Commons:Wikimedia Strategy 2017/Cycle 2
Welcome to the strategy conversation.
Time to debate the themes. (Cycle 2)
The 1800 thematic statements we received from the first discussion have been grouped into 5 major themes with sub-themes. These are not the final themes, just an initial working draft of the core concepts.
We invite you to review the five themes summarized on this page and join the debate (May 11-June 12). The discussion is both online and offline, including with those who are not currently involved with the projects and may not have internet access. We will summarize the offline perspectives and share them as they become available. After you read them all, please click on the subject line to go to each individual theme. This will have more information about the theme and how to participate in that discussion. You can discuss as many as you like; we ask you to choose the ones that are most (or least) important to you.
Step 1: Review all 5 themes
For each theme, we ask five questions to understand the impact of these potential themes and the tradeoffs we will have to make. To succeed in any strategic venture, we must not only declare what we will do, but also what we will not. We ask you to support your arguments with research and other citable data and that you participate in an honest and respectful manner. |
By 2030, the Wikimedia volunteer culture will be fun, rewarding, and inclusive for both existing contributors and newcomers. We will welcome new volunteers to our movement and mentor them to ensure that they have a great experience and continue to engage in the projects. People from every background will feel included in an ecosystem of unique groups and organizations that deepen connections with each other. As a result, our movement will grow both in size and in character, as our projects flourish from the healthy community we cultivate together. |
By 2030, the Wikimedia movement will collaborate with learning machines to help our volunteers be much more creative and productive. We will use prediction and design to make knowledge easy to access and easy to use with novel, humanized, intelligent interfaces. Volunteers will collaborate with machine translators to deepen the quality and quantity of content in more languages – at a heightened pace and scale. We will curate knowledge in structured and interactive formats that enhance and reflect the way people learn and contribute — beyond the browser, the app, and the encyclopedic format. We will embrace technological innovation as the most viable path toward meeting our vision. |
The Wikimedia movement will turn our attention to the places in the world that were underserved during the first 15 years of our history. We will build awareness of Wikimedia and make it more useful to people. We will overcome barriers to accessing knowledge, so more people can freely share in the Wikimedia projects. We will support communities in underserved parts of the world and make space for new forms of contribution and citations that meet global knowledge traditions. By 2030, we will be a truly global movement. |
By 2030, Wikimedia projects will be regarded as the most trusted, high-quality, neutral, and relevant source of free knowledge in the world. We will uphold the accuracy and verifiability of our content by integrating high-quality secondary sources and supporting the existence of reliable sources in society. We will improve public understanding of the processes that make Wikimedia reliable, and we will invite experts to join us and share their knowledge. We will surface the most relevant information to people when and where they need it. We will expand the depth of knowledge available, while upholding our standards for verifiable, neutral and comprehensive knowledge. |
By 2030, the Wikimedia Movement will have dramatically improved the quality, diversity, and global availability of free knowledge by working with diverse institutions and organizations that collaborate toward free knowledge for all. Wikimedia content, technology, and communities will be embedded in formal and informal learning throughout the world, in partnership with the world’s leading institutions in education, the arts, entertainment, civil society, government, science, and technology. Through strategic partnerships across our movement, we will build a diverse new generation of knowledge providers and seekers who will build and care for a growing body of freely accessible knowledge. We will make Wikimedia an integral part of a global knowledge ecosystem. |
Step 2: Select where you want to discuss
[edit]- Click on the theme above or on the button to go to that theme page / discussion page
- Take an off-wiki survey