File talk:Same-sex marriage map Oceania.svg

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The Australian Capital Territory just legalized same-sex marriage. The map needs to be updated.--Francis Christian (talk) 15:54, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, Palau decriminalized homosexuality over the summer 2014. This map should be updated. Sorry, I don't know how to do that.

Pitcairn Island Territorium


Pitcairn allowed same-sex marriages. So that part of the card should be darkblue.

-- 13:42, 20 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nauru legalizing


2016: Pacific Island Nauru legalized same-sex activities. So in map Nauru should be makre in grey colour.

--MirsolaWarete (talk) 17:22, 27 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Cook Islands legalizing


Cook Islands should be marked now in darkgrey colours. -- 15:57, 3 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

They haven't approved it yet--Baronedimare (talk) 16:18, 3 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Easter Island Inclusion Discussion


Hi friends and fellow Wikipedians/Wikimedians, I started a discussion on the Wikipedia version of this page on whether this map should also include Easter Island as part of Oceania. This map does not include Easter Island.

To go to that discussion, go to — Preceding unsigned comment added by TenorTwelve (talk • contribs) 03:24, 24 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I'll just put the discussion here as well:

Should we include Easter Island on this map?

Easter Island (Indigenous name: Rapa Nui) is a Pacific island and is definitely part of Polynesia. The Polynesian Triangle [1] roughly consists of islands between New Zealand, Hawaii, and Easter Island. It was inhabited 1500-1600 years ago. It was annexed by Chile in 1868[1] It is included on the Wikipedia page on Oceania [2] , including on a cultural map of Polynesia.

I've noticed some websites consider Easter Island as part of Oceania, whereas others do not mention it. I've also noticed some websites that mention Easter Island, but do not show it on the map on the page[2] (likely the website makers did not make the map but did not pay attention to whether it was on it or not or other reasons). There may also be concerns over stretching the scope of the map or availability of maps that include it. I've noticed the inclusion of Easter Island as part of Oceania on a few Wikipedia pages, including Recognition of same-sex unions in Oceania [3] and List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Oceania [4]. We do need to keep in mind, though, that Wikipedia is user-edited and prone to error and debatable inclusions. The Wikipedia page for South America [5] describes Easter Island in this way when referring to islands off the mainland: "Other islands that are included with South America are the Galápagos Islands that belong to Ecuador and Easter Island (in Oceania but belonging to Chile)..." (and lists more islands after that) I noticed that it was not included on the map for File:State recognition of same-sex relationships (South America).svg on Wikimedia (see LGBT rights in the Americas [6] ) though I don't know whether that is relevant to this discussion. If anyone is wondering what the islands west of South America on that map are, those are the Galapagos.

On the map we are discussing on this Talk Page, the easternmost country or territory shown is the Pitcairn Islands. If Easter Island/Rapa Nui were included, it would be light blue, due to being under Chilean laws, as of October 2017. Anyone got thoughts? Should we include this as being part of Oceania? Is anyone here an expert on Oceania? Does Wikipedia/Wikimedia have any corresponding maps of Oceania to be used as a template for this that include Easter Island (ie. is this possible within the confines of existing Wikipedia/Wikimedia map templates?) TenorTwelve (talk) 04:24, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

If you respond, if possible, put the same comment at this talk page, too. TenorTwelve (talk) 04:24, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@TenorTwelve: Okay, added it. Just the EEZ, though. I don't know if the islands themselves would show up at this scale, and didn't bother to check. Kwamikagami (talk) 06:00, 16 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]



The country Australia should be now in darkblue colour. Australias parliament allowed same-sex marriages.

-- 12:04, 7 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]



The names of the countries now pop up with mouse-overs, at least when you zoom in all the way. Kwamikagami (talk) 06:00, 16 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]