Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2021/Winners/Italy

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These are the finalists for WSC2021 in Italy.

This country-level selection did not have a specific national organizer or a national coordination page.


  • This country has a category for its files, the deadline was the same of the general 2021 international category so no files will be hosted there.
  • As of now, the files in the local category uploaded within the local deadline are 86, with no obviously unsuitable files.
  • Uploaders statistics are available here.

Specific classes of files



  • the selection was performed manually.
  • coordinator: Alessandro Marchetti.
  • the jurors were provided by the second-level international jury:
    - / Alessandro COBBE (mathematics)
    - Gianni FOCHI (chemistry, popularization)
    - Alessandro MARCHETTI (chemistry, outreach)
    - / Mascha STROOBANT (biology, outreach)
  • the selection lasted from 2022-01-05 to 2022-02-22.
  • the results were published on 2022-02-25



This country had the following files considered as possible finalists:

Files that were uploaded as part of a set are marked with (S), additional sets could have been reconstructed by the second-level jury.



People in science

1st national finalist
Loading of the laboratory glassware into the dishwasher.
Rizzelli Stefania

Microscopy images

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Scales covering the surface of the wing of Iphiclides podalirius, image taken under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Maria Teresa Buscaglia e Giovanna Canu
Potato amyloplast granules observed at 200 magnification under a polarized microscope with interference plate inserted.
Massimo Brizzi

Non-photographic media


no finalist was selected due to lack of candidates

Image sets

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Mushroom in Central Italy.
sets of images reconstructed by the second-level jury.
Minerals under polarized light.
Massimo Brizzi
sets of images reconstructed by the second-level jury.
3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Wings of Iphiclides podalirius.
Maria Teresa Buscaglia & Giovanna Canu
sets of images reconstructed by the second-level jury.
Project financed by the E.U. that aims to improve the protection and management of the soil, the health of vines and the quality of grapes and wine, through the application of a product derived from composted waste matter from the wine production .
sets of images reconstructed by the second-level jury.

5th national finalist
Attack of a lioness on a giraffe at Etosha National Park.
complete set can be seen here

Wildlife and nature

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Marasmius bulliardii fungi on dead leaves of Castanea sativa tree.
Anoplotrupes stercorosus in the beech wood (Monumento Naturale Faggeto di Allumiere, Latium, Italy).
3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Rhodotus palmatus (Physalacriaceae), an apricot pink saprotrophic fungus growing on trunks and branches of dead deciduous wood, in an urban park in Rome .
Mycena haematopus fungi on a decaying quercus stamp, in an urban Park in Rome (Villa Ada).


1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
The comet Neowise in the sky above the town of Trevignano Romano.
Alessio de' Milanesi di Treviso-Milano di Castellina in Chianti
This file cannot be accepted for the international selection due to limited resolution

General category

1st national finalist
Example of a lab size sample of functional ferroelectric ceramic.
Giovanna 27