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- global function "format"
is invoked from e.g. Created with/layout when
- either the name of the
starts with U+ or &# - and/or an
is specified.
- analize
: when it contains a dot, it cannot be a codepoint
no further checks are performed whether is is a valid file name, e.g. "U+2861.svg";
without a dot it is assumed to be a codepoint, as e.g. ⡡
no further checks are performed whether is is a valid codepoint,
but the notation U+ is converted to &#x... and the display becomes tooltipped - analize
: when it is missing, useful defaults are set: 33px for Unicode, 36x22px for files
when it is specified, the absence/presence of thepx
dimension is verified - either the file, or the codepoint is displayed
With other file names and no iconsize, no invocation occurs
-- Module for: Formatting Logo
local p = {}
local concat = table.concat
local split = mw.text.split
local trim = mw.text.trim
local upper = mw.ustring.upper
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local function ucfirst(s)
return upper(sub(s, 1, 1)) .. sub(s, 2)
function p.format(frame)
local gpar = frame.args -- global
local fname = ucfirst(trim(gpar[1] or ''))
if fname == '' then return '' end -- if file name is "unspecified"
local size = trim(gpar[2] or '') -- or '0' for "unspecified"
if size:sub(-2) == 'px' then size = size:sub(1, -3) end -- discard 'px' unit if present
size = split(size, 'x') -- {width, height} or {height}
size = size[2] and size[2] or size[1] -- keep only the specified height (in px)
local style = trim(gpar[3] or '') -- or '-' for "unspecified"
if style == '-' then style = '' end
local title = trim(gpar[4] or '') -- or '' for "unspecified"
local what = split(fname, '.', true--[[plain, not regexp]]) --[[detect a filename extension]]
--[[if there's a non-empty part before a supported extension, with 1 to 4 characters: 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg', 'webp', 'djvu', 'tif', 'tiff'...]]
if #what > 1 and #(what[#what]) > 0 and #(what[#what]) < 5 then
if title == '' then
title = concat(what, '.', 1, -2):gsub('_', ' ') --[[default title from fname without this extension, underscores replaced by spaces]]
what = 'F' -- displaying a file
if size == '' or size == '0' then
size = '36' -- default file size (in px)
elseif fname:sub(1, 2) == 'U+' or fname:sub(1, 2) == '&#' then
what = 'U' -- displaying an Unicode code point instead of a file
if size == '' or size == '0' then
size = '15' -- Unicode default font-size (in px)
if title == '' then
title = fname--[[default title]]
title = trim(title
:gsub('U%+([0-9A-Fa-f]+) ?', function(x) return 'U+' .. upper(x) .. ' ' end)
:gsub('&#([0-9A-Fa-f]+);?', function(x) return 'U+' .. upper(x) .. ' ' end))
fname = fname
:gsub('&#([0-9A-Fa-f]+);?', function(x) return '&#x' .. upper(x) .. ';' end)
:gsub('U%+([0-9A-Fa-f]+) ?', function(x) return '&#x' .. upper(x) .. ';' end) .. '️'--[[Emoji-style variation selector 16]]
if what == 'F' then -- displaying a file
if style ~= '' then
style = '|' .. style
if title ~= '' then
title = '|' .. title
:gsub('%[', '[')
:gsub('%]', ']')
:gsub('%|', '{')
return concat{ '[[File:', fname, '|', size, 'x22px', style--[[allow linking]], title, ']]' }
else -- displaying an Unicode code point
if title ~= '' then
title = concat{ ' title="', title:gsub('"', '"'), '"' }
return concat{ '<div style="display:inline-block;position:relative;font-size:', size, 'px;line-height:22px;vertical-align:middle;top:-1px', style, '"', title, '>', fname, '</div>' }
end -- function format
return p