LGBT activists
LGBT activists / Militanti LGBT.
English: For an unsorted view look at Category:LGBT activists as well as at Category:LGBT Pride. For sorted images about LGBT history, look at: homosexuality.
Italiano: Per una galleria d'immagini non organizzate cronologicamente si veda Category:LGBT activists ed anche Category:LGBT Pride. Per una galleria d'immagini ordinate cronologicamente, relative alla storia LGBT, si veda: homosexuality.
Historical images / Images historiques / Immagini storiche
[edit]Male / Hommes / Uomini
Swiss writer and earliest homosexual activist Heinrich Hössli (1784-1864) as a young man. Early 19th century miniature.
Heinrich Hössli (1784-1864) - drawing by Caspar Mueller, undated, but circa 1833.
Heinrich Hössli (1784-1864) in his late age.
The only extant picture of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) - L'unica foto che possediamo di Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895).
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895)
Karl Maria Kertbeny (1824-1882) in his youth, around 1845/50.
Károly Mária Kertbeny (1824-1882), a.k.a. Karl-Maria Kertbeny (Benkert), 1850/60 - Károly Mária Kertbeny (1824-1882), o Karl-Maria Benkert, 1850/60.
Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) in 1875.
Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) in 1890 ca.
Edward Carpenter's longtime companion, George Merril (he died in 1928).
Le futur militant homosexuel Marc André Raffalovich (1864-1934) en 1880 environs.
John Addington Symonds in 1889.
Baron Hermann von Teschenberg (1866-1911) in female dress.
Baron Hermann von Teschenberg (1866-1911) in male clothes.
Harvey Milk
Larry Kramer
Female / Femmes / Donne
Marsha P. Johnson
Audre Lorde
Arden Eversmeyer (b. 1931), founder of Lesbians Over Age Fifty (LOAF) and the Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project (OLOHP), with Charlotte Avery
Current / Images d'aujoudhui / Immagini contemporeanee
[edit]Male / Hommes / Uomini
Italian writer, author and gay activist Alessandro Golinelli.
Italian MP and gay activist it:Franco Grillini, 2002.
The founder of the Italian gay movement Angelo Pezzana in 2000.
caricature on Nikolay Alexeyev
Female / Femmes / Donne
Alicia Garza activist and co-founder of Black Lives Matter
Isa Noyola, deputy director at the Transgender Law Center. -
Jennicet Gutiérrez, activist for transgender rights and immigrant rights. -
Patrisse Cullors, activist, author, and co-founder of Black Lives Matter
Non-binary / Personnalité non binaire / Persone non binarie
Judith Butler, philosopher and gender studies scholar