Commons talk:Copyright rules by territory/Brazil
Status of stamps
[edit]Does anyone know where the information about the copyright status of stamps comes from? The section says to see Commons:Stamps for more information but it doesn't have anything except a link to this guideline. Adamant1 (talk) 07:10, 2 August 2023 (UTC)
- Laws 3071/16 and 5988/73 provided that goverment works were protected for 15 years after publication. Law 9610/98 contains no such provision, but it presumably did not revive expired copyrights, so all pre-1983 stamps are public domain. Strangely, Law 5988/73 did not expressively repeal the parts of Law 3071/16 that talked about copyright, but Law 9610/98 did. Thiago Rodrigues30 (talk) 02:28, 18 November 2023 (UTC)
- Interesting. Thanks for the information. --Adamant1 (talk) 02:30, 18 November 2023 (UTC)
- Also, before Law 9610/98 copyright duration was life+60 years instead of 70, but it did not revive expired copyrights, so the public domain was "frozen" from 1999 until 2009. Authors that died in 1937 entered the public domain in 1998, but authors that died in 1938 did not enter the public domain until 2009. The US also had a similar "freeze" (from 1999 until 2019), because of the 1998 Copyright Term Extension Act.Thiago Rodrigues30 (talk) 21:55, 25 November 2023 (UTC)
- Interesting. Thanks for the information. --Adamant1 (talk) 02:30, 18 November 2023 (UTC)
Tribunal Superior Eleitoral do Brasil
The Superior Electoral Court of Brazil (TSE), through its Open Data portal, makes available the country's electoral data under a Creative Commons license, as can be seen in the following link:;
Therefore, I created the TSE-Dados-Abertos template to signal the licensing of the photos of the candidates produced by the court, as stated in the aforementioned open data portal.
However, the website [1], from the same TSE, inserted a copyright mark on its page (before there was nothing about it), leaving a dubious understanding regarding copyright.
Finally, I questioned the court through the Access to Information Act, generating protocol 68484225211249, and I received the response (in Portuguese) that I transcribe below.
In short, the candidate for elective office "When registering the candidacy, is any term or form signed that allows the availability of these images under the CC license?; it is hereby informed that the photograph of the candidate is one of the documents that make up the RRC form, in accordance with art. 27, item II, of Res.-TSE No. 23.609/2019. It is also necessary to fill out the RRC form with, among other information, the declaration of awareness that the data and documents related to the registration will be disclosed on the website of the Superior Electoral Court and the regional electoral courts, in compliance with the rules of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) (art. 24, item V, of Res.-TSE No. 23.609/2019)."
It also states that "As informed by the technical area, the use of the information contained in the DivulgaCandContas system is public and, in order to simplify the use of the information contained in the portal (Disclosure of Candidatures and Electoral Accounts -, the Copyright marking that appears in the footer of the system will be removed."
I request that you: a) in view of what was stated by the TSE in its letter, do not mark the photos of the candidates for deletion, since, according to the TSE, "we understand that the Creative Commons license refers to the way in which the photos of the candidates are made available on the Open Data Portal, so that they can be freely used by society." b) if you consider it necessary, indicate to me an email repository where I can send the message from the TSE, so that it is recorded and any questions can be resolved.
Protocolo de nº: 68484225211249
Senhor(a) ANTONIO Em resposta à mensagem recebida pela Ouvidoria do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), a Secretaria de
Modernização, Gestão Estratégica e Socioambiental (SMG) e a Secretaria de Tecnologia da Informação
(STI) do TSE prestaram, respectivamente, os seguintes esclarecimentos:
"A Lei nº 14.129 prevê em seu art. 4º inciso IV que:
IV - dados abertos: dados acessíveis ao público, representados em meio digital, estruturados em
formato aberto, processáveis por máquina, referenciados na internet e disponibilizados sob licença
aberta que permita sua livre utilização, consumo ou tratamento por qualquer pessoa, física ou jurídica;
Dessa forma, entendemos que a licença Creative Commons esteja se referindo à forma de disponibilização
das fotos das candidatas e candidatos no Portal de dados abertos, de maneira que seja possível sua
livre utilização pela sociedade. "
"Conforme informado pela área técnica, o uso das informações contidas no sistema do DivulgaCandContas
são públicas e, com o objetivo de simplificar o uso da informação contida no portal (Divulgação de
Candidaturas e Contas Eleitorais -, será retirada a marcação de
Copyright que consta no rodapé do sistema.
Sobre o uso dos dados, convém mencionar parecer da SJD ao relato (...), de 08/11/2024, abaixo descrito,
que esclarece que as informações contidas no sistema do DivulgaCandContas são públicas:
"Ao realizar o cadastro da candidatura eh assinado algum termo ou formulário que permite a
disponibilização destas imagens sob a licença CC?; informa-se que a fotografia da candidata ou do
candidato é um dos documentos que integra o formulário RRC, de acordo com o art. 27, inciso II, da
Res.-TSE n. 23.609/2019. Tem-se também que o formulário RRC será preenchido com, dentre outras
informações, a declaração de ciência de que os dados e os documentos relativos ao registro serão
divulgados no sítio do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral e dos tribunais regionais eleitorais, com
observância às regras da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) (art. 24, inciso V, da Res.-TSE
n. 23.609/2019).
Ressalta-se, por fim, que o processo de pedido de registro e as informações e os documentos que o
instruem são públicos e podem ser livremente consultados pelas(os) interessadas(os) no PJe ou na página
de divulgação de candidatas e candidatos do TSE (art. 74, caput, da Res.-TSE n. 23.609/2019),
excetuando-se os endereços informados para atribuição de CNPJ, comunicações processuais e do Comitê
Central de Campanha, o telefone pessoal, o e-mail pessoal, o número do CPF e o documento pessoal de
identificação (art. 33, § 2º, da Res.-TSE n. 23.609/2019)."
O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral agradece o contato.
Solicitamos a gentileza de responder a pesquisa de satisfação que foi enviada em seu e-mail.
Saudações, Ajmcbarreto (talk) 00:36, 11 January 2025 (UTC)