Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-04-10

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WLM call. Two parts, one on 9 April, one on 10 April, both below.

9 April


17:00 UTC, intended duration: 45-60 min

Notes 9 April

  • Catch up on call with Asaf <insert link to conversation notes?>
  • Overview of the options, discussion of the up/downsides
  • Budget
  • Staff?

Notes 9 April


Lodewijk explains the following three options based on the conversation with Asaf/Sandra.
a) WMNL acts as fiscal sponsor
b) WMIT acts as fiscal sponsor
c) WMIT makes the full grant request

Cristain did explain that WMIT is quite preferential in option "C" over "B"; i.e they would like to apply for the grant and not be a fiscal sponsor


  • FDC chapter can sponsor.
  • More flexibility (independent)


  • Legal situation complicated
  • You have the responsibility, without the tools/benefit


  • Simplicity
  • Existing agreement
  • Speed
  • Existing chapter structures regarding responsibility, supervision, control etc.


  • Legal responsibility?
  • Transfer of money IT->abroad, especially outside EU ?? (potential)
  • Responsibility towards participants??? (potential)

to check:

  • Transfer of money outside Europe (minigrants etc)
  • Responsibility towards participants?

Budget: 3 types, Material, hiring and small grants. Material: not a problem. Hiring: easy in EU, hard outside EU. We should check for sure with small grants.

There don't seem to be specific legal complications with Italy. It is important that the responsibility lies with the money and the supervision. This is similar to past years.

10 April


16:00 UTC, intended duration: 60-90 min





Lodewijk hopes that more people will help make some notes, so that not the whole notepad looks dark brown at the end of the meeting.

Timeline is much better now, thanks a lot for the work, Cristian! With the stars makes it better clear with importance the lines have.
Romaine asks what the green bars have as meaning.
We must explain that timeline is an ideal timeline, and also improve on it. Deadline: 7 days from now.

  • I hate the tabs on the top. //Tomasz

(A) Tomasz will take the lead on updating the contents of the timeline, Cristian will assist. Deadline: 7 days from now.

Monica set up Project Pier for WLM and set up all the relevant tasks she knows so far. Monica said that there can be a back up with Project Pier, which will be hosted by Wikimedia Italia. She requested all of us to start using Project Pier, so that we all can understand if that works or not.

  • Everybody check out the system, check the tasks and appoint the relevant tasks to themselves that they will do?
  • Need to figure out a communication system towards the task-related discussion.
  • If you have questions about using PP, feel free to poke Monica about it.
    • Do we still want to publish all those blog posts about the national 2012 winners? //Tomasz - No high priority, but might be good space fillers
      • How about publishing all finalists from all countries in a run-up to the 2013 contest? We can start in July and publish one post per week or so.

Budget & Staff


WLMi team can not continue with WMNL, as WMNL is a FDC chapter, and thus WMNL can not request for a grant. It was a recap of yesterday's meeting to all who were not there yesterday. Just to point it out again, WMIT indicated their interest to support WLMi team. WM-IT would be making grant; so yes, they will be the organisers (???).

  • Await info by WMIT
  • Draft grant proposal on the lines of meta template
  • Decision about the grantee/fiscal sponsor will be by e-mail.
  • Request


  • Developing technical infrastructure: database, API's, tools: Elke expects a huge amount of re-development to be done. Has to be talked about tomorrow.
  • Project management
  • Financial management

(see also: , line 104: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-01-19#Professional_support)

Technical development work depends a lot on the goals we set. Perhaps we should make a wish list/list of what we really need, and work from there. There were some nice-to-haves.



/action plan: we need a text file of all the participants list and another text file of list of all the images they have submitted (two different files): text files with all url's of submitted 2012 images.

(A) Lodewijk will summarize procedure in plain English on the mailing list <= what mailing list? Wiki Loves Monuments (general one)?? The global-wlm one AFAIK
(A) Other person will help find the right geek to technicalize it. <- add as task (Lodewijk to practice)

  • Get the stewards
  • Give the list to the stewards, they check it, sign a statement, we put it into a big envelope and we send it to London



Australia → Tomasz
Egypt → Karthik
Canada → Tomasz
Malaysia → Karthik
Poland → Lodewijk
Lets try to get a clear overview before Milan, so that we can try to find solutions there.
/me shares



Cristian, Lodewijk and Karthik will be there on Thu-Sun.

Next meetings


Lodewijk suggests to have a meeting every two weeks. Some discussion about voice vs text. Monica did defend that talking saves much time. Lets try Skype a few more times, and reconsider if it breaks a lot. Meeting time: 16:30 UTC. Two meetings on Thu, then re-evaluate.

Action points

  1. Make someone re-write the blog template (Wordpress) so that it works on mobile.
  2. Timeline will be updated by Tomasz and Cristian
  3. Platonides: make a list of things that need to be:
    • developed
    • re-developed
    • maintained
    • if there's a volunteer for that likely available.
    • List of bugs affecting WLM
    • Priority

Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Technical things