Mary, Queen of Scots
English: Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart or Stewart) (December 8, 1542 – February 8, 1587), was the ruler of Scotland from December 14, 1542 – July 24, 1567. She is perhaps the best known of the Scottish monarchs, in part because of the tragedy of her life.
Español: María, reina de los Escoceses (María Estuardo) (8 de diciembre de 1542 – 8 de febrero de 1587), gobernó Escocia desde ekçl 14 de diciembre de 1542 – al 24 de julio de 1567. Es quizás la monarca escocesa más conocida, en parte debido a la tragedia de su vida.
Français : Marie, reine des Ecossais (Marie Stuart) (8 décembre 1542 - 8 février 1587), fut reine d'Écosse du 14 décembre 1542 au 24 juillet 1567. Elle est probablement la mieux connue des souverains écossais, en partie à cause de la tragédie de sa vie.
Italiano: Maria, regina di Scozia (Maria Stuarda) (8 dicembre 1542 – 8 febbraio 1587), fu sovrana di Scozia dal 14 dicembre 1542 al 24 luglio 1567. È probabilmente la sovrana scozzese più conosciuta, in parte a causa della sua tragica vita.
Portraits during her stay in France
At the age of 13 years by François Clouet
Mary and François II, her first husband after François Clouet
Caterina de' Medici's family
At the age of 16 years by François Clouet
At the age of 16 years by François Clouet
At the age of 18 years after François Clouet
In mourning for François II by François Clouet
In mourning for François II by François Clouet
In mourning for François II after François Clouet
In mourning for François II after François Clouet
In mourning for François II after François Clouet
Mary in a miniature painting after François Clouet's school
Portraits during her stay in Scotland and England
Mary as Queen of Scots
Mary and Lord Darnley, her second husband
Mary in 1575 by Federico Zuccari or Alonso Sánchez Coello
Mary in captivity
Mary in captivity in 1578 by Nicholas Hilliard
Mary in captivity after Nicholas Hilliard
Mary in captivity after Nicholas Hilliard
An apocryphal portrait with her son James
Mary on the day of her execution (XVII sec.)
Mary in captivity (engraving)
Mary's execution (contemporary drawing)
Mary's execution
Mary's execution (engraving)
Mary's execution (XIX sec.)
Mary on the way to the scaffold by Scipione Vannutelli, 1861
Queen Mary's Tomb
Tomb in Westminster Abbey (back of the photo)
Tomb in Westminster Abbey
Tomb in Westminster Abbey
Copy in the National Museum of Scotland
Her statue in Paris
Her statue in Paris
Her statue in Edinburgh
Her bedroom in Holyrood Palace
Her breviary
Her signature
Her code book and cipher
Her encoded letter, altered to incriminate her collaborators
Her trial
The death warrant