Deutsch: Die Holzernte ist das Fällen, Zerteilen und Abtransportieren von Bäumen in einem Wald oder auf einer Holzplantage.
English: Logging is the cutting, skidding, on-site processing, and loading of trees or logs onto transport vehicles.
Français : Exploitation du bois
Norsk nynorsk: Tømmerhogst vil seia å hogga ned tre og kvista dei for å rydda skog eller, meir vanleg, for å bruka trematerialet.
Hauling log, Malawi, 1910
Cutting trees, Greece
Rafts of logs, Finland
NSW, Australia
Woodships for export, NSW
Computerized heavy machinery log cutting
The effects of logging. 1905-1915
Timber rafting to Vancouver, Canada
Log-rolling in Śnieżnik Mountains, Sudetes, Poland
logging in Lower Columbia, Oregon, around 1905
Waldarbeiter beim Holzsägen, Jean-François Millet (II)
Log dump in Victoria, Australia.