Commons:Descobreix els nostres il.lustradors

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Wikimedia Commons és un projecte de la Fundació Wikimedia.

Com els altres projectes de la Fundació Wikimedia, Wikimedia Commons es realitzada per voluntaris. El seu succés és gràcies a totes les persones repartides arreu del món que reconeixen el benefici d'utilitzar les llicències de contingut obert per així oferir el seu treball de lliure accés als altres.

Els nostres voluntaris tenen coneixements i competencies diverses. Aquesta pàgina exposa una selecció dels il·lustradors altament qualificats que han decidit d'utilitzar les llicencies de contingut obert i de confiar les obres a Wikimedia Commons. Cada un dels il·lustradors d'aquesta pàgina ha contribuït amb al menys 5 obres a imatges destacades.



I'm Eric Gaba, aka Sting on Wikipedia, French born in 1966 and live in Brazil. I'm helicopter pilot and photographer.

I joined Wikipedia in November 2004 with my passion for Greek Antique history and in 2005 the Graphic Lab on WP-fr. With the lack of schemes or maps in the project to illustrate articles, I started to learn about Inkscape and create my own pictures. Still not satisfied with my maps due to the difficulty of finding sources of good quality, I heard about Digital Elevation Models provided for free by the NASA or other US government agencies in early 2007. This was really the starting point for me creating good quality maps for the project.

As pilot, I like very much see a map with the representation of the relief as it explains many things : the location of settlements, borders, movement of armies, etc. And the DEMs provided almost all I needed so I got more and more specialized in that area. Gaining experience with the software, I started to extract elevation layers and vectorize them in order to create topographic maps and wrote tutorials to help other contributors to draw maps of different types using DEMs.

Contact details
Example work

See more of Sting's work: User page


I am a french computer engineer, living in France.

I joined Wikipedia in December 2005, and the Atelier Graphique (the french Graphic Lab) in 2007. First it was to create maps of the Marquesas Islands, so I followed the tutorials made by Sting (see above). Then, I continued to draw maps, and also diagrams and schemes, on various subjects.
My favourites softwares are Inkscape and the Gimp, and GlobalMapper & 3Dem for the maps.

Contact details
Example work

See more of Sémhur's work


I am a Chilean translator, living in Santiago of Chile.

I have been collaborating in Wikipedia since 2005, and joined Wikimedia commons in 2006.

I illustrated first for fun and later as a way to express myself.

I usually make diagrams and schemes. I work with GIMP and Inkscape, open-source software.

You can see my tutorial (easy to follow) about how to make diagrams, that you can use in wikipedia.

Contact details

(you can write in English or in Spanish

usted puede escribir en inglés o en español)

Example work

See more of Al2's work

Joaquim Alves Gaspar


English: I am an Officer of the Portuguese Navy, now teaching Cartographic Sciences in the university and doing research on the geometry of old nautical charts. My regular contribution with photos and illustrations to Commons started in 2006. I normally use CorelDraw in my ilustrations and animations

Português: Sou um Oficial da Marinha Portuguesa que ensina Ciências Cartográficas na universidade e faz investigação sobre a geometria das antigas cartas de marear. A minha contribuição regular para o Commons, sob a forma de fotos e ilustrações, começou em 2006. Uso normalmente o CorelDraw nas minhas figuras e animações.

Contact details
Example work

My Portfolio
My Commons page


{{Wikimedia illustrator
|Name = the name you wish to be known by (use your real name, if you are comfortable doing so)
|Background = Paragraph about yourself, your username, your experience. 
              what is your speciality?
              why do you contribute to Wikimedia Commons?
              if you have a website, link it here too (or in Contact)
              details of any software you use for creating illustrations
|Contact = *[ Email]
* [[user talk:FooBar|Write a message on my wiki talk page]] 
|Portrait = WikiMeet London - Jimbo talks.jpg [name of a photo of you - this is optional]
|Work = Foo.jpg [your favourite or most impressive image]
|Caption = A rare moment in the life of a Commons admin. [caption to previous image]
|Gallery = User:FoorBar/gallery [wiki page of your work - if a category, prefix with a : ]