Commons:Šablóny licencií/GNU licencia
The GNU Free Documentation License (GNU FDL or simply GFDL) is a license for free documentation. The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is a free software license, which guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software. GFDL and GPL are copyleft licenses, which means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. Works licensed under the GNU family of licenses may be uploaded to Wikimedia.
Poznámka: Licencia GFDL je pre obrázky a krátky text dosť nepraktická, lebo vyžaduje, aby u zverejneného diela bol priložený plný text GFDL, čo znemožňuje tlačeným médiám použitie takýchto obrázkov: pre použitie jedného obrázku by noviny museli vytlačiť celú stránku obsahujúci text licencie. Pokiaľ je to možné, láskavo poskytnite duálnu licenciu – GFDL a ekvivalentnú licenciu Creative Commons ako CC-by-sa-2.0 (pozri nižšie). To umožní využívať vašu prácu nielen slobodne, ale aj jednoducho.
GFDL license tags
See Category:GFDL license tags for a complete list of over 80 GFDL license tags. These include {{tl|GFDL-user-xy}} tags for most Wikipedia language versions, such as {{GFDL-user-bpy}} for users of the Bishnupriya Wikipedia.
- {{GFDL}} – slobodná licencia GNU pre dokumenty (GNU FDL).
- {{GFDL-1.2}} – for works released under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2 specifically.
- {{GFDL-self}} – pre diela zverejnené podľa slobodnej licencie GFDL ich tvorcami.
- {{GFDL-en}} – for works from the English Wikipedia, and originally licensed as GFDL there. This GFDL is "subject to disclaimers".
- {{GFDL-user-w|projectcode|projectname|username}} – for works released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License by their creators when the creators are other Wikipedia users. Note: The variable projectcode is the language name of the creator's local Wikipedia (e.g. "de" for the German Wikipedia, and "ja" for the Japanese); It may also contain the project name for non-Wikipedia projects (i.e. "de:wiktionary" for the German Wiktionary). The variable projectname is the human readable project name (e.g. "French Wikipedia", "German Wiktionary", etc.). The variable username is the creator's log-in name at that project.
GPL license tags
See Category:GPL license tags for all GPL templates. There are specific versions such as tags for screenshots from a given website. Common GPL tags are listed below.
- {{GPLv2}} – GNU General Public License. Note: do not use this as the only license for your work if you can avoid it. The GPL is intended for computer programs, not for media files.
- {{GPL}} – všeobecná verejná licencia GNU (GNU GPL). Pozn.: Ak je to možné, nepoužívajte túto licenciu ako jedinú pre svoje diela. GPL je určená pre počítačové programy, nie multimediálne súbory.
- {{LGPL}} – menší všeobecná verejná licencia GNU (GNU LGPL). Pozn.: Ak je to možné, nepoužívajte túto licenciu ako jedinú pre svoje diela. LGPL je určená pre počítačové programy, nie multimediálne súbory.
- {{LGPLv3}} – GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later. Note: do not use this as the only license for your work if you can avoid it. The LGPL is intended for computer programs, not for media files.
- {{AGPL}} – The Affero General Public License. Note: do not use this as the only license for your work if you can avoid it. The AGPL is intended for computer programs, not for media files.
Other GNU license tags
There are over 250 custom GFDL license tags, many of which are listed at Category:Custom GFDL license tags. Typically they are used for the works of individuals, but there are examples of GFDL tags for works published by organizations, as shown below.
- {{GFDL-OpenGeoDB}} – Obrázky z
- {{GFDL-Landsat-Kashmir3d}} – Obrázky projektu Kashmir 3D z
- {{Picswiss}} – Obrázky z
- {{PolishSenateCopyright}} – copyright poľského senátu. Je možné voľne používať pri uvedení zdroja.
- {{PolishPresidentCopyright}} – Polish President Copyright
- {{Pressefotos Die Gruenen}} – for images from