Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2023/Human rights and environment

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In 2023, Wiki Loves Earth international photo contest again supports the initiative WikiForHumanRights which partners with the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Its goal is to raise awareness of nature protection and human impacts on nature.


Alongside our general documentation of protected spaces, WLE international will have a special global nomination “Human rights and environment”. When we protect the environment, we also protect the fundamental human rights we all have — rights to water, life, food, housing, and other fundamental rights rely on a clean, healthy environment. The UN and increasingly more country and regional legal systems have recognized the Right to a Healthy Environment.

For this special nomination, we are looking for images that capture
  • Humans engaging in activities that rely on a healthy environment, or a protected environment (such as livelihoods engaged in sustainable agriculture or fishing practices, sustainable construction, exercise in or enjoyment of natural spaces, etc);
  • Human activity that restores or helps an ecosystem or environment recover from previous damage (i.e. tree planting, waste collection, sustainable management of the land, removing invasive species, etc);
  • The negative effects of global environmental issues, such as climate change, biodiversity loss or pollution on maintaining environmental and human health (i.e. natural disasters like flooding, landslides and wildfires, impacts of pollution, waste accumulation);
  • How human activity infringes on the natural systems we rely on for human and environmental health through extractive industries (such as forestry, mining, and destructive agriculture), construction of destructive infrastructure (i.e. dams and roads), or other activities;
  • Where fragmenting or disappearing landscapes highlight ecological damage or loss that affect human well being (i.e. invasive species, damaged waterways, soil loss, etc);
  • People advocating for, protecting or educating others about how a healthy environment is important for our collective wellbeing and the wellbeing of future generations.

Example images


Notes and FAQ

Other considerations

When taking photos it is important to think about how the media could be used. Special nomination photos could be used to illustrate Wikipedia articles, news media and other materials to better communicate the reliance of humans on the environment. For guidance on effective photography in this theme, see this Guide for Depicting Climate Change, which is helpful in the context of other environmental issues as well.

Please, note that for the general Wiki Loves Earth photo contest we accept only photos containing an identified natural monument / natural park / protected area etc. As an exception, for the Human rights and Environment special nomination, we can accept photos taken not in the protected areas. However, participants are required to provide a clear description of their pictures explaining their relevance for the nomination. Links to Wikipedia or external sources can be provided if necessary.


Human rights topics and topics like environmental destruction may include risk for the photographer or individuals pictured in the photography. Please be sensitive to the potential risks for your photographed subjects, and do not enter areas or spaces that might endanger yourself.

Frequently asked questions
  • How can I submit my photo to this special nomination?
  • If you participate in a national Wiki Loves Earth competition, you’ll be able to choose whether to submit your photo to the special nomination during the upload process. If your country doesn’t hold a regular Wiki Loves Earth competition but you’d like to submit a photo specifically for this special nomination, go to this link to upload your image.
  • How will the photos be evaluated?
  • We'll choose a winner of this nomination on the international level without local evaluation. More details about jury members, experts in these topics, will be added here: