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List of the cultural heritage of the district of Visp in the Canton Valais

Map of Visp
Map of Visp

List of Monuments in the district of Visp in the Canton Valais.

Update: 15 April 2014


KGS-Nr Upload Foto   Object Other Cov. Cat. Type Address Town Coordinates
6618 Upload a file Muttergotteskapelle Muttergotteskapelle No images B G Dorfplatz Baltschieder
46° 18′ 33.62″ N, 7° 51′ 53.24″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6934 Upload a file Kirche St.Sebastian Kirche St.Sebastian No images B G Kirchplatz Randa
46° 06′ 04.14″ N, 7° 47′ 03.55″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6967 Upload a file Rundkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Rundkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt No images A G Lehn Saas-Balen
46° 09′ 12.6″ N, 7° 55′ 36.34″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6969 Upload a file Kapelle St.Antonius Kapelle St.Antonius No images B G Tamatten Saas-Balen
46° 08′ 18.2″ N, 7° 55′ 52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6970 Upload a file Kapelle zur Hohen Stiege, mit Kapellenweg No images B G Saas-Fee
46° 06′ 36.94″ N, 7° 56′ 02.36″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6971 Upload a file Gebäude mit wassergetriebenen Anlagen No images B G Saas-Grund
46° 07′ 54.91″ N, 7° 56′ 14.71″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6972 Upload a file Kapelle Heilige Dreifaltigkeit No images B G Saas-Grund
46° 07′ 52.21″ N, 7° 56′ 09.85″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6973 Upload a file Kirche St.Bartholomäus (Ausstattung) No images B G Saas-Grund
46° 07′ 25.86″ N, 7° 56′ 12.26″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

6974 Upload a file Rippenhelm des ehemaligen Kirchturms No images B G Saas-Grund
46° 07′ 23.52″ N, 7° 56′ 14.89″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7081 Upload a file Alter Kirchturm Alter Kirchturm No images B G Dorfstrasse St.Niklaus
46° 10′ 39.86″ N, 7° 48′ 11.02″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7082 Upload a file Kapelle St.Jakob Kapelle St.Jakob No images B G Gasenried St.Niklaus
46° 10′ 42.74″ N, 7° 49′ 28.67″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7084 Upload a file Meierturm No images B G Dorfstrasse 36 St.Niklaus
46° 10′ 32.59″ N, 7° 48′ 05.76″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7086 Upload a file Kinbrücke über die Mattervispa mit Bildstock Kinbrücke über die Mattervispa mit Bildstock No images A G Chinegga Stalden
46° 13′ 46.31″ N, 7° 52′ 16.25″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7088 Upload a file Embdaturm No images B G Hofen Stalden
46° 14′ 00.74″ N, 7° 52′ 10.45″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7089 Upload a file Kapelle und Brücke zur Niwu Briggu Kapelle und Brücke zur Niwu Briggu No images B G Neubrück Stalden
46° 15′ 06.66″ N, 7° 52′ 38.86″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7090 Upload a file Kirche St.Michael No images B G Unterdorf Stalden
46° 14′ 03.73″ N, 7° 52′ 16.97″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7091 Upload a file Meierhaus No images B G Stalden
46° 13′ 59.88″ N, 7° 52′ 29.89″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7092 Upload a file Merjenbrücke No images B G Stahlen Stalden
46° 13′ 37.16″ N, 7° 51′ 48.64″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7093 Upload a file Kapelle St.Anna Kapelle St.Anna No images B G Gspon Staldenried
46° 13′ 28.63″ N, 7° 54′ 10.69″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7134 Upload a file Mühle und Walke Mühle und Walke No images A G Törbel
46° 14′ 21.19″ N, 7° 50′ 34.12″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7133 Upload a file Kirche St.Theodor (Altäre) No images B G Zen Stapfen Törbel
46° 14′ 12.91″ N, 7° 51′ 09.58″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7130 Upload a file Schutzengelkapelle No images B G Im Feld Törbel
46° 13′ 56.14″ N, 7° 51′ 04.9″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7183 Upload a file Altes Spittel (16. und 18. Jh.) No images B G Spittelgasse 4 Visp
46° 17′ 23.24″ N, 7° 52′ 52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7185 Upload a file Burgerhaus (mit Pergola) No images B G Grundacherstrasse 19, Eyholz Visp
46° 17′ 38.33″ N, 7° 54′ 42.23″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7184 Upload a file Burgerkirche Heilige Drei Könige mit Burgerarchiv Burgerkirche Heilige Drei Könige mit Burgerarchiv No images B G Kaplaneigasse Visp
46° 17′ 25.01″ N, 7° 52′ 51.89″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7188 Upload a file Haus Burgener (1699) No images B G St. Martiniplatz 5 Visp
46° 17′ 22.81″ N, 7° 52′ 53.08″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7189 Upload a file Haus Cricer (1577) Haus Cricer (1577) No images B G Gräfibielgasse 3 Visp
46° 17′ 26.16″ N, 7° 52′ 51.31″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7190 Upload a file Haus In-Albon (16. Jh.) Haus In-Albon (16. Jh.) No images B G Gräfibielgasse 6 Visp
46° 17′ 25.84″ N, 7° 52′ 50.59″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7191 Upload a file Haus Zuber (15. Jh.) Haus Zuber (15. Jh.) No images B G St. Martinistrasse 4a Visp
46° 17′ 25.51″ N, 7° 52′ 53.47″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7186 Upload a file Kapelle Mariä Himmelfahrt Kapelle Mariä Himmelfahrt No images B G Kantonsstrasse, Eyholz Visp
46° 17′ 46.28″ N, 7° 55′ 08.83″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7182 Upload a file Kapelle St.Sebastian (1688) Kapelle St.Sebastian (1688) No images B G Albenried Visp
46° 17′ 28.86″ N, 7° 49′ 54.7″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7187 Upload a file Kaplaneihaus (1673) Kaplaneihaus (1673) No images B G Kantonsstrasse 76, Eyholz Visp
46° 17′ 45.74″ N, 7° 55′ 08.11″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7192 Upload a file Kirche St.Martin Kirche St.Martin No images B G St. Martiniplatz Visp
46° 17′ 20.76″ N, 7° 52′ 52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7193 Upload a file Lochmatterturm (um 1200) Lochmatterturm (um 1200) No images B G Treichweg 6 Visp
46° 17′ 18.02″ N, 7° 52′ 51.67″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7195 Upload a file Pflanzetta Pflanzetta No images B G St. Jodernstrasse 7 Visp
46° 17′ 15.54″ N, 7° 52′ 56.6″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7196 Upload a file Schützenlaube (1664) Schützenlaube (1664) No images B G Schulhausplatz Visp
46° 17′ 26.95″ N, 7° 52′ 49.55″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

9705 Upload a file Bronzezeitliche/mittelalterliche Siedlung No images A G Oberstalden Visperterminen
46° 16′ 18.84″ N, 7° 53′ 42.9″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7197 Upload a file Altäre der Kirche St.Theodul No images B G Kirchstrasse Visperterminen
46° 15′ 29.16″ N, 7° 54′ 02.99″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7203 Upload a file Waldkapelle mit Kapellenweg No images B G Visperterminen
46° 15′ 22.86″ N, 7° 54′ 43.74″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7220 Upload a file Kastel, bronzezeitliche Höhensiedlung No images B F Zeneggen
46° 16′ 19.38″ N, 7° 51′ 27.5″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7221 Upload a file Nothelferkapelle auf dem Biel No images B G Zeneggen
46° 16′ 25.36″ N, 7° 51′ 50.22″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

9706 Upload a file Felszeichnungen/prähistorische Schalensteine No images A F Hubelwäng Zermatt
46° 00′ 41.69″ N, 7° 43′ 44.83″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7226 Upload a file Kapelle der Heiligen Familie No images B G Wichjeweg, Winkelmatten Zermatt
46° 00′ 47.09″ N, 7° 44′ 43.04″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7223 Upload a file Kapelle St.Jakob Kapelle St.Jakob No images B G Findelen Zermatt
46° 00′ 40.25″ N, 7° 45′ 55.01″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

7225 Upload a file Kirche St.Mauritius (Altäre mit Taufstein) Kirche St.Mauritius (Altäre mit Taufstein) No images B G Kirchtrasse Zermatt
46° 01′ 10.09″ N, 7° 44′ 47.65″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo