Leptis Magna
Leptis Magna, or Lepcis Magna as it is sometimes spelled, was a prominent city of the republic of Carthage, and later, of the Roman Empire. Its ruins are located 62 miles (100 km) southeast of Carthage, near Tripoli in the modern country of Libya.
[edit]Arch of Septimius Severus / Arc de Septime Severe (193-211)
Arch of Roman emperor Lucius Septimius Severus
Arch of Septimius Severus
Arch of Septimius Severus
Theater / Théatre (2nd century BC)
Leptis Magna - theater
Leptis Magna - theater (scene)
Theater of Leptis Magna
One of the gates at the theatre at Leptis Magna/Libya
Hadrian Bath / thermes d'Hadrien
Thermes - piscine froide
Thermes - Tepidarium
Thermes - Latrines
Thermes - Latrines
Macellum / market place / marché
market place
Leptis Magna - market place
Leptis Magna - market place
Macellum - Rotonde
Market - boots
Amphitheater of Leptis Magna
Amphitheater of Leptis Magna
Amphitheater - arena entry
forum external wall
Forum, general view
Forum - Severus temple
Forum - Archs of peristyle with gorgon's heads
Gorgon head sculpture
Basilica - interior
Basilica - north abside
North abside, relief pilaster
North abside, relief pilaster
Basilica - south abside
Leptis Magna - human development from conception to birth (relief)
Stairs inside the basilica
Various /Divers
Leptis Magna - ancient direction sign to... brothel
Leptis Magna - ancient direction sign to... brothel
Leptis Magna - ruins