Commons:Deletion requests/Image:Fabula de Esopo 009.ogg
copyright of Spanish translation is unclear, moral might be copyrighted by J.R.Rodriguez, see Martin (talk) 14:41, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- While this is technically true ( appears to waive copyright on the translation, but reserves copyright on the recommendations and morals they've added after each fable), I notice that even project Gutenberg distributes these files.[1]. How about contacting and asking them about this? Lupo 07:29, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
Deleted per Martin as the Spanish translation and some of the added morales are copyrighted by Jorge Renato Rodríguez, the owner of the site. I do not see an explicit waiver of the translation coypright (search for Nota sobre el Copyright © at the end of the main page). He simply tells that El contenido literal de cada una de estas historias (Fábulas Clásicas) ha sido de dominio público por siglos, por lo que su literatura no tiene restricción de Copyright. Perhaps he isn't aware that his translation is eligible for copyright. Independent from this, as Martin and Lupo noted, the copyright for the morale is reserved: Solamente el formato artístico de la presentación, tal como se diseñó para el Web, o para los módulos compactos en documento de texto, en su conjunto total o en cada página, sus gráficos individualmente, su música de fondo, y el texto de los conceptos emitidos como consejos o moralejas al final de cada fábula, moralejas concebidas y redactadas por Jorge R. Rodríguez de, de forma personal y no de autoría clásica, son consideradas como propiedad intelectual de Unfortunately, nobody attempted to obtain a free license for this media for more than half a year now. Currently, he restricts the use of his morales (which are also to be found in this file) to private or educational use. Commercial use is explicitly not permitted: Autorizamos también a copiar, imprimir y usar cualquiera de estas páginas Web (Fábulas Clásicas), en su forma integral de texto con sus gráficos y música , para su uso personal, educacional o institucional, en forma privada, manteniendo indicación de que su origen está en No se autoriza para su venta o lucro con ellas. --AFBorchert (talk) 09:06, 10 May 2009 (UTC)