Flora of Store Ble
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Store Ble is the northernmost part of Blefjell in Buskerud, Norway. Here are some photos of the plants, moss etc. found at Store Ble, from around 800 meter above sea level to the top of Åklinut at 1246 meter.
Cloudberry - Rubus chamaemorus (Molteblomster)
Cloudberry - Rubus chamaemorus (Molte)
Bilberry - Vaccinium myrtillus (Blåbær)
Vaccinium uliginosum (Blokkebær, Skinntryte, Mikkelsbær)
Lingonberry - Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Tyttebær)
Crowberry - Empetrum (Krekling og en blåvinge)
Alpine Bearberry, Mountain Bearberry, or Black Bearberry - Arctostaphylos alpina (Rypebær - umoden)
Eurasian Dwarf Cornel or Bunchberry - Cornus suecica (Skrubbær)
Eurasian Dwarf Cornel or Bunchberry - Cornus suecica (Skrubbær)
Saxifraga stellaris (Stjernesildre)
Cow-wheat - Melampyrum (Marimjelle)
Fireweed or Rosebay Willowherb - Epilobium angustifolium (Geitrams)
Fireweed or Rosebay Willowherb - Epilobium angustifolium (Geitrams om høsten)
Goldenrod or woundwort - Solidago virgaurea (Gullris)
Butterworts - Pinguicula (Tettegress)
Potentilla - Potentilla erecta (Tepperot)
Heath Spotted Orchid or Moorland Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata (Flekkmarihånd)
Arctic starflower - Trientalis europaea (Skogstjerne)
Red campion - Silene dioica (Rød jonsokblom)
False lily of the valley or May lily (Maiblomst)
Sidebells Wintergreen - Orthilia secunda (Nikkevintergrønn)
Purple Gentian - Gentiana Purpurea (Søterot)
Purple Gentian - Gentiana Purpurea (Søterot)
Heather - Calluna (Røsslyng og en blåvinge)
Heather - Calluna (Røsslyng mot Åkli)
Blue mountainheath - Phyllodoce caerulea (Blålyng)
Bog-rosemary - Andromeda polifolia (Kvitlyng)
Trailing azalea - Loiseleuria procumbens (Greplyng)
Parsley fern - Cryptogramma crispa (Hestespreng)
Cottongrass - Eriophorum (Myrull)
Deergrass - Trichoporum cespitosum (Bjønnskjegg)
Firmoss - Huperzia appressa (Fjell-lusegress)
Haircap moss or Hair moss - Polytrichum (Bjørnemose)
Haircap moss or Hair moss - Polytrichum (Bjørnemose)
Alectoria? (Skjegglav?)
Map lichen - Rhizocarpon geographicum (Kartlav)