Module:SVG Chart/svg-legend
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:SVG Chart/svg-legend/doc
---- ----
local function LegendHead (sLegendType, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, bLegendX, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, dYAxis2Width, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize)
local sReturn = ''
local d1, d2
local dx, dy = 9999, 9999
if sLegendType ~= 'none' then
sReturn = sReturn ..
'<g id="legend" class="legendtext" transform="translate(' -- x, y, position of the legend
if sLegendType == 'line' then -- line legend
if bLegendX then
d1 = dLegendX / 100
-- d1 = 0.1
d1 = dYAxis2Width
if dLegendY then
d2 = dLegendY / -100
d2 = 0.25
dx = round (dChartWidthStretch * d1, 1)
dy = round (dChartHeightStretch * d2, 1)
else -- box legend
if bLegendX then
d1 = dChartWidthStretch * dLegendX / 100
d1 = dChartWidthStretch
+ LegendBoxDX (dChartSize)
+ dYAxis2Width
dx = round (d1, 1)
dy = round (-1 * dChartHeightStretch * dLegendY / 100, 1) -- y, LegendY is distance top of legend to bottom of chart - ToDo: may be an other default value
sReturn = sReturn .. dx .. ', ' .. dy .. ')">'
gsDebug = gsDebug .. 'svg-legend.LegendHead (, sLegendType, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) = \n' ..
' LegendHead (, ' .. sLegendType .. ', ' .. dChartWidthStretch .. ', ' .. dChartHeightStretch .. ', ' .. tostring (dLegendX) .. ', ' .. tostring(dLegendY) .. ', ' .. dChartSize .. ', ' .. tostring (sYAxis2Text) .. ', ' .. dYAxisFontSize .. ') \n' ..
' LegendBoxDX (dChartSize) = LegendBoxDX (' .. dChartSize .. ') = ' .. LegendBoxDX (dChartSize) ..', YAxis2Width (dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) = YAxis2Width (' .. dChartSize .. ', ' .. tostring (sYAxis2Text) .. ', ' .. dYAxisFontSize .. ') = ' .. YAxis2Width (dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) .. '\n' ..
' dx: ' .. dx .. ', dy: ' .. dy .. '\n' ..
'svg-legend.LegendHead(): dYAxis2Width: ' .. dYAxis2Width .. '\n'
return sReturn
---- LegendeElement (), line and text entry for legend ----
1: number of graph
2: ChartSize, Px
3: Legend FontSize, Px, alternate: 6
4: text, required, check whether legend entry is shown
5: if marker, normally the ID of the marker
6: form: "box" (default) or "line"
7: LegendWidth, % of standard value, currently required for line legend
local function LegendElement (iNumber, dChartSizePx, dFontSizePx, sText, iMarkerID, sLegendType, dLegendWidth)
local sReturn, sReturnMarker = '', ''
if sText ~= nil then
sReturn = ' \n'
-- line type legend; graph 1 may have a own special class: therefore "graph1" or "graph" --
if sLegendType == 'line' then
if iMarkerID ~= nil then -- for marker
sReturnMarker =
' <path id="legend-marker' .. iNumber .. '" transform="scale(1 -1)" stroke-width="0.00001" d="M ' ..
round (dChartSizePx * ((iNumber-1) * 0.23 * dLegendWidth/100 + 0.045), 2) .. ' ' .. -- x2, y2
round (-1.05 * dFontSizePx, 2) .. ' h 0" marker-start="url(#graph' .. iNumbermarker .. ')" marker-end="none"/>\n'
sReturn = sReturn ..
' <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph' .. iNumber .. 'line">\n' ..
' <polyline id="legend-line' .. iNumber .. '" points="' ..
round (dChartSizePx * ((iNumber-1) * 0.23 * dLegendWidth/100 + 0.020), 2) .. ' ' .. -- x1
round (1.05 * dFontSizePx, 2) .. ' ' .. -- y1; 1.4: text line height
round (dChartSizePx * ((iNumber-1) * 0.23 * dLegendWidth/100 + 0.070), 2) .. ' ' .. -- x3
round (1.05 * dFontSizePx, 2) .. -- y3
'" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>\n' ..
sReturnMarker ..
' </g></g>\n' ..
' <text id="legend-text' .. iNumber .. '" x="' ..
round (dChartSizePx * ((iNumber-1) * 0.23 * dLegendWidth/100 + 0.090), 1) .. '" y="' ..
round (dFontSizePx * 1.2, 2) .. '">' ..
svgText (dFontSizePx, sText) .. '</text>'
-- box type legend; graph 1 may have a own special class: therefore "graph1" or "graph" --
if iMarkerID ~= nil then -- for marker
sReturnMarker =
' <path id="legend-marker' .. iNumber .. '" transform="scale(1 -1)" stroke-width="0.00001" d="M ' ..
round (dChartSizePx * 0.045, 2) .. ' ' .. -- x2
round (dFontSizePx * -1.1 * (iNumber - 0.3), 2) .. -- y2
' h 0" marker-start="url(#graph' .. iNumber .. 'marker)" marker-end="none"/>\n'
sReturn = sReturn ..
' <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph' .. iNumber .. 'line">\n' ..
' <polyline id="legend-line' .. iNumber .. '" points="' .. -- 1.xx: text line height
round (dChartSizePx * 0.020, 2) .. ' ' .. -- x1
round (dFontSizePx * 1.1 * (iNumber - 0.3), 2) .. ' ' .. -- y1
round (dChartSizePx * 0.070, 2) .. ' ' .. -- x3
round (dFontSizePx * 1.1 * (iNumber - 0.3), 2) .. -- y3
'" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>\n' ..
sReturnMarker ..
' </g></g>\n' ..
' <text id="legend-text' .. iNumber .. '" x="' ..
round (dChartSizePx * 0.090, 1) .. '" y="' ..
round (dFontSizePx * 1.1 * (iNumber - 0.03), 2) .. '">' .. -- >1.x: more on top
svgText (dFontSizePx, sText) .. '</text>\n'
return sReturn
---- global functions ----
--[[ dx position of a box type legend in addition to x axis length:
1: GeneralSize, Px
function LegendBoxDX (dGeneralSize)
return 0.05 * dGeneralSize
---- LegendBoxWidth (), width of a box type legend ----
1: dChartSize, Px
2: dFontSize, %, should be: {{{LegendFontSize|{{{FontSize|100}}}}}}
3: dLegendWidth, % of standard value
function LegendBoxWidth (dChartSizePx, dFontSize100, dLegendWidth100)
round (dChartSizePx * dLegendWidth100 / 10000 * (
10 + -- length of line sample
30 * dFontSize100 / 100 -- standard length of text
), 1)
---- Legend (), legend of the graphs ----
1: form: "box" (default) or "line"
2: ChartSize, Px
3: Fontsize, Px
4: Fontsize, %
5: LegendWidth, % of standard value
6: alternate border color
7: text of graph 1
12: text of graph 6
13: if marker of graph 1
18: if marker of graph 6
/xx values are the distance from the left side of the box
-xx values are the distance from top of the box
function svgLegend (sLegendType, dChartSizePx, dLegendFontSizePx, dLegendFontSize100, dLegendBoxWidth, dLegendWidth100, sBorderColor, tsText, tMarker, sLegendSVG, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, bLegendX, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, dYAxis2Width, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize)
local i, iElements, dx, dy
local sReturn, sElements, sDebug = '', '', ''
if sLegendType ~= 'none' or sLegendSVG then
sReturn = sReturn .. '\n' ..
'<!-- legend -->\n'
if sLegendSVG then -- replacement of standard legend by own svg instructions
sReturn = sReturn ..
else -- sLegendType ~= none
sReturn = sReturn .. ' \n' ..
LegendHead (sLegendType, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, bLegendX, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, dYAxis2Width, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize)
sReturn = sReturn .. ' \n' ..
' <g id="legend-background" class="axismark-main">\n' ..
' <rect x="0" y="0" fill="white"'
if sBorderColor ~= nil then
sReturn = sReturn .. ' stroke="' .. sBorderColor .. '"'
-- all graph lines and descriptions --
iElements = 0
for i = 1, MAXCHARTNUMBER do
sElements = sElements ..
LegendElement (i, dChartSizePx, dLegendFontSizePx, tsText [i], tMarker [i], sType, dLegendWidth100)
if tsText [i] ~= nil then iElements = iElements + 1 end
if sLegendType == 'line' then -- line type legend
dx = round (dChartSizePx * (0.23 * iElements) * dLegendWidth100/100 + 0.05, 1) -- width of the border; first factor the same in LegendElement function
dy = round (dLegendFontSizePx * 2.1, 1) -- height of the border
else -- box type legend
dx = dLegendBoxWidth -- width of the border; /x: copy x to viewBox width
dy = round (dLegendFontSizePx * (1.1 * iElements + 0.5), 1) -- height of the border, 1.x same factor as in LegendElement
sDebug = 'iElements: ' .. iElements
sReturn = sReturn .. ' width="' .. dx .. '" height="' .. dy .. '"/>\n' ..
' </g>\n' ..
sElements ..
gsDebug = gsDebug .. 'svg-legend.Legend(): sLegendType: ' .. tostring(sLegendType) .. ', sLegendSVG: ' .. tostring(sLegendSVG) .. ', ' .. sDebug .. '\n'
return sReturn