Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Government of Canada publications
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Batch 1 - Deletion request is because of uncertainty as to OGL(Canda) applicability given NC clause in the text of the documents concerned. I do not want to delete en-masse but precautionary princple applies unless someone can show these are covered by OGL (Canada)
- File:Ambient air survey in Mississauga - April 1978. (IA 01ambientairsurvey00onta).pdf
- File:Amherstburg water supply system - annual report 1988. (IA 01amherstburgwater00onta).pdf
- File:Government of Canada (IA 01analysisofimpact00onta).pdf
- File:Analytical data - 1980-1981, Volume 2, Analytical data for southern Ontario - (IA 01analyticaldata1900grif).pdf
- File:An annotated bibliography - terrestrial effects of acidic precipitation - (IA 01annotatedbibliog00onta).pdf
- File:Annual program report - 1989-1990 (IA 01annualprogramrep00onta).pdf
- File:Annual statistics of concentration - daily ambient air monitoring network, 1981 - (IA 01annualstatistics00kirk).pdf
- File:An assessment of the performance of the cumulative precipitation monitoring network, June 1980 - December 1981 - ARB-143-84-ARSP API 021-84 - (IA 01assessmentofperf00bard).pdf
- File:Assessment of the state of knowledge on the long-range transport of air pollutants and acid deposition - Part 2, Atmospheric Sciences - (IA 01assessmentofstat00onta).pdf
- File:Atmospheric monitoring for transportation emergencies- Toxic substance monitoring and safety handbook, Volume 2 - (IA 01atmosphericmonit00onta).pdf
- File:Bacteriological water quality and source identification at St. Catharines nearshore - June - August 1983 (IA 01bacteriologicalw00grif).pdf
- File:Basic sewage treatment operation. (IA 01basicsewagetreat00onta).pdf
- File:Best available technology for the Ontario pulp and paper industry - (IA 01bestavailabletec00onta).pdf
- File:Biological evaluation of the Kapuskasing River north of the town of Kapuskasing - 1970 - (IA 01biologicalevalua00conr).pdf
- File:Canada-Ontario agreement, objective 2.1 - priority pesticides. (IA 01canadaontarioagr00onta).pdf
- File:Categorization (listing) background document - wood preservation wastes. (IA 01categorizationli00onta).pdf
- File:Commercial-industrial waste plastic feedstock procurement and sensitivity analysis for a mixed plastics recycling facility - (IA 01commercialindust00onta).pdf
- File:Conference proceedings - technology transfer conference no. 1- (IA 01conferenceprocee00onta).pdf
- File:Confined space entry workshop - training and certification. (IA 01confinedspaceent00onta).pdf
- File:Contamination of vegetation and soil by lead and other elements in the vicinity of the Canada Metal Company, Eastern Avenue, Toronto - 1983, 1984, 1985 - (IA 01contaminationofv00rinn).pdf
- File:Cornwall water treatment plant - annual report 1987. (IA 01cornwallwatertre00onta).pdf
- File:Cottage country - an environmental manual for the cottager, Fifth edition 1988. (IA 01cottagecountryen00onta).pdf
- File:Countdown acid rain - government review of the twelfth progress reports (January 31, 1992) - (IA 01countdownacidrai00onta).pdf
- File:Cumulative (28 day) precipitation chemistry listings - January 4, 1983 - January 3, 1984 (IA 01cumulative28dayp00onta).pdf
- File:Cumulative ambient air concentration listings - December 6, 1983 - January 3, 1985. (IA 01cumulativeambien00onta).pdf
- File:Daily ambient air concentration listings - July 25, 1980 - December 31, 1981. (IA 01dailyambientairc00onta).pdf
- File:Daily precipitation chemistry listings and statistical summaries - July 15, 1980 - December 31, 1981. (IA 01dailyprecipitati00onta).pdf
- File:Design and performance criteria for settling tanks for the removal of physical-chemical flocs - (IA 01designperformanc00hein).pdf
- File:Development document for the effluent limits regulation for the MISA pulp and paper sector. (IA 01developmentdocum00onta).pdf
- File:Development of the Ontario provincial sediment quality guidelines for PCBs and the organochlorine pesticides - (IA 01developmentofont00jaag).pdf
- File:Drainage basins in southwestern Ontario (Map Part B) - (IA 01drainagebasinsin00zimm).pdf
- File:Dresden water treatment plant - annual report - 1986. (IA 01dresdenwatertrea00onta).pdf
- File:Drinking water surveillance program - overview annual report 1987 - (IA 01drinkingwatersur00onta).pdf
- File:Easterly water treatment plant - annual report 1987. (IA 01easterlywatertre00onta).pdf
- File:Economic assessment of water pollution abatement options for Ontario pulp and paper mills. (IA 01economicassessme00onta).pdf
- File:Economic implications of the MISA monitoring regulations on Ontario's iron and steel sector - final report. (IA 01economicimplicat00onta).pdf
- File:Effects of dredging and lakefilling at the Toronto harbour and east headland in 1982 and 1983 - (IA 01effectsofdredgin00boyd).pdf
- File:Energy requirements for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment - (IA 01energyrequiremen00zarn).pdf
- File:Environmental aspects of selected aromatic amines and azo dyes in Ontario - Report - (IA 01environmentalasp00onta).pdf
- File:Environmental baseline report of the Niagara River - (IA 01environmentalbas00onta).pdf
- File:Environmental considerations in the design and operation of industrial wood burning operations. (IA 01environmentalcon00onta).pdf
- File:Environmental explorations - learning the environmental way. (IA 01environmentalexp00onta).pdf
- File:Environmental research program, 1987-1988 - inventory of research and development projects - (IA 01environmentalres00onta).pdf
- File:Environmental research technology transfer conference 1988 proceedings - Volume 1, session B- water quality reseearch - (IA 01environmentalres01onta).pdf
- File:Evaluating contruction activities impacting on water resources - Part IV, Marine construction projects - (IA 01evaluatingcontru00boyd).pdf
- File:Evaluation of impacts of storm water runoff and combined sewer overflows on receiving waters - A technical memorandum prepared for working group II - (IA 01evaluationofimpa00sing).pdf
- File:Exhaust emission surveillance of Ontario in-use cars (Full Report) - Part 1 - Appendices (IA 01exhaustemissions00roha).pdf
- File:Feasibility study and costing of proposed pollution control measures in the Humber sewershed - task 5, dunkers flow balancing system - (IA 01feasibilitystudy00onta).pdf
- File:General guidelines for the preparation of environmental assessments (IA 01generalguideline00onta).pdf
- File:General index to the Journals and Sessional papers of the Legislative Assembly, Ontario, 1901 to 1912 (IA 01generalin00ontauoft).pdf
- File:Geology and water resources of the Bowmanville, Soper and Wilmot Creeks IHD representative drainage basin (IA 01geologywaterreso00funk).pdf
- File:Grand river basin water management study - appendices - (IA 01grandriverbasinw00onta).pdf
- File:Grey water disposal from pleasure boats - background information - (IA 01greywaterdisposa00onta).pdf
- File:Ground water probability - county of Elgin - (IA 01groundwaterproba00onta).pdf
- File:Ground water probability - county of Simcoe (southern portion), map 3135, sheet 1, water supplies in shallow overburden - (IA 01groundwaterproba00turn).pdf
- File:Guidance document for the elemental characterization of liquid waste samples - November 1988 - (IA 01guidancedocument00boom).pdf
- File:Guide for implementing an office waste paper recovery project. (IA 01guideforimplemen00onta).pdf
- File:Guidelines and background for the control of industrial waste emissions to the air, water and land from terminal grain elevators - (IA 01guidelinesbackgr00onta).pdf
- File:Guidelines for decommissioning (shutdown) of major industrial sites in Ontario - (IA 01guidelinesfordec00onta).pdf
- File:Guidelines for environmental control in the Ontario mineral industry - March 1, 1979. (IA 01guidelinesforenv00onta).pdf
- File:Guidelines for the protection and management of aquatic sediment in Ontario (IA 01guidelinesforpro00pers).pdf
- File:Guidelines for use of fluoride in water treatment works in the province of Ontario. (IA 01guidelinesforuse00onta).pdf
- File:Guide to resource conservation and cost savings opportunities in the plastics processing sector - January 1998 - (IA 01guidetoresourcec00onta).pdf
- File:Hamilton water treatment plant - annual report - 1986. (IA 01hamiltonwatertre00onta).pdf
- File:Handbook for dredging and dredged material disposal in Ontario - sediment sampling and laboratory analysis. (IA 01handbookfordredg00onta).pdf
- File:Harrow-Colchester south water supply system - annual report 1986. (IA 01harrowcolchester00onta).pdf
- File:Herbicides correspondence course - Lesson 3, Weed Control in Lawns (IA 01herbicidescorres00onta).pdf
- File:Humber river and Toronto area water quality - appendixes K through N. (IA 01humberrivertoron00onta).pdf
- File:Humber river and tributary dry weather outfall study - technical report no. 1, appendix D (IA 01humberrivertribu00onta).pdf
- File:Humber river water quality management plan - Appendix A, Evaluation of control options, 1986 - (IA 01humberriverwater00onta).pdf
- File:Hydrogeological assessment of Delhi park waste disposal site, Picton - (IA 01hydrogeologicala00onta).pdf
- File:Hydrogeological investigation of peebles street landfill site, Caledonia - (IA 01hydrogeologicali00onta).pdf
- File:IMPACT OF OZONE EXPOSURE ON VEGITATION IN ONTARIO (IA 01impactofozoneexp00pear).pdf
- File:Implementation of pollution control measures for urban stormwater runoff. (IA 01implementationof00onta).pdf
- File:Information on courses (IA 01informationoncou00onta).pdf
- File:Information sources on hazardous contaminants - (IA 01informationsourc00macf).pdf
- File:Interim guideline for the interpretation of the hazardous waste definition (Regulation 309) - (IA 01interimguideline00onta).pdf
- File:Interlaboratory study 91-3 - phenolics (4AAP) in reagent water and STP effluent - (IA 01interlaboratorys00sell).pdf
- File:Introducing Ontario's Clean Water Agency - (IA 01introducingontar00onta).pdf
- File:Government of Canada (IA 01lespluiesacidesu00onta).pdf
- File:Ontario Soil Baseline Survey, Analytical data - Volume 1, soil baseline program, 1980-1981 - (IA 01ontariosoilbasel00grif).pdf
- File:An overview - the cumulative wet-dry deposition network (2nd revised edition) - (IA 01overviewcumulati00chan).pdf
- File:Government of Canada (IA 01studyofeffectsof00jaag).pdf
- File:A submission to the United States Environmental Protection Agency on interstate pollution abatement. (IA 01submissiontounit00onta).pdf
ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 11:59, 21 September 2020 (UTC)
- It would well be that Canada did intend OGL-C to apply to past use of standard Crown statements on documents like these that were encouraged to be reused, but we would need a clear official statement of retrospectivity. --Fæ (talk) 12:03, 21 September 2020 (UTC)
- Thank you for the clarification. ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 12:26, 21 September 2020 (UTC)
- Obvious delete. There is zero evidence that those works were released under the license placed by the uploader or under any other free license. The files are copied from Internet Archive, which does not offer any evidence of release either. Also, the files were miscategorized, and some are mistitled, as publications of the Government of Canada, which they are obviously not. (Even if they were, they wouldn't be free either without evidence of a release). They are publications of the Government of Ontario. -- Asclepias (talk) 01:55, 6 May 2021 (UTC)
Deleted: per above. --P 1 9 9 ✉ 14:38, 10 June 2021 (UTC)