Eadweard Muybridge
Eadweard Muybridge (1830–1904), was a photographer, the first to develop photographic sequences of moving objects.
Portraits of Muybridge
Still images
Muybridge himself throwing a disk, climbing a step, and walking
Woman walking downstairs
The Horse in Motion
Sequence of horse galloping ("Daisy")
"Annie G." galloping
Sequence of horse jumping ("Daisy")
Ascending Stairs 1884-85
Woman in dress dancing (fancy)
Animated sequence of "Daisy" galloping
Set to motion using these frames (plate 626, thoroughbred bay mare "Annie G." galloping)
Daisy jumping (made of 2 sequences, plate 636 and 637)
Zoopraxiscope animation (1893)
Zoopraxiscope animation, detail (1893)
Phenakistoscope animation (1893)
Phenakistoscope animation, detail (1893)
Phenakistoscope animation, mirror simulation (1893)
One of the few bison surviving at that time
Animation of a walking elephant
Man ascending stairs
Man ascending stairs (continuous)
Woman walking downstairs
Muybridge himself throwing a disc.
Boys playing leapfrog (1883–86, printed 1887)
Boys playing leapfrog (1883–86, printed 1887)