Category:World Peace Dharma Bells

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 See also category: Peace pagodas.
"World Peace Dharma Bell", Meditation Garden, near Mahabodhi Temple, in Bodh Gaya, India
English: "A refugee from Tibet in 1959, I arrived in America in

1968. Filled with sadness for the tragedy of my homeland,
I came to realize the enormous suffering inflicted during
this century on so many people throughout the world. In
response, in 1989 I established in perpetuity the Annual
rNying-ma sMon-lam Chen-mo Ceremony at Bodh
Gayā, dedicated to WorldPeace. Now, 12 years later, I
offer this Dharma Bell with the deepest love and respect
to my parents, my venerable teachers, my fellow country-
men, and the people of Āryadeśa. I dedicate it to world
peace, the longevity of the Dharma, the memory of Tibet's
civilization and its destruction, and the hundred million
who perished in the violence of the last century. May this
Dharma Bell, symbol of Buddhavācana, remain until
Maitreya Buddha comes to Vajrāsana. Mangalam Subham
Jayantu Ho. Tarthang Rinpoche Kun-dga' dGe-legs Ye-
shes rDo-rje, Head Lama of the Tibetan Nyingma

Meditation Center, born 1935 in 'Gu-log, Eastern Tibet"
Français : "World Peace Dharma Bells" : On peut voir exactement la même cloche à différents endroits en Inde : Bodh Gaya, Rewalsar, Shravasti (Sāvatthī) devant le monastère birman "Shravasti Burmese Temple", à Sarnath, Bodhi Tree Complex, à Nalanda, à Kushinagar, Sankasya, Vaishali, Rajgir, etc... et aussi au Népal, à Lumbini et devant le monastère bouddhiste tibétain à Boudhanath, et à Swayambhunath Temple, Vallée de Katmandou. Au Sikkim à Tashiding Monastery. Sri Pada dans Nuwara, Sri Lanka.


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Media in category "World Peace Dharma Bells"

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