Викисклад:Вики любит Землю 2024/Права человека и окружающая среда

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2024/Human rights and environment and the translation is 69% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2024/Human rights and environment and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

В 2024 году международный конкурс "Вики любит Землю" вновь поддерживает инициативу ВикиЗаПраваЧеловека, сотрудничающую с Фондом Викимедиа и Управлением Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека. Цель этой инициативы — привлечь внимание участников к проблемам охраны природы.


Наряду с нашей общейдеятельностью по документированию охраняемых природных территорий, WLE International предлагает специальную глобальную номинацию "Права человека и окружающая среда". Когда мы защищаем окружающую среду, мы также защищаем основные права человека, которые у нас есть — права на воду, жизнь, пищу, жилье и другие основные права, которые зависят от чистой и здоровой среды. ООН и все большее количество стран и региональных правовых систем признают право на здоровую среду.

Для этой специальной номинации мы ищем изображения, которые содержат следующее
  • Humans engaging in activities that rely on a healthy environment or a protected environment (such as livelihoods engaged in sustainable agriculture or fishing practices, sustainable construction, exercise in or enjoyment of natural spaces, etc.);
  • Human activity that restores or helps an ecosystem or environment recover from previous damage (i.e., tree planting, waste collection, sustainable management of the land, removing invasive species, etc.);
  • The negative effects of global environmental issues, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, or pollution, on maintaining environmental and human health (i.e., natural disasters like flooding, landslides, and wildfires, impacts of pollution, waste accumulation);
  • How human activity infringes on the natural systems we rely on for human and environmental health through extractive industries (such as forestry, mining, and destructive agriculture), construction of destructive infrastructure (i.e., dams and roads), or other activities;
  • Where fragmenting or disappearing landscapes highlight ecological damage or loss that affects human well-being (i.e., invasive species, damaged waterways, soil loss, etc);
  • People advocating for, protecting, or educating others about how a healthy environment is important for our collective well-being and the well-being of future generations.

Примеры изображений

Заметки и ЧЗВ

Другие соображения

When taking photos, it is important to consider how the media can be used. Special nomination photos could be used to illustrate Wikipedia articles, news media, and other materials to better communicate humans' reliance on the environment. For guidance on effective photography in this theme, see this Guide for Depicting Climate Change, which is helpful in the context of other environmental issues as well.

Please note that for the general Wiki Loves Earth photo contest, we accept only photos containing an identified natural monument / natural park / protected area, etc. As an exception, we can accept photos taken not in the protected areas for the Human Rights and Environment special nomination. However, participants must provide a clear description of their pictures explaining their relevance for the nomination. Links to Wikipedia or external sources can be provided if necessary.

Обратите внимание

Проблемы прав человека и загрязнения окружающей среды могут быть связаны с опасностью как для фотографа, так и для объектов фотосъёмки. Пожалуйста, следуйте правилам Викисклада и не посещайте хрупкие экосистемы, если ваше присутствие может создать для них дополнительную угрозу.

Frequently asked questions

  • How can I submit my photo to this special nomination?
If you participate in a national Wiki Loves Earth competition, you can choose whether to submit your photo to the special nomination during the upload process. If your country doesn’t hold a regular Wiki Loves Earth competition but you’d like to submit a photo specifically for this special nomination, go to this link to upload your image.
  • Is there a limit on the number of photos I can submit?
No, you can submit as many as you like. However, we recommend you upload your best-quality photos representing the topic to increase your chances of winning.
  • Can I edit Wikipedia myself to add my photo to an article that doesn’t have images?
Yes, we’d be delighted! As your competition entry is already on Wikimedia Commons, it can easily be re-used on Wikipedia by embedding the photo on the page.
  • How will the photos be evaluated?
We'll choose a winner of this nomination on the international level without local evaluation. More details about jury members and experts in these topics will be added here: