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Paintings by Hans Makart

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Hans Makart  (1840–1884)  wikidata:Q511444
Hans Makart
Alternative names
Johann Ferdinand Apollonius Makart
Description Austrian- painter, drawer, designer and decorator
academic history painting
Date of birth/death 28 May 1840 / 29 May 1840 Edit this at Wikidata 3 October 1884 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Salzburg Edit this at Wikidata Vienna Edit this at Wikidata
Work location
Vienna (1858), Salzburg (1859), Munich (1859-1865), Vienna (1869-1884)
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q511444

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image label description collection inventory number catalog code inception location described at URL depicts
The Death of Cleopatra painting by Hans Makart Hessen Kassel Heritage Leihgabe BRD / L 86 1875
Neue Galerie Cleopatra
half reclining
female breast
brown hair
waist-length hair
aspic viper
domestic worker
see-through clothing
The Death of Cleopatra. painting by Hans Makart No/unknown value 1875 Cleopatra
female breast
Egyptian cobra
brown hair
stillife: the violin of Johann Strauß painting by Hans Makart Musée d'Orsay
Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
MNR 949
1876 Musée d'Orsay
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait de femme en costume d'apparat painting by Hans Makart Musée d'Orsay DO 1983 217 Musée d'Orsay
Valkyrie and a Dying Hero painting by Hans Makart Nationalmuseum NM 2436 Nationalmuseum
The Dream after the Ball painting by Hans Makart Metropolitan Museum of Art 87.15.133 19th century Metropolitan Museum of Art woman
Abundantia: The Gifts of the Earth painting by Hans Makart Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Ger Eenens Collection
BRL 2011-19 (MK) 1870 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Woman playing the spinet painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 1442 1871 Belvedere sheet music
musical instrument
Treasures of the Sea painting by Hans Makart Art Institute of Chicago 1901.440 19th century Art Institute of Chicago
Portrait of a Woman painting by Hans Makart Hermitage Museum ГЭ-6011 19th century Hermitage Museum woman
Portrait of a young woman painting by Hans Makart National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.501
M.Ob.501 MNW
1880s National Museum in Warsaw woman
Gotische Grabkirche St. Michael, Turmfassade painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 1127 1883 Belvedere
Gotische Grabkirche St. Michael, Seitenansicht painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 1128 1883 Belvedere
Portrait Magdalena Plach painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 1258 1870 Belvedere
The Death of Juliet Capulet painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3744 1869 Belvedere
Decorative Flower Bouquet painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3745 1884 Belvedere
Holbein, Allegory of Painting, Dürer painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3755a 1881 Belvedere
Der Sieg des Lichtes über die Finsternis painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3756 1880s Belvedere
Dante und Vergil im Inferno painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 3882 1860s Belvedere
Clothilde Beer painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 4567 1880 Belvedere
Barbaric Tribute Scene painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5481 1880 Belvedere
Bertha von Piloty painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5503 1870s Belvedere
Farbskizze zum Plafond "Die vier Weltteile" painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5612 1870 Belvedere
Skizze für ein Triptychon mit mythologischen Szenen painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5613 1865 Belvedere
Entwurf für einen Palast: Fassade painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5790a 1883 Belvedere
Die Niljagd painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5837 1876 Belvedere
Venedig huldigt Caterina Cornaro painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5838 1870s Belvedere
Drei berittene Standartenträger painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5858 1879 Belvedere
Zwei berittene Fanfarenbläser painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5859 1879 Belvedere
Putto, die Waffen des Mars reinigend painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5860 19th century Belvedere
Motiv aus dem Hellbrunner Schloßpark painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 6320 Belvedere
Der Ring des Nibelungen painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 207a 1870 Belvedere
Bacchusfest painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 207b 1873 Belvedere Bacchus
Modern cupid painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Fop Smit collection
264 1868 Belvedere
Die fünf Sinne: Das Gefühl painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 427e 19th century Belvedere
Bacchus and Ariadne painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2097 1870s Belvedere Bacchus
Porträt Eugenie Scheuffelen painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 2363 1867 Belvedere
Dekorationsentwurf für das Schlafzimmer Kaiserin Elisabeths in der Hermesvilla (Mittelszene: Ein Sommernachtstraum) painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 2609 1882 Belvedere
The five senses: taste painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 427a 19th century Belvedere
The five senses: smell painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 427b 19th century Belvedere
The five senses: sight painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 427c 19th century Belvedere
Die fünf Sinne: Das Gehör painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 427d 19th century Belvedere
Entwurf für einen Palast: Rückseite und Grundriss painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 5790b 1883 Belvedere
Raffael, Rembrandt, Rubens painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3755b 1881 Belvedere
Murillo, Velázquez, Leonardo da Vinci painting by Hans Makart Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
3755c 1881 Belvedere
Handel und Industrie painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260a 1871 Belvedere
Landwirtschaft painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260b 1871 Belvedere
Allegorie der Wissenschaften painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260c 1871 Belvedere
Allegorie der Chemie painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260d 1871 Belvedere
Allegorie der Bildhauerei painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260e 1871 Belvedere
Allegorie der Malerei painting by Hans Makart Belvedere Lg 1260f 1871 Belvedere
Der Einzug Karls V. in Antwerpen painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 10950 1875 Belvedere Charles V
Lili Lauser painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 12027 1877 Neue Pinakothek Lili Lauser
Jagd der Diana painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 13294 19th century Neue Pinakothek
Kampf zwischen Römern und Germanen (Umkreis) painting by Hans Makart (?) Bavarian State Painting Collections 13295 Neue Pinakothek
Kinderreigen (Umkreis) painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 13293 Neue Pinakothek
Das Konklave painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 9029 1860s Neue Pinakothek
Bacchantengruppe painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 13292 1880 Neue Pinakothek
Mädchen mit abgewandtem Gesicht painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 9105 1870s Neue Pinakothek
Bildnis einer Dame painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 13290 1880s Neue Pinakothek
Frühling painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 9756 1870 Neue Pinakothek
The Falconess painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
1880 Neue Pinakothek
Bildnis einer Frau painting by Hans Makart Bavarian State Painting Collections 11776 19th century Neue Pinakothek
The Entrance of Emperor Charles V into Antwerp in 1520 painting by Hans Makart Hamburger Kunsthalle 1515 1878 Hamburger Kunsthalle Charles V
Der Sommer (Skizze) painting by Hans Makart Alte Nationalgalerie A II 430 1880 Alte Nationalgalerie
Gambrinus - Study for the Decorative Panel painting by Hans Makart Slovak National Gallery O 1173 1875 Slovak National Gallery
Nessus Carrying off Deianeira painting by Hans Makart Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
100.B 1880 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
Masquerade Ball painting by Hans Makart Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
126.B Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
Wallenstein grófné portréja painting by Hans Makart Moravian Gallery in Brno Z 2665 1874 Moravian Gallery in Brno Adelheid Kálnoky
Die vier Weltteile painting by Hans Makart Belvedere 428 1870s Belvedere
Dame mit Federhut in Rückenansicht painting by Hans Makart Lenbachhaus FH 302 1875 Lenbachhaus https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/dame-mit-federhut-in-rueckenansicht-30031684-2.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Dame im altniederländischen Kostüm painting by Hans Makart Lenbachhaus FH 325 1876 Lenbachhaus https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/dame-im-altniederlaendischen-kostuem-30031689-2.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Die Jagdburg painting by Hans Makart Lenbachhaus G 14930 Lenbachhaus https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/die-jagdburg-30003762.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Venedig huldigt Catarina Cornero painting by Hans Makart Lenbachhaus G 4123 1872 Lenbachhaus https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/venedig-huldigt-catarina-cornero-30015243.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
The Hunting Party of Diana painting by Hans Makart John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN451 1880 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art http://emuseum.ringling.org/emuseum/objects/25580/the-hunting-party-of-diana
Tasso und Eleonore painting by Hans Makart Alte Nationalgalerie F.V. 88 1869 Alte Nationalgalerie
Bacchusfest (die Ernte) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
K 8
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Death of Cleopatra painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Frauenbildnis mit Blumen (Ägypterin) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Weibliche allegorische Figur mit Kind auf der Schulter painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Der Geruch, allegorische Darstellung der Sinne painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Cleopatra painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Italienerin (mit Blumen) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of a Lady with low-neck painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Palace-scene: lady and gentleman painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Abundantin, Die Gaben der Erde painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum 0881 1869 Führermuseum
Abundantin, Die Gaben des Wassers painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum 0882 1869 Führermuseum
Kleopatras Jagdzug auf dem Nil painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Entwurf für ein Vergnügungspalais in Wien, Ansicht painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
K 4
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Entwurf für ein Vergnügungspalais in Wien, Ansicht, Grundriss painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
K 52
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Schnitt durch eine Architektur 17 Jh. painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
19th century Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Diana with her maids painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach collection
566 1879 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach Charterhouse
Party with musicians in an Ital. garden painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Lying Cleopatra with snake painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mythological scene ? painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Tasso, reading his poems to prinzess Elemore d' Este painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Female figure reading painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Sketch for a garden party painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Girl kneeling in front of a altar painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Badende Frauen painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Alberich und die Rheintöchter painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum 1063 1865 Führermuseum
Vornehme Gesellschaft geht zu Schiff painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Venedig huldigt Catharina Cornaro painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Iv 2075/K 2075
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Dramatical scene painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1868 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
"Historic" scene painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) (Linz 1097) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1868 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Die Pest in Florenz, Triptychon painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) (Linz 1098) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1868 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of woman with hat and red flower painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach collection
328 1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach Charterhouse
portrait of a woman painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
landscape painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
oil sketch for a festival of gods painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
sketch for a party-scene painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach collection
565 1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach Charterhouse
Damenbildnis mit rotem Federhut, Gebetbuch und Rosenkranz painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach collection
564 1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mauerbach Charterhouse
sketch for ceiling painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Allegorische Darstellung (Deckenbild) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of a lady painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Damenbildnis (Cecilie von Munkascy) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of a lady in a white dress ( Eugenie Scheufelen) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Suzanne and the 2 eldermen painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Weibliches Bildnis mit rotem Hut painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Deckengemälde in vier Teilen, Putten, Blumen und Früchte darstellend (Nacht und Morgen) painting by Hans Makart (1840-1884) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
3157 a - c
9133, #10668, #10709, #10669
1865 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Bacchantengruppe painting by Hans Makart (1840 - 1884) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Couple of lovers painting by Hans Makart (1840 - 1884) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Mythological scene painting by Hans Makart (1840 - 1884) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
mythol. scene (a battle) painting by Hans Makart (1849 - 1884) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Boy, naked, carrying a vase with Roses painting by Hans Makart (1840 - 1884) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
A wounded young warrior attacked by an old man with spear painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 561 Munich Central Collecting Point
study for batteg scene on Horseback painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 810 Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait count Karl Lanckoronski painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 812 Munich Central Collecting Point
Egyptian girl on roofl painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 817 Munich Central Collecting Point
siesta at the court of Medici painting by Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 5686 Munich Central Collecting Point
portrait of a woman painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 6827 Munich Central Collecting Point
Putti in a forest painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 7550 Munich Central Collecting Point
Part of a ceiling decoration, puttos etc. painting by H. Makart Munich Central Collecting Point
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of a lady from back painting by Hans MAKART Munich Central Collecting Point 13173 Munich Central Collecting Point
portrait of a lady painting by Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 13363 Munich Central Collecting Point
allegorical scene: women in the park painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 27888 Munich Central Collecting Point
Interior - reading jung woman painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 33086 Munich Central Collecting Point
Ornaments of architecture painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 2399/152 Munich Central Collecting Point
architecture: study for a ceiling painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 2399/196 Munich Central Collecting Point
Scetch for a garden party painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point
Munich Central Collecting Point
portrait of a lady (sketch) painting by H. Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 13296 Munich Central Collecting Point
Palace-interior dead lady painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 13387 Munich Central Collecting Point
Seefest painting by Hans Makart Munich Central Collecting Point 20964 Munich Central Collecting Point
Sinnbild der Fruchtbarkeit painting by Hans Makart 1870
Portrait of Empress Elisabeth of Austria in Renaissance dress painting by Hans Makart Fop Smit collection 19th century
Lady with feather hat painting by Hans Makart Germanisches Nationalmuseum Gm1658 1875 Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Der Tod der Kleopatra painting by Hans Makart (LWL 1228 BRD) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1228 BRD 1875 Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/38932
Siesta am Hofe der Mediceer (endgültige Fassung) painting by Hans Makart Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1634 BRD 1875 Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39294
Le Triomphe de Bacchus et d'Ariane painting by Hans Makart Musée de Picardie M.P.récol.976-13 1872 Musée de Picardie man
Gottfried zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst painting by Hans Makart
Portrait of Helene von Racowitza painting by Hans Makart (1840 - 1884) Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
Grand ducal collection, Oldenburg
LMO 15.751 326 c 1873 Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
https://landesmuseum-ol-collection.zetcom.net/de/collection/item/15139 woman
Helene von Dönniges
Tasso and Eleonore d'Este painting by Hans Makart Alte Nationalgalerie 1869
Faun with pan flute. painting by Hans Makart National Museum in Poznań Mo 1709 1870
Porträt der Marie von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1840–1877) painting by Hans Makart 19th century
The Summer painting by Hans Makart Alte Nationalgalerie 1880
Allegory of Love painting by Hans Makart 1800
An Egyptian Princess painting by Hans Makart No/unknown value 1875
Siegmund and Sieglinde in Hunding's Cabin painting by Hans Makart Latvian Museum of Foreign Art 1883
Pearl painting by Hans Makart Latvian Museum of Foreign Art 1878
Still life painting by Hans Makart Latvian Museum of Foreign Art
The Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs painting by Hans Makart Latvian Museum of Foreign Art 1878
Brünnhilde brings Sieglinde to safety painting by Hans Makart Latvian Museum of Foreign Art 1883
Cleopatra painting by Hans Makart at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 785 1870s Staatsgalerie Stuttgart https://www.staatsgalerie.de/de/collection/object/08FF14F24837B1C0666ED483D27D6644
End of auto-generated list.


