Leonor, Princess of Asturias
Dansk: Leonor, prinsesse af Asturien (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; født 31. oktober 2005) er den formodede arving til den spanske trone. Hun er den ældste datter af kong Felipe VI og dronning Letizia.
Deutsch: Leonor, Prinzessin von Asturien (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; geboren am 31. Oktober 2005) ist die mutmaßliche Erbin des spanischen Throns. Sie ist die älteste Tochter von König Felipe VI. und Königin Letizia.
English: Leonor, Princess of Asturias (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; born 31 October 2005) is the heiress presumptive to the Spanish throne. She is the eldest daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia.
Español: Leonor, Princesa de Asturias (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; nacida el 31 de octubre de 2005) es la presunta heredera del trono español. Es la hija mayor del rey Felipe VI y la reina Letizia.
Français : Leonor, princesse des Asturies (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; née le 31 octobre 2005) est l'héritière présomptive du trône d'Espagne. Elle est la fille aînée du roi Felipe VI et de la reine Letizia.
Italiano: Leonor, principessa delle Asturie (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; nata il 31 ottobre 2005) è l'erede presunta al trono spagnolo. È la figlia maggiore del re Filippo VI e della regina Letizia.
Magyar: Leonor, Asztúria hercegnője (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; 2005. október 31-én született) a spanyol trón feltételezett örökösnője. VI. Felipe király és Letizia királynő legidősebb lánya.
Norsk: Leonor, prinsesse av Asturias (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; født 31. oktober 2005) er den antatte arvingen til den spanske tronen. Hun er den eldste datteren til kong Felipe VI og dronning Letizia.
Português do Brasil: Leonor, Princesa das Astúrias (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; nascida em 31 de outubro de 2005) é a herdeira presuntiva do trono espanhol. Ela é a filha mais velha do rei Felipe VI e da rainha Letizia.
Suomi: Leonor, Asturian prinsessa (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; syntynyt 31. lokakuuta 2005) on Espanjan valtaistuimen oletettu perillinen. Hän on kuningas Felipe VI:n ja kuningatar Letizian vanhin tytär.
Svenska: Leonor, prinsessa av Asturien (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; född 31 oktober 2005) är den presumtiva arvtagerskan till den spanska tronen. Hon är den äldsta dottern till kung Felipe VI och drottning Letizia.
Türkçe: Asturias Prensesi Leonor (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz; 31 Ekim 2005 doğumlu) İspanyol tahtının varisi. Kral Felipe VI ve Kraliçe Letizia'nın en büyük kızıdır.
Ελληνικά: Η Λεονόρ, Πριγκίπισσα της Αστούριας (Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz, γεννημένη στις 31 Οκτωβρίου 2005) είναι η κληρονόμος του Ισπανικού θρόνου. Είναι η μεγαλύτερη κόρη του βασιλιά Φελίπε ΣΤ' και της βασίλισσας Λετίσια.
36th princess of Asturias and heiress to the Spanish throne | |||||
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Date of birth | 31 October 2005 Madrid Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz | ||||
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official website | |||||
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[edit]Only The Princess of Asturias
The Princess of Asturias with other Spanish royals
With her father Felipe VI, her mother Queen Letizia and her sister Infanta Sofía at Felipe's proclamation as the Spanish monarch
(19 June 2014) -
With ther sister Infanta Sofía and her mother Queen Letizia at the National Day of Spain
(12 October 2017) -
With her father Felipe VI, who has imposed on her the Necklace of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
(30 January 2018) -
With her father Felipe VI, her mother Queen Letizia and her sister Infanta Sofía during the act of imposing the decorations of the Order of Civil Merit
(19 June 2019) -
With her mother, Queen Letizia, and her sister, Infanta Sofía, at the National Day of Spain
(12 October 2019) -
With her father, Felipe VI, Prime Minister of Spain at the ceremony of imposition of the Collar of the Royal Spanish Order of Carlos III
(31 October 2023) -
With her father, Felipe VI, and her mother, Queen Letizia, on the steps of the Puerta de los Leones
(29 November 2023)
Symbols of The Princess of Asturias
Standard of Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Heiress to the Spanish Throne
Royal Guidon (Military personal standard) of Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Heiress to the Spanish Throne
Coat of Arms
Coat of arms of Leonor, Princess of Asturias, heiress to the Spanish throne
Shield of Arms
Coat of arms of Princess Leonor without the Golden Fleece