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Paintings by August Macke

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August Macke (1887–1914)  wikidata:Q33981 q:en:August Macke
August Macke
Alternative names
Birth name: August Robert Ludwig Macke
Description German painter, draftsperson, sculptor, graphic artist, architectural draftsperson and scenographer
Date of birth/death 3 January 1887 Edit this at Wikidata 26 September 1914 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Meschede Edit this at Wikidata Souain-Perthes-lès-Hurlus Edit this at Wikidata
Work location
Munich, Bonn, Paris, Hilterfingen am Thuner See
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q33981

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Paintings by August Macke (10 C, 1 P, 2 F)

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image label collection inventory number catalog code inception RKDimages ID Joconde work ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID (deprecated) Art UK artwork ID described at URL
Gartentor Lenbachhaus AK 11 1914
Mädchen unter Bäumen Bavarian State Painting Collections
"degenerate art" collection
Alte Nationalgalerie
A II 617
1914 00020975 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119030&viewType=detailView
Porträt mit Äpfeln: Frau des Künstlers Lenbachhaus G 13326 443 1909 https://www.lenbachhaus.de/entdecken/sammlung-online/detail/portraet-mit-aepfeln-30019623
Landscape with Cows and Camel Kunsthaus Zürich 1955/0002 1914 https://collection.kunsthaus.ch/en/collection/item/2804/
Mode: Woman with Parasol in front of Milliner's Shop Museum Folkwang 1914 http://sammlung-online.museum-folkwang.de/eMuseumPlus?service=direct/1/ResultDetailView/result.inline.list.t1.collection_list.$TspTitleLink.link&sp=13&sp=Sartist&sp=SfilterDefinition&sp=0&sp=1&sp=1&sp=SdetailView&sp=1&sp=Sdetail&sp=0&sp=T&sp=0&sp=SdetailList&sp=0&sp=F&sp=Scollection&sp=l3382
Colored Composition of Forms Albertina GE134DL 1914
Picnic on the Beach Albertina DL83 1913
Garden on Lake Thun Albertina DL82 1914
Lady in a Park Museum of Modern Art 16.1956 1914
Circus Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 656 (1988.21) 1913 http://www.museothyssen.org/en/thyssen/ficha_obra/96
Hussars on a Sortie Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 655 (1980.50) 1913 http://www.museothyssen.org/en/thyssen/ficha_obra/339
Woman on a Divan Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 654 (1969.10) 1914 http://www.museothyssen.org/en/thyssen/ficha_obra/737
Three girls in yellow straw hats I Kunstmuseum Den Haag 0333098 1913 http://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/collection/item/4087
Donkey Rider August-Macke-Haus 1914
Four Girls Museum Kunstpalast Inv. no. 0.1919.5155 1914
White jug with flowers and fruits Bavarian State Painting Collections L 2100 1910
Landscape by the Sea Bavarian State Painting Collections
"degenerate art" collection
13531 1914
Kairouan I Bavarian State Painting Collections
"degenerate art" collection
13530 1914
Leute, die sich begegnen Bavarian State Painting Collections
"degenerate art" collection
13533 1914
Frau auf der Straße in Tunis Bavarian State Painting Collections 13532 1914
Bathing girls with city in the background Bavarian State Painting Collections 11137 1913
People by a Blue Lake Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 2321 92 1913 http://swbexpo.bsz-bw.de/skk/detail.xhtml?id=AAA653B14FA93035E973C0A43B4D200F&img=1[dead link]
Paradies Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1608 LM 1912 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39267
Large Bright Showcase Sprengel Museum KM 29,1954 1912
The Fashion Store Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1582 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39244
Our garden with blooming borders 1912
Zoological Garden I Lenbachhaus G 13329 1912 20424093 https://www.lenbachhaus.de/digital/sammlung-online/detail/zoologischer-garten-i-30021117
Farewell Museum Ludwig 1914
Walk on the Bridge Hessian State Museum Darmstadt 1912
Cathedral at Freiburg, Switzerland Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen 0139 1914 http://emp-web-21.zetcom.ch/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=91&viewType=detailView archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Promenade Lenbachhaus G 13328 1913 20424113 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/promenade-30021116.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Tunisian Landscape Kunsthalle Mannheim 1914 https://sammlung-online.kuma.art/node/1080
Woman in Green Jacket Haubrich Col­lec­tion ML 76/2713 1913 05010424
Color Forms I Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1610 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39269
Russian Ballet I Kunsthalle Bremen 612-1953/3 1912
Rokoko National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design NMK.DEP.2010.0002 444 1912 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2010/impressionist-modern-art-evening-sale-n08633/lot.49.html
The Storm Saarland Museum 1911 https://www.bildindex.de/document/obj18801052
Woman supporting a flower bowl No/unknown value 1910
Little Walter’s Toys Städel Museum SG 1192 1912 20424094 https://www.staedelmuseum.de/go/ds/sg1192
Native Americans on Horses Lenbachhaus G 13327 1911 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/indianer-auf-pferden-30021115.html[dead link]
Our Street in Grau Lenbachhaus G 13333 1911 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/unsere-strasse-in-grau-30021122.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Girl with Fish Bowl Von der Heydt Museum G 0017 1914-07 20424121 https://sammlung.von-der-heydt-museum.de/Details/Index/1549
Drei Jungen an der Lanterne Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam A 4257 1912 https://www.stedelijk.nl/en/collection/6251-august-macke-drei-jungen-an-der-lanterne
Naked Girl with Headscarf Städel Museum 2162 1910 https://sammlung.staedelmuseum.de/en/work/naked-girl-with-headscarf
Two Girls Städel Museum 2011 1913 https://sammlung.staedelmuseum.de/en/work/two-girls
Der Geist im Hausgestühl: Stillleben mit Katze Lenbachhaus FH 557 1910 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/der-geist-im-hausgestuehl-stillleben-mit-katze-30036173.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Turkish Café Lenbachhaus G 13325 1914 20424133 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/tuerkisches-cafe-30019622.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Kinder mit Ziege Lenbachhaus G 13331 1913 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/kinder-mit-ziege-30021120.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Milliner's Shop Lenbachhaus G 13334 1913 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/hutladen-30021123.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Bildnis Bernhard Koehler Lenbachhaus G 13335 1910 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/bildnis-bernhard-koehler-30019472.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Blumen im Garten, Clivia und Pelargonien Lenbachhaus G 14665 1911 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/blumen-im-garten-clivia-und-pelargonien-30005066.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Study for a self-portrait Lenbachhaus G 19027 1907 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/studie-zu-einem-selbstportraet-30035736.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Porträt Elisabeth Macke Lenbachhaus G 15031 1910 https://sammlungonline.lenbachhaus.de/objekt/portraet-elisabeth-macke-30007222.html archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Strollers in a Rocky Landscape Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1971:4.18 1911 https://www.albrightknox.org/artworks/1971418-strollers-rocky-landscape
Landscape with Cows, Sailboat, and Figures Saint Louis Art Museum 911:1983 1914
Garden Restaurant Kunstmuseum Bern Ge 053 1912
Girls at the Fountain Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 981 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/38701
The Artist's Wife with Hat Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1612 LM 1909 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39271
Self Portrait Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1581 LG 1906 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39243
Sunny Path Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1580 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39242
Stroller (Large bright stroll) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1011 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/38730
Terrace of the Country House in St. Germain Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History KdZ 1454 LM 1914 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/97
Portrait Ottilie Macke in a white blouse Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2239 LM 1907 https://www.lwl.org/pressemitteilungen/nr_mitteilung.php?urlID=16419
Garden path Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1527 LG 1912 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39198
Girls next to the fountain Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History KdZ 4784 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/172
Sketchbook Nr. 27 A S. 22 verso Round dance at the fountain Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History KdZ 6182 LG 1907 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10009
Landhaus mit Garten Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2238 LM 1910 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/11417
Elisabeth at the desk Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2335 LM 1909 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/37790
Tunisian Harbour Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1025 LM 1914 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/38744
Study For Bright Shop Window
Porträt Hermann Sauren Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2201 LG 1902 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10000
Venedig Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2202 LG 1905 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10001
Melancholie: Stromer im Regenbogen Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2203 LG 1908-06-18 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10002
Maria and Franz Marc in Macke’s studio in Bonn Lenbachhaus 1912
Cirkusbild I: Kunstreiterin mit Clowns Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2205 LG 1911 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10004
Farbige Karos Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2206 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/10005
Self-portrait, 1907 Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2224 LG 1907 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/11260
Porträtstudie Lucia Kiel Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2225 LG 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/11261
Kinder mit Ziege (1912) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2494 LG 1912 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/132690
Portrait of Franz Marc Neue Nationalgalerie A II 339 1910
The Artist’s Wife Neue Nationalgalerie B 130 1912 https://id.smb.museum/object/965926/
Walk amongst Flowers Neue Nationalgalerie B 5 1912 https://smb.museum-digital.de/object/273233
People by the Blue Lake National Gallery of Art 2020.112.10 1913
Female nude with coral necklace Sprengel Museum Slg. Sprengel I,177 96 1910
Portrait study Elisabeth Gerhardt, from memory 1907
Akt, stehend 1912
Ritter Georg und Drache Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History KdZ 5989 LM 1911 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/9655
Selbstbildnis mit Hut by August Macke Kunstmuseum Bonn 1909
Vegetable fields Kunstmuseum Bonn G 178 (54) 1911 20424085
Baum im Kornfeld Museum Ostwall 1907
Arabisches Café Kunsthaus Zug 1914
Angler am Rhein Lenbachhaus 1907
nudo disteso 1912
At the parrots No/unknown value
Three Nudes Against Blue Background Lenbachhaus
Innenhof des Landhauses in St. Germain 1914
View into a Lane Gelsenkirchen Art Museum 1914
Felsige Landschaft Museo Castello San Materno 1914
Sailing boat on the Tegernsee Albertina 1910
Street with church in Kandern Augustiner Museum M 62/004
1911 https://onlinesammlung.freiburg.de/de/object/C2C0F99C4CD29E875EE643B900D3AA8A
Garten am Thuner See by August Macke Kunstmuseum Bonn 1913
Seiltänzer Kunstmuseum Bonn 1914
St. Mary's with Houses and Chimney (Bonn) Kunstmuseum Bonn 1911
Abstract forms Kunstmuseum Bonn 1913
Türkisches Café Kunstmuseum Bonn 1914
Large promenade Franz Marc Museum 20th century
Tegernsee Landscape Germanisches Nationalmuseum Gm2034 1910
Hutladen "degenerate art" collection
Museum Folkwang
3680 1914 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119023&viewType=detailView
Stilleben mit Früchten "degenerate art" collection
Kaiser Wilhelm Museum
8933 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119024&viewType=detailView
Spaziergänger (Großer heller Spaziergang) "degenerate art" collection
Alte Nationalgalerie
Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History
A II 331
1913 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119025&viewType=detailView
Kleiner Zoologischer Garten in Braun und Gelb "degenerate art" collection
Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr
13224 1912 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119026&viewType=detailView
Gartenrestaurant "degenerate art" collection
Kunstmuseum Bern
13261 1912 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119027&viewType=detailView
Frau mit Papagei "degenerate art" collection
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
13686 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119028&viewType=detailView
Stilleben mit Götzen "degenerate art" collection
Jenaer Kunstverein
Paar im Wald "degenerate art" collection
Silesian Museum of Fine Arts
14152 1912 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119031&viewType=detailView
Vor dem Hutladen "degenerate art" collection
14275 1913 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119032&viewType=detailView
Frühlingsgewitter "degenerate art" collection 15083 http://emuseum.campus.fu-berlin.de/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=119033&viewType=detailView
Spaziergänger Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2332 LG 1907 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/37787
Sophie Gerhardt in ganzer Figur (Porträtstudie Sophie Gerhardt) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2333 LG 1908 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/37788
Elisabeth at the desk Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2335 LG 1910 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/37790
Nude Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 962 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/38683
Stillleben mit Anemonen und blauem Buch Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1611 LG 1911 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39270
Nelken in Grüner Vase (Vs.), Rosenstudie (Rs.) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1757 LG 1907 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39403
Porträtstudie Dr. Walter Gerhardt Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 1758 LG 1910 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/39404
Tiere und Menschen in orientalischer Gewandung Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History AA-1002 LG 1912 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/68063
Bildnis Helmuth Macke (1887-1914) Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History 2522 LM 20th century https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/170821
Sonniger Weg Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History TEST 1580 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/173969
Sonniger Weg Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History TEST 1580 LM 1913 https://www.lwl.org/AIS5/Details/collect/173970
Woman Writing No/unknown value 1910
Jardin du château d'Oberhofen Gurlitt hoard 1914
Still-life with bowl of apples and japanese fan 1911
Joueuse de luth National Museum of Modern Art AM 4348 P 1910
Promenade Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 2826 1914 20424111 https://www.staatsgalerie.de/de/collection/object/E65A8DF647AAB4D175B297A13E18761C
In front of the hat shop (Woman with a red jacket and child) No/unknown value 1913
Sitting Nude with Pillow Lehmbruck Museum 1911
Badende Frauen (Entwurf für Weberei) Wilhelm-Hack-Museum 1913
Couple on the Forest Track Lehmbruck Museum 1913
Frau mit Papagei in einer Landschaft 1914
St. Goerg Kolumba 1912
August Macke: Stilleben mit Madonna Kunsthalle Bielefeld 1911
=Colored composition (Hommage to Johann Sebastian Bach) 1912
Gartenbild 1911
Großer Zoologischer Garten, Triptychon Museum Ostwall 1913
Händler mit Krügen 1914
Haus im Garten 1914
Helles Haus 1914
Im Basar 1914
In the Temple Hall 1914
Landschaft bei Hammamet 1914
Mann mit Esel Kunstmuseum Bern 1914
Mit gelber Jacke Ulmer Museum 1913
Schlucht 1914
Couple-in-the-forest No/unknown value 1912
Couple-at-the-garden-table No/unknown value 1914
Modefenster Museum Ludwig 1913
Zwei Männer mit Frau (klein) 1913
Pierrot Kunsthalle Bielefeld 1913
Hutladen an der Promenade Museum Ludwig 1914
Mother and child in the park Hamburger Kunsthalle
Tunislandschaft mit sitzendem Araber 1914
Stilleben: Hyazinthenteppich No/unknown value 1910
Stroller No/unknown value 1907
Vier Mädchen auf einer Altane Museum Kunstpalast 1913
Geranien vor blauen Bergen Milwaukee Art Museum 1911
End of auto-generated list.


