Mars (god)
Denarius (Cornelia 50)
Mars in Gaziantep, Turkey
Roman statue of the God Mars from York, England dating from the early fourth century.
Allegory with Mars, Venus and Cupido, by Paris Bordone
Mars and Venus by Botticelli
Mars and Venus by Agostino Carracci
Mars and Venus Discovered by the Gods by Joachim Wtewael
'Mars and the Vestal Virgin', oil on canvas painting by Jacques Blanchard, ca. 1630
Vulcan, Venus, and Mars, by Tintoretto
Mars à Lille, fin du 17ème siècle
Johann Baptist Straub: Mars, um 1772
Mars am Brandenburger Tor Berlin
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Nationaldenkmal: Carl Van Vechten in front of figure of War/Mars