CADAL (China Academic Digital Associative Library, is a book digitalization project in China. The project was initiated by China and US computer scientists and began in Dec. 2000 as Million Book Digital Library Project (MBP) and later as Universal Digital Library (UDL). In Sept. 2002, the project was renamed as the China-America Digital Academic Library (CADAL). In Aug. 2009, it was renamed as the China Academic Digital Associative Library. A million books digitalised in 2001-2006 and another 1.5 million books were digitalised in 2007-2012. Visit project background.
Both old and new books were digitalised in CADAL. Volunteers would like to upload public domain content to Wikimedia Commons to make the books more accessible. The initial uploads (Nov. 2019) were from files found in a web drive, which presumably obtained before the official website started to control for file downloads.
CADAL(大学数字图书馆国际合作计划, )始于2000年12月。最初是中美计算机科学家发起的“百万册数字图书馆项目”,后发展成为“全球数字图书馆项目”。2002年9月,中国教育部将其列为“十五”期间“211工程”公共服务体系建设的组成部分,名为“高等学校中英文图书数字化国际合作计划”。2009年8月更名为“大学数字图书馆国际合作计划”。2001年-2006年数字化了100万册图书,2007年-2012年数字化了150万册图书。见计划背景。
- 01020822-01021205 欽定大清會典事例:可从Internet Archive获取的文件(Category:欽定大清會典事例)访问,但清晰度较低。
- 01044758-01045165 大藏經(见Category:Qianlong Dazangjing)
- 01045166-01045916 續藏經
- 01045917-01046461 正統道藏缺少部分,可从后来的扫描本访问。
- 01047285-01051283 叢書集成初編
- 01054099, 01054011 四庫全書珍本初集·六藝之一録缺两本。
- CADAL06056693_明史紀事本末·卷六十一~卷六十二.djvu文件损坏,无法上传
- 02019855
- 02019857
- 02019858
- 02019859
- 02019860
- 02019861
- 02019894
Unfortunately, some files are incomplete in the source obtained by the uploader. Whey can't be previewed here. If you download the file and open with a local viewer, the first pages may be read.
CADAL08001214 文選樓叢書 疇人傳:卷七至卷九.djvu
CADAL02052121 仙都志.djvu