Commons:British Library/Mechanical Curator collection/Synoptic index/Central and South America
Central and South America
[edit]This page contains further titles relating to Central and South America (mostly), that could be identified more precisely geographically, and then added to the main Mechanical Curator synoptic index.
Inclusion criteria: BL shelfmarks 10480 - 10483, with two or more plates, or five or more images in total. Other inclusion-worthy titles may exist elsewhere with other (especially lower) shelfmarks.
Feel free to copy an entry to an appropriate place in the main index, then remove it from this page.
Georeferencing campaign: For any titles below that have a to georef template, please click on that templated link to see the maps and ground-plans from the book that still need to be geo-located on a present-day map of the world. This can be achieved using the BL/Klokan Georeferencer, which should be accessible from the Flickr page for each image via a link in the description section immediately under the image. With appropriate location information the map and plan images should then be readily uploadable to Wikimedia Commons with reasonably accurate automatic categorisation. See also: BL information page and overall progress page.
Pages in this series
[edit]Geology, mineralogy, mining, etc.
History (misc) and historiography | Ancient Greece | Ancient Rome
Geography | Anthropology and Ethnology | World voyages and travel
Asia + Near East (history) | Africa (history)
| Balkans/Greece/Turkey
| Italy
| Spain and Portugal
| Switzerland
| Central Europe
| Germany
(history 1
Low Countries
| Scandinavia
| Russia
| Poland (history)
| Scotland
| England/Scotland/Wales
| Ireland
United States
| Arctic
| Canada, also Caribbean
Central and South America
| Australia and New Zealand
[edit]- A Voyage to South-America: ... undertaken ... by G. Juan and A. de U. ... Translated from the original Spanish of A. de U. by J. Adams. Illustrated with copper plates. (1807; 7 images, 7 plates; maps to georef )
[edit]- Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord Ouest, fatto dal Capitano L. F. M. l'anno 1588. Tradotto da un manoscritto Spagnuolo inedito, da C. Amoretti (1811; 6 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Travels in the interior of Brazil, particularly in the gold and diamond districts ..., including a voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and an historical sketch of the revolution of Buenos Ayres. Illustrated with engravings. (1816; 5 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Travels in Brazil. (1817; 12 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
[edit]- Rapport officiel de M. de Puydt, Colonel du Génie, Chef de la Commission d'Exploration dans l'Amérique Centrale (1842; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Émigration à la Guyane Anglaise (1842; 4 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- De la colonisation au Brésil. Mémoire historique ... sur la province de Sainte-Catherine, formant le deuxième rapport à la Société belge-brésilienne de Colonisation ... par Charles van Lede, etc (1843; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Araucania i sus habitantes, recuerdos de un viaje hecho ... en ... 1845. MS. note by Humboldt on the flyleaf (1845; 4 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- An Account of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the Republic of Mexico; with proposals for establishing a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, based upon the surveys and reports of a Scientific Commission, appointed by the Projector Don J. de Garay. (Principally compiled from two reports published ... by St. Gaetano Moro.) (1846; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Verslag eener reis naar Demerary, Grenada en Guadeloupe gedaan ... in het laatst van het jaar 1845 (1846; 4 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Descripcion é historia del Paraguay y del Rio de la Plata, obra póstuma. La publica A. de Azara, bajo la direccion de B. S. Castellanos de Losada, etc. (Biografia del Señor Don F. de Azara.) (1847; 14 images; no maps)
- Four Years in the Pacific: in her Majesty's Ship “Collingwood,” from 1844 to 1848 (1849; 23 images, 2 plates; no maps)
[edit]- Diario de viage de la Comision de Limites que puso el Gobierno de la Republica, bajo la direccion del ... General ... D. M. de Mier y Teran. Lo escribieron por su órden ... L. Berlandier y R. Chovel (1850; 13 images; no maps)
- Esplorazione delle regioni equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il Fiume delle Amazzoni, frammento di un viaggio fatto nelle due Americhe negli anni 1846-1847-1848 da G. Osculati ... Corredata di 2 carte topografiche e di 20 vedute e costumi ritratti dal vero dallo stesso autore (1850; 19 images, 17 plates; maps)
- Coleccion de Itinerarios y Leguarios formada por la Seccion de Estadistica Militar, que se manda imprimir de orden del Supremo Gobierno, para que rectificada por las autoridades y personas a quienos corresponde, pueda servir a los usos de la Administracion general de Correos de la Republica. MS. notes (1850; 9 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- La Reine des Antilles, ou situation actuelle de l'Ile de Cuba, etc (1850; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Notes of an Excursion to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the Republic of Mexico. With plates and a map. (1851; 5 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Noticias históricas y estadísticas de Durango, (1849-50) ... Con un plano y dos vistas de la capital (1851; 16 images, 3 plates; maps)
- The isthmus of Tehuatepec: being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the direction of Major J. G. Barnard, with a résumé of the geology, climate, local geography, productive industry, fauna and Flora of that region. Illustrated with numerous maps and engravings, etc (1852; 34 images, 34 plates; maps)
- The Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal. (With maps.) With an appendix consisting of a “Vocabulary of Words in the Language of the Tule or Darien Indians”. (1852; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Mittheilungen über die Verhältnisse in den Ländern am Plata, namentlich mit Rücksicht auf die bestehenden Interessen Deutschen Handels- und Colonisationswesens in Buenos-Ayres. pt. 1 (1852; 2 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- Reisen in Mexico in den Jahren 1845-1848. Mit ... Karten ... Holzschnitten, etc (1853; 11 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- California illustrated: including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua Routes (1853; 12 images, 12 plates; no maps)
- "The Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal. (With maps.) With an appendix consisting of a ""Vocabulary of Words in the Language of the Tule or Darien Indians""." (1853; 6 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie et dans les parties voisines du Pérou, ou visite au district aurifère de Tipuani, etc (1853; 11 images, 9 plates; maps to georef )
- Nicaragua. Nach eigener Anschauung im Jahre 1852 und mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Auswanderung nach den heissen Zonen Amerika's beschrieben, etc (1854; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Zes jaren in Suriname. Schetsen en tafereelen uit het maatschappelijke en militaire leven in deze kolonie (1854; 2 images, 2 plates; no maps)
partition 1
[edit]- Esplorazione delle regioni equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il Fiume delle Amazzoni, frammento di un viaggio fatto nelle due Americhe negli anni 1846-1847-1848 da G. Osculati ... Corredata di 2 carte topografiche e di 20 vedute e costumi ritratti dal vero dallo stesso autore. (1854; 36 images, 29 plates; maps to georef )
- Wanderungen durch die mittel-amerikanischen Freistaaten Nicaragua, Honduras und San Salvador. Mit Hinblick auf deutsche Emigration und deutschen Handel, von Dr E. Scherzer and M. Wagner (1857; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Travels in the Free States of Central America: Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador (1857; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Considérations géographiques sur l'histoire du Brésil. Examen d'une nouvelle histoire générale du Brésil récemment publiée ... par M. François-Adolphe de Varnhagen ... Rapport fait à la Société de Géographie de Paris, etc. (Extrait du Bulletin de la Société de Géographie.) With maps. (1857; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Corographia historica, chronographica, genealogica, nobiliaria, e politica do Imperio do Brasil (1858; 10 images, 3 plates; no maps)
- (Book cat (100%)) Geografía de la República del Ecuador (1858; 13 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- La Confédération Argentine (1858; 12 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
[edit]- Apendice á la geografia del Ecuador y defensa de los terrenos baldios (1860; 2 images, 2 plates; maps)
- Description géographique et statistique de la Confédération Argentine(1860; 6 images, 1 plate; no maps)
- Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die physische Beschaffenheit und den Culturzustand der Argentinischen Republik, etc. With maps. (1861; 4 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Die Länder am untern Rio bravo del Norte. Geschichtliches und Erlebtes ... Mit einer Uebersichtskarte (1861; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Noticias para formar la historia ... del obispado de Michoacan, etc (1862; 10 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Estadistica de la República Mejicana (1862; 9 images; no maps)
- Deux années au Brésil. Ouvrage illustré de 180 vignettes dessinées par E. Riou, d'après les croquis de M. Biard (1862; 187 images, 82 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) The Gate of the Pacific. With maps and illustrations. (1863; 17 images, 16 plates; maps to georef )
- Cités et Ruines Américaines: Mitla, Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, recueillies et photographiées par D. Charnay avec un texte par M. V.-le-D. ... suivi du voyage et des documents de l'auteur (1863; 13 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- Géographie du Pérou ... Traduction française par P. A. Mouqueron, avec la collaboration de M. Rouaud y Paz Soldan. (Le Docteur Don M. Paz Soldan. Notice biographique by M. N. Corpancho.) (1863; 9 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- The Naturalist on the River Amazons. A record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the Equator, during eleven years of travel (1863; 45 images, 12 plates; maps to georef )
- Was Georg seinen deutschen Landsleuten über Brasilien zu erzählen weiss. Schilderungen eines in Süd-Brasilien wohlhabend gewordenen Proletariers, etc (1863; 26 images, 24 plates; no maps)
- Memoria para la carta hidrografica del Valle de Mexico, etc (1864; 7 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- What I Saw on the West Coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian Islands (1865; 31 images, 14 plates; no maps)
- Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings: with extracts from a diary of Salado exploration in 1862 and 1863 (1865; 28 images, 10 plates; maps to georef )
partition 2
[edit]- Reisen durch Südamerika ... Mit ... Abbildungen ... und ... Karten (1866; 187 images, 51 plates; maps to georef )
- L'Amérique centrale et méridionale. Dessins de MM. L. Noel, Lebreton et G. Janet, etc (1867; 22 images, 20 plates; no maps)
- A travers l'Amérique Centrale. Le Nicaragua et le canal interocéanique ... Publié avec une carte originale du Nicaragua dressée par ordre de S. E. le Capitaine-Général Don T. Martinez (1867; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Ricordi di un viaggio scientifico nell'America settentrionale nel MDCCCLXIII ... Con mappa, tavole e figure (1867; 19 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Ensayo de una Historia de Orizaba. With plates and maps. (1867; 6 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- The Paraná; with incidents of the Paraguayan War, and South American Recollections, from 1861 to 1868 (1868; 11 images, 8 plates; no maps)
- Informe al Supremo Gobierno del Perú sobre una espedicion al interior de la República (1868; 9 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- Promenade à travers l'Amérique du Sud, etc (1868; 31 images, 24 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) Escursion a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa y ascension al Crater del Popocatepetl. With plates. (1868; 4 images, 4 plates; maps)
- Voyage à travers l'Amérique du Sud, de l'Océan Pacifique à l'Océan Atlantique ... Illustré ... par E. Riou, etc (1869; 267 images, 202 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) Historia de Valparaiso. Crónica politica, comercial, i pintoresca de su ciudad i de su puerto ... 1536-1868 (1869; 6 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Historia crítica y social de la ciudad de Santiago desde su fundacion hasta nuestros dias (1541-1868) (1869; 4 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- Noticia sobre a Provincia de Matto Grosso seguida d'um roteiro da viagem da sua Capital (Cuyaba) a S. Paulo. With lithographs. (1869; 19 images, 17 plates; no maps)
- Georg der Auswanderer: oder; Ansiedlerleben in Süd-Brasilien. Illustrirte Schilderungen. ... Neue ... Ausgabe (1869; 28 images, 26 plates; no maps)
- Sjöfarten på Brasilien. Vägledning i Brasilianska hamnar för de förenade rikenas fartygsbefälhafvare (1869; 8 images, 1 plate; no maps)
partition 3
[edit]- Seven eventful Years in Paraguay. A narrative of personal experience amongst the Paraguayans. With a map (1869; 4 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Voyage au Brésil, traduit de l'anglais ... par F. Vogeli. Ouvrage illustré, etc (1869; 62 images, 33 plates; maps to georef )
- Handbook of the River Plate; comprising Buenos Ayres, the Upper Provinces, Banda Oriental, and Paraguay (1869; 5 images; no maps)
[edit]- Una Escursion a los Indios Ranqueles (1870; 6 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- New zeittung. von dem lande. das die Sponier sic funden haben ym 1521. iare genant Jucatan. On the expedition of Cortés to Mexico. A facsimile of the edition of 1522. (1870; 4 images, 4 plates; no maps)
- Unter den Tropen. Wanderungen durch Venezuela, am Orinoco, durch Britisch Guyana und am Amazonenstrome ... 1849-1868 ... Mit ... Illustrationen, etc (1871; 14 images, 14 plates; no maps)
- The Narrative of A. Nuñez Cabeça de Vaca: translated by B. Smith. With a prefatory notice by G. W. R. Jr., i.e. George W. Riggs. (1871; 5 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- Les Races Aryennes du Pérou, etc (1871; 5 images; no maps)
- Aus der Bai von Paranagua. (1872; 4 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Vom Amazonas und Madeira. Skizzen und Beschreibungen aus dem Tagebuche einer Explorationsreise ... Mit zahlreichen ... Illustrationen (1874; 75 images, 35 plates; maps to georef )
- Reconocimiento del rio Maullin por la Comision esploradora de Chiloe i Llanquihue, bajo la direccion del Capitan ... F. Vidal Gormáz. With a map. (1875; 4 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Commentaria in Ludovici Vives Exercitationes Linguae Latinae. México en 1554. Tres diálogos latinos que F. Cervántes Salazar escribió é imprimió en México en dicho año entitled “Francisci Ceruantis Salazari Toletāi, ad Ludouici Viuis exercitationem, aliquot Dialogi” and forming part of his “Commentaria in Ludovici Vives Exercitationes in Linguae Latinae”. Los reimprime, con traduccion castellana y notas, Joaquin García Icazbalceta (1875; 36 images, 1 plate; no maps)
- A History of British Guiana. Compiled from various authorities by G. W. Bennett. With plates. (1875; 3 images, 3 plates; no maps)
- (Book cat (100%)) Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana ... With map and illustrations (1876; 11 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
- Tropical Nature, an account of the most remarkable phenomena of life in the Western Tropics. Compiled from the narratives of distinguished travellers and observers. With ... illustrations (1876; 67 images, 35 plates; no maps)
- Brasilien, Land und Leute ... Mit 13 Holzschnitten und 13 Steindrucktafeln ... nach Originalaufnahmen von Dr. R. Canstatt (1877; 27 images, 17 plates; no maps)
- Descripção do Porto do Rio de Janeiro e das obras de doca d'Alfandega (1877; 14 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- The Route to Bolivia via the River Amazon. A report to the Governments of Bolivia and Brazil. With maps. (1877; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
partition 4
[edit]- De Paris a Guatémala. Notes de voyages au Centre-Amérique 1866-1875 ... Illustré de 35 planches. Dessins de M. E. A. Guillon (1877; 36 images, 10 plates; no maps)
- Historia, geografía y estadistica del estado de Tamaulipas, etc. With illustrations. (1878; 13 images, 13 plates; maps to georef )
- Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and its tributaries ... With map and wood engravings (1878; 24 images, 7 plates; maps to georef )
- Die Culturländer des alten America (1878; 11 images, 10 plates; maps to georef )
- Les Singularitez de la France antarctique. Nouvelle édition avec notes et commentaires par Paul Gaffarel (1878; 14 images; no maps)
- Découvertes et établissements des Français dans l'Ouest et dans le Sud de l'Amérique Septentrionale (1614-1754). Mémoires et documents originaux recueillis et publiés par P. Margry. (1879; 5 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Notes on the Isthmus of Panama & Darien, also on the river St. Juan, Lakes of Nicaragua, &c., with reference to a railroad and canal for joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With original maps and plans (1879; 6 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Viaje al pais de los Tehuelches, pt. I. Exploraciones en la Patagonia austral. With map. (1879; 11 images, 1 plate; maps )
- Viaje á la Patagonia austral emprendido bajo los auspicios del Gobierno Nacional 1876-1877. tom. 1 (1879; 40 images, 16 plates; maps )
- Ojeada sobre la parte Argentina de la region hidrográfica del Rio de la Plata. With maps. (1879; 8 images, 8 plates; maps to georef )
[edit]- Journal of the voyage of the “Missionary Packet,” Boston to Honolulu, 1826 ... With maps and plates, and a memoir, by J. F. Hunnewell (1880; 9 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- Mis esploraciones y descubrimientos en la Patagonia, 1877-80. With map. (1880; 21 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Across Patagonia ... With illustrations from sketches by J. Beerbohm, etc (1880; 12 images, 7 plates; no maps)
- Pérou et Bolivie. Récit de voyage, suivi d'études archéologiques et ethnographiques, et de notes sur l'écriture et les langues des populations indiennes ... Ouvrage contenant ... gravures, ... cartes et ... plans (1880; 889 images, 158 plates; maps to georef )
- Voyages et séjours dans l'Amérique du Sud. La Nouvelle-Grenade, Santiago de Cuba, la Jamaique et l'Isthme de Panama (1880; 5 images, 1 plate; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) Magalhâes-Strasse und Austral-Continent auf den Globen des J. Schöner. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Erdkunde im XVI. Jahrhundert ... Mit fünf Karten (1881; 5 images, 5 plates; maps to georef )
- Relaciones geográficas de Indias. Publícalas el Ministerio de Fomento (1881; 43 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- La Conquista del Desierto proyectada y llevada a cabo por el ... General D. J. A. Roca ... Segunda edicion (1881; 8 images, 7 plates; no maps)
- Memoria descriptiva del Rio San Juan y obras de defensa progectadas por C. O. Trabajo publicado en los “Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina.” Few MS. notes (1881; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Historia de Oaxaca (1881; 2 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- El libro de La Plata (1882; 6 images, 4 plates; no maps)
- Informe relativo á la exploracion del Distrito de Coalcoman, etc (1883; 4 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat) Patagonia. Terra del Fuoco. Mari Australi. Rapporto del Tenente G. Bove, Capo della Spedizione, al Comitato Centrale per le esplorazioni Antartiche. pt. 1 (1883; 11 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- The Republic of Uruguay, South America; its geography, history ... and general statistics. With maps. Issued by authority of the Consulate-General of Uruguay (1883; 4 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- El Dorado. Estudio histórico, etnográfico y arqueológico de los Chibchas, habitantes de la antigua Cundinamarca, y de algunas otras tribus (1883; 29 images, 17 plates; no maps)
partition 5
[edit]- Zur Ethnographie der Republik Guatemala (1884; 3 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Cuadro geográfico, estadístico, descriptivo é histórico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Obra que sirve de texto al atlas pintoresco (1885; 3 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Durch Central-Brasilien. Expedition zur Erforschung des Schingú im Jahre 1884, etc (1886; 100 images, 35 plates; maps to georef )
- Deutsche Colonien in dem oberen Laptata-Gebiete mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Paraguay ... Zweite Auflage (1886; 4 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Business and Pleasure in Brazil. By U. R. Burke and R. Staples Jr (1886; 6 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- A Year in Brazil. With notes on the abolition of slavery, the finances of the empire, religion, meteorology, natural history, etc. ... With ten full-page illustrations and two maps (1886; 12 images, 12 plates; maps to georef )
- Rápida descripción física, geológica y minera de la isla de Cebú, etc. With maps. (1886; 7 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Scenas da vida amazonica com um estudo sobre as populações indigenas e mestiças da Amazonia. Primeiro livro (1886; 5 images; no maps)
- Uit Brazilie. Travels. (1886; 6 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- Surinam, sein Land, seine Natur. Bevölkerung und seine Kultur-Verhältnisse mit Bezug auf Kolonisation, etc (1887; 12 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) Westindische Skizzen. Reise-Erinnerungen ... Separatausgabe des 1en Theils von ... Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien, etc (1887; 26 images, 24 plates; maps to georef )
- Jottings of a 75 days' cruise in the West Indies. By a Rover. (The Cruise of the Steam Yacht “Ceylon,” etc. Verses by J. Davies.) (1887; 14 images; no maps)
- Les Français en Amazonie ... Illustrations par P. Hercouët et F. Massé (1887; 25 images, 21 plates; maps to georef )
- Viaje al país de los Onas. Tierra del Fuego (1887; 17 images, 14 plates; maps to georef )
- Les Français en Guyane ... Illustrations, etc. With a preface by H. A. Coudreau. (1887; 30 images, 18 plates; maps to georef )
partition 6
[edit]- Atlas (1887; 9 images, 9 plates; maps to georef )
- The New Honduras: its situation, resources, etc (1887; 11 images, 10 plates; no maps)
- Reise in der Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria ... Mit 8 Abbildungen, etc (1887; 8 images, 8 plates; no maps)
- Onomatología geográfica de Morelos (1888; 5 images, 5 plates; no maps)
- Ensayo estadístico del Estado de Jalisco referente á los datos necesarios para procurar el adelanto de la agricultura y la aclimatacion de nuevas plantas industriales (1888; 12 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
- De Tarija á la Asunción. Expedición boliviana de 1883. Informe. With plates, including a portrait, and a map. (1888; 8 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- Chili and Chiliens (1888; 170 images, 33 plates; maps to georef )
- Reise in den Andes von Chile und Argentinien. ... Mit Uebersichtskarte und 2 Specialkarten (1888; 5 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- (Book cat (100%)) The Land of the Pink Pearl, or recollections of life in the Bahamas (1888; 3 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- La Vie et les mœurs à la Plata. With a map. (1888; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Peninsular California. Some account of the climate, soil, productions, and present condition chiefly of the northern half of Lower California (1888; 15 images, 15 plates; maps to georef )
- Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien und darauf gegründete Studien. Mit ... Tafeln, etc (1888; 75 images, 34 plates; maps to georef )
- Étude géographique, statistique, descriptive et historique des États Unis mexicains (1889; 2 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Las Comarcas Vírgenes. El Chaco Central Norte. With a map. (1889; 16 images, 1 plate; maps to georef )
- Eine Reise nach der Robinson-Crusoe-Insel ... Mit 1 Karte und 11 Lichtdruckbildern (1889; 14 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
partition 7
[edit]- L'Isthme américain. Notes d'un premier voyage, 1858, précédé d'une biographie de l'auteur par C. Potvin (1889; 5 images, 2 plates; no maps)
- (Book cat (100%)) Les terres françaises. La Gaudeloupe et ses dépendances (1889; 7 images, 6 plates; maps to georef )
- Reisebriefe aus Mexiko ... Mit ... Tafeln, etc (1889; 20 images, 11 plates; no maps)
- Études coloniales. La Guyane indépendante. Text and illustrations. (1889; 54 images, 43 plates; maps to georef )
[edit]- Une Excursion aux Climats tropicaux. Voyage aux Iles-du-vent, etc (1890; 13 images, 4 plates; no maps)
- El Gran Chaco Argentino, etc (1890; 16 images, 13 plates; no maps)
- At Last, etc. (New edition.) (1890; 40 images, 13 plates; no maps)
- Amérique du Sud. Trois ans chez les Argentins ... Illustrations de Riou, etc (1890; 103 images, 60 plates; no maps)
- Le Pérou en 1889. Notice géographique, statistique & commerciale à l'usage des émigrants, capitalistes, industriels et explorateurs (1890; 3 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Dr. Bernhard Förster's Kolonie Neu-Germania in Paraguay (1891; 6 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- Ein Besuch am La Plata ... Mit 38 Illustrationen (1891; 43 images, 28 plates; maps to georef )
- Michoacán. Paisajes, tradiciones y leyendas. 2 ser (1891; 36 images, 24 plates; maps to georef )
- Le Mexique tel qu'il est aujourd'hui ... Deuxième édition (1891; 5 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Arequipa. Descripcion y estudio social (1891; 6 images, 1 plate; no maps)
- Aux États-Unis du Brésil. Voyages de M. T. Durand, avec illustrations (1891; 64 images, 18 plates; no maps)
- Reseña de una excursión á la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa y á la gruta “Carlos Pacheco” ... escrita por el Ingeniero Guillermo B. y Puga, etc (1892; 12 images, 12 plates; no maps)
- L'Amérique latine, avec un exposé préliminaire des relations ... du commerce français dans cette contrée (1892; 30 images, 30 plates; maps to georef )
- L'Amérique inconnue. D'après le journal de voyage de J. de Brettes, etc (1892; 8 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Amazonfloden. Erindringer og Skildringer. With illustrations. (1892; 41 images, 16 plates; maps to georef )
partition 8
[edit]- Omaggio a Cristoforo Colombo nel quarto centenario della scoperta dell'America. Consisting mainly of a description of Mexico (1892; 12 images, 4 plates; no maps)
- La Guyane française (1892; 20 images, 8 plates; no maps)
- Wandertage eines Deutschen Touristen im Strom- und Küstengebiet des Orinoko ... Mit ... Abbildungen, etc (1892; 22 images, 22 plates; maps to georef )
- Argenina and the Argentines. Notes and impressions of a five years' sojourn in the Argentine Republic, 1885-90 (1892; 43 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- Idle Days in Patagonia ... Illustrated by A. Hartley and J. Smit (1893; 28 images, 12 plates; no maps)
- Colombia. Being a portion of the author's “Nouvelle Géographie universelle.” Traducida y anotada ... por F. J. Vergara y Velasco. With an introduction by C. Cuervo Márquez. (1893; 3 images, 3 plates; maps to georef )
- Chez nos Indiens. Quatre années dans la Guyane française, 1887-1891. Ouvrage contenant 98 gravures including a portrait et 1 carte (1893; 101 images, 38 plates; maps to georef )
- Caxambú (1894; 39 images, 18 plates; maps)
- Det danske Vestindien ... Med Vignetten ... samt to Kort (1894; 21 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Unter den Naturvölkern Zentral-Brasiliens. Reisechilderung und Ergebnisse der zweiten Schingú-Expedition 1887-1888 ... Mit 30 Tafeln ... nebst einer Karte, etc (1894; 177 images, 57 plates; no maps)
- The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn. A study of life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia ... Illustrated (1895; 48 images, 4 plates; maps to georef )
- Los Chibchas. Antes de la Conquista Española (1895; 7 images; no maps)
- Explorations françaises à l'intérieur de la Guyane pendant le second quart du XVIIIe siecle, 1720-1742 ... Extrait du Bulletin de géographie historique et descriptive.-1894. With maps. (1895; 12 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )
- Atlas arqueológico (1895; 7 images; no maps)
- (Book cat (100%)) Cruising among the Caribbees. Summer days in winter months ... Illustrated (1895; 16 images, 16 plates; no maps)
partition 9
[edit]- Viajes de Fray F. Menendez a la Cordillera, publicados y comentados por F. Fonck. Edicion centenaria ... con un mapa. (Viajes., a Nahuelhuapi, etc.) (1896; 10 images, 3 plates; no maps)
- Historia de la ciudad de Puebla de los Angeles (1896; 34 images; no maps)
- Atlas geográfico y descripción geográfica y estadística de la República oriental del Uruguay ... Noticia histórica por Santiago Bollo, etc (1896; 10 images, 8 plates; maps to georef )
- Voyage au Tapajoz, 28 juillet 1895-7 janvier 1896. Ouvrage illustré de 37 vignettes et d'une carte du fleuve “Le Tapajoz.” (1897; 37 images, 9 plates; no maps)
- Voyage au Xingú, 30 mai 1896-26 octobre 1896. Ouvrage illustré de 68 vignettes et d'une carte de la rivière “La Xingú.” (1897; 72 images, 36 plates; no maps)
- Quatre ans au Mexique, souvenirs de campagne et impressions de voyage (1897; 13 images, 11 plates; no maps)
- Das nördliche Mittel-Amerika, nebst einem Ausflug nach dem Hochland von Anahuac. Reisen und Studien aus den Jahren 1888-1895 ... Mit ... Karten (1897; 42 images, 15 plates; maps to georef )
- Meine Reise in den brasilianischen Tropen ... Mit zwei Karten, 4 Tafeln, etc (1897; 88 images, 41 plates; maps to georef )
- Le Vénézuéla. Études physiques, politiques ... et agricoles ... Avec une préface de G. Desbats (1897; 6 images; maps to georef )
- Estudios geográficos é hidrográficos sobre Chiloé (1897; 34 images, 25 plates; no maps)
- Voyage au Tocantins-Araguaya, 31 décembre 1896-23 mai 1897. Ouvrage illustré de 87 vignettes et d'une carte des rivières “Tocantins-Araguaya.” (1897; 87 images, 34 plates; no maps)
- Records of the Scottish Settlers in the River Plate and their Churches, etc. With plates, including a portrait. (1897; 16 images, 14 plates; no maps)
- Apuntes de viaje del R. P. Fr. Gabriel Sala. Exploración de los rios Pichis, Pachitea y alto Ucayali y de la región del Gran Pajonal. With maps and illustrations. (1897; 28 images, 23 plates; maps to georef )
- L'État de Pará, États-Unis du Brésil, etc. (Album des principales avenues, places, monuments, ports, statues de l'État de Pará.) (1897; 20 images, 20 plates; maps to georef )
- The Handbook of the Parish of Saint Mary ... Compiled by Ralph M. Cocking (1898; 7 images; no maps)
partition 10
[edit]- Från Eldslandet: skildringar från den svenska expeditionen till Magellansländerna 1895-97. With illustrations and a map. (1898; 94 images, 27 plates; no maps)
- La América Central ... Su historia, geografía, etc (1898; 41 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- El Dorado. Reiseund Kulturbilder aus dem südamerikanischen Columbien ... Mit vielen Illustrationen (1898; 109 images, 23 plates; maps to georef )
- Estudio geográfico, histórico y estadístico del cantón y de la ciudad de Orizaba (1898; 15 images; no maps)
- Voyage à Itaboca et à l'Itacayuna, 1er juillet 1897-11 octobre 1897. Ouvrage illustré de 76 vignettes including portraits et de 40 cartes (1898; 113 images, 97 plates; maps to georef )
- México. Apuntes de un viaje por los Estados de la República Mexicana (1898; 56 images, 10 plates; no maps)
- Mexiko. Erinnerungen einer Deutschen (1899; 8 images, 6 plates; no maps)
- Das republikanische Brasilien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, etc. With illustrations and maps. (1899; 71 images, 25 plates; maps to georef )
- Brasilien: Land und Leute in ethischer, politischer und volkswirtschaftlicher Beziehung und Entwicklung ... Mit 10 Tafeln in Heliogravure, 32 Tafeln in Autotypie und 1 Karte (1899; 52 images, 48 plates; no maps)
- La Patagonia. Studi generali (1899; 7 images; no maps)
- Au Chili. Ouvrage illustré de 109 gravures d'après des photographies (1899; 112 images, 27 plates; no maps)
- Le Pays des Amazones. L'El-Dorado. Les terres à caoutchouc ... Orné de nombreuses illustrations et d'une carte explicative. Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue et mise à jour (1899; 53 images, 24 plates; maps to georef )
- Frontières entre le Brésil et la Guyane française. Mémoire (Second mémoire) présenté par les États Unis du Brésil au gouvernement de la Confédération Suisse, arbitre ... entre le Brésil et la France. Compiled by J. M. da Silva Paranhos, Baron do Rio Branco. With maps. (1899; 13 images, 11 plates; maps to georef )
- Temperate Chile. A progressive Spain. With a map. (1899; 5 images, 2 plates; maps to georef )