Locator maps of province-level divisions of the Republic of China

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English: This is a series of locator maps made by Pryaltonian, based on Image:ROC_Administrative_and_Claims.jpg and Locator maps of province-level divisions of the People's Republic of China created by Ran. Features include:
  • Official provincial borders of the Republic of China that have been changed by the administration of the People's Republic of China.
  • Disputed areas are given as much NPOV treatment as possible.
    • Green-blue areas are those under the administration of the Republic of China. This includes Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and Pratas islands.
    • Red areas are the 14 central municipalities of the Republic of China.
    • Light blue areas are those claimed by the Republic of China but controlled by the People's Republic of China. This includes Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
    • Light purple areas are those claimed by the Republic of China but controlled or claimed by other countries. This includes: the Diaoyu Islands/Senkaku Shoto, controlled by Japan; Arunachal Pradesh, controlled by India; Tannu Uriankhai and the 64 villages east of the Amur River, controlled by Russia; Mongolia, controlled by the Republic of Mongolia; parts of Kachin and Sagaing, controlled by Myanmar; parts of Gorno-Badakhshan, controlled by Tajikistan; and areas of Xinjiang controlled by Afghanistan and Pakistan.
    • Pink areas are those claimed by other countries but under Chinese control. This includes Aksai Chin, controlled by the People's Republic of China.
    • The Paracel, Macclesfield, and Spratly Islands are omitted, because the area covered is too large and the situation too complex to fit into a simple locator map.
中文:這是中華民國部份省級行政區位置圖,由Pryaltonian依據http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:ROC_Administrative_and_Claims.jpg和RanLocator maps of province-level divisions of the People's Republic of China繪製。特徵包括:
  • 中華民國官方省界,並不依中華人民共和國重劃
  • 有爭議地區盡量以中立方式處理
    • 藍綠色地區是中華民國統治區,包括臺灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖、東沙群島
    • 紅色地區是中華民國直轄市
    • 淺藍色地區是中華民國主張,但被中華人民共和國控制的地區,包括中國大陸、香港、澳門
    • 淺紫色地區是中華民國主張,但被其他國家控制的地區,包括釣魚臺列嶼、藏南、唐努烏梁海和江東六十四屯、蒙古、克欽和實皆、戈爾諾—巴達赫尚、部份新疆
    • 粉紅色地區是其他國家主張,但被中華人民共和國控制的地區,包括阿克賽欽
    • 南沙群島、中沙群島、西沙群島不在地圖列出,因範圍太大
Andong (Antung) 安東省
Chahar (Chahar) 察哈爾省
Hejiang (Hokiang) 合江省
Liaobei (Liaopeh) 遼北省
Nenjiang (Nunkiang) 嫩江省
Rehe (Jehol) 熱河省
Songjiang (Sungkiang) 松江省
Suiyuan (Suiyuan) 綏遠省
Xikang (Sikang) 西康省
Xing'an (Hiangan) 興安省