<nowiki>Escuela de arte dramático de Yale; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Йейлско драматично училище; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; ییل اسکول آف ڈراما; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Єльська школа драми; 耶魯大學戲劇學院; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Драмска школа при Јејл; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Δραματική σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Γέιλ; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Драмска школа Универзитета Јејл; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yel Dram Məktəbi; Yale School of Drama; Scoil Drámaíochta Yale; Yale School of Drama; 耶鲁大学戏剧学院; Yale School of Drama; مدرسة ييل للدراما; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; مدرسه درام ییل; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Йельская школа драматического искусства; Yale School of Drama; Ysgol Ddrama Yale; Yale School of Drama; Ельская школа драматычнага мастацтва; Եյլի դրամայի դպրոց; 耶魯戲劇學院; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; イエール・スクール・オブ・ドラマ; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; مدرسة ديڤيد جيفين للدراما فى جامعة ييل; Yale School of Drama; בית הספר לדרמה של ייל; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Ельская школа драматычнага мастацтва; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Dramska šola Yale; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; Եէյլ Համալսարան; Yale School of Drama; Yale School of Drama; 耶鲁大学戏剧学院; Yale School of Drama; podiplomska strokovna šola Univerze Yale v New Havenu v Connecticutu (ZDA); イェール大学の演劇学校・専門職大学院; школа Ельскага ўнівэрсытэту; graduate professional school of Yale University located in New Haven, Connecticut; подразделение на Йейлския университет в Ню Хейвън, САЩ; toneelschool in de Verenigde Staten; Escuela de arte dramatico de Yale; 演劇大学院; イェール・スクール・オブ・ドラマ; イェール大学ディヴィッド・ゲフィン演劇学校; Yale Drama School; Йельская школа драмы; Yale School of Drama; 耶鲁戏剧学院; Ельская школа драмы; David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University; Yale Drama School; 耶魯大學戲劇學院; 耶鲁大学戏剧学院; 耶鲁戏剧学院; 耶魯大學大衛·格芬戲劇學院; Yale School of Drama</nowiki>
Yale School of Drama
graduate professional school of Yale University located in New Haven, Connecticut