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Category:WikiProject Nature and conservation in India

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Enter your search term after the "WikiProject Nature and conservation in India" text

Note: The above search results will include only those files which have the Category WikiProject Nature and conservation in India added to the media file. If you want your search to include media within the Sub-categories below, activate and use the deepcat gadget in your preferences (allowing search depth: 15, max: 70 categories). Then type deepcat:"WikiProject Nature and conservation in India" (along with any other search term of interest) in the general Wikimedia Commons Search window on the top right of this page or here. For example, paste this text below into the search box and click search...

deepcat:"WikiProject Nature and conservation in India" butterfly

...it will yield a result (as on 13 August 2017) of 1,718 images of butterflies and caterpillars (and maybe some butterfly fish!) from across India.

The deepcat search is not available on mobile; only on desktop and only for logged-in users. Explore away!

Pages in category "WikiProject Nature and conservation in India"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

Media in category "WikiProject Nature and conservation in India"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 13,622 total.

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