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Commons:Fitxers de domini públic (PD)

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:PD files and the translation is 30% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:PD files and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Aquí, a Wikimedia Commons, de Domini Públic (PD) significa que un fitxer no té drets d'autor i està disponible de manera gratuïta per a qualsevol ús. PD files documenta que un fitxer és de fet de PD. Això és útil en casos en què la font es perdi o no estigui disponible. No cal que les imatges de PD tinguin l'etiqueta PD.

Aquest procés verifica l'estat dels drets d'autor lliures per verificar l'estat dels drets d'autor dels fitxers penjats a Commons. Ho pot fer qualsevol administrador de Commons ((administradors inclosos buròcrates, comprovadors i supervisors) o usuaris de confiança aprovats per la comunitat d'usuaris).

Procés de revisió del PD

El procés de revisió de PD és manual. Els estàndards de verificació haurien de ser estrictes, deixant poc, si n'hi ha algun, de dubte sobre l'estat PD d'un fitxer. Factors com el valor de la imatge, el grau de confiança de l'usuari que l'ha penjat, les lleis del país on s'ha pres el fitxer i la diferència de temps entre la pujada i el descobriment de l'estat possiblement no lliure són rellevants per decidir què fer amb aquestes imatges. Els revisors també poden eliminar les etiquetes PD dels fitxers etiquetats incorrectament com a PD.

Convertir-se en un usuari de confiança

Users may apply to become a license reviewer at Commons:License review/Requests.

Reviewers who regularly erroneously tag files may have their permission revoked.

On demanar una revisió d'un PD

Users can add {{LicenseReview}} to any file description page to have PD status verified for any reason, including files where the PD status may be questionable. Some users may upload files they don't have the rights to and then license those images as free.

Enllaços relacionats en la revisió de PD


  • Description should be adequate
  • Source should be present
  • Date should be present, using "circa" is allowed
  • Author should be present, "unknown" is allowed if author can not be reasonably determined and no other factors bring the PD status into question
  • Permission should be a valid PD tag
  • Images which are no longer freely available at time of review should be marked as possibly unfree pending a decision on what to do with them on Commons talk:PD files.
  • If the image is PD-Art, it should follow the guidelines at Commons:Quan utilitzar l'etiqueta PD-Art. If it is a two-dimensional work with a three-dimensional frame, mark it with {{Non-free frame}} for cleanup.

Enllaços de llicències de PD

eEnllaços a llocs web

One problem when checking licenses of images coming from web sites is that the web site may cease to exist. This is one of the primary reasons PD review came into existence. By placing the PD review tag on a file, the reviewer is essentially saying he verified the web site (if that was the source) was up and available at the time of review. The PD review tag should alleviate future concerns about the validity of PD status in case the web site ever ceases to exist or the web site changes its URL structure.

Determinació del domini públic als EUA (i drets d'autor)

US copyrights for works first published in US, excluding audio works
Year of first publication
Note: publication is not creation
Copyright duration
  • Before 1930
  • During 1930–63: without notice, or with notice but not renewed within 28 years of first publication
  • During 1964–77: without notice
  • From 1978 to March 1, 1989: without notice and without registration within 5 years of first publication
Work has entered US public domain
  • During 1930–63: with notice and renewed
  • During 1964–77: with notice
Copyrighted for 95 years after first publication
  • From 1978 to March 1, 1989: pre-1978 creation with notice, or without notice but registered within 5 years of first publication
  • From March 2, 1989 to 2002: pre-1978 creation
  • If author is known, copyrighted until the later of either 70 years pma or Dec 31, 2047
  • If author is unknown or corporate authorship, the earlier of 95 years after first publication or 120 years after creation, but not earlier than Dec 31, 2047
  • From 1978 to March 1, 1989: post-1977 creation with notice, or without notice but registered within 5 years of first publication
  • From March 2, 1989 to 2002: post-1977 creation
  • Unpublished before 2003 (i.e. first published after 2002)
  • If author is known, copyrighted for 70 years pma
  • If author is unknown or corporate authorship, the earlier of 95 years after first publication or 120 years after creation
pma: post mortem auctoris, or "after the author's death"
  • Refer to the chart on the right for US works; i.e. those first published in the US (or unpublished until now)
  • A foreign work has to be in the public domain in both US and its source country to be stored on Commons.
  • Publication means the legal distribution of copies of the work to the public.

Obres publicades per primera vegada fora dels Estats Units

1. Was this foreign work first published in the period from 1930 to 1977?

Yes: step 2
No: step 5

2. Did this 1930 to 1977 foreign publication register and renew copyrights for the US?

Yes: US copyright lasts up to end of 95 years after publication (i.e. public domain only from year of publication + 96).
No: step 3

3. Was this 1930 to 1977 non-US copyright registered foreign work published in the US within 30 days of its publishing abroad?

Yes: {{PD-URAA-Simul}}
No: step 4

4. Was this 1930 to 1977 non-US copyright registered foreign work in its country's public domain as of 1 Jan 1996?[1]

Yes: {{PD-1996}}
No: US copyright lasts up to end of 95 years after publication (i.e. public domain only from year of publication + 96).

5. Was this post-1977 foreign work in its country's public domain as of 1 Jan 1996?[1]

Yes: {{PD-1996}}; however, the Cornell table neglects to specify for a foreign public domain work that is published with a copyright notice in this period.
No: US copyright lasts up to end of 70 years after author's death, or if work of corporate authorship, 95 years from publication.


  1. a b Take note of the date; for Australian works, the effects of the 2008 law does not cover this 1996 limit, hence only pre-1945 Australian works could comply with the URAA cut-off.

Fonts d'imatges de PD

Fonts conegudes de PD

Here is a list of web sites that that release their files to the Public Domain: list URL, site name, and link that proves all files are PD

Fonts probables de PD

Here is a list of web sites that that contain many PD files, VERIFY PD STATUS before actually tagging with the PD review tag: list URL, site name, and link that indicates licensing status of the web site

  • US Naval Historical Center: hosts many PD images, especially those related to the US Navy and Marines. However, they also advise that some images may not be PD, this could be especially true for foreign Naval images. Double check such images to be sure of their PD status before uploading them here.
    Associated templates:
  • DefenseImagery.mil: principal storage for US military photos. Note that only photos taken by the US military personel (or explicitly stated to be released by the military departments) are definitely in public domain.[5] Images attributed to Unknown or non-military entities may be copyrighted and require further investigation.
    Associated templates:
  • NASA: media on this site are in the public domain, even the personal web pages; however, the NASA insignia, the retired NASA logotype and the NASA seal are under restrictions in their use.[6] Furthermore, some of its subpages use copyrighted images (with attribution) and carry their own disclaimers.[7][8]
    Associated templates: Source – {{NASA-image}}; License – {{PD-USGov-NASA}}
  • Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection: hosts maps of almost every part of the world, clearly indicating the authors of the maps. The majority are in public domain, either from pre-1930 atlases, or by the CIA and other US federal agencies.
    Associated templates:
  • The Civil War: hosts many pages of Harper's Weekly, especially all the issues of 1861–65 (American Civil War). The scans of the journals are in the public domain. Note that unless they appear in Harper's Weekly or other pre-1930 publications, the photographs might be copyrighted dependent on year of first publication (see above section).
    Associated templates: {{PD-US}}

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