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International Phonetic Alphabet

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
See also: X-SAMPA.
See also: General phonetics.


Name Text Image
Voiceless bilabial p
Voiced bilabial b
Voiceless alveolar t
Voiced alveolar d
Voiceless retroflex ʈ
Voiced retroflex ɖ
Voiceless palatal c
Voiced palatal ɟ
Voiceless velar k
Voiced velar ɡ
Voiceless uvular q
Voiced uvular ɢ
Voiceless glottal ʔ


Name Text Image
Voiced bilabial m
Voiced labiodental ɱ
Voiced alveolar n
Voiced retroflex ɳ
Voiced palatal ɲ
Voiced velar ŋ
Voiced uvular ɴ


Name Text Image
Voiced bilabial ʙ
Voiced alveolar r
Voiced uvular ʀ

Tap or Flap

Name Text Image
Voiced alveolar ɾ
Voiced retroflex ɽ


Name Text Image
Voiceless bilabial ɸ
Voiced bilabial β
Voiceless labiodental f
Voiced labiodental v
Voiceless dental θ
Voiced dental ð
Voiceless alveolar s
Voiced alveolar z
Voiceless postalveolar ʃ
Voiced postalveolar ʒ
Voiceless retroflex ʂ
Voiced retroflex ʐ
Voiceless palatal ç
Voiced palatal ʝ
Voiceless velar x
Voiced velar ɣ
Voiceless uvular χ
Voiced uvular ʁ
Voiceless pharyngeal ħ
Voiced pharyngeal ʕ
Voiceless glottal h
Voiced glottal ɦ
Voiceless dorso-palatal ɧ

Lateral Fricative

Name Text Image
Voiceless alveolar ɬ
Voiced alveolar ɮ


Name Text Image
Voiced labiodental ʋ
Voiced alveolar ɹ
Voiced retroflex ɻ
Voiced palatal j
Voiced velar ɰ

Lateral Approximant

Name Text Image
Voiced alveolar l
Voiced retroflex ɭ
Voiced palatal ʎ
Voiced velar ʟ


Name Text Image
Bilabial ʘ
Dental ǀ
(Post)alveolar ǃ
Palatoalveolar ǂ
Alveolar lateral ǁ


