Gronau (Bonn)
General views
The city district Gronau
Gronau seen from the Konrad Adenauer Bridge
Aerial view of Gronau
Post Tower and Schürmann-Bau
Headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG
Headquarters of Deutsche Postbank AG
Spiritus Villa
Headquarters of Solarworld AG
Parliament Building (Bundeshaus)
[edit]Main gallery: Bundeshaus (Bonn)
The central building
Federal authorities
The former federal chancellery, seat of the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
English: Federal press office (Information office of the Federal Government)Deutsch: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung
Palais Schaumburg, Bonn residence of the Federal Chancellor
Villa Hammerschmidt, Bonn residence of the Federal President
Federal Audit Office
Tulpenfeld highrise, federal net agency
Federal Foreign Office, Ministry of Justice
Headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG
English: Haus der Geschichte (Museum for Germany's history)Deutsch: Haus der Geschichte
Federal Art Gallery
Art Museum Bonn
Underground / light rail
Museum König
Bundesrechnungshof/Auswärtiges Amt
In front of the Deutsche Telekom AG headquarters
English: Plastic of Konrad Adenauer, Bundeskanzlerplatz (Federal chancellor's square)Deutsch: Plastik von Konrad Adenauer, Bundeskanzlerplatz