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Paintings by Willem van Aelst

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Willem van Aelst  (1627–1683)  wikidata:Q553273
Alternative names
Guillmo van Aelst, Guillielmo d'Olanda
Description Dutch painter, botanical illustrator and draftsperson
Date of birth/death 16 May 1627 (baptised) between May 1683 and 22 May 1683
date QS:P,+1683-05-00T00:00:00Z/10,P1319,+1683-05-00T00:00:00Z/10,P1326,+1683-05-22T00:00:00Z/11
 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Delft Edit this at Wikidata Amsterdam Edit this at Wikidata
Work period from 1643 until 1683
date QS:P,+1650-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1643-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1683-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Work location
Delft (1643); Paris; France (1645–1651); Florence (1649–1656); Amsterdam (1656–1683) Edit this at Wikidata
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q553273

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Still life with fruits and dishes painting by Willem van Aelst Palazzo Pitti 1653 Palazzo Pitti https://www.wga.hu/html/a/aelst/stillpar.html fruit
Flower still life with a watch painting by Willem van Aelst Mauritshuis 2 3.4 1663 Mauritshuis https://www.mauritshuis.nl/nl-nl/verdiep/de-collectie/kunstwerken/bloemstilleven-met-horloge-2/
Rosa gallica
Tagetes lucida
Tagetes patula
Southern Hawker
Rosa ×borboniana
Still Life with Partridges painting by Willem van Aelst Mauritshuis 3 1671 Mauritshuis https://www.mauritshuis.nl/nl-nl/verdiep/de-collectie/kunstwerken/jachtstilleven-met-patrijzen-3/
bird's wing
meat hanging
Hanging craft
Still Life with Poultry painting by Willem van Aelst Rijksmuseum SK-A-1669 4 1658 Rijksmuseum https://www.verenigingrembrandt.nl/nl/kunst/stilleven-met-gevogelte
meat hanging
Flowers in a Vase painting by Willem Van Aelst Musée des Augustins 2004 1 372 1651 Musée des Augustins bouquet
Dead Birds and Hunting Gear painting by Willem van Aelst Nationalmuseum NM 301 61 1664 Nationalmuseum bird
Still Life with Peaches and Grapes painting by Willem van Aelst Nationalmuseum NM 302 Nationalmuseum grape
still life
Still Life with Dead Game painting by Willem van Aelst National Gallery of Art
Richard Green Fine Paintings
1982.36.1 1661 National Gallery of Art hare
Still Life with Dead Birds and Game Bag painting by Willem van Aelst J. Paul Getty Museum
Centraal Museum
Johnny Van Haeften Gallery
85.PA.236 1674 J. Paul Getty Museum
Flowers in a Silver Vase painting by Willem van Aelst Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 51.21 1
1663 Legion of Honor http://art.famsf.org/willem-van-aelst/flowers-silver-vase-5121
Still Life. Breakfast Piece with a Silver Jug painting by Willem van Aelst Statens Museum for Kunst KMS379 58
1657 Statens Museum for Kunst https://collection.smk.dk/#/en/detail/KMS379
Vase of Flowers painting by Willem van Aelst No/unknown value 60 1658 flower
Seafood, Onion, and Glassware painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal.-Nr. 1331 62 1679 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister breakfast
Fruit and Wine Glass painting by Willem van Aelst Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 729 1659 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Still Life with Fruit painting by Willem van Aelst Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Jacques Goudstikker collection
1 (1968.1) 1664 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum http://www.museothyssen.org/en/thyssen/ficha_obra/1037
Snack painting by Willem van Aelst Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1019 Hermitage Museum food
Still Life with Fruit painting by Willem van Aelst (Royal Collection RCIN 403563) Royal Collection RCIN 403563 1670 fruit
Dead Game with Trophies of the Chase painting by Willem van Aelst Royal Collection RCIN 403984 1657 Hampton Court Castle
Hunt Still Life with a Velvet Bag on a Marble Ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Museum of Fine Arts, Houston BF.2002.3 1665 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston https://www.mfah.org/art/detail/53753?returnUrl=%2Fart%2Fsearch%3Fdepartment%3DSarah%2BCampbell%2BBlaffer%2BFoundation%26show%3D50%26page%3D3
Flowers in a glass vase with metal mounted foot on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée de Melun
INV 20370 17th century Musée de Melun bouquet
Still life with grapes, peaches and a glass goblet on a dark tablecloth painting by Willem van Aelst Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 666 1670 Room 838 grape
Flower still life with a watch on a partly draped marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Bavarian State Painting Collections 5852 1676 Alte Pinakothek flower
Rebhühner und Jagdgerät painting by Willem van Aelst Bavarian State Painting Collections 839 17th century Alte Pinakothek
Stillleben painting by Willem van Aelst Bavarian State Painting Collections 5794 17th century Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still-Life with Mouse and Candle painting by Willem van Aelst Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection 1647 Currier Museum of Art https://www.wga.hu/html/a/aelst/stilmous.html house mouse
Flower Still Life painting by Willem van Aelst Cincinnati Art Museum
Richard Green Fine Paintings
1988.149 1663 Cincinnati Art Museum flower
A Dead White Cock painting by Willem van Aelst Statens Museum for Kunst KMS1060 17th century Statens Museum for Kunst https://collection.smk.dk/#/en/detail/KMS1060 rooster
Fruit Still Life with a Snail painting by Willem van Aelst Prinsenhof PDS 216 P6 1649 Prinsenhof
Group of flowers painting by Willem van Aelst Fitzwilliam Museum 300 1675 Fitzwilliam Museum
Fruit (Still Life) painting by Willem van Aelst Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 330 30 1667 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest http://www.szepmuveszeti.hu/adatlap_eng/fruit_still_life_willem_van_9054
Still-Life with Fruit and a Crystal Vase painting by Willem van Aelst 1650 Galleria Palatina https://www.wga.hu/html/a/aelst/stilvase.html fruit
Flowers in a Glass Vase with a Watch, on a Marble Ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Hessen Kassel Heritage
Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
905 1656 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister https://www.wga.hu/html/a/aelst/vasewatc.html flowering plant
Still life with fruits, mouse and butterflies painting by Willem van Aelst Hessen Kassel Heritage GK 447 1677 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister https://datenbank.museum-kassel.de/32021/0/0/0/s1/0/100/objekt.html fruit
Still-Life with Hunting Equipment and Dead Birds painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 350 1 1668 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe https://www.karoline-luise.la-bw.de/kunstobjekt.php?id=1
poultry meat
hunting horn
Still Life of Flowers painting by Willem van Aelst Ashmolean Museum WA1934.11 1677 Ashmolean Museum rose
Dianthus caryophyllus
Still Life of Flowers with a Butterfly painting by Willem van Aelst No/unknown value 1677 private collection rose
Still Life with an Orpheus Salt Cellar painting by Willem van Aelst No/unknown value 59 1678 private collection salt cellar
Still life with Orpheus salt cellar, fish, onions, bread, chestnuts and oysters, ca. 1680 painting by Willem van Aelst No/unknown value 11.6 1680 private collection salt cellar
fish as food
Still life with luxury vessels and fruits on a dark table cloth painting by Willem van Aelst Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum
GK 905
1659 Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum
https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheepdog_rex/35590362256 apricot
goblet holder
Still Life with Fruit painting by Willem van Aelst (Hermitage ГЭ-9677) Hermitage Museum ГЭ-9677 1681 Hermitage Museum fruit
Vanitas Flower Still Life painting by Willem van Aelst North Carolina Museum of Art 52.9.57 1 1656 North Carolina Museum of Art https://archive.org/stream/seventeenthcentu2009well#page/n14 flower
Fruit still life with glassware painting by Willem van Aelst Museum der bildenden Künste G 1574 1660 Museum der bildenden Künste fruit
A Fruit-piece painting by Willem van Aelst National Gallery of Ireland NGI.1015 1661 National Gallery of Ireland
Still Life with Dead Game painting by Willem van Aelst (Ringling SN655) John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN655 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art http://emuseum.ringling.org/emuseum/objects/25120/still-life-with-dead-game game
Still life with thistle, mouse, frog, snail and insects painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 351 1671 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe https://www.kunsthalle-karlsruhe.de/kunstwerke/Willem-van-Aelst/Distel-mit-verschiedenen-Tieren/3435AD28441789E9C749F184C53AE6D1/
Still life with grapes in a basket, peaches on a silver dish, medlars, two butterflies, a fly and a snail painting by Willem van Aelst
Hunting trophies. painting by Willem van Aelst, Palastmuseum Wilanów Palace Museum in Wilanów Wil.1404 (127683) 10a 17th century Palace Museum in Wilanów https://www.wilanow-palac.pl/szlachcic_na_lowach_wedlug_jana_szyttlera.html
Still life with game and hunting gear painting by Willem van Aelst, Gemäldegalerie Berlin Gemäldegalerie KFMV.236 1 1660 Gemäldegalerie https://kaiser-friedrich-museumsverein.de/sammlung/gemaelde/gesamtverzeichnis-gemaelde/
Grey Partridge
Stilleben mit Schnepfen, Stieglitzen und Steinhühnern lost painting by Willem van Aelst Gemäldegalerie 961 1653 Gemäldegalerie
Stilleben mit Rebhuhn, Ente und Goldammer painting by Willem van Aelst Gemäldegalerie
Giustiniani Collection
921 921 Gemäldegalerie http://web.archive.org/web/20220220010319/http://www.smb-digital.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&objectId=864865
Still life with fruits, grapes and pomegranates painting attributed to Willem van Aelst, Kunstmuseum Bern Kunstmuseum Bern Kunstmuseum Bern http://web.archive.org/web/20220220000728/https://www.lostart.de/en/found/object/still-life-fruits-grapes-and-pomegranates/478466?term=willem%20van%20Aelst&filter%5Btype%5D%5B0%5D=Objects&position=3
Still life of roast guinea-fowl with citrus fruit in a chafing-dish painting by Willem van Aelst No/unknown value
Gebruder Douwes
Kunsthandel P. de Boer
461 1650 tablecloth
chafing dish
wine glass
roast chicken
Still life with fish, bread, and a nautilus cup painting by Willem van Aelst Richard Green Fine Paintings 1678 https://www.lempertz.com/en/catalogues/lot/1077-1/1072-willem-van-aelst.html nautilus cup
Still Life with Flowers painting by Willem van Aelst Musée Thomas-Henry 835.39 1665 Musée Thomas-Henry https://collections.musees-normandie.fr/ark:/16418/mth1159836
Still life with two partridges and hunting implements on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Kunsthandel P. de Boer 1650s Kunsthandel P. de Boer
Still life of grapes, a peach, and walnuts on a stone ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Kunsthandel P. de Boer 1644 Kunsthandel P. de Boer
Still life with a dead partridge painting by Willem van Aelst Kunsthandel P. de Boer
Rafael Valls Limited
1675 Kunsthandel P. de Boer
Stilleven met vruchten en een vaasje met roos painting by Willem van Aelst Kunsthandel P. de Boer 1644 Kunsthandel P. de Boer
Still life of fruits in a wicker basket and on a silver plate, on a red velvet cloth painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 17th century
Fruit in an overturned basket resting on a partially draped marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery
Richard Green Fine Paintings
Flowers in a glass vase on a partially draped table painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery
Richard Green Fine Paintings
Still life of plums, peaches, almonds and grapes on a draped ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1650
Still life with a basket of peaches and a blue velvet cloth on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1650
Hunting still life with partridge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1660s
Still life of grapes, a roemer, and a silver ewer painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1659
Flowers with a butterfly on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1676
Hunt piece with partridge painting by Willem van Aelst Johnny Van Haeften Gallery 1674
Dead birds and hunting equipment under a tree painting by Willem van Aelst Rafael Valls Limited 1654 Rafael Valls Limited
Chameleon with a dragonfly on a thistle, in a landscape painting by Willem van Aelst Rafael Valls Limited 1670 Rafael Valls Limited
Still life with a rummer on a silver gilt glass holder with grapes and two butterflies on a draped table painting by Willem van Aelst Gebruder Douwes 1657 Gebruder Douwes
Still life with oysters, glassware and a bun painting by Willem van Aelst Richard Green Fine Paintings 1675 Richard Green Fine Paintings
Still life with a candle, walnuts and a mouse painting by Willem van Aelst Richard Green Fine Paintings 1647 Richard Green Fine Paintings
Still life of flowers with a snail painting by Willem van Aelst Richard Green Fine Paintings 1675 Richard Green Fine Paintings
A bouquet of flowers on a marble table painting by Willem van Aelst Richard Green Fine Paintings 1660s Richard Green Fine Paintings
Still life with two dead roosters painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1676 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Still life with nautilus cup, fruits, crab and insects on a table with dark cloth and white napkin painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1661 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Still life with flowers and a pocketwatch painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1678 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Still life with fruit on a pewter plate on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1665 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Hunt still life with falcon hood painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1671 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Still life with nautilus cup painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1672 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Hunt still life with whistle painting by Willem van Aelst Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1677 Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Still life with a roemer, fish, bread, walnuts, onions and grapes on a dark cloth painting by Willem van Aelst Kunstmuseum Basel 3 1679 Kunstmuseum Basel
Still life with lobster, fishes, poultry and mushrooms painting by Willem van Aelst Hermitage Museum
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
1650s Hermitage Museum
Still life of two peaches on a stone ledge painting by Willem van Aelst Museum Mayer van den Bergh MMB.0145 1672 Museum Mayer van den Bergh https://search.museummayervandenbergh.be/Details/collect/341
Flowers in a glass vase, besides an oriental rug, on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst 1659
Still life with grapes, wineglass and a mouse painting by Willem van Aelst 1682
Still life with a roemer, bread, fish and cherries on a dark tablecloth painting by Willem van Aelst Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 1680 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Still life with roemer, bread, cherries, fish and onions painting by Willem van Aelst Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 1660s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Hunt still life painting by Willem van Aelst Prinsenhof 1668 Prinsenhof
Pronkstilleven met nautillusbeker, vruchten, siervaatwerk en een horloge op een donker kleed en voor een draperie painting by Willem van Aelst Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie 118 17th century Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie
Still life of roses, peaches and glass objects painting by Willem van Aelst Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 1842 1659 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Partridges and a thistle, in a landscape painting by Willem van Aelst Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 4076 1671 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Stilleben mit Gläsern, Früchten und Insekten auf einem dunklen Tischtuch Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 693 (1927) 1670 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Still life with glassware, bread and onions on a dark cloth painting by Willem van Aelst Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 733 1671 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Still life with fruit, mouse and butterflies painting by Willem van Aelst Schloss Wilhelmshöhe GK 447 1677 Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
Vaas met bloemen op een marmeren rand painting by Willem van Aelst 1660
Flowers in a glass vase with a watch and butterflies on a marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst 1658
Still Life of Fruit painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Ashmolean Museum WA1940.2.4 1667 Ashmolean Museum
A Vase of Flowers painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Ashmolean Museum WA1940.2.2 1663 Ashmolean Museum
Still Life with Dead Game painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Temple Newsam House, Leeds Museums and Galleries Temple Newsam LEEAG.PA.1931.0016 1673 Temple Newsam
Still Life: Herring, Cherries and Glassware painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 307 1680 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Still Life of a Silver Tazza with a Wine Glass, Crab, Herring, Bread and Onion on Pewter Dishes with Grapes Arranged on a Ledge painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Chequers Court Chequers 237 1682 Chequers
Still Life with Carnations painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Brighton & Hove Museums Brighton Museum & Art Gallery FA000108 1682
Still Life with a dead Jay painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687) (style of), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Ashmolean Museum WA1940.2.1 Ashmolean Museum
A Vase of Flowers with a Watch painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687) (after), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Ashmolean Museum WA1940.2.3 Ashmolean Museum
Still Life with Fruit, Lobster and Silver Vessels painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), Victoria and Albert Museum Victoria and Albert Museum 521-1870 Victoria and Albert Museum
Roses and Poppies and a Snail painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687), National Trust, Croft Castle Croft Castle 537645 Croft Castle
Dead Game painting by Willem van Aelst (1627–after 1687) (circle of), Touchstones Rochdale Touchstones Rochdale 1236 Touchstones Rochdale
Still life of fruit, objects and game painting by Willem van Aelst 1654
Stilleben mit Gläsern, Granatapfel, halber Zitrone und einem Teller mit Fischgräten painting by Willem van Aelst 17th century
Still life of vegetables, ram's head and game painting by Willem van Aelst 1652
Still life of fruit and precious objects painting by Willem van Aelst 1653
Prunkstilleben mit silberner Kanne auf Fuß, Juwelenkästchen, Juwelen und Uhr painting attributed to Willem van Aelst 1651
Stilleven met krab en haring, ui, brood en glaswerk op een donker kleed painting by Willem van Aelst 17th century
Stilleven met zoutvat, bord met oesters, stukje brood en glazen bokaal op een marmeren tafel met blauw kleed painting by Willem van Aelst 1650s
Still life with snipes, goldfinches and rock partridges presumably burnt painting in Flakbunker Friedrichshain in World War II by Willem van Aelst Bode Museum 961 961 1653 Bode Museum
Still life with two dead roosters 1681
Bosstilleven met een kameleon en rozen painting by Willem van Aelst 1670
Still life with fruits and walnuts painting attributed to Willem van Aelst 1640s
Still life of fruits with a finch on a partly draped marble ledge painting by Willem van Aelst 1650s
Breakfast painting by Willem van Aelst 1650s
Still Life painting by Willem van Aelst (GKM 0905) Gothenburg Museum of Art GKM 0905 1659 Gothenburg Museum of Art https://emp-web-34.zetcom.ch:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=8461&viewType=detailView herring
End of auto-generated list.


