Musée du Louvre:Inventory
A = a statue
AF = Ancien Fonds
AM = Auguste Mariette
AM 1474 (Ma 5027)
AO = Antiquités Orientales
B = bas-relief Template:Musée du Louvre:Inventory/B
Bj = Bijouterie
Br = Bronze
Br 44 (INV 3534)
C = stèle
CA = Céramique Antique
Camp = Campana
Template:Musée du Louvre:Inventory/CL
D = sarcophage, table d'offrandes...
E = Égypte

IM = Inventaire Mariette Template:Musée du Louvre:Inventory/IM
Department of Paintings & Department of Sculptures
INV 2 Albani, Annunciation, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon
INV 3 Albani, Annunciation, Louvre Museum
INV 6 Francesco Albani, Holy Family
INV 7 Francesco Albani, 1620, Noli me tangere
INV 8 Albani, St. Francis of Assisi in Prayer before a Crucifix
INV 9 Albani, Toilet of Venus
INV 10 Albani, The Rest of Venus and Vulcan
INV 11 Albani, The Cupids Disarmed
INV 12 Albani, Adonis Led by Cupids to Venus
INV 13, Albani, Apollo and Hermes
INV 14, Albani, Cybele and the seasons or Allegory of the Earth
INV 15 Albani, Diana and Actaeon
INV 18 Albani, Apollo and Daphne
INV 19 Albani, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
INV 20 Albani, Venus and Adonis
INV 25 Batoni
INV 38 Mariotto Albertinelli, Virgin and Saints
INV 41 Correggio - Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine with Saint Sebastian
54, Caravaggio, The Death of the Virgin
INV 524 (MNE 968)
INV 3534 (Br 44)
INV 31931 ???
Department of Prints and Drawings
L = Louis XVIII & Charles X
LP = Louis-Philippe Ier
LP 2528 (Ma 1887)
Ma = Marbres antiques
Ma 5027 (AM 1474)
MI = Musées Impériaux
MI 49 (RF 78)
MN = Musées Nationaux
MNB = Musées Nationaux B
MNC = Musées Nationaux C
MND = Musées Nationaux D
MND 2249 (Br 4391)
MNE = Musées Nationaux E
MNR = Musées Nationaux Récupération
MR = Musées Royaux
MV = Musée de Versailles
Myr = Myrina
N = Napoléon III
N 1299 (Ma 238)
OA = Objet d'Art
OA 9095 (MR 1714)
OAR = Objet d'Art Récupération
RF = République Française
RF 1
RF 78 (MI 49)
RF 215
RF 265
RF 309
RF 316
RF 323
RF 411
RF 424
RF 425
RF 453, Verso
RF 561
RF 588
RF 665
RF 739, Recto
RF 789, Recto
RF 830, Recto
RF 1083
RF 1185
RF 1278 -
RF 1285
RF 1375
RF 1385
RF 1507
RF 1655
RF 1657
RF 1659
RF 1916, Recto
Department of Sculptures
[edit]Department of Prints and Drawings
RFR = République Française Récupération Template:Musée du Louvre:Inventory/RFR
S = Supplémentaire
SN = Sans Numéro
UCAD = Union centrale des arts décoratifs