Ornithogalum umbellatum
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- English: sleepydick, eleven-o'clock lady, grass lily, nap-at-noon, Star-of-Bethlehem, Dove's dung, Common star-of-bethlehem
- Afrikaans: Ornithogalum vulgare
- العربية: صاصل خيمي
- مصرى: صاصل خيمى
- беларуская: Птушкамлечнік парасоністы
- català: Llet de gallina
- čeština: snědek chocholičnatý
- Cymraeg: seren Fethlehem
- dansk: Kost-Fuglemælk
- Deutsch: Dolden-Milchstern, Doldiger Milchstern, Gewöhnlicher Dolden-Milchstern, Stern von Bethlehem
- español: Estrella de Belén, Leche de ave, Leche de gallina, Leche de pajaro, Leche de pájaro
- eesti: Sarik-linnupiim
- euskara: Oiloesne
- فارسی: ارنیتگالوم آمبلاتوم
- suomi: Beetlehemintähti, sarjatähdikki
- français: dame d'onze heures, Dame de 11 heures, Dame de onze heures, Ornithogale à ombelle, Ornithogale en ombelle, dame donze heures
- Gaeilge: Réalta na Beithile
- hrvatski: Štitasto ptičje mlijeko
- hornjoserbsce: Łučny hwěžkan
- magyar: Ernyős sárma
- italiano: Cipollone bianco
- 日本語: オオアマナ(大甘菜)
- kernowek: steren Vethlehem
- norsk bokmål: fuglestjerne
- Nedersaksies: Gewone voegelmelk
- Nederlands: Gewone vogelmelk, Ster van bethlehem, gewone vogelmelk
- norsk nynorsk: Fuglestjerne
- norsk: Fuglestjerne
- polski: Śniedek baldaszkowaty
- português: Leite-de-galinha
- русский: Птицемлечник зонтичный
- slovenčina: bledavka chocholíkatá
- slovenščina: Kobulasto ptičje mleko
- svenska: Morgonstjärna, Morgonstjärnor
- Türkçe: Tükürük Otu, Şemsiyeli Kardelen, Bethlehem Yıldızı, Akyıldız, Sakarca
- українська: Рястка зонтична
- 中文: 伞花虎眼万年青
- 中文(简体): 伞花虎眼万年青
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: monocots • Ordo: Asparagales • Familia: Asparagaceae • Subfamilia: Scilloideae • Genus: Ornithogalum • Species: Ornithogalum umbellatum L. (1753)
A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya)
A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya)
A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya)
A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya)
A Torà (Segarra - Catalunya)
A l'Alzina d'Alinyà (Alt Urgell - Catalunya)
Al Cadinell (Alt Urgell - Catalunya)
Al Montsec de Rúbies (Pallars Jussà - Catalunya)
Native distribution areas
Ornithogalum umbellatum
range map
Ornithogalum umbellatum and Ornithogalum nutans, gouache on vellum, in: Gottorfer Codex (1649-1659)
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Belo ptičje mleko
plate 308 in:
Martin Cilenšek:
Naše škodljive rastline
Celovec (1892)
Drawing of Leonardo da Vinci
Leda and the Swan, where Ornithogalum umbellatum is in Leda's hand
External links
[edit]Wikispecies has an entry on: Ornithogalum umbellatum. |