Commons:Photo challenge/2018 - April - Videos: verbs
2018 – April – Videos: verbs
[edit]The new challenge features Videos depicting verbs. You might want to use video2commons or Videoconvert tools for the upload. They change the file format and the second allows rotations of videos if needed.
Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.
The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout April – May UTC.
Checklist for this theme:
- Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
- Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. April – May 2018 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
- Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
- Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.
Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:
Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron
For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.
- Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.
- Restriction: Videos only are allowed.
This challenge has already ended. (refresh)
Wood cleaving
kayak surfing of a standing wave
Pole Climbing
Downhill Mountain biking
Cave base jumping
Snow tubing
Wood cleaving
Rotating Homopolar motor
Turning arround
Japanische Trommelklänge. Hibiki Daiko e.V. Hutfestival in Chemnitz.
Advocating money out of politics
Red LED oscillating
Firing an AR-15 semi-automatic riffle at Lone Star Gun Range in Lockhart, Texas
Vacuuming with Snickerdoodle
Dampfzugfahrt auf dem Markersbacher Viadukt in Sachsen.
Seagull eating bread littered on road
Ernten von Heu in Sachsen.
Naso unicornis. ЛАКОМКА Синешипая рыба-носорог. Aufgenommen im Roten Meer in Ägypten am 18.09.2017 12:11:17
WWII U.S. Army trucks decamping from a vintage car show in Rastede, Germany.
Escalator running
Swimming in the sea, oblade fishes (Oblada melanura), Arcipelago Toscano Natural Park, Italy
Vaulting at artistic gymnastics
Rotating sprocket. Flying sparks.
flying - take off in catania sicily
Falling drops
Felling a tree
Rooks croaking in the treetops
Fire poi aks fire spinning at Mermaid Beach Resort, Cox's Bazar.
Flag of La Concha boat race in San Sebastian 2012
Dancing in Cambodia (Siem Reap)
Storchberingung in der Steiemark