir Malevich AM 1978-629 cBy8R4 150000000029276
Nini, danseuse aux Folies Bergères painting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen AM 2834 P c9jjpaX 150000000007296
Portrait d'Adèle Besson painting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen AM 4224 P (4)
cdyX6B 150000000060804
Le Châle espagnol painting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen AM 1985-73 cpb8XjE 150000000026963
Portrait de Mme Jeanne Mathis painting by Kees Van Dongen Kees van Dongen AM 1981-521 co4rx4k 150000000015009
Autoportrait en Neptune panting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen LUX.0.182 P g2PeaBm 150000000015240
Gitane Kees van Dongen AM 3814 P
c887nA9 150000000011026
Jasmy Jacob Kees van Dongen AM 2699 P cXk9dM 150000000019018
First↵(Premier) Dimensions: 149,5 x 150,5 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Achat, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-590 Kenneth Noland AM 1976-590 crbGo6 150000000014486
Enlèvement d'Europe painting by Ker Xavier Roussel Ker-Xavier Roussel AM 3844 P
D 1955.1.30
cL9Xp9A 150000000036557
Soleil axial Dimensions: 89 x 116 cm; Created: 1959 - 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1960, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3928 P Key Sato AM 3928 P cR55xob 150000000029305
Female Robot Dimensions: 122,6 x 183,4 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Achat, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-635 Kiki Kogelnik AM 2019-635 150000001801616
Recurrence <ech 89001> Dimensions: 252 x 200 cm; Created: 1989; Acquisition: Achat, 1996; Inventory: AM 1996-218 Kim Tschang Yeul AM 1996-218 czA5BLo 150000000008781
Portrait de femme Dimensions: 92,4 x 74 cm; Created: 1935; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5052 P Kléofas Bogailei AM 5052 P cern46 150000000011148
Die Ehrgeizigen↵(Les ambitieux) Dimensions: 72,5 x 100 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1972, Attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-986 Konrad Klapheck AM 1976-986 cRb9Rp 150000000024662
Oka↵(Colline) Dimensions: 68,5 x 131 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1960, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3938 P Kumi Sugai AM 3938 P cpbb9aM 150000000018046
Komposition (Aquarium) Dimensions: 65 x 53,7 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Achat, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-64 Kurt Seligmann AM 2023-64 150000002469280
Le coeur Dimensions: 41 x 32 cm; Created: [vers 1916]; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1978-741 Kyril Mikhailovich Zdanevich AM 1978-741 cr4qnp 150000000018350
La rue de la glacière Dimensions: 100 x 65 cm; Created: 1925; Acquisition: Don de la République de Hongrie, 1970; Inventory: AM 4515 P Lajos Tihanyi AM 4515 P cq9rXL 150000000019696
Various liquids carried by virtue of their own weight from various points to form a pool of various liquids at a point of accumu Created: 1978; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1978-801 Lawrence Weiner AM 1978-801 cy9pGk 150000000021119
La Donatrice en translucide ou vice versa Dimensions: 94 x 67,5 x 3 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Don de Mme Mina Noubadji-Huttenlocher, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-501 Lena Vandrey AM 2024-501 150000002627786
Evisceration Chamber Created: 1946; Acquisition: Dation, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-546 Leon Golub AM 2024-546 150000002543283
Les Parenthèses de l'eau Dimensions: 190 x 200 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974 ; attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-380 Leonardo Cremonini AM 2009-380 c4r9REB 150000000027320
Mother and child Dimensions: 301,5 x 202,5 x 1,8 cm; Created: 1986; Acquisition: Achat, 1991; Inventory: AM 1991-58 Leonid Sokov AM 1991-58 cAnX8Ar 150000000024798
Portrait of Lydia Sitbon Dimensions: 130 x 97 cm; Created: 1975; Acquisition: Don de Kamran Farman Farmaian, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-417 Leyly Matine-Daftary AM 2014-417 ceza8k 150000001037968
Sans titre Dimensions: 70 x 79,2 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don de la Tsukanov Family Foundation, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-74 Lidiya Masterkova AM 2018-74 cpnE9bq 150000001545951
Pirštas↵(Le Doigt) Dimensions: 144 x 122 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Don de Danguolė et Viktoras Butkus, MO museum, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-541 Linas Leonas Katinas AM 2024-541 150000002794926
La neige au Luxembourg Dimensions: 49,5 x 65 cm; Created: 1931; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1931, Ancienne collection du Jeu de Paume; Inventory: AM 5079 P Liu Haisu AM 5079 P cxgaq5 150000000009908
Weg langs de rotsen↵(Route le long des rochers) Dimensions: 60 x 44 cm; Created: 1924; Acquisition: Achat grâce aux fonds de la Société Kandinsky, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-841 Lou Loeber AM 2019-841 150000001901395
Eglise Saint-Etienne-du-Mont. Paris Dimensions: 92 x 65 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1949, Attribution, 1950; Inventory: AM 2968 P Louis Auguste Déchelette AM 2968 P cBAzGde 150000000016637
Paysage du Mont-d'Or à la mare Dimensions: 33 x 41 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (76), AA DGB (70) Louis Carrand AM 4224 P (76) crd6r8 150000000060822
Les objets-1920 Dimensions: 180 x 102 cm; Created: [vers 1920]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1965 , attribution 1968; Inventory: AM 4462 P Louis Latapie AM 4462 P c9jdxR9 150000000029485
Nature morte au damier Dimensions: 143 x 97 cm; Created: 1912; Acquisition: Achat des Musées nationaux, 1950; Inventory: AM 2988 P Louis Marcoussis AM 2988 P cbqz788 150000000003804
Vision de Pierre Dimensions: 146 x 187,7 cm; Created: août 1947; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5103 P Louis Mazetier AM 5103 P c88GGq 150000000014172
Vase de fleurs painting by Louis Valtat Louis Valtat AM 4224 P (21)
cajrkbq 150000000060803
Les Roches Rouges à Anthéor painting by Louis Valtat Louis Valtat AM 4224 P(15)
czb4gk 150000000035347
Le manège de chevaux de bois Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: [1895 - 1896]; Acquisition: Achat, 1951; Inventory: AM 3076 P Louis Valtat AM 3076 P cMeR9dA 150000000023502
Vaches dans un pré au soleil couchant Dimensions: 49 x 61 cm; Created: 1904; Acquisition: Achat, 1947; Inventory: AM 2717 P Louis Vivin AM 2717 P c7pGegy 150000000011489
Campagnac Dimensions: 81 x 116 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1962 , attribution; Inventory: AM 4137 P Louttre.B AM 4137 P cj7y6po 150000000010150
La relève Dimensions: 38 x 54 cm; Created: [après 1918]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1940, Attribution, 1941; Inventory: AM 2253 BIS P Luc Albert Moreau AM 2253 BIS P cAnpqAk 150000000008958
Mirage Dimensions: 81 x 116 cm; Created: [1959]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1961 , attribution 1962; Inventory: AM 4039 P Luc Peire AM 4039 P c5pX7Gx 150000000005187
Le docteur Robert Le Masle painting by Lucian Freud Lucian Freud AM 1974-127 cGEpjyA 150000000020327
Femme dans un paysage painting by Lucie Valore Lucie Valore AM 1974-140 cGbM6q7 150000000010874
La jupe verte Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1945; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1946, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2683 P Lucien Coutaud AM 2683 P cKaxbKp 150000000014419
Les Buttes Chaumont Dimensions: 53 x 73 cm; Created: [1941 - 1942]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1942, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2478 P Lucien Fontanarosa AM 2478 P cqjEap 150000000026469
Le port de Villefranche Dimensions: 73 x 61 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3795 P, 1959 120 601 Lucien Génin AM 3795 P cdLyd6x 150000000046042
La Famille du peintre Dimensions: 161,5 x 97 cm; Created: octobre 1937 - septembre 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 5013 P Lucien Lautrec AM 5013 P cazM9A 150000000022006
Paysage de Cagnes painting by Lucien Mainssieux Lucien Mainssieux AM 4224 P (92)
cdLgqL 150000000040629
Moulin à mer à l'île de Bréhat Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: 1922; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1930 , attribution 1931; Inventory: AM 1819 P Lucien Seevagen AM 1819 P cbLMAKj 150000000027602
Concetto spaziale (50-B.1)↵(Concept spatial) Dimensions: 81 x 100 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Don de Mme Teresita Fontana, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-27 Lucio Fontana AM 1979-27
cyngx5r 150000000028102
Le Jongleur Dimensions: 130,5 x 97,5 cm; Created: [avant 1937]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 5061 P Luigi Corbellini AM 5061 P c8EBqo5 150000000010864
Racing car painting by Luigi Russolo
Luigi Russolo AM 2917 P AIByhep 150000000006175
Incontro↵(Rencontre) Dimensions: 89 x 80 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-694 Luigi Veronesi AM 2022-694 150000002377185
Réflexion n° 17 Dimensions: 69 x 111,5 x 10 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Achat, 1990; Inventory: AM 1990-224 Luis Tomasello AM 1990-224 cqG56BB 150000000014577
Am Strande↵(Sur la plage) Dimensions: 40 x 48,5 cm; Created: 1913; Acquisition: Achat, 1961; Inventory: AM 3900 P Lyonel Feininger AM 3900 P ckXaR88 150000000021446
Sans titre Dimensions: 18,9 x 36,5 cm; Created: vers 1927; Acquisition: Don de la Galerie Le Minotaure, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-433 Léon Arthur Tutundjian AM 2022-433 150000002284534
Etude de décor pour le 3ème acte d'Hélène de Sparte Dimensions: 132 x 187 cm; Created: [1912]; Acquisition: Don de Mila Barsacq, Marie Constantinovicz et Berthe Nicolas Tsipkevitch, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-331 Léon Bakst AM 1978-331 cx454q 150000000025036
La Lanterne japonaise Dimensions: 93 x 60,5 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1948, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2860 P Léon Gischia AM 2860 P cRR4Ez 150000000015525
La Trinité painting by Léon Lehmann Léon Lehmann AM 3668 P
c4L8LA 150000000008109
Paysage Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: avant 1935; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1935 , attribution 1934; Inventory: AM 2078 P Léopold Lévy AM 2078 P c9n7Ged 150000000022139
Quimperlé, vieilles maisons Dimensions: 60 x 81 cm; Created: [avant 1930]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1930, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1818 P Léopold Reigner AM 1818 P cabjpB 150000000005509
La Baronne d'Oettingen painting by Léopold Survage Léopold Survage AM 4277 P (R) cAXxBk 150000000008121
Villefranche-sur-Mer painting by Léopold Survage Léopold Survage AM 2326 P c5ej8rj 150000000016065
Marchande de poissons Léopold Survage AM 4030 P cyn7dL7 150000000019869
Esquisse pour le portrait de M. Dupont painting by Madeleine Bunoust Madeleine Bunoust AM 2800 P co4kzEy 150000000005021
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 82,5 x 274 cm; Created: [vers 1949]; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2022-569 Madge Gill AM 2022-569 150000002152286
Buckingham Palace with First Prize Dimensions: 164,3 x 225,5 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Achat, 2004; Inventory: AM 2004-49 Malcolm Morley AM 2004-49 cKaA7GR 150000000043103
Portrait Dimensions: 41,2 x 33 cm; Created: [1909]; Acquisition: Dation, 1994; Inventory: AM 1994-298 Man Ray AM 1994-298 cbLknob 150000000029855
Deux rabbins Dimensions: 92 x 72 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5015 P Mane-Katz AM 5015 P cX4XL4 150000000007301
Cuadro 33↵(Tableau 33) Dimensions: 114 x 146 x 6 cm; Created: vers 1957; Acquisition: Donation M. Daniel Cordier, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-449 Manolo Millares AM 1989-449 cx9gzR 150000000013426
La Guerre painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 2922 P cLrjaBo 150000000020767
Bella with White Collar painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-61 tVBH6BM 150000000008376
Der Exodus painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-81 cej9LXA 150000000019491
Le marchand de bestiaux painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-63 cMjxaR 150000000023713
La traversée de la mer Rouge painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-80 co4znAb 150000000019719
Le prophète Jérémie painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-91 cAboA8y 150000000027657
The wedding painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-57 cKLXE6 150000000023924
The doors of the cemetery painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1984-123 crgBoAK 150000000028513
Libération painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-72 c9j5ro9 150000000008173
Moïse recevant les tables de la loi painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-79 cLX99z 150000000015471
Le Roi David painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-78 cMdeARp 150000000007529
Résistance painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-73 cajr5X9 150000000015909
Resurrection painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-71 cbjKzj 150000000007747
The Brides of the Eiffel Tower painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-67 ckXbAp 150000000027664
The Yellow Crucifixion painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-74 cj7ynr7 150000000023479
Double Portrait au verre de vin painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 2774 P 3dyrFo3 150000000024751
Le Cirque bleu painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-84 cXbzog9 150000000011750
L'Apparition de la famille de l'artiste painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-68
D 991.1.1
ck4jbnK 150000000004428
À la Russie, aux ânes et aux autres painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 2925 P 6WhG2F1 150000000012812
Autour d'elle painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 2924 P caz9qd6 150000000008590
Le Cimetière painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-62 cMe8gg 150000000015917
Les Saltimbanques dans la nuit painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-87 crddpG 150000000011516
Le Coq painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-75 cX4yyj5 150000000015476
Le Bœuf écorché painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1998-25 cnk9bK 150000000004010
L'Âme de la ville painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 2923 P c6rj7eb 150000000016542
Le Shofar painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-160 cL9Xpoo 150000000027089
L'Arc-en-ciel painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-90
czz9LAn 150000000027429
The Father painting by Chagall, 1911
Marc Chagall AM 1988-55 c5jedn
Le Cheval rouge Marc Chagall AM 1988-77 cXk5pk 150000000012398
Obsession painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall AM 1988-76 c4b557g 150000000016120
Les Joueurs d'échecs painting by Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp AM 3329 P J2WYoDU 150000000013873
Deux nus Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: 1910; Acquisition: Achat, 1975; Inventory: AM 1975-55, D.998.2.3 Marcel Duchamp AM 1975-55 cXb49Md 150000000021847
Soleil levant sur la neige painting by Marcel Gromaire Marcel Gromaire AM 4224 P(40)
cxAgEja 150000000040618
La Loterie foraine Dimensions: 130 x 162,5 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Achat, 1953; Inventory: AM 3275 P Marcel Gromaire AM 3275 P
D 997.8.3
cj7kMjB 150000000004895
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 49,5 x 34 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Mme Marie-France Ionesco, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-910 Marcel Janco AM 2023-910 150000002528553
L'attente Dimensions: 162 x 120 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Achat, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-10 Marcel Jean AM 1981-10 cX4KL4 150000000023493
Contrepoint double Dimensions: 100 x 50 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Achat, 1958; Inventory: AM 3589 P Marcel Lempereur-Haut AM 3589 P c7GLoka 150000000023937
La rue Lepic Dimensions: 63 x 53 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3775 P, 1959 120 614 Marcel Leprin AM 3775 P cgbqXE 150000000046023
Femme à la lampe Dimensions: 162 x 97 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1947 , attribution; Inventory: AM 2689 P Marcel Mouly AM 2689 P c9bejk 150000000015624
La visitation Dimensions: 164 x 153 cm; Created: [1917]; Acquisition: Achat, 1932; Inventory: AM 1886 P, MID.75.2.1. Marcel-Lenoir AM 1886 P cazeyE 150000000029726
Composition puriste ou Le Tram Dimensions: 73 x 54 cm; Created: [vers 1925]; Acquisition: Achat, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-389 Marcelle Cahn AM 2021-389 150000002065141
Le Partage des eaux Dimensions: 146 x 89 cm; Created: [1954 - 1955]; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-357 Marcelle Loubchansky AM 2022-357 150000002311219
159. Dimensions: 140 x 140 cm; Created: octobre 1967; Acquisition: Don du CHANEL Fund for Women in the Arts and Culture, Amis du Centre Pompidou, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-297 Marcia Hafif AM 2022-297 150000002276849
Nature morte Dimensions: 55 x 44,8 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5071 P Maria Grandinetti Mancuso AM 5071 P cXjn5b 150000000018175
A Game of Chess painting by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva Maria Helena Vieira da Silva AM 4014 P caraM6 150000000014407
Le calvaire painting by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva Maria Helena Vieira da Silva AM 1993-35
cEnekz5 150000000008898
Le Sommeil painting by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva Maria Helena Vieira da Silva D-1997.1.1
AM 1993-47
cMdKk8z 150000000017359
La Bibliothèque painting by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva Maria Helena Vieira da Silva AM 1993-46 cdLnAb 150000000017635
Le Théâtre de la vie painting by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva Maria Helena Vieira da Silva AM 1993-49
Der Jüngling (The Young Man) Dimensions: 200 x 150 cm; Created: [2011]; Acquisition: Achat, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-164 Maria Lassnig AM 2017-164 cr5o655 150000001375996
Nature morte au pain de France Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: [1939]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1943, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2570 P Maria Louguinine-Wolkonsky AM 2570 P cEboLo5 150000000015664
Weihnachtsengel mit Bethlehemszene, 2. Fassung↵(Ange de Noël avec scène de Bethléem, 2ème version) Dimensions: 88,2 x 112 cm; Created: [vers 1911 - 1912]; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-739 Maria Marc AM 2022-739 150000002399349
Apollinaire et ses amis painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin AM 1973-3 eEk6Hkj 150000000008410
Femmes a la colombe painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin LUX 104 P cez9kxj 150000000012436
Femme au turban painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin P 1788
R 6 P
Portrait de la Baronne Gourgaud à la mantille noire painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin AM 2658 P crgbyqn 150000000028140
Portrait de la Baronne Gourgaud au manteau rose painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin AM 2659 P cGzL7p 150000000008216
Portrait du Docteur Robert le Masle painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin AM 1974-131 c8EdXee 150000000012012
Portrait d'André Salmon painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin AM 1974-133
cdjRjb 150000000028135
Fleurs dans un vase Dimensions: 50 x 60,5 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1959 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3665 P Marie-Alain Couturier AM 3665 P c9jn5Bx 150000000019672
La cellule de Renan à Saint-Sulpice painting by Marie-Anne Zoegger-Camax Marie-Anne Zoegger-Camax LUX 1240 P
AP 63-19119
cxxKg5 150000000028315
Grata nera - fondo giallo e bianco↵(Grille noire - fond jaune et blanc) Dimensions: 100 x 65 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Don de l' Associazione Archivio Mario Ballocco, 2022; Inventory: AM 2023-163 Mario Ballocco AM 2023-163 150000002380214
Deux nus féminins Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1939; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5055 P Mario Carreño Morales AM 5055 P cqG99aa 150000000008338
Girasole↵(Tournesol) Dimensions: 85 x 120 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Don de Liliane et Michel Durand-Dessert, 1991; Inventory: AM 1991-90 Mario Merz AM 1991-90 cy9Agk 150000000019680
Arlequin Dimensions: 81,2 x 60,5 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1956, Attribution, 1956; Inventory: AM 3451 P Marixa AM 3451 P crbgagG 150000000019841
Untitled painting by Mark Rothko Mark Rothko AM 2007-126 cajrkgR 150000000046574
Unknown journey↵(Voyage inconnu) Dimensions: 207 x 128 cm; Created: 1965 - 1966; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1968, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1026 Mark Tobey AM 1976-1026 cGbyr8 150000000010817
Les deux soeurs Dimensions: 99,5 x 149,5 cm; Created: [1943]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1944, Attribution, 1945; Inventory: AM 2579 P Marthe Flandrin AM 2579 P cnkxG9 150000000029335
Made in Japan - La Grande Odalisque painting by Martial Raysse Martial Raysse AM 1995-213 WkU7gFb 150000000013532
56-40-F Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Achat, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-570 Martin Barré AM 1988-570 c9dzgj 150000000019543
Ohne Titel↵(Sans titre) Dimensions: 180 x 150 cm; Created: 1992; Acquisition: Don de la Clarence Westbury Foundation, 2010; Inventory: AM 2010-263 Martin Kippenberger AM 2010-263 cerXdb 150000000061946
Construccion MADI Dimensions: 40 x 37 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Achat, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-704 Martín Blaszko AM 2023-704 150000002310930
Mann mit grüner weste↵(Homme au gilet vert) Dimensions: 195,5 x 130 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Achat avec la participation de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-457 Marwan Kassab-Bachi AM 2014-457 c9dg97 150000001037953
L'Enfant au cerceau painting by María Blanchard María Blanchard AM 3096 P cnjxn4 150000000027903
L'enfant à la glace painting by María Blanchard María Blanchard AM 3274 P cqG6abd 150000000004041
Maternité painting by María Blanchard
María Blanchard AM 2649 P c4rgXBo 150000000011993
Nature morte aux bananes painting by María Blanchard María Blanchard AM 3062 P cdqKE6z 150000000019954
La mère folle Dimensions: 86 x 126 cm; Created: 1946 - 1950; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Saucet, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-135 Maurice Baskine AM 2003-135 cgzXg9a 150000000039546
Femmes à leur toilette Dimensions: 130 x 90 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1824 P Maurice Brianchon AM 1824 P cqGpg48 150000000015029
Le Brochet Dimensions: 33 x 54,5 cm; Created: 1941; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1941, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 2480 P Maurice Brunet AM 2480 P crgdgy4 150000000030160
L'Histoire de Psyché : l'Amour surprend Psyché painting by Maurice Denis Maurice Denis RF 1941 37
D 98.10.8 (1)
AM 2549
L'Histoire de Psyché : l'enlèvement de Psyché painting by Maurice Denis Maurice Denis RF 1941 38
D 98.10.8 (2)
AM 2550
L'Histoire de Psyché : la curiosité de Psyché painting by Maurice Denis Maurice Denis RF 1941 39
D 98.10.8 (3)
AM 2551
L'Histoire de Psyché : la punition de Psyché painting by Maurice Denis Maurice Denis RF 1941 40
D 98.10.8 (4)
AM 2548
L'Histoire de Psyché : le pardon et l'hymen de Psyché painting by Maurice Denis Maurice Denis RF 1941 41
D 98.10.8 (5)
AM 2552
Au laboratoire Dimensions: 62 x 50 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don, 1939, des héritiers de l'artiste; Inventory: AM 2219 P Maurice Esmein AM 2219 P cpd8KM 150000000027965
Liseuse Dimensions: 116 x 81 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-487 Maurice Estève AM 1983-487 c888M8X 150000000008373
Paysanne aux pommes Dimensions: 65,2 x 81 cm; Created: [avant 1932]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1932 , attribution 1932; Inventory: AM 1915 P, 47.3.2 Maurice Georges Poncelet AM 1915 P crggraE 150000000009137
Portrait de femme Dimensions: 61 x 45 cm; Created: 1914; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3810 P, DE 652 Maurice Henri Hensel AM 3810 P c6b7KA 150000000004942
Canailles III - Auto-portrait hommage à Mirò Dimensions: 65,5 x 54 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Don du FONDS DE DOTATION BISMUTH LEMAÎTRE GUYMER en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-542 Maurice Lemaître AM 2021-542 150000002073388
Nu assis de face Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm; Created: 1922 - 1923; Acquisition: Achat, 1950; Inventory: AM 2942 P Maurice Loutreuil AM 2942 P cj7zRXy 150000000017464
Le pont Corneille à Rouen Dimensions: 45,8 x 55 cm; Created: [vers 1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3134 P Maurice Louvrier AM 3134 P cBAggnR 150000000022784
Femme allaitant son bébé Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: [vers 1907]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3138 P Maurice Marinot AM 3138 P cygMMz 150000000007279
Paysage du midi Dimensions: 55 x 93 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1942 , attribution 1942; Inventory: AM 2421 P, D.66.69.2 Maurice Savin AM 2421 P cByaKe 150000000012533
La vallée de la Creuse à Bonnu Dimensions: 46 x 61,5 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1948 , attribution 1949; Inventory: AM 2886 P Maurice Sérullaz AM 2886 P cynjn6b 150000000004944
Toits à Montmagny painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo LUX.1518 P c7pB6B 150000000025853
L'Impasse Cottin painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo R 13 P cbrX9x 150000000013900
Le couvent de Piedicroce en Corse painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo AM 3836 P
D 1955.1.38
cKaLEn 150000000029311
La bute Pinson, Montmagny painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo AM 3836 P
D 1955.1.28
crjdxx 150000000021359
L'Abbaye en ruines painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo AM 1973-5
ckX4gXM 150000000009640
Les Arbres rouges painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck AM 2673 P cxxe5o 150000000008077
La Cuisine (Intérieur) painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck R 15 P cAnpgex 150000000024043
Une rue de Marly-le-Roi painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck AM 2674 P c494dp 150000000016024
Les Coteaux de Rueil painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck AM 2675 P cLrBnk 150000000027993
Bord de rivière painting by Maurice De Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck LUX.1732 P
D 2017.1.6
c7L8jM 150000000012090
Le pont de Chatou painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck AM 3846 P
D 1955.1.19
cxxx46M 150000000031561
Portrait du père Bouju Dimensions: 72 x 48,5 cm; Created: 1900; Acquisition: Don de Mme Berthe de Vlaminck, 1959; Inventory: AM 3689 P, D.95.1.5 Maurice de Vlaminck AM 3689 P cRG9Bz 150000000004132
Landscape with Woodcutters painting by Max Beckmann
Max Beckmann JP 540 P
c9jdanp 150000000023793
Portrait of a Frenchmen painting by Max Beckmann
Max Beckmann AM 2006-32 cMdbnzp 150000000045262
The Little Fish painting by Max Beckmann
Max Beckmann JP 679 P 150000000015773
Acht Liniengruppen um Weiss↵(Huit groupes de lignes autour du blanc) Dimensions: 150 x 150 cm; Created: 1969 - 1970; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1971, Attribution, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-402 Max Bill AM 1980-402 c7p5BoL 150000000026142
Ubu Imperator painting by Max Ernst Max Ernst AM 1984-281 3Y3gdlY 150000000022932
Le Jardin de la France painting by Max Ernst Max Ernst AM 1982-190 ckX4gLo 150000000031107
À l'intérieur de la vue painting by Max Ernst Max Ernst AM 1982-186
c6r4Lbo 150000000010945
Après moi le sommeil painting by Max Ernst Max Ernst AM 3762 P
c887Ko5 150000000015396
Les Poissons noctambules painting by Max Ernst Max Ernst AM 1982-193
cnyXLnp 150000000027122
Chimère Max Ernst AM 1983-47 v7DIee1 150000000030888
Gartenfest mit Trommler↵(Gardenparty avec tambour) Dimensions: 160 x 150 cm; Created: 1986; Acquisition: Achat, 1987; Inventory: AM 1987-963 Max G. Kaminski AM 1987-963 caj54pk 150000000024295
In den Dünen↵(Dans les dunes) Dimensions: 76 x 100 cm; Created: 1911; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1965; Inventory: AM 4289 P Max Pechstein AM 4289 P cdq7rR9 150000000019650
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 224 x 203 cm; Created: 2005; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-356 Max Wechsler AM 2017-356 ckAKGdo 150000001549675
Arbres au bord de l'eau Dimensions: 73 x 92,5 cm; Created: avant 1939; Acquisition: Don, 1941, d'un groupe d'amis de l'artiste; Inventory: AM 2345 P Maxime Simon AM 2345 P ck4a7oj 150000000005795
Les Champs-Elysées painting by Maximilien Luce Maximilien Luce AM 4224 P (78)
cL9X7ba 150000000060796
Mer démontée painting by Maximilien Luce Maximilien Luce AM 4224 P (95)
crjdg6 150000000060797
L'arbre jaune painting by Maximilien Luce Maximilien Luce AM 4224 P(19)
cKabAX4 150000000040804
Perpetuales celestes (1) Dimensions: 162 x 97 cm; Created: 1951 - 1952; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste à l'Etat, 1953, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3158 P Mehmed Devrim Nejad AM 3158 P cgb96X 150000000021974
Teich in einem Park↵(Lac dans un parc) Dimensions: 118,4 x 192,3 cm; Created: 1975; Acquisition: Legs de l'artiste, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-1302 Meret Oppenheim AM 1988-1302 c4b5aEG 150000000005489
Paysage de Marrakech Dimensions: 163,5 x 391 cm; Created: 1977; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-123 Michael Buthe AM 1982-123 ce9MAg 150000000026930
Midnight Blue↵(Bleu de minuit) Dimensions: 73 x 66 x 12,5 cm; Created: 1973 - 1974; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-352 Michael Snow AM 1979-352 150000000008349
Raoul Dufy Dimensions: 35 x 27 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. Edmond Wellhoff, 1966; Inventory: AM 4254 P Michel Georges-Michel AM 4254 P cqr968 150000000021967
New York la nuit Dimensions: 76,5 x 61,5 cm; Created: avant 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1959 , attribution 1960; Inventory: AM 3736 P Michel Gérard Gilbert AM 3736 P cdqLpe8 150000000003812
Sacrifice Dimensions: 116 x 89 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Achat, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-290 Michel Journiac AM 2022-290 150000002284599
Le Pont-Neuf Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: 1918; Acquisition: Don de Claire Maratier et Jacques Yankel, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-759 Michel Kikoine AM 1978-759 cRG9RA 150000000019463
Le rêve Dimensions: 90,8 x 172,5 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Donation M. Daniel Cordier, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-424 Michel Lablais AM 1989-424 cEnaEGj 150000000010673
Peinture n°6 Dimensions: 162 x 130 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Achat, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-36 Michel Parmentier AM 2015-36 c6XggyK 150000001148023
Le môle d'Ouessant Michel Patrix AM 3506 P cpbgnE9 150000000024125
Le village en fête Dimensions: 54,5 x 73 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3140 P Miguel García Vivancos AM 3140 P cbqyXax 150000000006870
Le déluge d'après Poussin Dimensions: 203 x 280 cm; Created: 1981 - 1982; Acquisition: Achat, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-452 Miguel Ángel Campano AM 1983-452 cX4bzgb 150000000021905
Sans titre Dimensions: 155 x 150 cm; Created: vers 1970; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompdiou grâce à la Clarence Westbury Foundation, 2018; Inventory: AM 2019-577 Mihai Olos AM 2019-577 150000001812925
Paysage au clair de lune painting by Mikhail Larionov Mikhail Larionov AM 1988-929 cez97Eo 150000000025271
Clôture rose, rails Dimensions: 60 x 70 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Don de Inna Bazhenova & Dmitry Samorukov, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-898 Mikhail Roginsky AM 2016-898 cBoXKg7 150000001342665
Avventuroso Dimensions: 130 x 97 cm; Created: 1961; Acquisition: Don de Aghnessa et Inna Rotella, 2014; Inventory: AM 2014-401 Mimmo Rotella AM 2014-401 c5pEyM 150000001036583
Le cycliste Dimensions: 84,5 x 69 cm; Created: [1955]; Acquisition: Donation de M. Daniel Cordier, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-279 Miodrag Djuric AM 1989-279 cMdeBaK 150000000017664
Le Complot permanent Dimensions: 35 x 27 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Don de la Succession Mireille Miailhe, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-215 Mireille Miailhe AM 2020-215 150000001921032
Pulsation Dimensions: 152 x 131 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Don de la Loft Art Gallery, 2011; Inventory: AM 2011-123 Mohamed Melehi AM 2011-123 cGEEgpG 150000000453719
A la vie de la matière Dimensions: 61,5 x 50,5 cm; Created: 1925; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-608 Morgan Russell AM 1977-608 c4rgA75 150000000021415
Peinture n° 110 Dimensions: 130 x 194,5 x 3,2 cm; Created: 1987; Acquisition: Don Mme Jacqueline Frydman, 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-3 Moshe Kupferman AM 2021-3 150000002027413
Paysage de Saint-Tropez painting by Moïse Kisling Moïse Kisling AM 3781 P
1959 120 610
cXbkyx7 150000000046028
Peinture Dimensions: 55,6 x 37,9 cm; Created: 1924; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-353 Mykhailo Andriienko-Nechytailo AM 1982-353 cnyXj5A 150000000009253
The Separation Dimensions: 208,28 x 121,92 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Dation, 2024; Inventory: AM 2024-552 Nancy Spero AM 2024-552 150000002543304
La Lampe électrique painting by Natalia Goncharova Natalia Goncharova AM 4358 P cMdjq5x 150000000030030
Les Lutteurs Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-878 cyn9459 150000000016501
Portrait de Verlaine painting by Natalia Gontcharova Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-874 cazXnjG 150000000012567
Le Plantage de pommes de terre painting by Natalia Gontcharova Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-879 crgGAd9 150000000016508
Basse-cour painting by Natalia Gontcharova Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-883 cdqaKaK 150000000012361
La vendeuse de pain painting by Natalia Gontcharova Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-880
c4b98eg 150000000008555
Portrait de Larionov et de son ordonnance painting by Natalia Gontcharova Natalia Goncharova AM 1988-876
czzLB4b 150000000004800
Sans titre Dimensions: 160 x 129 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Don de Mme Francine Ionesco, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-674 Nicolas Ionesco AM 2016-674 cBokdp5 150000001313599
Autoportrait Dimensions: 75,3 x 63,5 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné, 1938; Inventory: AM 5095 P Nicolas Millioti AM 5095 P cdaAEp 150000000026693
Centre administratif Dimensions: 65 x 50 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Dation en 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-2-36 (1) Nicolas Schöffer AM 2023-2-36 (1) 150000002085404
La Vie dure painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 1980-46 c4bbzX7 150000000004640
De la danse painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 1982-262 cpg7LnL 150000000020356
L'Orchestre painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 2003-238 cg45dj 150000000039724
Les Musiciens, souvenir de Sidney Bechet painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 1982-263 cynnd4L 150000000008384
Les Toits painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 3159 P ZAzEyYs 150000000024547
Composition en gris et vert painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 2955 P c6rbaya 150000000012611
Composition en rouge painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 1993-61 cEnpL8K 150000000024151
Le Lavandou painting by Nicolas de Staël Nicolas de Staël AM 3634 P cR5ypaq 150000000008388
Femme papillon et crocodile Dimensions: 129 x 97 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1968; Inventory: AM 4483 BIS P Nicolás García Uriburu AM 4483 BIS P 150000000030130
Tirs (Shots) painting by Niki de Saint Phalle Niki de Saint Phalle AM 2004-39 c84q8E 150000000042734
Paysage de Crète Dimensions: 89 x 130 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste à l'Etat, 1954, Attribution 1964; Inventory: AM 3336 P Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas AM 3336 P c7p55yE 150000000011035
(Schul)Ausflug↵(Excursion scolaire) Dimensions: 200 x 240 cm; Created: 2008; Acquisition: Don des amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International – Europe, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-60 Norbert Schwontkowski AM 2023-60 150000002473387
Tournesols et perroquets Dimensions: 165 x 122 cm; Created: 1922; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1922, Attribution, 1923; Inventory: AM 5125 P Octave Denis Victor Guillonnet AM 5125 P cjXLpX 150000000008103
Paris Dimensions: 135 x 200 cm; Created: 1973; Acquisition: Achat, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-256 Ola Billgren AM 1981-256 cX45xy7 150000000005244
Paysage Dimensions: 100 x 72 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3786 P, 1959 120 603 Oleksa Hryshchenko AM 3786 P cdqKExG 150000000046033
L'Enfant au chat Dimensions: 100 x 65,2 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné en 1934; Inventory: AM 5066 P Olga Dormandi AM 5066 P cq9o8x 150000000004601
D & S Dimensions: 171 x 256 cm; Created: 1948 - 1955; Acquisition: Dation, 2002; Inventory: AM 2002-309 Olivier Debré AM 2002-309 crb5kex 150000000038204
Le retour de l'enfant prodigue Dimensions: 263 x 189 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat, 1982; Inventory: AM 1982-110 Olivier O. Olivier AM 1982-110 cRbrBk 150000000005703
Final Dimensions: 89 x 116 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat de Gérard Bonnier, de Monsieur et Madame Bengt, et de Ingrid Nylén, 1960, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3890 P Olle Bonniér AM 3890 P cAXgy8 150000000028632
Composition Lise Dimensions: 92 x 60,2 x 5 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste à l'Etat, 1954, Attribution, 1954; Inventory: AM 3301 P Olle Bærtling AM 3301 P cEzbMk 150000000014918
Today series, 1966–2013 (Série Aujourd'hui . 1966-2013) Dimensions: 25,8 x 33,3 x 4,3 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-545 On Kawara AM 1977-545 cLrG6dK 150000000031467
Paysage Dimensions: 50,6 x 63,4 x 2,4 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1938 , attribution 1938; Inventory: AM 5047 P Orazio Amato AM 5047 P c5jGpo 150000000004066
Zwei Köpfe übereinander Dimensions: 34,5 x 10,7 cm; Created: 1928; Acquisition: Don de la Société Kandinsky en mémoire de Madame Claude Pompidou, 2011; Inventory: AM 2011-280 Oskar Schlemmer AM 2011-280 cbqzdk9 150000000496711
Q61387988 painting by Othon Friesz
Othon Friesz AM 3152 P cAzGgB 150000000023247
Vue de Méounes painting by Othon Friesz Othon Friesz LUX.1659 P c8E4gog 150000000011262
Le jardin du Cap Brun painting by Othon Friesz Othon Friesz AM 3829 P
D 1955.1.16
cGEXd86 150000000026952
Nu painting by Othon Friesz Othon Friesz AM 3826 P
D 1955.1.36
cGEeKpA 150000000007037
Les dahlias painting by Othon Friesz Othon Friesz AM 3855 P
D 1955.1.47
cej4nnR 150000000019000
Le Pont Neuf, Paris Dimensions: 46 x 38 cm; Created: 1902; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1941; Inventory: AM 3779 P, D. 1.2.16 Othon Friesz AM 3779 P cMjeBe 150000000045801
Tolède Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: [1934 - 1935]; Acquisition: Achat, 1949; Inventory: AM 2920 P Oton Gliha AM 2920 P cBAK9G8 150000000022644
Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden painting by Otto Dix Otto Dix AM 3899 P K0UjNMr 150000000007557
Erinnerungen an die Spiegelsäle von Brüssel↵(Souvenirs de la galerie des glaces à Bruxelles) Dimensions: 124 x 80,4 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Achat en souvenir de Siegfried Poppe, 1999; Inventory: AM 1999-178 Otto Dix AM 1999-178 cByrzM 150000000036194
My Sky is Red painting by Otto Freundlich
Otto Freundlich AM 3233 P caj9Xee 150000000016901
Komposition för Elevator↵(Composition pour escalier) Dimensions: 123 x 57 x 4,7 cm; Created: 1926; Acquisition: Achat, 1979; Inventory: AM 1978-738 Otto Gustaf Carlsund AM 1978-738 cBy88R 150000000006782
La force pure III Dimensions: 125 x 125 x 7,3 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Achat, 2012; Inventory: AM 2012-268 Otto Piene AM 2012-268 cX45qpz 150000000629444
Potager - Garten↵(Der Kultivierte Küchengarten) Dimensions: 200 x 200 cm; Created: 1980; Acquisition: Achat, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-107 Otto Schauer AM 1984-107 cbkLb5 150000000031545
Nature morte Dimensions: 38 x 46 cm; Created: [1915]; Acquisition: Achat, 1957; Inventory: AM 3566 P Otto van Rees AM 3566 P cjk5AB 150000000020721
Bouquet de fleurs Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: 1942; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1942, Attribution, 1942; Inventory: AM 5096 P Ove Olson AM 5096 P cGEB7k6 150000000012798
Arlequin painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 4313 P 10tBN3n 150000000015881
Le Violon painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 3165 P cGEBebA 150000000016086
Atelier de la modiste painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 2725 P cGbBj5d 150000000023681
La Muse painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 2726 P c7p4g4e 150000000011715
Portrait de jeune fille painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 4390 P c5jkKM 150000000020116
The Serenade painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 2730 P cdqKEpK 150000000015444
Curtain for the ballet "Parade" painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 3365 P PlCIqqd 150000000003984
La Coiffeuse painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 4392 P cpXqrkn 150000000024318
The Guitar player painting by Pablo Picasso (1910) Pablo Picasso AM 3970 P 6MkE4Hq 150000000004408
Harlequin and woman with necklace painting by Pablo Picasso (1917) Pablo Picasso AM 3760 P ihh8RtZ 150000000023899
Femme assise dans un fauteuil painting by Pablo Picasso (Paris) Pablo Picasso AM 4391 P 01Vbb00 150000000012373
Buste de femme painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso AM 4320 P F3Lp1sg 150000000016515
Gustave Coquiot painting by Picasso (1901) Pablo Picasso JP 652 P c7Gpz5n 150000000028493
Jeanne painting by Pablo Picasso (AM 3723 P) Pablo Picasso AM 3723 P cRRdbg 150000000008566
Composition Dimensions: 64,7 x 80,5 cm; Created: vers 1923 - 1926; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-609 Patrick Henry Bruce AM 1977-609 cqG55e6 150000000020304
Sans titre Dimensions: 354 x 136,5 cm; Created: 1968; Acquisition: Achat, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-373 Patrick Saytour AM 1983-373 cqp94RM 150000000030924
17.12.17 (1) Dimensions: 137 x 69,5 cm; Created: 2017; Acquisition: Achat, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-347 Paul Andreu AM 2023-347 150000002521170
La cité de Londres Dimensions: 123 x 184,5 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1951 , attribution 1951; Inventory: AM 3135 P Paul Ayshford Methuen, 4th Baron Methuen AM 3135 P cjrybg 150000000006941
Portrait de femme Dimensions: 47 x 56 cm; Created: 1895; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1991 P Paul Baignères AM 1991 P ca99M4 150000000004202
Marie Faou femme de pêcheur à Lesconil Dimensions: 92 x 72 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1930, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1813 P Paul Charlemagne AM 1813 P coX4Gzr 150000000010213
La baie de Cnossos Dimensions: 122 x 184 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1960 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3884 P Paul Cognasse AM 3884 P ckng8M 150000000023654
Les piquets dans l'eau à Amsterdam Dimensions: 33 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4532 P, DB 970.1.29 Paul Collomb AM 4532 P ck4yrK6 150000000040599
Bords de la Scarpe à Arras Dimensions: 64,5 x 81,5 x 22 cm; Created: [1907]; Acquisition: Donation M. René Philipon, 1924; Inventory: AM 1973-40 Paul Deltombe AM 1973-40 cEbnXMx 150000000029456
L'Acropole Dimensions: 150 x 230 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1969, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-948 Paul Delvaux AM 1976-948 cazXp8d 150000000019493
Paysage avec figures Dimensions: 65 x 80,8 cm; Created: 1936; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat , attribution; Inventory: AM 5068 P Paul Eliasberg AM 5068 P cyngEge 150000000024350
À travers le temps Dimensions: 90 x 80 cm; Created: circa 1986; Acquisition: Achat grâce au Cercle International - Groupe Moyen-Orient de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne et à Robert Matta en 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-322 Paul Guiragossian AM 2017-322 cKGAjAG 150000001576672
Isola Tiberina, Rome Dimensions: 65 x 100 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4543 P, DB.9701.53 Paul Guiramand AM 4543 P c4bbRkX 150000000040620
Vue des salles de sculpture française du XVIIe siècle au Louvre painting by Paul Jean Hugues Paul Jean Hugues INV 20441
DL 2014 1
AM 2641 P
cn7jb8A 150000000026153
Vue du palier de l'escalier égyptien au Louvre en cours de réinstallation, en 1946 painting by Paul Jean Hugues Paul Jean Hugues INV 20443
DL 2014 3
AM 2640 P
cxA98RE 150000000006250
Vue du musée Charles X, au Louvre painting by Paul Jean Hugues Paul Jean Hugues INV 20442
DL 2014 2
Salle égyptienne au Louvre Dimensions: 46 x 38 cm; Created: [1946]; Acquisition: Achat, 1946; Inventory: AM 2639 P, DL 2014.2 Paul Jean Hugues AM 2639 P c6j6Rq 150000000014221
Phenomena Wakiyashi Dimensions: 100 x 65 cm; Created: 1961; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1962, Attribution 1962; Inventory: AM 4044 P Paul Jenkins AM 4044 P cEbM96b 150000000012686
A l'Afrique Dimensions: 118,5 x 91 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-602 Paul Joostens AM 1977-602 cKxaKkL 150000000028122
Rhythmisches painting by Paul Klee
Paul Klee AM 1984-356 co4rKEB 150000000004891
Analysis of Various Perversities
Paul Klee AM 1972-9 ciC4XHd 150000000013341
Briefbild z. 5. Dezember 1927
Paul Klee AM 81-65-877 c57Kpa 150000000016807
KN der Schmied
Paul Klee AM 81-65-881 T6Ih1ey 150000000028564
Paul Klee AM 2014-11 150000000914606
St.Germain b. Tunis (landeinwärts)
Paul Klee AM 81-65-876 b8ZDaj5 150000000016584
Pflanzenwachstum↵(Croissance) Dimensions: 54 x 40 cm; Created: 1921; Acquisition: Legs de Nina Kandinsky, 1981; Inventory: AM 81-65-879 Paul Klee AM 81-65-879 ca9q6r 150000000012648
Peinture Dimensions: 88 x 28 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1972; Inventory: AM 1972-49 Paul Mansouroff AM 1972-49 cdqLK6g 150000000007985
Parade des Life Guards Dimensions: 46 x 55,5 cm; Created: [avant 1933]; Acquisition: Don de l' Association des amis des artistes vivants, 1933; Inventory: AM 1959 P Paul Maze AM 1959 P c7jgxj 150000000019695
La truite Dimensions: 53 x 125 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4561 P, DB.970.1.96 Paul Rebeyrolle AM 4561 P cezBy7 150000000040668
Q117217900 painting by Paul Signac
Paul Signac AM 4224 P(100)
c9n4pR9 150000000035346
Le grand chinois Dimensions: 110 x 370 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1972 ; attribution au Centre Pompidou, Musée National d'art moderne / Centre de création industrielle, 2008; Inventory: AM 2009-136 Paul Thek AM 2009-136 c4rL6y7 150000000005697
Courses de village Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm; Created: 1936; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1938; Inventory: AM 2241 P Paul Ullman AM 2241 P cdLyrek 150000000020282
L'Atelier de Brancusi Dimensions: 54,2 x 65 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1979; Inventory: AM 1979-342 Paul Valet AM 1979-342 cL9XRpq 150000000022515
L'enfance d'Orphée Dimensions: 200 x 161 cm; Created: 1919; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1842 P Paul Vera AM 1842 P cAneEpL 150000000015431
Sans titre Dimensions: 36,5 x 45,5 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-912 (1) Paul Virilio AM 2019-912 (1) 150000001905734
Nature morte dans la verdure Dimensions: 60,2 x 73,4 x 20 cm; Created: vers 1953; Acquisition: Don de Germaine Welsch, 1955; Inventory: AM 3532 P Paul Welsch AM 3532 P cRRdeKx 150000000005848
Les hôtes Dimensions: 46 x 55,2 cm; Created: [vers 1930]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1931, Attribution, 1931; Inventory: AM 1838 P Pauline Peugniez AM 1838 P coXMXj 150000000018627
Panier à salade Dimensions: 73 x 54 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Legs Mme Alexandra Zaoussailoff, 1974; Inventory: AM 1974-11 Pavel Tchelitchew AM 1974-11 c8dynx 150000000012139
Fête espagnole Dimensions: 33 x 46 cm; Created: [avant 1967]; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5131 P Pedro Flores García AM 5131 P cxAxG8X 150000000008982
Sans titre (Laeso) Dimensions: 200 x 300 cm; Created: 1994; Acquisition: Achat, 1997; Inventory: AM 1997-9 Per Kirkeby AM 1997-9 cj7yk5E 150000000029452
Roofs of the brave et loyal town of Fuenterrabia Dimensions: 150.5 x 199.5 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Legs Mme J. Tudor-Hart, 1972; Inventory: AM 1973-34 Percyval Tudor-Hart AM 1973-34 cb7KL6 150000000009409
Deux femmes assises Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm; Created: 1922; Acquisition: Legs Docteur Robert Le Masle, 1974; Inventory: AM 1974-136 Pere Pruna i Ocerans AM 1974-136 ca9ELX 150000000020222
100 Years Ago painting by Peter Doig Peter Doig AM 2002-285 c4j7ex 150000000038862
In Bed↵(Dans le lit) Dimensions: 128,5 x 295,7 x 3 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Don de la Centre Pompidou Foundation, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-942 Philip Guston AM 2016-942 c4rzMe7 150000000058036
Portrait de Jean Cassou Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Atribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-979 Philippe Hosiasson AM 1976-979 c79AKb 150000000024143
Qualités jaunes Dimensions: 197 x 113,5 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Achat, 2004; Inventory: AM 2004-41 Piero Dorazio AM 2004-41 cqG577k 150000000042731
Achrome Dimensions: 140 x 120,5 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Achat, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-36 Piero Manzoni AM 1981-36 cEborX5 150000000007568
La Guerre painting by Pierre Albert-Birot Pierre Albert-Birot AM 1977-639 xpyTTIX 150000000006418
Le nombril Dimensions: 23,5 x 28,5 cm; Created: [vers 1913 - 1914]; Acquisition: Donation Mme Arlette Albert-Birot, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-647 Pierre Albert-Birot AM 1977-647 150000000022597
Le Passé inaperçu painting by Pierre Alechinsky Pierre Alechinsky AM 1995-339 cqp9zKL 150000000026508
Portrait de Max Jacob Dimensions: 130 x 94 cm; Created: 1933; Acquisition: Achat, 1956; Inventory: AM 3411 P Pierre Belay AM 3411 P ckjr5k 150000000012954
Pêcheurs à Doelan Dimensions: 195,3 x 129,7 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3157 P Pierre Bompard AM 3157 P cAX86K 150000000031487
Madame Reine Thadée Natanson au collier de perles painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard RF 1977 80
AM 3249 P
Reine Natanson et Marthe Bonnard au corsage rouge painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard RF 1977 79
AM 3248
Nude in front of the fireplace painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 3850 P
D 1955 1 20
c8EzRMj 150000000007720
Naked in the bathtub painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 1984-351 cLrbpg6 150000000020121
The Mimosa Workshop painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 1978-732 cdayz6 150000000008148
Self-portrait in the mirror of the bathroom painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 1984-698 ckaj58 150000000028072
Fleurs des champs painting by Pierre Bonnard Pierre Bonnard AM 4224 P (12)
cgjXzE9 150000000035373
Portrait de George Besson painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 4224 P(3)
c4rjrER 150000000040673
Q117217902 painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 4224 P (22)
cz9xdk 150000000011498
Q117217903 painting by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard AM 4224 P(21b)
cdLLeG6 150000000027625
La ferme au toit rouge painting by Pierre Bonnard Pierre Bonnard AM 3822 P
D 1955.1.21
cAneKnn 150000000031632
La route rose painting by Pierre Bonnard Pierre Bonnard AM 3819 P
D 1955.1.31
cXby4oK 150000000011723
Vue du Cannet painting by Pierre Bonnard Pierre Bonnard AM 3841 P
D 1955.1.42
cBAzGbb 150000000023682
Port de Cannes painting by Pierre Bonnard Pierre Bonnard AM 3849 P
D 1955.1.8
cMdKbk9 150000000015671
Bouquet de coquelicots
Pierre Bonnard AM 4530 P
DB 970.1.20
cXb4KBR 150000000035348
Marthe à sa toilette
Pierre Bonnard AM 4531 P
DB 970.1.21
cGzyGG 150000000031418
Fleurs variées Dimensions: 46 x 38 cm; Created: [avant 1931]; Acquisition: Don de l' Association des amis des artistes vivants, 1931; Inventory: AM 1855 P Pierre Brune AM 1855 P cGEzMnb 150000000017536
Nature morte Dimensions: 80 x 100 cm; Created: [avant 1958]; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1958; Inventory: AM 3574 P Pierre Carron AM 3574 P cajzzn5 150000000011143
Nature morte aux jarres Dimensions: 89 x 119,2 x 2,3 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Aron, 1948; Inventory: AM 2838 P Pierre Charbonnier AM 2838 P cAneqEB 150000000020862
Sensations : les parfums, les formes, les sens Dimensions: 80 x 155 cm; Created: 1909; Acquisition: Legs aux Musées nationaux, 1971; Inventory: AM 1971-16 Pierre Combet-Descombes AM 1971-16 czA9Mgk 150000000019490
Place du sud painting by Pierre Deval Pierre Deval AM 3912 P
Bx D 1961.12.43
cojpGX 150000000019662
Le grand vent Dimensions: 185 x 114,4 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, attribution 1956; Inventory: AM 3472 P Pierre Dmitrienko AM 3472 P c5eprjd 150000000012137
La maison de la Belle Gabrielle à Montmartre Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1920; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1938; Inventory: AM 3809 P, DE 590 Pierre Dumont AM 3809 P
DE 590
cBKM444 150000000025988
Le pommier Dimensions: 38 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4538 P, DB.970.1.44 Pierre Garcia-Fons AM 4538 P cez9d9o 150000000040611
Chemin aux goémons près de Carnac Dimensions: 73,5 x 91,5 cm; Created: [1946]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1950, Attribution, 1950; Inventory: AM 2971 P Pierre Guastalla AM 2971 P cjraqL 150000000008942
Vase de fleurs Dimensions: 55 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3790 P, 1959 20 606 Pierre Hodé AM 3790 P c9ngkRX 150000000046037
Le pêcheur Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm; Created: [1934]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2285 P Pierre Ladureau AM 2285 P ckXK58X 150000000018962
Le manteau rouge Dimensions: 53,5 x 71,5 cm; Created: [vers 1903]; Acquisition: Legs M. Paul Jamot, 1943; Inventory: AM 2559 P Pierre Laprade AM 2559 P c8bbaq 150000000021422
Composition Dimensions: 150 x 200 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1957; Inventory: AM 3569 P Pierre Le Sueur AM 3569 P cGbBzy9 150000000030189
Le Violoncelle Dimensions: 92 x 65 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1955; Inventory: AM 3375 P Pierre Matossy AM 3375 P co4X679 150000000021370
Le Temps de la mort, n°1 Dimensions: 97 x 130 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat avec le soutien de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'Art Moderne, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-549 Pierre Molinier AM 2016-549 cj5Xa7d 150000001274301
L'enchanteur Dimensions: 54,5 x 45,5 cm; Created: 1919; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1931; Inventory: AM 5081 P Pierre Munier Jolain AM 5081 P cej7Bzk 150000000010448
Charrette à Sienne Dimensions: 174,5 x 132,5 cm; Created: vers 1950; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5004 P Pierre Pallut AM 5004 P cgj44dX 150000000021481
Porta Ovile Dimensions: 55 x 61,5 cm; Created: 1911; Acquisition: Legs de Nina Kandinsky, 1981; Inventory: AM 81-65-863 Pierre Paul Girieud AM 81-65-863 cz7y5o 150000000008395
Chalutier à Dieppe Dimensions: 54 x 81 cm; Created: [vers 1931]; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1932 , attribution 1936; Inventory: AM 1913 P Pierre Peltier AM 1913 P cBz5G5 150000000030416
Remorqueurs à Alger Dimensions: 38 x 45,7 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1931 , attribution 1932; Inventory: AM 1914 P Pierre Philippe Bertrand AM 1914 P cn7raxg 150000000006444
L'été de la Saint-Michel Dimensions: 33 x 65 cm; Created: [1932]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1947, Attribution, 1947; Inventory: AM 2754 P Pierre Roy AM 2754 P cer9k9 150000000031566
Peinture 220 x 366 cm, 14 mai 1968 painting by Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages AM 1976-1021 cAnpLXz 150000000018319
Peinture 260 x 202 cm, 19 juin 1963 painting by Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages AM 4409 P c6rX5na 150000000026294
Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 10 août 1956 painting by Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages AM 3481 P cez6K8e 150000000010343
Peinture 194 x 130 cm, 9 octobre 1957 painting by Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages AM 3568 P c4b9kKq 150000000014360
Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 2 juin 1953 painting by Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages AM 2018-438 cKGBK5R 150000001584772
Goudron sur verre 45, 5 x 45, 5 cm, 1948-2 Dimensions: 45,5 x 45,5 x 0,3 cm; Created: été 1948; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste en signe d'amitié et d'estime pour Alfred Pacquement, 2013; Inventory: AM 2014-3 Pierre Soulages AM 2014-3 c88deg4 150000000914583
Massacre Dimensions: 129 x 161 cm; Created: 1937; Acquisition: Achat , 2008; Inventory: AM 2008-171 Pierre Tal-Coat AM 2008-171 c6rBapb 150000000059512
Paysage bleu Dimensions: 114,6 x 88,7 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Don du Comité Pierre Wemaëre, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-127 Pierre Wemaëre AM 2020-127 150000001927256
Portrait of Adèle Besson painting by Auguste Renoir
Pierre-Auguste Renoir Da.970.1.97
AM 4224 P(17)
c4rjdXK 150000000024144
Roses Dimensions: 27 x 30 cm; Created: vers 1915; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (586)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir AM 4224 P (586) cbjgdb 150000000038895
L'hiver Dimensions: 157,5 x 96 cm; Created: [avant 1936]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1937, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2952 P Pierre-Eugène Clairin AM 2952 P c9gbgr 150000000013473
New York City painting by Piet Mondrian at the Musée national d’Art moderne, Paris, France
Piet Mondrian AM 1984-352 c5pRBL 150000000004996
Composition in red, blue and white II painting by Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian AM 1975-53 qkWlsgX 150000000012965
Paysage à Bali Dimensions: 63,5 x 86 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5105 P Pieter Moojen AM 5105 P c88XpbB 150000000015042
Figure Dimensions: 195,5 x 130,5 cm; Created: 1960; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1960, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3931 P Pinchas Burstein AM 3931 P cx9ErR 150000000030820
Les Pièces dormeuses Dimensions: 88.5 x 116 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don de Mme Anna-Lena Wibom, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-714 Pontus Hultén AM 2023-714 150000002416703
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 117 x 121,7 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: ART BRUT / donation Bruno Decharme en 2021; Inventory: AM 2021-933 Purvis Young AM 2021-933 150000002212352
Sans titre Dimensions: 148,5 x 123 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Achat en 1979, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 33046, AM 2013-DEP 37 Rajendra Dhawan AM 2013-DEP 37 150000000880988
L'atelier de l'artiste Dimensions: 99,3 x 81,5 cm; Created: [avant 1939]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 5106 P Raoul Domenjoz AM 5106 P cojEpx 150000000005714
Corrida course de taureaux painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy D65.2.4
AM 4214 P (52)
cMeRqAB 150000000018106
Vue du Louvre et des jardins du Carrousel painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy DL 1997-2
DL 1997 2
Street Decked with Flags painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4113 P cX45Kkg 150000000014769
Trees in L'Estaque painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (89)
c5ed45e 150000000022937
Q61387866 painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 3417 P cXbjnA7 150000000006806
Bal au Moulin de la Galette painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (38) cnkkK9 150000000026329
Amphitrite painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (100) ckXaEyj 150000000010690
La statue aux deux vases rouges painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy D 66.2.4
AM 4214 P (91)
cezXEj7 150000000006973
Cargo noir painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (54)
D 75.1.19
cMdeAqo 150000000021863
Kiosque à l'arc-en-ciel painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (27)
D 75.1.16
cpg47aj 150000000010613
Statue aux deux vases rouges painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (26)
D 75.1.18
cpgGkxn 150000000018584
Le marché aux chevaux à Falaise painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4579 P
D 98.3.2
c4r9bAM 150000000011025
The Tributaries of the Seine painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (11)
D 75.1.14
c4gG9o 150000000015095
Tonnelle, maison et voiliers painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (17)
D 75.1.15
cxAzBnz 150000000014857
Viaduc et gerbes de blé painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (28)
D 75.1.17
cq9b9d 150000000030566
Etude pour "Le Dimanche" painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (48)
D 65.4.6
cXrzRE 150000000022112
Le jardin abandonné painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (45)
D 65.4.5
coXAqx 150000000018116
L'orchestre painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (8) cj7XGz4 150000000011131
Musiciens à la campagne painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (31)
D 65.4.7
cAbM94z 150000000006661
La Redécouverte de la Croix, d'après Tintoret painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (39) ckn54M 150000000018351
Le cargo noir painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (51)
D 65.4.8
cAnbAEd 150000000026074
Nature morte à la tour blanche painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4118 P c7GrKjy 150000000004699
Arlequin rouge et blanc au violon painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (1) czbdp8 150000000019335
La Console painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (84)
D 65.4.9
crbgaao 150000000006981
Arlequin vert et blanc au violon painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (2) cx95rM 150000000011354
Jetée à Honfleur painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 3835 P
D 1955.1.13
cAbzdeK 150000000021605
Amphitrite painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4129 P
caj9L6q 150000000022761
Le dépiquage des moissons painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4132 P
cXj4xA 150000000011387
The Red Mosque painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (88)
cXbkoEa 150000000030892
Paysage aux trois meules de paille painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (93)
cL9zeBL 150000000010698
Paysage avec maisons et bétail painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P(40)
ce79Gx 150000000010379
Blaise Pascal et Galilée painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (44)
D 965.65
cd7KKk 150000000026081
La Seine, de Paris à la mer Raoul Dufy AM 4404 P 150000000001253
Cargo noir, baigneuses et tentes de plage painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (56)
cj7rGRM 150000000005924
Coquillages au bord de la mer painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (43)
cjbK68 150000000006182
Savants autour d'une table painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (41)
cKxaBba 150000000030322
L'atelier painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 1988-761 cqrqjX 150000000030061
Portrait de l'artiste Dimensions: 39 x 30 cm; Created: [1898]; Acquisition: Legs Mme Raoul Dufy, 1963; Inventory: AM 4214 P (73), D.65.3.4 Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (73) cbqq986 150000000021342
Arcades à l'Estaque painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (86)
La Tuilerie Saint-Henri painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (87)
Le Port de Martigues painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (66)
Nu assis painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (98)
DG 1966-64
cnyyoaK 150000000026637
La dame en rose painting by Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy AM 4214 P (101)
AM 4217 P
DG 1966-2-63
cdjgxy 150000000025831
Portrait d'Adrienne Wakefield-Mori painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 3789 P
DE 586
cL9a4k6 150000000005927
Deauville, le champ de courses painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 3827 P
D 1955.1.15
cGXbEB 150000000017846
Avenue du bois painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy AM 3834 P
D 1955.1.14
cKxaBdR 150000000029573
Gelbes Pferd↵(Cheval jaune) Dimensions: 64,5 x 68,5 cm; Created: [1916]; Acquisition: Achat, 1983; Inventory: AM 1984-22 Raoul Hausmann AM 1984-22 c79o4k 150000000011210
La Bataille des pommes de terre painting by Raoul Michau Raoul Michau AM 3234 P cqGjxq4 150000000025949
L'arrière-saison Dimensions: 110 x 107 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1960, Attribution, 1961; Inventory: AM 3941 P Raoul Ubac AM 3941 P crg7eg7 150000000014232
Sur la plage painting by Raoul du Gardier
Raoul du Gardier D.961.0.17
LUX.887 P
cdajG4 150000000012410
Nature morte (fiasque et cafetière) Dimensions: 60 x 73 cm; Created: avant 1951; Acquisition: Achat, 1951; Inventory: AM 3105 P Raymond Billette AM 3105 P cGbq8b 150000000023469
Solitude Dimensions: 84 x 131 cm; Created: 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1934, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2009 P Raymond Legueult AM 2009 P cAnBx6E 150000000024320
Nu au fond rouge Dimensions: 27 x 35 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4523 P, DA 970.1.1 René Aberlenc AM 4523 P cabrnX 150000000040583
Intérieur, table et nature morte Dimensions: 27 x 46 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3770 P, 1959 120 591 René Durey AM 3770 P cxxMoE 150000000046020
Fleur d'écume Dimensions: 14,2 x 22,2 cm; Created: 1955; Acquisition: Dation, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-3 (10) René Duvillier AM 2003-3 (10) cpbRbL 150000000040957
Baie de Naples Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4539 P, DB.970.1.45 René Genis AM 4539 P ck4zLMe 150000000040614
Le grand port Dimensions: 97 x 130 x 3 cm; Created: [vers 1948]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1951, Attribution, 1951; Inventory: AM 3073 P René Guiette AM 3073 P c5jdLa 150000000025961
Nu Dimensions: 99 x 56,5 cm; Created: 1946; Acquisition: Don de M. Georges Moos, 1951; Inventory: AM 3086 P René Herbst AM 3086 P cBKr9q9 150000000021216
The Summer Steps painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1991-138 pvQ7BzY 150000000028139
Le Ciel meurtrier painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1979-105 c6bz6q 150000000008218
Le Double Secret painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1980-2 ynH4USZ 150000000028142
Portrait de Georgette au bilboquet painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1987-1098 cez5Rgq 150000000016159
Querelle des universaux painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1993-116 cgryb5 150000000004051
The Good Example painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1980-546 cMeMe6 150000000012230
Souvenir de voyage painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1987-1099 czA9L4k 150000000008213
The Rape René Magritte painting in Paris René Magritte AM 1987-1097 cR5dzoM 150000000024174
Le Stropiat painting by René Magritte René Magritte AM 1999-6 YuairWj 150000000035716
The Red Model painting by René Magritte in Paris René Magritte AM 1975-216 xBym9Fx 150000000020188
Paysage du Vaucluse Dimensions: 48,5 x 73 cm; Created: 1898; Acquisition: Don de Mme Seyssaud et des amis de Seyssaud, 1957; Inventory: AM 3518 P René Seyssaud AM 3518 P cebjk5 150000000015813
Nature morte à la langouste Dimensions: 73,5 x 116,5 cm; Created: 1937; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1937 , attribution 1938; Inventory: AM 2154 P René-Jean Clot AM 2154 P cny8rn 150000000021545
Portrait de la mère de l'artiste Dimensions: 59 x 49 cm; Created: 1927 - 1928; Acquisition: Don de Succession Marthe Bourhis-Arnould, 1999; Inventory: AM 1999-71 Reynold Arnould AM 1999-71 cR5d5ek 150000000035995
One Afternoon↵(Un après-midi) Dimensions: 101,7 x 75,8 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Dation, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-567 Richard Lindner AM 1989-567 cyn7L9q 150000000009531
Femme lisant dans un intérieur Dimensions: 55,5 x 46 cm; Created: 1934; Acquisition: Legs Mme Frédéric Lung, 1961; Inventory: AM 3913 P Richard Maguet AM 3913 P
Bx D 1961.12.56
cpg4xa9 150000000020739
Opus tamaris (15) Dimensions: 130 x 89 cm; Created: 1951; Acquisition: Achat, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-4 Richard Mortensen AM 1976-4 cdaRoE 150000000014911
Sechs ineinandergehende gleiche Gruppen↵(Six groupes semblables s'interpénétrant) Dimensions: 120 x 120 cm; Created: [1949 / 1965]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1970 , attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-994 Richard Paul Lohse AM 1976-994 cX4edb 150000000025620
Bourguignonne Dimensions: 73,5 x 51,5 cm; Created: 1924; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5099 P Richard Reimans AM 5099 P cEe4RR 150000000010124
La Promenade dangereuse painting by Rita Kernn-Larsen Rita Kernn-Larsen AM 2016-711 cp8Lz5B 150000001326370
Untitled Dimensions: 96 x 161 cm; Created: 1954; Acquisition: Achat, 2010; Inventory: AM 2010-285 Robert Breer AM 2010-285 c9dLzr 150000000061543
Sur la plage Dimensions: 210 x 270 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1959 , attribution 1959; Inventory: AM 2023 D Robert Couturier AM 2023 D czAzAp8 150000000008267
The city of Paris painting by Robert Delaunay (musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris)
Robert Delaunay AM 2493 P cynbx8d 150000000005604
Landscape with Disc painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4074 P (V) cGbREG 150000000014069
Rhythm, Joie de vivre painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4083 P vEgP2sS 150000000005076
Self-portrait painting by Robert Delaunay (1906)
Robert Delaunay AM 4074 P (R) cej9Epj 150000000022034
The Poet Philippe Soupault painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 1978-323 cdaob5 150000000009277
The Eiffel Tower painting by Robert Delaunay (musée national d'art moderne, 1926)
Robert Delaunay AM 2941 P cgj47qR 150000000021016
Rhythms painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4085 P TFSkWsg 150000000008810
Self-portrait painting by Robert Delaunay (1909)
Robert Delaunay AM 4076 P cAepkj 150000000029737
The City, No. 2 painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2766 P cej47jn 150000000013562
Football painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4081 P cdqneak 150000000021265
Circular Forms, Sun No. 2 painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 3910 P uxnaOhy 150000000013554
The Road to Laon painting by Robert Delaunay (Musée National d'Art Moderne)
Robert Delaunay AM 4080 P cnr7aK 150000000029473
The jug painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2068 P cp79Rd 150000000029219
The Banks of the Yèvre painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4070 P cqpzg9d 150000000014074
The Towers of Laon painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2070 P crboR7 150000000009541
Carousel of Pigs painting by Robert Delaunay (Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris)
Robert Delaunay AM 3384 P cej7dgg 150000000005339
Market in Brittany painting by Robert Delaunay (Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris)
Robert Delaunay AM 4072 P (R) c9jX94a 150000000010039
Still Life in Blue painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4075 P c797Aq 150000000017788
Portrait of Henri Carlier painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2592 P
coj9o6 150000000025763
Portrait of Madame Heim painting by Robert Delaunay (Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris)
Robert Delaunay AM 4082 P cRRopy 150000000013048
Portrait of Henri Rousseau painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2633 P cRdEMG 150000000012414
Saint-Cloud, Landscape Study painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4078 P c5e7x4d 150000000009790
Window painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 2975 P ufXmBgp 150000000021516
Portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire painting by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay AM 4079 P (R) cX4589d 150000000025512
Pont sur le Drugeon sous la neige Dimensions: 50 x 61,5 cm; Created: [1939]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1940 , attribution 1941; Inventory: AM 2251 P Robert Fernier AM 2251 P cL9KdGn 150000000013222
Telepathic music n°: from madness to nomad-ness Dimensions: 300 x 271 cm; Created: 1979; Acquisition: Achat, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-1064 Robert Filliou AM 1988-1064 c7p57nM 150000000017956
Kind Hearted Women Dimensions: 94 x 122,5 cm; Created: 1988; Acquisition: Achat, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-74 Robert Guinan AM 2017-74 cb5KB85 150000001370314
Germination Dimensions: 150 x 149 cm; Created: [1966]; Acquisition: Don de M. Henri Helman, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-740 Robert Helman AM 2019-740 150000001877153
La sardinière Dimensions: 26 x 65 cm; Created: 1938; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1939 , attribution 1942; Inventory: AM 2413 P Robert Humblot AM 2413 P cX4y5Xq 150000000012492
L'adolescente Dimensions: 190 x 79 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1957 , attribution 1957; Inventory: AM 3537 P Robert Lapoujade AM 3537 P cBAKokn 150000000008804
Quais de Seine à Javel Dimensions: 24 x 41 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (445), AA DGB 16 Robert Lotiron AM 4224 P (445) cAnXpjx 150000000060794
Pluie au Pont-Neuf Dimensions: 50 x 65 cm; Created: [avant 1933]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1933, Attribution, 1933; Inventory: AM 1944 P Robert Louis Antral AM 1944 P cp4qRK 150000000008062
Une aventure de Boris the Spider (Taylor Mead dans le rôle de Boris) Dimensions: 450 x 450 x 3 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-946 Robert Malaval AM 2022-946 150000002381361
The Homely Protestant (Bust)↵(Le simple protestant (Buste)) Dimensions: 76 x 61 cm; Created: 1947 - 1948; Acquisition: Achat, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-337 Robert Motherwell AM 2003-337 cMebRb6 150000000040735
Intimate Lighting Series (Opus 922) Dimensions: 182 x 122 cm; Created: 1979; Acquisition: Donation de la Centre Pompidou Foundation, 2008 (Don de Philip Scaturro à la Georges Pompidou Art and Culture Foundation en 1980); Inventory: AM 2008-180 Robert Natkin AM 2008-180 cejz58j 150000000058038
Untitled Dimensions: 31 x 31 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Achat, 1986; Inventory: AM 1986-250 Robert Ryman AM 1986-250 cX4kbdz 150000000012046
Nu aux rideaux roses Dimensions: 71 x 54 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4562 P, DB.970.1.98 Robert Savary AM 4562 P crb5Ap6 150000000040670
Composition Dimensions: 100,5 x 81 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné en 1937; Inventory: AM 5114 P Robert Schuppner AM 5114 P cajXMLd 150000000009112
A.B.A / Red Dimensions: 205 x 178 cm; Created: 1961 - 1974; Acquisition: Don de M. Robert Rubin, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-618 Robert Slutzky AM 2019-618 150000001798570
Sans titre Dimensions: 46 x 38 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de la Succession González, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-449 Roberta González AM 2023-449 150000002520921
Le Poète Roberto Matta AM 2016-854 cKAXLy4 150000001195580
Printemps à Epiais Dimensions: 91 x 72,5 cm; Created: avant 1946; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1946 , attribution; Inventory: AM 2626 P Rodolphe Fornerod AM 2626 P cxx9Abd 150000000014920
Combat de coqs Dimensions: 65 x 80,5 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne, 1954; Inventory: AM 5033 P Roger Bertin AM 5033 P cxAb7aa 150000000004516
Le Harem Dimensions: 59 x 74 cm; Created: [1938]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1938, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 2321 P Roger Bezombes AM 2321 P cdaoAG 150000000019384
Standing Figure painting by Roger Bissière Roger Bissière AM 2269 P cXbj7E7 150000000031563
Nature morte au violoncelle Dimensions: 100 x 73 cm; Created: 1921; Acquisition: Don de la Société des amis du Luxembourg, 1935; Inventory: AM 2022 P, D. 76.1.19 Roger Bissière AM 2022 P cj7zory 150000000019819
Nature morte aux vanneaux Dimensions: 65,5 x 92 cm; Created: 1932; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1932, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1897 P Roger Chapelain-Midy AM 1897 P cebq6z 150000000004613
Proposition I Dimensions: 50 x 65 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Don de l'Atelier Gillet en 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-308 Roger Edgar Gillet AM 2017-308 cAgozBr 150000001546960
Paysage aux deux cyprès Dimensions: 50 x 60,7 cm; Created: [avant 1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1935, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 2049 P Roger Grillon AM 2049 P cdqL9pz 150000000015346
Sénégalaise Dimensions: 55 x 42 cm; Created: 1931; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1931 , attribution; Inventory: AM 1871 P Roger Nivelt AM 1871 P crbKby 150000000004594
Nudes in a Landscape painting by Roger de La Fresnaye
Roger de La Fresnaye AM 2839 P
cbL5Agg 150000000016142
Sitting Man painting by Roger de La Fresnaye
Roger de La Fresnaye AM 3533 P
cAbz7My 150000000019949
Roger de La Fresnaye AM 2187 P ckaxy5 150000000008199
Nature morte à la théière painting by Roger de La Fresnaye Roger de La Fresnaye AM 3908 P
c8Gdy4 150000000004042
Léda et le cygne Dimensions: 149 x 117 x 3,5 cm; Created: circa 1958; Acquisition: Achat, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-179 Roland Dorcely AM 2023-179 150000002487185
Nature morte rouge et noire Dimensions: 116,3 x 89 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Don de M. John A. Moberg, 1959; Inventory: AM 3632 P Roland Kempe AM 3632 P c9nja8A 150000000005644
La route goudronnée Dimensions: 73 x 100 cm; Created: [1935]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1936, Attribution, 1937; Inventory: AM 2135 BIS P Roland Oudot AM 2135 BIS P c5ppzqK 150000000018996
Quatre sans titre Dimensions: 40 x 40 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Achat, 2015; Inventory: AM 2015-155 Roland Sabatier AM 2015-155 cKbzBgz 150000001160322
Jean Cocteau à l'époque de la grande roue Dimensions: 250 x 133 cm; Created: [1912]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Nathalie Clifford Barney, 1949; Inventory: AM 2794 P Romaine Brooks AM 2794 P cbqLdqk 150000000025104
Gabriele d'Annunzio, le poète en exil painting by Romaine Brooks Romaine Brooks JP 4 P cXkrLy 150000000013164
La chèvre blanche (Portrait d'Elsie de Wolfe) painting by Romaine Brooks Romaine Brooks JP 6 P crgBkL9 150000000017120
Portrait du poète Lechon Dimensions: 65 x 46,5 cm; Created: [1930 - 1937]; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5112 P Roman Kramsztyk AM 5112 P cX44dB 150000000011173
Opalka 1965/1 à l'infini, détail 3307544-3324387 Dimensions: 196 x 135 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-32 Roman Opałka AM 1983-32 150000000018812
Rough Water Ahead Dimensions: 188 x 214 cm; Created: 1977; Acquisition: Achat, 2017; Inventory: AM 2018-464 Roy De Forest AM 2018-464 c9EGkoy 150000001727710
Modular Painting with Four Panels, #4 painting by Roy Lichtenstein Roy Lichtenstein AM 1977-566 MP4PDln 150000000016535
Hot Dog Dimensions: 61,2 x 122,2 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Achat 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-178 Roy Lichtenstein AM 1989-178 cdLandg 150000000020546
L'homme qui chante Dimensions: 196 x 130 cm; Created: 1950; Acquisition: Achat, 1951; Inventory: AM 3030 P Rufino Tamayo AM 3030 P ck4j7B8 150000000027879
Sans titre Dimensions: 200 x 175 cm; Created: 1988; Acquisition: Achat, 1990; Inventory: AM 1990-94 Rémy Zaugg AM 1990-94 ck4X94y 150000000016447
Bindu Dimensions: 200,5 x 99,5 cm; Created: novembre 1986; Acquisition: Achat en 1987, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 35452, AM 2013-DEP 47 S. H. Raza AM 2013-DEP 47 150000000881627
Wilhelm Tell painting Salvador Dalí AM 2002-287 UEVpkM8 150000000038822
Hallucination partielle. Six images de Lénine sur un piano painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí AM 2909 P c6b5K9X 150000000027788
The Spectral Cow painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí AM 1974-14 czbGp9 150000000007878
The Stinking Ass painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí AM 1999-22 co4XKyR 150000000035722
Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí AM 1993-26 c6gyMz 150000000003919
Other White↵(Autre blanc) Dimensions: 205,5 x 190,5 cm; Created: 1952; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1974; Inventory: AM 1974-15 Sam Francis AM 1974-15 cxA9Mg4 150000000007050
Nature morte à la poire Dimensions: 15,5 x 43 cm; Created: 1926; Acquisition: Legs de l'artiste, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-600 Serge Charchoune AM 1976-600 cLKpXX 150000000025500
Nature morte painting by Serge Férat Serge Férat AM 3098 P cXb5Exo 150000000018774
Composition abstraite painting by Serge Poliakoff Serge Poliakoff AM 1972-37
cxA4znx 150000000010725
Tu connais la mer Dimensions: 146 x 146 cm; Created: 1964 - 1965; Acquisition: Achat en 1968, Dépôt du Centre national des arts plastiques en 2013; Inventory: FNAC 29114, AM 2013-DEP 30 Shafic Abboud AM 2013-DEP 30 150000000880945
Yellow Painting↵(Peinture jaune) Dimensions: 183,8 x 305,5 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Don de M. Marc Rudkin, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-579 Shirley Goldfarb AM 1977-579 cqpzxer 150000000008240
Sans titre Dimensions: 145,8 x 97 cm; Created: 1952 - 1953; Acquisition: Dation, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-435 Shirley Jaffe AM 2020-435 150000001887392
Bedroom Skin↵(Epiderme d'une chambre à coucher) Dimensions: 124 x 183,7 cm; Created: 1967 - 1968; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1969 , attribution 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-104 Shusaku Arakawa AM 1977-104 cKxkozg 150000000025844
Le théâtre antique d'Orange Dimensions: 73 x 92 cm; Created: [1962]; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste de l'Etat, 1963, Attribution, 1963; Inventory: AM 4156 P Simon Schwartzenberg AM 4156 P cXbj4Le 150000000030192
Three Heads Dimensions: 48,2 x 76,3 cm; Created: [circa 1949]; Acquisition: Don de Tamara et Kristijan Floricic, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-135 Slavko Kopač AM 2023-135 150000002473444
Prismes électriques painting by Sonia Delaunay Sonia Delaunay AM 3606 P zS28bfR 150000000029902
Le Bal Bullier painting by Sonia Delaunay Sonia Delaunay AM 3307 P zBYSmX5 150000000025924
La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France painting by Sonia Delaunay Sonia Delaunay AM 3383 P cX458y9 150000000006014
Contrastes Simultanés painting by Sonia Delaunay Sonia Delaunay AM 4090 P czzpey 150000000018436
Philomène Dimensions: 92 x 54,5 cm; Created: 1907; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1974, Attribution, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-947 Sonia Delaunay AM 1976-947
cn7K66k 150000000006743
Portugal painting by Sonia Delaunay Sonia Delaunay FNAC 15275
AM 2001-DEP 24
c9njXqB 150000000038252
Lignes blanches sur fond gris painting by Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Jean Arp Sophie Taeuber-Arp
Jean Arp
AM 2007-152 cXj9GR 150000000047037
Clapotis Dimensions: 195,2 x 132 x 2,5 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1963 , attribution 1964; Inventory: AM 4262 P Stanley William Hayter AM 4262 P cBAg7en 150000000016770
La Prophétie Dimensions: 122 x 91,5 cm; Created: [1955]; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-610 Stanton Macdonald-Wright AM 1977-610 cpg4pMB 150000000028054
Obraz CCXXIII Dimensions: 119,5 x 180 cm; Created: 1967; Acquisition: Achat avec le soutien des amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International-Europe Centrale, 2019; Inventory: AM 2020-113 Stefan Gierowski AM 2020-113 150000001930729
Celui de polichinelle Dimensions: 290 x 371 x 7 cm; Created: 1984; Acquisition: Achat, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-692 Stéphane Braconnier AM 1984-692 cgzj5en 150000000019434
Jeune fille au chien Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1912; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1957, Attribution, 1957; Inventory: AM 3529 P Suzanne Duchamp AM 3529 P cxA98Kn 150000000006572
Nature morte au jeu de Cavagnole Dimensions: 54 x 65 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Acquisition de l'Etat 1930 , attribution 1936; Inventory: AM 1869 P Suzanne Lalique-Haviland AM 1869 P c94abE 150000000018775
Joueurs d'échecs Dimensions: 38 x 61 cm; Created: [1923]; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-671 Suzanne Roger AM 1984-671 cBzRq5 150000000011920
Le Banc painting by Suzanne Tourte Suzanne Tourte AM 2182 P cAbz7n6 150000000020424
The Blue Room painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon LUX.1506 P cpg8rdy 150000000018829
La Couturière painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 2208 P cBAbz4L 150000000010101
Portraits of the Family painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon RF 1976 22
AM 1977-DEP 187
cyjjkkA 150000000014603
Portrait of Erik Satie painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-117 c4Ly7y 150000000011812
Self-portrait pastel by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 1300 D cqG55BB 150000000027967
Casting the Net painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 2312 P
czy5RR 150000000015086
Raminou cat study painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM1974-118 150000000019082
Bouquet de roses, iris et glaïeuls painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 4224 P (11)
c4b55G9 150000000060802
Adam and Eve painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 2325 P coXKAML 150000000015544
Fleurs painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 3840 P
D 1955.1.41
czbBMM 150000000022097
Le Canard painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 4224 P(61)
ca9n8B 150000000037413
Portrait de Madame Lévy painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-125 czAbGdr 150000000026796
Young girl crocheting painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-120 cR55xog 150000000007821
La Famille Utter painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-124 cEebq9 150000000031036
Deux figures painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-122 c4bb6jG 150000000031036
Grand' mère et petit-fils painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 2331 P crdXRR 150000000031036
Bouquet of flowers painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 1874 P cXbrGoe 150000000030549
Portrait de Miss Lily Walton painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 2204 P cojELR 150000000014840
Le docteur Robert Le Masle painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 1974-126 cEbbpGg 150000000010595
Mauricia Coquiot Portrait painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 3800 P
1959 120 643
DE 643
cdqyX9p 150000000046047
Portrait de Charles Wakefield-Mori painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon AM 3769 P
1959 120 642
DE 642
cGEB9pn 150000000046019
Black Venus painting by Suzanne Valadon
Suzanne Valadon AM 3780 P
1959 120 644
DE 644
crb9y4 150000000046019
Griman Dimensions: 66,2 x 73,4 cm; Created: [1949]; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International Global, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-299 Svavar Guðnason AM 2022-299 150000002248665
Promenade au bord de mer Dimensions: 89 x 116 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5093 P Sylvain Vigny AM 5093 P cGbB7XG 150000000026945
Sans titre Dimensions: 180 x 250 cm; Created: 2001; Acquisition: Achat, 2003; Inventory: AM 2003-368 Sylvie Fanchon AM 2003-368 co4jMrk 150000000042103
L'arbre de Paradis
Séraphine Louis AM 2817 P
cgbx8q 150000000023053
Grappe de raisin Dimensions: 19 x 24,5 cm; Created: [vers 1920 - 1921]; Acquisition: Achat, 1954; Inventory: AM 3331 P Séraphine Louis AM 3331 P cAbBoKp 150000000007085
Peinture Dimensions: 81,5 x 99,6 cm; Created: juin 1961; Acquisition: Don de Mme Irmina Nazar et M Artur Trawinski, 2019; Inventory: AM 2019-580 Tadeusz Kantor AM 2019-580 150000001798534
Le peintre Dimensions: 92 x 73 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Aron, 1948; Inventory: AM 2835 P Tadeusz Makowski AM 2835 P cqraoo 150000000016241
Jeune fille en vert painting by Tamara de Lempicka Tamara de Lempicka JP 557 P c9nb7x4 150000000008509
La Communiante Tamara de Lempicka AM 1976-1134 cyn9xk6 150000000012532
M. Thadeus Lempicki painting by Tamara de Lempicka Tamara de Lempicka AM 1976-912 c5egAd4 150000000020483
Kizette au balcon painting by Tamara de Lempicka (AM 1976-1133) Tamara de Lempicka AM 1976-1133 c8dRby 150000000028434
Les Arums painting by Tamara de Lempicka Tamara de Lempicka AM 1976-909 cAneLBG 150000000024468
Portrait du Baron Raoul Kuffner painting by Tamara de Lempicka Tamara de Lempicka AM 1976-911 c6bjqG 150000000004556
Sans titre Dimensions: 97,5 x 199 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Don de M. Thip Sae-tang, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-918 Tang Chang AM 2023-918 150000002538884
Epingles 2 Dimensions: 150 x 300 cm; Created: 1982; Acquisition: Donation Association Camille, 2010; Inventory: AM 2011-75 Teresa Tyszkiewicz AM 2011-75 cBAg7xX 150000000374908
Pure Painting painting by Theo van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg AM 4281 P cbjogq 150000000030557
Composition X painting by Theo van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg AM 2001-44 cXbkbGM 150000000038067
L'Aubette painting by Theo van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg AM 1987-1072 150000000010600
Corps causal de l'adepte Dimensions: 32 x 32 cm; Created: [1915]; Acquisition: Don de la Galerie Gmurzynska AG, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-106 Theo van Doesburg AM 2017-106 ce5g9X9 150000001369620
Concert à deux pianos Dimensions: 146 x 114 cm; Created: 1929; Acquisition: Don à l'Etat 1958 , attribution 1958; Inventory: AM 3590 P Theodore Fried AM 3590 P cdL57L 150000000014889
Portrait d'Arthur Rimbaud Dimensions: 55,2 x 40 cm; Created: 1974; Acquisition: Don de M. Dimitri Chimes, 2009; Inventory: AM 2010-34 Thomas Chimes AM 2010-34 cxx58gG 150000000061250
Siméon Dimensions: 116 x 73,5 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Mode d'acquisition non renseigné; Inventory: AM 5070 P Thomas Gleb AM 5070 P cn7r5Rd 150000000005572
Das Bilderlager painting by Thomas Huber Thomas Huber AM 1990-29 cGXp5K 150000000028887
Givré Dimensions: 100 x 81 cm; Created: 1957; Acquisition: Don de Dr et Mrs William Weiss, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-105 Théo Kerg AM 1981-105 crgGA7e 150000000010263
Chute en gravitation sans pesanteur Dimensions: 91 x 81 cm; Created: 1969; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1983; Inventory: AM 1984-21 Tihamér Gyarmathy AM 1984-21 cgj9BrR 150000000025585
Femme nue et colombe Dimensions: 99 x 82 cm; Created: [vers 1920]; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3791 P, 1959 120 639 Tobeen AM 3791 P cpgX6p4 150000000046206
Solitude sonore Dimensions: 114,5 x 146,5 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1977; Inventory: AM 1977-213 Toshimitsu Imai AM 1977-213 cL9Xod9 150000000029084
Port Dimensions: 65 x 90 cm; Created: [1925]; Acquisition: Don de Vicomte Charles de Noailles, 1971; Inventory: AM 1971-162 Toyen AM 1971-162 cEpj6K 150000000017687
Au café painting by Tsuguharu Foujita Tsuguharu Foujita AM 3055 P cLaq88 150000000025289
Mon intérieur, Paris Dimensions: 130 x 97 cm; Created: 1921; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1953; Inventory: AM 3057 P Tsuguharu Foujita AM 3057 P cokkGo 150000000009327
Settantadue ovali neri↵(Soixante-douze ovales noirs) Dimensions: 150 x 130 cm; Created: 1962; Acquisition: Don de Giant Network Group Co. Ltd, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-373 Turi Simeti AM 2023-373 150000002374020
Aeropittura di piazza Dimensions: 76 x 70 cm; Created: 1926; Acquisition: Achat, 2020; Inventory: AM 2020-293 Ugo Pozzo AM 2020-293 150000001932989
Nature morte à la bouteille Dimensions: 52,7 x 52,7 cm; Created: [1912]; Acquisition: Saisie de l'Administration des Douanes, 1983; Inventory: AM 1983-311 Umberto Boccioni AM 1983-311 cx9AEa 150000000013582
Portrait de Pablo Picasso painting by Valentine Hugo Valentine Hugo AM 3023 P cGEeA95 150000000015874
Rivière du Quercy Dimensions: 65 x 80,5 cm; Created: [1928 - 1929]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1932, Attribution, 1936; Inventory: AM 1928 P Valentine Prax AM 1928 P cxAbpMG 150000000012174
M.V.87 Dimensions: 150 x 200 cm; Created: 1976; Acquisition: Don de l' Archivio Valentino Vago, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-167 Valentino Vago AM 2023-167 150000002481980
Nature morte au homard Dimensions: 60 x 92,3 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1943, Attribution, 1943; Inventory: AM 5110 P Vasyl Khmeluk AM 5110 P cX4kgAr 150000000016537
Icône Dimensions: 73 x 73 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 2011; Inventory: AM 2011-175 Vera Molnár AM 2011-175 coXyg5p 150000000454009
Videlles Dimensions: 65 x 85 cm; Created: 1947; Acquisition: Don de Mme Elisso Tarassachvili, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-70 Vera Pagava AM 2016-70 cKAjgEp 150000001276742
(Sans titre) Dimensions: 70 x 94,5 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International Global, 2022; Inventory: AM 2022-298 Verena Loewensberg AM 2022-298 150000002248676
A Caçada↵(La chasse) Dimensions: 202 x 259,2 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1959, Attribution, 1959; Inventory: AM 3672 P Vicente do Rego Monteiro AM 3672 P c4j6Ry 150000000023077
Force de concentration de Monsieur K. painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1991-47 cLrjMa7 150000000021222
Hitler painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 2003-259 cEnbpE4 150000000039722
Sur le motif painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1982-117 ckXXeeM 150000000014300
La Palladiste ou Composition sur le thème de la Palladiste painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1974-25 czz9gp6 150000000025656
Les Amoureux (Messagers du nombre) painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1204 co4zx8g 150000000009502
Ville painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 3921 P crbEaBe 150000000004987
Endotête painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 3232 P crbg5Ko 150000000017428
Totem de la subjectivité blessée II painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1205 cBeX6B 150000000029433
Dépolarisation de l'intimité II painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1207 cKLxr7 150000000013515
Mediterranean Landscape painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner D.2010.3.1
AM 1987-1197
cL9aGR4 150000000017754
Anagogie painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1203 cxA4zgg 150000000017500
Prestige de l'air painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1200 c79een 150000000013527
Trio painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1982-114 c8boMe 150000000018256
Self-Portrait painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1196 czba7n 150000000025733
Stable instable, plaine de Théus painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 3091 P cGbrxXK 150000000029887
The Unfortunate Experiment painting by Victor Brauner Victor Brauner AM 1987-1206 cR5Gnzb 150000000021476
Bouquet sur fond de ciel Dimensions: 32 x 25 cm; Created: 1868; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (7), AA DGB 30 Victor Louis Vincelet AM 4224 P (7) co4rnqn 150000000060805
Rotative rouge Dimensions: 72,5 x 57,5 cm; Created: 1922; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1948; Inventory: AM 2821 P Victor Servranckx AM 2821 P cL9bbBj 150000000030164
Composition fleurs Dimensions: 60,5 x 55,5 cm; Created: [1923]; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Michel Seuphor, 1978; Inventory: AM 1977-607 Vilmos Huszár AM 1977-607 cMajEk 150000000022076
Self-Portrait painting by Vladimir Baranov-Rossiné Vladimir Baranov-Rossiné AM 2021-380 150000002073299
Composition Dimensions: 93 x 72 x 2,5 cm; Created: 1964; Acquisition: Don de Ruwim Besser, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-892 Vladimir Nemukhin AM 2016-892 ce5Azya 150000001342635
Gibet n° 5 Dimensions: 300 x 196 cm; Created: 1970; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1970, attribution 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1031 Vladimir Veličković AM 1976-1031 c7p5A9y 150000000021447
Paysage avec trois fleurs blanches Dimensions: 52 x 52 cm; Created: 1992; Acquisition: Don de M. Leonid Ogarev, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-897 Vladimir Yakovlev AM 2016-897 ce5A9Kk 150000001342652
Portrait d'homme Dimensions: 60 x 47 cm; Created: 1963; Acquisition: Don de la Vladimir Potanin Foundation, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-804 Vladimir Yankilevsky AM 2016-804 ca5Roxb 150000001339278
Blue Florida #3 Dimensions: 167,5 x 251,5 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Donation de la Centre Pompidou Foundation, 2008 (Don de Lewis Cabot à la Georges Pompidou Art and Culture Foundation, 1981); Inventory: AM 2008-175 Walter Darby Bannard AM 2008-175 cpbRXR 150000000058039
Accent on Pink painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-857 crg5z8n 150000000031230
Sky Blue painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-862 cEbLda 150000000010810
Picture with a Black Arch painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-852 c88MRG 150000000027694
Colourful Ensemble painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-861 cjb8pK 150000000006849
Windmill in Holland painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-84 cRRB6A 150000000015374
In Grey painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-43 crgBqpj 150000000008794
Murnau, Landscape with a Tower painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-849 gFRHGun 150000000011789
Untitled painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-864 cMejBMj 150000000015736
Simple watercolor by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-103 ck4zLrk 150000000020350
Tempered Elan last painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-75 cxxdag 150000000026530
Old Town II painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-16 cGX4a7 150000000006708
Impression V painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-851 heVLq3x 150000000007787
Improvisation 14 painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 4347 P cKxzXqo 150000000023753
Twilight in an English Garden, Munich painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-18 cLjpMd 150000000012702
Akhtyrka, Park painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-9 cBgk7x 150000000026371
Binz auf Rügen (Twilight) painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-7 cka8px 150000000011717
Kochel, Landscape with Two Houses painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-3 cez9K6e 150000000010421
Kochel, Mountain Meadow painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-14 cRR8nxd 150000000010425
Poplars painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-4 co4z84n 150000000025849
Clear Air painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-10 cEn7GyB 150000000022407
Schwabing, Winter Sun painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-2 cqG79Xp 150000000030370
Marketplace painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-82 cnyx7ox 150000000003986
Munich, English Garden (Lake and Dinghy) painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-6 cAbo9aE 150000000005789
Munich, North Cemetery painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-5 cgzXG8R 150000000009562
Shore painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-26 c9dnBE 150000000017103
Winter in Schwabing painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-1 cpbnaLn 150000000006474
Kochel, Old Kesselbergstrasse painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-15 cKxaKB8 150000000026606
Kochel, Lake and Herzogstand painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-13 cnyR6j 150000000030374
Kochel, Lake and Pier I painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-12 cz9Bzn 150000000022416
Spring, Vicinity of Augsburg painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-11 coyK7L 150000000014433
The Spectators painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-81 c7GyjLK 150000000019690
Bearded Old Man painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-83 (V) cRb59k 150000000013454
Landscape painting by Wassily Kandinsky, 1903, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-17) Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-17 cdLyrpe 150000000016431
Canal in Holland painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-19 cezMqp 150000000024846
Beach in Holland painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-21 cybbrn 150000000020867
Rotterdam painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-20 c9nXGeo 150000000027097
A Russian Scene painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-83 (R) ce9oKE 150000000027637
Memory from Venice 3 (Canal) painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-80 cLrba87 150000000003771
Memory from Venice 4 (Rialto Bridge) painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-79 cXrk5G 150000000015674
A Square painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-27 co44qEj 150000000029065
Tunis, the Bay painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-22 cdjzk9 150000000011419
Tunis, Coastal Landscape I painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-25 cGEe86p 150000000015609
Tunis, Coastal Landscape II painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-24 cGEBB5M 150000000027345
Tunis, Street painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-23 c79j89 150000000019393
Arab City painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-86 cdLygyL 150000000023622
Parc de Saint-Cloud painting by Wassily Kandinsky (AM 81-65-29)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-29 c9nbrza 150000000021617
Volga Song painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-87 crb4o9 150000000019625
Parc de Saint-Cloud, Shaded Path painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-31 ckXeno 150000000011658
Parc de Saint-Cloud painting by Wassily Kandinsky (AM 81-65-30) Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-30 cMejpdp 150000000009646
Rapallo, Stormy Sea painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-28 c5XnEg 150000000031574
Untitled (Study for Improvisation I) painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-33) Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-33 cdqjLn4 150000000016242
Autumn in Bavaria painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-32 cR5RMjz 150000000004142
Improvisation 3 painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-850 crGne7 150000000003838
Picture with a Horserider painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-35 czznk6q 150000000028789
Picture with Pince-nez painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-36 cynXXjk 150000000008871
Judgement Day painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-34 cBLnpE 150000000020841
Painting with a Red Stain painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-853 cByapK 150000000003833
Akhtyrka, Framework for a Pile of Hay and Farm painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-38 cXbrnRA 150000000016546
Akhtyrka, Main Entry to the Dacha painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-41 cL99ezG 150000000020770
Akhtyrka, Pond in the Park painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-40 c6r9EK6 150000000004638
Akhtyrka, Nina and Tatiana in the Veranda painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-42 cqG9XRK 150000000028716
Akhtyrka, Landscape with Red Church painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-37 cynXLpr 150000000008591
Akhtyrka, Nearby Dacha at the Pond's Edge painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-39 cajzeqr 150000000024551
Black Grid painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-44
cerzdq 150000000005577
On White II painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-855 cKaan6A 150000000023294
Contrasting Sounds painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-45 cRbbz6 150000000020710
Yellow-Red-Blue painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-856 cEpEKE 150000000019296
Intimate Message painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-46 cbkr5R 150000000021955
Oval #2 painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-47 cMdLerj 150000000029906
To Nina for Christmas painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-51 czz9Gpy 150000000010226
Development painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-50 cbqkr9q 150000000030171
Easter Egg painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-49 czAgE6d 150000000022216
Black-Red painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-54 cgj7or7 150000000026420
Isolated Sounds painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-53 cR54L8A 150000000018441
Gentle Event painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-55 cdqjydR 150000000009129
Multicolored Resonance painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-57 cnjkR4 150000000025088
On the Points painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-858 cbqzrb5 150000000007093
A Circle (A) painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-56 cajXrBg 150000000017105
Cold painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-59 cdqa8AG 150000000017374
Eight Times painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-60 cAnXL96 150000000025353
Untitled painting by Wassily Kandinsky, 1929, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-58)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-58 c88Rpx 150000000009379
Two Squares painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-138 cRR864a 150000000017637
Leichtes painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1974-16 cRRdkX4 150000000019053
Thirteen Rectangles painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-62 cn4eLM 150000000021883
Green Void painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-61 cdLq6dq 150000000013914
Slowed Release painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-63 c7pp6gz 150000000010394
Fragile painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-142 cj7Gdo 150000000014166
Cold Remoteness painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-64 cXrryq 150000000018608
Pink Compensation painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-65 cEnba46 150000000014870
Development in Brown painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 3666 P ckXkrA 150000000023066
Soft Harshness painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-145 cAXM4a 150000000022629
Two Green Points painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-859 c5p4GB 150000000007082
Composition 9 painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky JP 890 BIS P cxAzoBX 150000000019046
Shapes in Tension painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-67 cGbBe8d 150000000013581
Thirty painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-860 ca9ELe 150000000030766
Complex-Simple painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 3667 P
DG 1988-2-6
mpbM52H 150000000026756
To the Blue painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-69 c9gnqG 150000000017806
Reciprocal Accords painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-863 QXpHalq 150000000022799
Intimate Celebration painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-70 ce9g6R 150000000010324
Floating Shape painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-71 cKxzXjz 150000000018310
Circle and Square painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-72 cMeRXrE 150000000022330
Conglomerate painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-73 c6r9xyo 150000000010557
Untitled painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-78)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-78 cLrbxKA 150000000007721
The Red Little Circle painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-74 cpd74G 150000000018544
Untitled unfinished painting by Wassily Kandinsky, 1944, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-77)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-77 czbAzR 150000000027628
Untitled unfinished painting by Wassily Kandinsky, 1944, Musée National d'Art Moderne (AM 81-65-76)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-76 cMdbjzy 150000000019685
To the Unknown Voice painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-101 c69MKy 150000000024147
Composition (1944) painting by Wassily Kandinsky (1944)
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-754 150000000014798
Sweet trifles watercolor by Vassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-68 cEna5Mb 150000000029505
Vers le bleu painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-69 c9gnqG
Painting on Light Ground painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 1976-854 cX4Xp8 150000000015517
Parc de Saint-Cloud painting by Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-29 c9nbrza
Kühle Entfernung painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-64 cXrryq
Autumn in Bavaria painting by Wassily Kandinski
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-32 cR5RMjz
Figure verte painting by Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky AM 81-65-66 cKxa45G 150000000005625
18 V 1972, n° 225 Dimensions: 264,2 x 208,3 cm; Created: 18 mai 1972; Acquisition: Don de M. Kim Whanki, 1987; Inventory: AM 1987-641 Whanki Kim AM 1987-641 caj55eL 150000000009210
Le Bruit Dimensions: 105 x 84 cm; Created: 1943; Acquisition: Dation, 1985; Inventory: AM 1985-97 Wifredo Lam AM 1985-97 cAnz7pk 150000000007622
Notre Dame des fleurs Dimensions: 146 x 98 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Donation Solange et Jacques du Closel, 1994; Inventory: AM 1995-61 Wilfrid Moser AM 1995-61 cLrjzod 150000000015848
Nonnens bøn↵(La prière de la religieuse) Dimensions: 125 x 101 cm; Created: 1937; Acquisition: Achat, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-52 Wilhelm Freddie AM 2016-52 cy5jyRo 150000001274304
Sentier à l'île de Bréhat Dimensions: 38 x 46 cm; Created: [1929]; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1939, Attribution, 1939; Inventory: AM 2293 P Willem van Hasselt AM 2293 P cxABeAL 150000000028366
Mauerbild mit Kreis↵(Tableau mural avec cercle) Dimensions: 121 x 72 x 3,3 cm; Created: [1923]; Acquisition: Don de Krista Gutbrod-Baumeister et Felicitas Karg-Baumeister, 1990; Inventory: AM 1990-203 Willi Baumeister AM 1990-203 cXb4d4A 150000000007117
Effet de neige en Normandie Dimensions: 72,7 x 59,9 cm; Created: [1930]; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5060 P William Clochard AM 5060 P cknarb 150000000005612
My little Chicadee Dimensions: 150 x 195 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Achat, 1978; Inventory: AM 1978-325 William Copley AM 1978-325 c9XLop 150000000026171
Portrait of M. Laparra, composer painting by William Laparra
William Laparra LUX 1396 P
D 961.0.10
cj7bMB7 150000000014408
Nature morte aux anémones Dimensions: 54,7 x 46 cm; Created: 1923; Acquisition: Don de Mme Malherbe à l'Etat, 1952, Attribution, 1952; Inventory: AM 3125 P William Malherbe AM 3125 P coXXArn 150000000016908
Still life↵(Nature morte) Dimensions: 92 x 152,5 cm; Created: [1957]; Acquisition: Achat, 1959; Inventory: AM 3713 P William Scott AM 3713 P cjrBzE 150000000009297
Chaises au Luxembourg Dimensions: 65 x 100 cm; Created: 1936; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1948, Attribution, 1949; Inventory: AM 2881 P Wilson Bassett AM 2881 P cyg9By 150000000010207
Don Quichotte délivrant les forçats Dimensions: 80,5 x 65 cm; Created: 1930; Acquisition: Don de M. Jean Cassou; Inventory: AM 5072 P Wladyslaw Jahl AM 5072 P cg45ER 150000000030791
MA 3 D Dimensions: 175 x 203 cm; Created: 1971; Acquisition: Don de Mme Magdalena Fangor, 2018; Inventory: AM 2018-981 Wojciech Fangor AM 2018-981 c4E6jLq 150000001758363
Il me regarde Dimensions: 41 x 29 cm; Created: 1940 / 1951; Acquisition: Dation, 2011; Inventory: AM 2012-151 Wols AM 2012-151 cyj5aqG 150000000503972
Untitled Dimensions: 187 x 118 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Don des amis du Centre Pompidou - Cercle International Global - avec le soutien de la Iljin Culture Foundation et de la Kukje Art and Culture Foundation, 2023; Inventory: AM 2023-142 Wook-kyung Choi AM 2023-142 150000002467843
Senza titolo (Notte)↵(Sans titre (Nuit)) Dimensions: 120 x 180 cm; Created: 1965; Acquisition: Achat, 1997; Inventory: AM 1997-56 Yannis Kounellis AM 1997-56 c4gg57 150000000028377
Portrait-de-l'oiseau-qui-n'existe-pas Dimensions: 21,4 x 31,3 cm; Created: [1965]; Acquisition: Don de Claude Aveline, 1980; Inventory: AM 1980-596 Yannis Spyropoulos AM 1980-596 cRdR9k 150000000012065
Guignol Dimensions: 60 x 50,3 cm; Created: [1963]; Acquisition: Don de Mme Jef Golyscheff, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-296 Yefim Golyshev AM 1976-296 c49p4B 150000000020757
Sans titre Dimensions: 54 x 40 cm; Created: 1961; Acquisition: Donation de Madame Park In-kyung et Monsieur Lee Young-sé, 2017; Inventory: AM 2017-330 Yi Eungro AM 2017-330 coEK7yM 150000001547076
Nature morte au citron Dimensions: 131 x 65 cm; Created: 1948; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1948, Attribution, 1948; Inventory: AM 2786 P Youla Chapoval AM 2786 P c6r9Lkr 150000000017485
Construction dans l'espace n°1 Dimensions: 99,5 x 140 cm; Created: 1996; Acquisition: Don de la Vladimir Potanin Foundation, 2016; Inventory: AM 2016-813 Yuri Zlotnikov AM 2016-813 ca5RjKo 150000001342682
Fleurs dans un vase Dimensions: 92 x 72,5 cm; Created: [vers 1925]; Acquisition: Don de M. et Mme Léon Baratz en mémoire de M. et Mme A. Dobry, 1966; Inventory: AM 4048 P Yury Annenkov AM 4048 P coXMoX6 150000000030091
Plusieurs personnages Dimensions: 33 x 24 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation M. Charles Wakefield-Mori, 1939; Inventory: AM 3774 P, 1959 120 572 Yves Alix AM 3774 P czzzbze 150000000046022
Brocanteur au Campo dei Fiori à Rome Dimensions: 81 x 100 cm; Created: 1933; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1973; Inventory: AM 1973-2 Yves Brayer AM 1973-2 c888nAa 150000000004224
ANT 82, Blue Age Anthropometry painting by Yves Klein Yves Klein AM 1984-279 cKagoa 150000000023063
Monochrome orange Dimensions: 50 x 150 cm; Created: juin 1955; Acquisition: Achat, 1985; Inventory: AM 1985-13 Yves Klein AM 1985-13 cqG7rAn 150000000019055
Soleil sur l'O Dimensions: 46 x 64,5 cm; Created: 1958; Acquisition: Don de M. Pascal Laloy, 2006; Inventory: AM 2006-17 Yves Laloy AM 2006-17 cX4kqEE 150000000045261
Paysage n° 24 Dimensions: 300 x 400,6 cm; Created: 1986; Acquisition: Achat, 1988; Inventory: AM 1988-1160 Yves Oppenheim AM 1988-1160 ckXrLE 150000000028038
La Futaie Dimensions: 72,6 x 53,6 cm; Created: 1953; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-674 Yves Rouvre AM 1984-674 cX4EKLe 150000000016211
The Palace of the Windowed Rocks painting by Yves Tanguy Yves Tanguy AM 3398 P cyn9ELB 150000000017458
At 4 O'Clock in the Summer, Hope painting by Yves Tanguy Yves Tanguy AM 1978-321 o6V2v0D 150000000013478
Santa-Clement, Séville Dimensions: 55 x 45 cm; Created: 1940; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat, 1941, Attribution, 1942; Inventory: AM 2352 P Yvonne Mariotte AM 2352 P
Dep 1991-0119
cGEEgrg 150000000014416
Poisson Dimensions: 35 x 82 cm; Created: 1956; Acquisition: Donation Adèle et George Besson, 1963; Inventory: AM 4224 P (93), DA.970.1.82 Yvonne Mottet AM 4224 P (93) c9ngrny 150000000040641
Lines n° 24 - The Last Judgement Dimensions: 300 x 300 cm; Created: 1984; Acquisition: Achat, 2006; Inventory: AM 2006-76 Zdeněk Sýkora AM 2006-76 c7GrMMX 150000000044744
Paysage siennois Dimensions: 57 x 71 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1996; Inventory: AM 1996-90 Zoran Mušič AM 1996-90 cRzLXB 150000000027800
La forteresse Dimensions: 103 x 95 cm; Created: 1966; Acquisition: Achat, 1976; Inventory: AM 1976-1058 Zoum Walter AM 1976-1058 cdnqjE 150000000010372
Tisseuse Dimensions: 91,5 x 73 x 2 cm; Created: 1959; Acquisition: Don de Mme Lucette Landau, 1964; Inventory: AM 4283 P (R) Zygmunt Landau AM 4283 P (R) cdL4bp 150000000028654
Portrait de Mme Zarraga Dimensions: 38 x 55,5 cm; Created: [1920]; Acquisition: Donation M. René Philipon, 1924; Inventory: AM 1973-45 Ángel Zárraga AM 1973-45 c6r54o6 150000000011289
Portrait d'André Gide Dimensions: 122 x 107,5 cm; Created: 1949; Acquisition: Achat de l'Etat 1955 , attribution; Inventory: AM 3393 P Édouard Georges Mac-Avoy AM 3393 P ck7Rdq 150000000007561
La jolie bouquetière Dimensions: 80 x 65 cm; Created: [1929]; Acquisition: Don de Paul Guillaume, 1933; Inventory: AM 1940 P Édouard Goerg AM 1940 P cezEgjA 150000000004521
L'Ouvrier mort Dimensions: 134 x 180 cm; Created: 1936; Acquisition: Don de l'artiste, 1981; Inventory: AM 1981-514 Édouard Pignon AM 1981-514 c7p769 150000000029924
Antoinette David-Weill and her nephew Maurice Lambiotte in Mareil-le-Guyon painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard RF 1977 376
AM 2376
Félix Vallotton painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard RF 1977 390
AM 3197 P
Le Docteur Louis Viau painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard RF 1977 397
AM 3364 P
Sous les arbres du pavillon rouge painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard AM 2374
D 1946 1
AM 2374 P
cAnbadB 150000000036570
Portrait of Suzanne Desprès painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard AM 2232
AM 2232 P
cdqKEXE 150000000035661
Under the Lamp painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard D 1955.1.32
AM 3820 P
cL9bLay 150000000036554
winter garden with peacock painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard AM 2370
AM 2370 P
crdnzG 150000000035372
Démolition rue de Calais (60.1.3) painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard D.60.1.3
Démolition rue de Calais (60.1.1) painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard D.60.1.1
Démolition rue de Calais (60.1.2) painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard D.60.1.2
La Soupe d'Annette painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard AM 3842 P
D 1955.1.26
cBAorLg 150000000036556
Intérieur aux deux chaises painting by Édouard Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard AM 3821 P
D 1955.1.27
cx977x 150000000036555
La Maison de l'homme-plume Dimensions: 46 x 61 cm; Created: [1925]; Acquisition: Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984; Inventory: AM 1984-566 Élie Lascaux AM 1984-566 c4ryMpq 150000000022470
Maisonnettes en hiver Dimensions: 48 x 65 cm; Created: s.d.; Acquisition: Donation de M. Charles Wakefield-Mori en 1939; Inventory: AM 3801 P, 1959 120 619 Élisée Maclet AM 3801 P cRRBXoG 150000000046048
Adam and Eve painting by Émile Bernard Émile Bernard RF 1977 43
AM 1974 139
Parade Dimensions: 147 x 91 cm; Created: 1931; Acquisition: Don de l' Association des amis des artistes vivants, 1932; Inventory: AM 1882 P Émile Bouneau AM 1882 P cj7yba4 150000000008021
Nu allongé de dos painting by Émilie Charmy Émilie Charmy AM 1974-137 cjbGka 150000000027434
Danseuse couchée painting by Émilie Charmy Émilie Charmy AM 3785 P
1959 120 579
cApj9q 150000000046032
Malevitch-Centre Pompidou Dimensions: 150 x 240 cm; Created: 2007; Acquisition: Achat, 2008; Inventory: AM 2008-18 Éric Duyckaerts AM 2008-18 cKLagg 150000000058205
Chocs Dimensions: 239 x 280 cm; Created: [1960]; Acquisition: Donation M. Daniel Cordier, 1989; Inventory: AM 1989-315 Öyvind Fahlström AM 1989-315 co4znEz 150000000009030
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