La tria jara bildokonkurso estis evento dum kiu la bildoj elektitaj kiel "elstaraj bildoj" dum la jaro estis privoĉdonataj de la partoprenantoj de ĉiuj Vikimediaj projektoj, por elstarigi unu solan "Bildon de la Jaro".
Unua vocxdonado okazis inter la 12-a kaj 26-a de februaro 2009,
kaj dua, fina voĉdonado inter la 4-a kaj la 30-a de aprilo de tiu jaro.
La konkurso "Bildo de la jaro 2008" de la Vikimedia Komunejo finiĝis kaj la gajninto elektiĝis. En la fina baloto voĉdonis 712 vikimedianoj, kaj 74 el ili elektis la gajnintan bildon, ĉevaloj sur monto Bianditz. Per 71 voĉdonoj fajrospirado atingas la duan pozicion. La tria pozicio per 46 voĉdonoj estas por vaporlokomotivoj en lokomotivejo.
Vikimediokomuneja Bildo de la Jaro 2008
# 1 – 74 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #1 – 260 votes in Round 1;
Ĉevaloj ĉe la monto Bianditz. Malantaŭ ili, oni povas vidi la monton Aiako Harria-n, kiu apartenas al la montaro Pirineos, en Guipúzcoa, Hispanio.
Credit: Mikel Ortega Edited by Richard Bartz. .
# 2 – 71 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #1 – 225 votes in Round 1;
Crepuscular rays, taken at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.
Credit: Wikimedian Mila Zinkova.
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# 5 – 35 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #3 – 153 votes in Round 1;
Nokta panoramo de Honkongo. Fotita de la strato Lugard ĉe montopinto Victoria.
Credit: Wikimedian Base64.
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# 6 – 30 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #2 – 169 votes in Round 1;
View over Paris, at dusk, from the Maine-Montparnasse tower.
Credit: Wikimedian Benh LIEU SONG.
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# 7 – 27 votes in Round 2;
Category - Non-photographic art and historic maps #1 – 98 votes in Round 1;
Drawing of a revealing figure Sythatia with typical elements from manga and anime to illustrate the term ecchi.
Credit: Wikimedian Niabot.
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# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #3 – 143 votes in Round 1;
Kelonio (Chelonia mydas)
Credit: Wikimedian Mila Zinkova.
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# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #2 – 142 votes in Round 1;
Animated Gif of a Cicada (Tibicen sp.) Molting. Taken by T. Nathan Mundhenk, in Centerville, Ohio USA July 30 2007. Each frame taken at 1 minute intervals. 30 minute gap in middle while cicada rested. The Cicada takes about 2 hours to complete the process.
Credit: Wikimedian T. Nathan Mundhenk Edited by CarolSpears.
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# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #2 – 129 votes in Round 1;
Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s.
Credit: Dorothy Lange (photograph) Durova (restoration) .
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# 9 – 18 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #8 – 72 votes in Round 1;
galinago-muŝo (Rhagio scolopaceus)
Credit: Wikimedian Richard Bartz.
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# 10 – 17 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #4 – 155 votes in Round 1;
Promenejo de la pariza operejo Opéra Garnier, Francujo
Credit: Wikimedian Eric Pouhier Edited by Rainer Zenz, Niabot.
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# 10 – 17 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #7 – 133 votes in Round 1;
la Gordon-akvobaraĵo en la Sudokcidenta Nacia Parko de Tasmanio, Aŭstralio
Credit: Wikimedian Noodle snacks.
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# 11 – 15 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #3 – 161 votes in Round 1;
Arching fountain of a Pahoehoe approximately 10 m high issuing from the western end of the 0740 vents, a series of spatter cones 170 m long, south of Pu‘u Kahaualea. Episodes 2 and 3 were characterized by spatter and cinder cones, such as Pu‘u Halulu, which was 60 m high by episode 3.
Credit: J.D. Griggs Edited by Mbz1.
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# 12 – 14 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #4 – 123 votes in Round 1;
kapo de muŝo (Caliphrodae)
Credit: Wikimedian Richard Bartz.
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# 13 – 13 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #3 – 127 votes in Round 1;
A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Center (Text by U.S. Navy)
This image of an ice wall and the ocean floor at Explorer's Cover, New Harbor, McMurdo Sound is adjacent to remote-controlled photographic equipment. An underwater camera is connected by cable to onshore facilities, which upload images to the Internet via radio signals.
tri-dimensia projekcio de kvar-dimensia hiper-kubo
Credit: Wikimedian JasonHise.
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# 21 – 4 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #4 – 153 votes in Round 1;
A multi segment panoramic image of the London skyline from the Bermondsey banks of the Thames. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 70-200mm f/2.8L lens.
Category - Non-photographic art and historic maps #2 – 90 votes in Round 1;
"Studies of Embryos" by Leonardo da Vinci (Pen over red chalk 1510-1513)
Credit: Luc Viatour (Author: Leonardo da Vinci).
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# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Objects and outer space #2 – 127 votes in Round 1;
The tall ship Irving Johnson lies hard aground, only yards from shore, near the entrance to Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard, California, March 2005.
Credit: Mike Brodey Edited by Massimo Catarinella.
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# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #5 – 91 votes in Round 1;
"Platycryptus undatus". A 9 millimeter-long female jumping spider found in Newport News, Virginia. The lens setup utilized was a Nikon 50mm f/1.4D reverse mounted on a Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6G . 13 images of variable focus were captured and composited in CombineZM, a focus stacking program.