John the Baptist
Deutsch: Johannes der Täufer, Prediger in Palästina um das Jahr 30, eine zentralen Figuren des Christentums, des Islams, des Mandäismus und der Evangelien.
English: John the Baptist was a preacher in Palestine around 30 AD. He is mentioned in the New Testament.
Places and ancient images
Ancient graffito possibly featuring John the Baptist
St John ba Harim, Ein Karem, Israel. John's birthplace.
St John ba Harim, Ein Karem, Israel. John's birthplace.
Encaustic icon of John the Baptist, IV c.
Byzantine mosaic Deesis in Hagia Sophia, XII c.
Fresco in Gracanica monastery, Serbia, XIII c.
Geertgen tot Sint Jans, XV c.
By Jan van Eyck, fragment of Ghent altar, 1432
By Hieronymus Bosch, 1504-1505
Fragment of Isenheim Altarpiece, by Mathis Grünewald, 1512-1516
By Leonardo, 1513-1516
By Caravaggio, 1598
By Bartolomé González y Serrano, c.1600.
By El Greco, 1600-1605
Russian icons
By Andrey Rublev
By Feofan Grek
«Angel of desert»
John preaching in hell after his death and before Christ's Harrowing of Hell. Fragment of icon
Palekh icon, XIX c.
Head of John the Baptist
Rogier van der Weyden's «Johannes-Altar», b.1445
Naming of John the Baptist
Paintings of the Life
[edit]Birth and youth
Russian icon, XV c.
By Domenico Ghirlandaio, fresco in Cappella Tornabuoni, c. 1486-90
By Jacopo Pontormo, 1526
The Holy Family with Saint Elisabteh and the little Saint John the Baptist to whom the Child Jesus gives a reed cross, Jacques Blanchard, around 1630
John in desert
By Domenico Veneziano, c. 1445
By Giovanni di Paolo, 1454
By Berner Nelkenmeister, c. 1495
«The Appearance of Christ before the people», by A.Ivanov, 1837-1857
«Landscape with St. John the Baptist praching», by P. Brueghel
Pieter Fransz de Grebber, «John the Baptist preaching before Herod», XVII c.
Saint John The Baptist Preaching In The Wilderness by Anton Raphael
John the Baptist Pointing to Christ by Federico Barocci
Baptism of Christ
Byzantine mosaic, Daphni, c.1100
Russian icon
By Piero della Francesca, c. 1440-1450
By Verroccio or da Vinci, c. 1475
By Francesco Francia, 1509
By Tintoretto, XVI c.
By El Greco, 1596-1600
By Guido Reni, 1622-1623
Russian icon
By Memling, 1479
By Juan Flandes, c. 1496-1499
By Caravaggio
By Caravaggio, 1608
Tailpiece to the Gospel of Matthew. Philippe De Loutherbourg
Salome with head
From Sinope Gospels, c.550
By Juan de Flandes, 1496
By Lucas Cranach d. Ä., 1531
By Berruguete, c. 1512-1517
By Tiziano, c.1560
By Tiziano
By Guercino, 1637
By Rubens, 17 c.
By Gustave Moreau, 1875
By Franz von Stuck, 1906
Burial and relics
Burial of beheaded John by his students. Fragment of Russian icon
3d finding of John the Baptist's head. Fragment of Russian icon
Photo of John's head, San Silvestro in Capite, Rome
Photo of German sculpture
Prophet Yahya's Shrine inside the Umayyad Mosque, Damascus
Prophet Yahya's tomb in the Umayyad Mosque, Damascus
St. John the Baptist, 1480, Bodemuseum Berlin
By Rodin