Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2021/Winners/Image sets

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Selection from the national competitions of the set of images

See also round 2.

Adult of Common Ringlet (Coenonympha tullia) tagged by a number for a study using mark and recapture in order to evaluate the populations of this butterfly in the Drugeon valley.


This file was added by the second-level jury



Set of images reconstructed by the national organizers.

Analytical chemistry


Set of images reconstructed by the national organizers.

Areal views of nature


Anorep I submarine


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury

Asterids in the Fynbos


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury

Attack of a lioness on a giraffe


Autofluorescence of the seed coat of root parasitic purple weed


Category assigned by second-level jury

Bee in spring crocuses


Binary black hole


Cicindela (Matalin, 1999)


Category assigned by second-level jury

Cicindela (Dejean in Latreille & Dejean, 1822)


Category assigned by second-level jury

Cometary grains


Comparison of what the Moon looks like in natural colors and the enhanced colors of its minerals


Control of a humanoid robotic hand with Arduino Uno and sensor glove


Coronavirus binds to the ACE2 receptor of the epithelial cell


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

Cross-section of plant stems


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.



Deer feed on lichen in the area of the Porosozero reindeer herding base (Kola Peninsula).


Field research in Lake Tanganyika in Zambia to study the local species of cichlids


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

Film technology laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the University of Tartu


From coffee bean to instant coffee


Geological fieldworks, underground in the Estonian oil shale mine


Heads of different insects


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

High-speed photography of patterns of droplets formed from two colliding water jets


Leptothrix discophora film along the Vermilion River


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

LIFE Zeowine


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury.

Microbes sampled from artificial nectar and grown on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar


This file was added by the second-level jury

Microphotographs of lily, tulip, and iris petals


Microscopy of mycelia


Set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

Minerals under polarized light


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury.

Mushroom in Central Italy


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury.

Oil shale - from research to reality


P orbital and its bonds


Panoramic views


Parnassius apollo


People at work at the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale Svizzera


Set of images reconstructed by the national organizers.



Polarized microscopy of inorganic phases


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury

Rolling around a spinning top


Red lace lingerie and black stockings. Under the microscope


SEM Images of Black pepper


Category assigned by second-level jury

Skin patch allergy test on the back of a female patient


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury

Systematic excavation on an archaeological site


White-legged damselfly


Wings of Iphiclides podalirius


Set of images reconstructed by second-level jury

Winter wheat breading
