Kilde: Hvor kom denne filen opprinnelig fra? Gi så mye informasjon du kan. Dersom du trenger mer en en linje, trykk knappen til høyre for feltet.
Kildeinformasjon er nødvendig for alle opplastinger til Commons. Last ikke opp filer fra kjente dårlige kilder, og vær forsiktig med opplastinger fra problemkilder.
Dersom du gir en URL som den umiddelbare bildekilden, så pass på at det er en URL til en bildebeskrivelse eller til en webside hvor bildet er brukt. En lenke til en ren bildefil er ikke til nytte.
Opphavsperson(er): Du må oppgi opphavspersonene til dette verket. Gi så mye informasjon du kan. Dersom du trenger mer enn en linje, trykk knappen på høyre side av feltet.
Dersom det er en {{Creator}} mal for en kjent opphavsperson, bruk denne. (se liste) For eksempel, dersom Creator:Christian Krohg finnes, vil å skrive inn "{{Creator:Christian Krohg}}" legge til en boks som inneholder relevant informasjon om denne personen, og også automatisk legge filen i en kategori som inneholder denne personens verk.
{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }} |
Beskrivelse: beskriv innholdet i filen du ønsker å laste opp. Dette feltet må fylles ut.
Velg språk for beskrivelsen i rullemenyen til venstre. Dersom du vil legge til beskrivelser på flere språk kan du trykke på knappen under det nederst beskrivelsesfeltet: Dette vil legge til et nytt beskrivelsesfelt.
- er eksplisitt lisensiert under en fri lisens som GFDL, Creative Commons lisenser {{Cc-by}} eller {{Cc-by-sa}}, eller lignende frie lisenser, eller
- er offentlig eiendom (public domain) både i USA og i landet verket ble skapt
Local file: Select a file on your local computer that you want to upload.
If you want to upload a file from some other website, you must first download it to your local computer before you can upload it here. Please take note that most images out there are copyrighted and not freely licensed. See also our image casebook for explanations about which kinds of images are fine to upload, and which pose problems or should not be uploaded at all.
External URL: Select a externally hosted file that you want to upload.
Please note: You can only transfer images from allowlisted websites.
Please take note that most images out there are copyrighted and not freely licensed. See also our image casebook for explanations about which kinds of images are fine to upload, and which pose problems or should not be uploaded at all.
Source: Where did this file originally come from? Give as much information as you can. If you need more than one line, click the button to the right of the field.
Source information is mandatory for all uploads to the Commons. Please do not upload files taken from known bad sources, and be careful with uploads from problematic sources.
If you give a URL as the immediate image source, make sure it's a URL to an image description, or to a web page where the image is used. A link to the plain image file is of no use.
Author: You must indicate the author(s) of this work. Give as much information as you can. If you need more than one line, click the button to the right of the field.
If there is a {{Creator}} template for a famous author, use it. (See the list.) For instance, if Creator:Charles Roscoe Savage exists, entering "{{Creator:Charles Roscoe Savage}}" in the field will add a box giving relevant information about that person, and also automatically add the file uploaded to a category containing works by this author.
For instance, if you've cropped away a border, say so. Or if you're uploading a larger, but otherwise identical, version of the already existing file, write "Larger version from ", followed by the source of the new version.
Your description will appear as an edit summary; it will not appear on the file description page itself! If the new version comes from a different source, or has a different author or license, please also update the file description page after the upload.
If the new version you want to upload differs substantially from the already existing file, it is almost always better to upload the file under a new name instead of overwriting the existing file.
{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }} |
Description: describe the contents of the file you want to upload. A description is mandatory.
Choose the language of the description in the drop-down menu on the left. If you want to add more descriptions in other languages, click the button below the last description field: this will add a new field for another description.
Permission: If the work you want to upload is copyrighted, but you have an explicit permission to license it under a free license, forward any such permission to
, and place {{subst:PP}}
in this field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
If you know that your file falls under a specialized copyright rule not covered by the licenses mentioned in the "License" drop-down menu below, you may also write a copyright tag directly in this field instead of choosing a license below. If you use a "user license" defined in a subpage of your user page, you must "subst" it. A transclusion of a user license will not be accepted as a license.
Patent permissions: If this file is your own work, the WMF Patent License ({{3dpatent}}) is required. Additionally, 3D files depicting weapons are not allowed. Click here for more information.
- are explicitly licensed under a free license such as the GFDL, the Creative Commons licenses {{Cc-by-4.0}} or {{Cc-by-sa-4.0}}, or similar free licenses, or
- are in the public domain both in the U.S. and in the source country of the work.
Opprinnelig kilde: Opphavsperson(er): Dato: Beskrivelse: Tillatelse: Kategorier: Andre versjoner: Annen informasjon: Forhåndsvisning av valgt lisens
Ukjent språk
Forhåndsvisning OK Avbryt
Original source: Author(s): Date of the work: Description: Permission: Categories: Other versions: Additional info: Preview the chosen license {{own}} Unknown language
Preview OK Cancel
Error messages
Du må oppgi den opprinnelige kilden til bildet, opphavsperson og en lisens. Feltet "ønsket filnavn" må ikke være tomt. Ønsket filnavn ser ut til å være en URL Ønsket filnavn må ikke inneholde "/" Vær vennlig å bruke et mer beskrivende filnavn Filnavnet må angi type ved et suffiks (f.eks. .jpg) Filer av denne typen kan ikke lastes opp. Vær vennlig å rett opp dobbel suffiks i ønsket filnavn Kilde må være en URL som peker til bildebeskrivelsen på Flickr Vær vennlig å beskrive innholdet i filen du vil laste opp.
Ingen hjelpetekst funnet. Vær så snill å rapportere denne feilen på Administrators' noticeboard, og forklar hvilken beskjed som manglet og hvilken språk du har angitt i brukerinnstillinger. På forhånd takk. Du er i ferd med å laste opp over en allerede eksisterende fil. Informasjonen du angir i dette skjemaet vil ikke framtre i bildebeskrivelsen. Kanskje du skulle velge et annet filnavn?
You must give the original source of the file, the author of the work, and a license. The target filename must not be empty. The target file name appears to be a URL. The target file name must not contain "/". Please use a more descriptive target file name. The target file name must have a file type extension (like for example ".jpg"). Files of this type cannot be uploaded. Please correct the double file type in the target file name. The source must be a URL pointing to the image description at Flickr. Please give a description of the contents of the file you want to upload. You must give a description of the changes to the file you will overwrite. Help text not found. Please report this error at the Administrators' noticeboard, telling which message was missing and what your user interface language setting is. Thank you. You will upload over an already existing file. Please choose a different filename, unless you are uploading a technically improved version of the same file. Don't overwrite a file with a different image of the same topic. If you overwrite, the information in this form will not appear on the description page.
Navnet filen skal ha på Commons etter opplastingen. Hvor kommer denne filen fra? Hvem laget denne filen? Dersom den viser et kunstverk: hvem laget kunstverket? Dato når verket først ble laget og/eller publisert. Ikke din egen fil? Eller allerede publisert et annet sted? Bruk {{Permission pending|month=januar|day=5|year=2025}} og send tillatelse gjennom e-post. Feltet kan også brukes til spesielle lisensmerker. Brukes til kartkoordinater og annen spesialisert informasjon. Visste du at bildene våre kan vises på Google Maps? Se for eksempel bilder tatt nær Sognefjorden. Trykk (+) for å legge til kategorier.
Name of the file at Commons after the upload. Use a descriptive file name (tips). Where does this file come from? (more) Who created this file? Also, if it shows some artwork, who created that? Date of creation and/or first publication of the work ("YYYY-MM-DD" format). If this is not your own file, or the work was already published elsewhere, use {{Permission pending|month=januar|day=5|year=2025}} and send permission by e-mail. The field can also be used for specialized license tags. Use for geolocation tags and other specialized information (such as {{Consent}} for images of identifiable living people). Click (+) to add categories.
Graphic elements