Der Wettbewerb zum Bild des Jahres 2007 ist nun abgeschlossen, und wir freuen uns das Ergebnis bekanntzugeben: In der zweiten Runde wählten 919 Wikimedianer, wobei 84 Stimmen an den Gewinner, Broadway Tower in Cotswolds, England, gingen. Eine HDR-Aufnahme von New York City erreichte den zweiten Platz mit 67 Stimmen. Der dritte Platz geht an ein Foto von einem Eichhörnchen mit 66 Stimmen.
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This is the picture I would like to have taken myself.
Great colours and composition.
Best composition ever. Nice weather too.
really torn between this and All_Gizah_Pyramids.jpg, but since I only have one vote...
Perfect composition, excellent colours
Great! A man and a castle at the edge of the world!
One of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, and a wonderful photograph. Now I want to visit!
Que nous sommes petits!
it's hard to pick a single pic...
Arty encyclopedic
Perfect composition
I like the scale contrast
Could be the standard Windows Vista wallpaper ;-)
Tellement intriguante
Whoa,I like how the tower is like big, and the person is like... not
Le site ! Ainsi que la construction de la photo, bravo !
Let it say this way: contrast and deep colours, good composition, decriptive... There would be also some contras, but let it characterize like: "Le château des Pyrénées", René Magritte.
This image has most comments, so it is probably the best.
Magic !
It's Just Unreal
Striking composition and colors, and an all around beautiful image.
Beautiful composition, perfect shot.
that it was created specifically for Wikipedia is a plus.
the Peugeot racing car is more impressive at first view, though this one is lovely as well
Linda imagem de um lindo momento de um lindo animal.
I love that image, but unfortunaly it has not such a good resolution like the others. Anyway, my vote for it
simply beautiful
Gorgeous colors. Reminds me of a certain Academy Award winning film.
under wather
Das Foto geht über ein bloße Abbildung des Tieres hinaus. Es zeigt das Tier in Aktion in seiner natürlichen Umgebung und bietet so viel mehr Informationen. Außerdem hat das Foto eine hohe ästhetische Qualität,
Natural, eye-catching, perfect composition.
Fantastic quality and composition.
Great pic in hard-to-shoot environment
Good picture
A wounderful nature picture with dynamic and colorfullness of a gorgeous animal
Perhaps not as nice as others, but holds the most encyclopedic value in a really great shot
looks gr8
Really good, looks like it came out from an actual video in high definition TV
It's remarkable
#6 – 49 Stimmen;Ein aus 4x4 Segmenten bestehendes Panorama des Kolosseums in der Dämmerung.
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Diliff.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
One of the most photographed landmarks in the world. Still this image manages to amaze: that's top quality for you!
A beautiful shot. Sharp, nice colours, everything's perfect.
clear & useful for WM projects
Tolle technische Qualität, sehr schöne Lichtstimmung. Alles in allem perfekt.
excpetional quality
good work
No finer way to depict something.
very beautiful
No comments
incredibile il contrasto fra luci e colori scuri
this is brilliant
Best quality / interest / style
One of the new world wonders shown in espectucalar light. Unfortunately the image shows some artifacts in the sky. But nonetheless the image is briliant! Thank you!
Another great picture by Diliff, still the best with hard competition
I don't care what Stephen Colbert says! Bears are the future! :P
This photo should win - mainly to annoy Stephen Colbert.
Viele-baeren can easyly vote for one bear!
Sharp in focus encyclopedia, and cute
Ma dove correva?
Like it
It looks alive
Yay! Bear!
Shooted in danger
Great image!
Good movement and colours. If this bear were running for an office, this photo would be his election poster #1. Minus for being from a zoo, but you cannot have everything.
the water droplets are amazing, well timed shot.
Amazing. I love how I can see the water droplets.
Useful for the encyclopedia, and simply a great picture.
Picture anyone could appreciate; not perfect, but I wouldn't want to get close enough to get it perfect!
#11 – 34 Stimmen;Sturm in Pors-Loubous, einem Hafen in der Gemeinde Plogoff, Bretagne, Frankreich.
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Henri Camus.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
great climate!
motion and colours are fantasic
a picture full of emotions.
powerful image - great colors
An extremely tough choice between maybe 6 great pictures!
may not be the most pretty, but this obviously took the most technical skill to take
It has life
Nice, lots of action, high quality ...
#12 – 32 Stimmen;Eine Kuh im Engadin in der Schweiz.
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Daniel Schwen.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
Definitely the finest image here on Commons. The depth of field is amazing, the colours too. Excellent, truly impressive sharpness and great composition. The exif data also confirms my suspicions. This image could not be better technically or compositiona
Hard choice, but this was the one! 2nd was Flughahn.jpg, 3rd was All_Gizah_Pyramids.jpg and 4th was Hawaii_turtle_2.JPG and 5th was Egeskov_Slot_spejling_Edit_2.jpg
Mooh !
I simply love the comp and the cow =)
zencow is zen
It's just too good to not vote for - very nice composition
nice colors and disposition of elements
Ja, es ist eine einfache Kuh, aber wenn alle Kühe so friedvoll aussehen würden, wären all diese Urlaube auf dem Bauernhof früher viel leichter zu ertragen gewesen; andererseits, wer weiß schon, was die überlegt; hat der Fotograf noch alle Körperteile?
Fantastiskt kofoto.
It was a difficult choice, but this is the one I prefer
#13 – 28 Stimmen;Schloss Egeskov in Fünen, Dänemark.
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Malene Thyssen.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
Beautiful captured
Just the kind of image I wish I'd taken. Beautiful, informative, and CC-by-sa!
Good position of the scene - nice is the silent water, and the colors are excellent
#14 – 28 Stimmen;Alte Bücher in der Bibliothek des Merton College
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Tom Murphy VII.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
Basically represents our projects
What's in the books?!
Yeees, nice one!
difficult choice. The sujet of this picture is so much me that I voted for "Old bookbindings". Firefighting exercise, breaking wave, Peugeot, Broadway Tower, Brown Bear, Antelope Canyon were also close to being my favorite.
couldn't be done better,
La antikva Vikio!
There are a lot of extremely great pictures in the running for Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year 2007. As a Wikipedian this picture of old books grabs my attention, my imagination and that part of me the fuels my continued contributions to Wikipedia;
I like books so much, as the represent information, just like Wikimedia
Inspires the ideas of knowledge and hidden treasures in an excellent way.
A very simple image that nicely illustrates opposites and has good contrast between the black background, the bright colour of the pencils and the light 'circle' created by the shaved wood. Very cool!! Gets my vote.
mooie graduele kleurenovergang in een cirkeltje
#24 – 14 Stimmen;Der Westminster-Palast bei Nacht, gesehen vom Südufer der Themse, London.
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Diliff .
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
I liked his Toledo Skyline photo better, but this is equally excellent
Clear crisp photo, accurately portrays the subject.. and looks pretty cool too.
Photogenic, encyclopedic / educational, clearly the object was photo with a good light and still it could have been noticed by most of us, not only for someone who can afford a long travel. Quite examplarish as a collection of our project.
#28 – 5 Stimmen;Frischer Morgentau auf einem Teich-Schachtelhalm (Equisetum fluviatile).
Aufgenommen von Wikimedianer Luc Viatour.
Kommentare der Abstimmenden:
Perfect technical quality + encyclopedic value = great image
Very interesting, shows what it looks like close up in great detail.