Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012/Progress

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This page aims to gather the data on the progress of Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 in all participating countries. Due to design limitations, it has been split into three different tables; when updating the status of WLM2012 in your country, please update all of them, so we could easily keep track of your progress.

General overview

Country Wikipedia Number of objects Unique IDs Lists on wiki Completeness Addresses Coordinates
Andorra & Catalan Areas ca:Viquiprojecte:Monuments Total:37.462
Italy: 20
Spain: 32.736
Yes YES 97% (details) aprox. 85% (details) 63% (details)
Argentina (es) Spanish Not all Not yet ~90% No
Austria (de) German 36,463 Yes Yes 100% 100% 95%
Belarus Вікіпэдыя:Праект:Вікі любіць славутасьці 4,500+ Yes Yes 100% (proofreading) Yes, ~70% No (estim. ~50%)
Belgium & Luxembourg Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 in Belgium & Luxembourg Belgium: yes
Luxembourg: no
Belgium: yes on nl-wiki and fr-wiki
Luxembourg: yes on lb-wiki and nl-wiki
nl-wiki: Belgium 100% & Luxembourg 100%
fr-wiki: unknown
lb-wiki: Luxembourg 100%
Belgium: yes
Luxembourg: yes
Belgium: Brussels: no, others yes
Luxembourg: partly
Canada w:fr:Wikipédia:Wiki Loves Monuments
w:en:Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012
12,000 Some sites have up to 3 IDs Partially (National historic sites completed) 7% Partially Partially
Chile (es) Spanish 806 Yes Yes Yes Yes 100%
Colombia (es) Spanish Aprox. 1030 Yes (generated by us) Almost ready 99% (checking minor details) Some (66%) No
Czech Republic (cs) Czech in total around 40.000 Yes WikiProjekt_Wiki_Loves_Monuments/Co_fotit 80% 90% 15%
Denmark da 170,000 on land and 17,000 on the seabed + 9,000 ~Yes Ancient relics and Listed buildings ~99 % (needs to be checked) Buildings yes. Other monuments no. Yes
Estonia et >27 000 Yes Yes 100% partially partially
France (fr) French 43,000 Yes Yes 40%
Germany (de) German about 1,000,000 Partially (working on a solution) Partially 15% Yes Partially
India ~3000 + state protected Yes, created by combining information. No National lists complete, state lists in progress Sometimes Rarely
Israel He (Hebrew) About 700 No (will be generated by us) List in Hebrew
Italy (it) Italiano about 300 Yes Yes 70% 95% 80%
Kenya Sites and Monuments in Kenya 1000 No, will be created by us Sites and Monuments in Kenya 65% No, No, we would pick there Coordinates
Mexico (es) Spanish 181 archeological
9313 historical
Total: 9495
(Chosen by the INAH for 2012 edition)
Yes Monumentos de México 90% 98% 98%
Netherlands 62,000 Yes Yes 99% 98% 98%
Norway bokmål (no)
nynorsk (nn)
11000 Yes Yes 100% 100% 100%
Panama Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments Panama 2012 200 approximately Yes Yes 80% Yes, 80% Yes, 65%
Philippines 600-1000 in progress no 10% not yet in progress
Poland (pl) Polish > 65,000 Yes YES ~95% Yes 95% (all on the exist lists) ~40%
Romania Yes 31582 Yes / 31563 (99.94%) Yes 100% partially - 89.7% No - 2.63%
Russia (ru) Russian 60,000 For some Yes Yes No
Serbia Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 in Serbia ~2400 Yes Yes 100% As exact as can be ~60% 85%
South Africa 3,500 Unique ID is unusable (very long and difficult). Working on shorter ID Yes 100% 75¨% has an address 50% is GPS-tagged
Spain (ca) Catalan
(es) Spanish
(gl) Galician
Partially (working on a solution) Viquiprojecte:Monuments
Wikiproyecto:Patrimonio histórico
Sweden (sv) Swedish ~13000 buildings
~145000 historical remains
Yes Protected buildings
Historical remains
Buildings ~98%
historical remains 0%
Yes Yes
Switzerland (de) German Yes Yes Link 100% Yes Yes
Ukraine (uk) Ukrainian over 40,000 Partially (are generated by us) Partially (complete national list, most of of regional lists) from 30% to 100% (depending on the region) Yes ~20%
United States Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 in the United States 87,000+ Yes Yes 100% (for national) 70% 70%
Country Wikipedia Number of objects Unique IDs Lists on wiki Completeness Addresses Coordinates

External progress

Country Partners Sponsors Jury Media coverage Website Piwik ID
Andorra & Catalan Areas Patrimoni Cultural (Andorra), Patrimoni Cultural (Catalonia) Yes Working on last year basis on 8
Argentina  9
Austria Bundesdenkmalamt Bundesdenkmalamt No see de:Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012/Pressespiegel#Österreich  10
Belarus Yes (2) Yes (Будзьма беларусамі!) 1 photographer yet 11
Belgium & Luxembourg 4
Canada CRHP Camtec Photo 2 photojournalists Possibly : French, English 12
Chile Council of National Monuments
Imagen de Chile Foundation 13
Colombia No, but almost Yes 2/5 Not yet, wiki site 14
Czech Republic 4 2 Česká spořitelna (approx. 60.000 CZK), Foto Škoda (5.000 CZK) 2 wikipedians/2 photographers/2 representatives of partners 15
Denmark (da:Kulturarvsstyrelsen) no 2 Wikipedians, 5 museum professionals No 33
Estonia Yes Yes 5 16
France 17
Germany No No Yes see de:Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012/Pressespiegel#Deutschland  3
India No No Working No 19
Israel Yes - 2 - the Society for Preservation of Israeli haritage Sites, Galitz School of Photography Yes - 2 - ISOC, Google yes - currently three proffesional photographers. Not Yet 20
Italy Yes, many Yes, 2: Sorgente Group & Epson Italia (technical sponsor) Almost Yes 5
Mexico Museo Universitario del Chopo
Fundacion Carlos Slim
Metro de la Ciudad de México
Tourism Office of Mexico City
Yes Yes 32
Netherlands No 2
Norway Yes, [ Riksantikvaren} Canon cameras
Panama Cidetys, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá,FLOSS-PA Canon Panamá Yes 7
Philippines National Commission on Culture and the Arts, Department of Tourism, National Parks Development Committee No No 21
Poland Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa;
Opolski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków, Kujawsko-Pomorski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków, Śląskie Centrum Dziedzictwa Kulturowego w Katowicach, Ośrodek „Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN”, Miejski Konserwator Zabytków w Lublinie & „Teka Lubelska”
No 6/7 Yes 22
Romania 23
(updating in process)
Serbia "National Geographic Srbija", "Liceulice" street magazine Yes 25
South Africa Heritage Western Cape, South Africa Heritage Resource Agency 6
Spain No No Partially Not yet this year 26
Sweden 27
Switzerland 28
Ukraine НСКУ No Not yet [1] 29
United States No No Yes No 30
Country Partners Sponsors Jury Media coverage Website Piwik ID

Other data

Country Heritage institution Name of object Heritage project Number of volunteers English description page
Andorra & Catalan Areas Multiple (details: Level A and Level B) Multiple (details: Lists) Yes Yes
Austria Bundesdenkmalamt "denkmalgeschütztes Objekt" Yes dozens no
Belarus Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь Гісторыка-культурная каштоўнасьць

be-latn: Historyka-kulturnaja kaštounaść

No 5 Yes
Belgium & Luxembourg 9 Yes
Canada w:fr:Répertoire des lieux patrimoniaux du Canada
w:en:Canadian Register of Historic Places
Lieux patrimoniaux du Canada (fr)
Canada's Historic Places (en)
w:fr:Portail:Lieux patrimoniaux du Canada
Not in English yet
3 more of less Yes
Chile Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales Monumentos nacionales Yes
Colombia Ministerio de Cultura Monumento Nacional / Bien de Interés Cultural 2 [2]
Czech Republic Národní památkový ústav - [3] at least 3 yes
Denmark da:Kulturarvsstyrelsen da Yes: en
Estonia et:Muinsuskaitseamet et:Kultuurimälestis Vikiprojekt Kultuuripärand yes
France Base Mérimée Monument historique Yes & Yes
Germany multiple (mostly below state level) Kulturdenkmal (exact terminology varies between states) yes 10 Not yet
India ASI, Taj Mahal Yes 5-10 Yes
Israel the Society for Preservation of Israeli haritage Sites Yes 7
Italy Multiple (no official list) 1 PM, 5-10 volunteers Yes
Mexico Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Monumentos arqueológicos/Monumentos históricos 5 Not yet
Netherlands Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoe Rijksmonument Yes 3-10? Yes
Norway Riksantikvaren and their lists localized Yes, WLM 2012 3-5 No
Panama INAC Monumentos Wikiproyecto Patrimonio Histórico 4 YES
Philippines National Commission for Culture and the Arts Cultural property
The Philippine Registry of Cultural Property (PRECUP) defines several types of cultural property.
Poland National Heritage Board of Poland Zabytek Wiki Lubi Zabytki 70
but active ~30
Russia & others
Serbia Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture - Beograd Nepokretna kulturna dobra No 2 Yes
South Africa Yes
Spain Subdirección General de Protección del Patrimonio Histórico depending of Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Other instituions in each autonomous comunity and local cultural heritage monuments
Bien de Interés Cultural (Spanish, but its translation in other official and unofficial Spanish languages)
Bé Cultural d'Interès Nacional (Catalan, for Catalonia)
Bien calificado (Spanish, for Basque Country)
Bien Catalogado (2nd protection level), called Bé Cultural d'Interés Local in Catalonia, Bien de Relevancia Local in Valencian Community, etc.
Viquiprojecte:Monuments (Catalan)
Wikiproyecto:Patrimonio histórico (Spanish)
Not in Galician
Sweden Riksantikvarieämbetet[4] (Bebyggelseregisteret[5] & Fornminnesregistret[6]) Byggnadsminne+Kyrkligt kulturminne
Ukraine Міністерство культури України Державний реєстр нерухомих пам'яток України Yes No
United States National Register of Historic Places Historic place (landmark, building, monument = sculpture generally) Yes, WikiProject NHRP Yes
Country Heritage institution Name of object Heritage project Number of volunteers English description page




  1. Andorra
  2. Argentina
  3. Austria
  4. Belarus
  5. Canada - Finalists and winners
  6. Chile
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Colombia
  9. Denmark
  10. Estonia
  11. France
  12. Germany - Winners
  13. Ghana
  14. India
  15. Israel
  16. Italy
  17. Kenya
  18. Mexico
  19. the Netherlands
  20. Norway
  21. Panama
  22. Philippines - ceremony & Winning pictures
  23. Poland (not publicly announced yet)
  24. Romania - Winning pictures
  25. Russia
  26. Serbia - Finalists
  27. Slovakia
  28. South Africa
  29. Spain
  30. Sweden
  31. Switzerland
  32. Ukraine - Winning pictures
  33. United States

Not received

  1. Belgium; public announcement: 30 November
  2. Luxembourg: see Belgium

See also
