Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in Ukraine/Ekaterina Polischuk
[edit]rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
5.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 71-254-0009 |
2.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 21-224-0013 |
2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 71-254-0017 |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 9 | 21-101-0002, 46-203-0010, 46-206-0015, 46-245-0104, 53-228-0002, 63-101-1001, 63-101-1004, 63-101-2108, 63-101-2323 |
Rating: 3.0
rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
2.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 21-224-0013 |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 21-101-0002 |
[edit]Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці
Rating = 2.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0.0, 32 (10-49) images were of 2122485201, bonus = 1.0
6720 x 4480
6071 x 4047
6163 x 4109
4480 x 6720
[edit]Здвиженський кафедральний собор
Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 60 (9-) authors = 0.0, 2927 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0.0
4175 x 2783
4162 x 2774
Rating: 3.0
rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 46-203-0010, 46-206-0015, 46-245-0104 |
[edit]Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 66 (9-) authors = 0.0, 539 (49-) images were of 4620655600, bonus = 0.0
4932 x 3288
[edit]Городище літописного міста Тустаня
Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 28 (9-) authors = 0.0, 438 (49-) images were of 4624586403, bonus = 0.0
5464 x 3230
5282 x 3521
[edit]Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 57 (9-) authors = 0.0, 759 (49-) images were of 4620384801, bonus = 0.0
5228 x 3485
Rating: 1.0
rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 53-228-0002 |
[edit]Спасо-Преображенський Мгарський монастир
Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 15 (9-) authors = 0.0, 279 (49-) images were of 5322884601, bonus = 0.0
3890 x 2593
Rating: 4.0
rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 4 | 63-101-1001, 63-101-1004, 63-101-2108, 63-101-2323 |
[edit]Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 13 (9-) authors = 0.0, 12682 (49-) images were of 63101, bonus = 0.0
5316 x 3544
[edit]Комплекс споруд Свято-Покровського монастиря (мур.)
Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 25 (9-) authors = 0.0, 12682 (49-) images were of 63101, bonus = 0.0
5464 x 3640
[edit]Житловий комплекс з магазинами (житлові будинки ХТЗ, ХТГЗ, ХЕМЗу) («Будинок зі шпилем»)
Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 12 (9-) authors = 0.0, 12682 (49-) images were of 63101, bonus = 0.0
4595 x 3063
4050 x 2700
[edit]Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 29 (9-) authors = 0.0, 12682 (49-) images were of 63101, bonus = 0.0
5460 x 3640
5464 x 3640
Rating: 7.0
rate | base | authors bonus |
objects | ids | |
5.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 1 | 71-254-0009 |
2.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 71-254-0017 |
[edit]Церква Пречиста Богородиці (мур.)
Rating = 5.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3.0, 27 (10-49) images were of 7125483501, bonus = 1.0
4863 x 3242
[edit]Rating = 2.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1.0, 166 (49-) images were of 7125410100, bonus = 0.0
5464 x 3640