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Category:Vegan food

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<nowiki>alimento vegetal; nourriture végétalienne; taimetoit; janari beganoa; растительный продукт питания; vegane Kost; alimento vegano; vegan food; veganska hrana; ヴィーガン食品; makanan vegan; vegankost; vegán étel; מזון טבעוני; veganistisch voedsel; vegana manĝaĵo; cibo vegano; menjar vegà; vegaaniruoka; vegan food; vegan food; veganský pokrm; вэганская ежа; prodotto alimentare usato soprattutto in una dieta vegana; nourriture sans produits d'origine animale; animalia-jatorriko produkturik gabeko elikagaiak; מזון שאינו כולל תוצרי לוואי של בעלי חיים בהרכב או בתהליך הייצור שלו; Nahrung ohne tierische Produkte; sustancia que un ser vivo toma de un vegetal para su nutrición; food not including any animal by-products in its composition or manufacturing process; food not including any animal by-products in its composition or manufacturing process; jídlo, při jehož přípravě se nepoužily žádné živočišné produkty; food not including any animal by-products in its composition or manufacturing process; vegansko živilo; veganski obrok; veganska prehrana; ビーガン食品; nourriture végan; vegansk kost; vegansk mat; veganskt livsmedel; אוכל טבעוני; veganistisch levensmiddel; veganistisch gerecht; растительная пища; овощная еда; растительная еда; пища растительного происхождения; постное; comida vegana; alimento vegetal; veganes Essen; veganische Kost; vegane Nahrung; verganische Nahrung; veganisches Essen; vegaani ruoka; vegaaninen ruoka; vegan meal; VGML; vegan meal; VGML; veganské jídlo; veganská potravina; vegan meal; VGML</nowiki>
vegan food 
food not including any animal by-products in its composition or manufacturing process
vegan burger in a restaurant in Berlin
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Wikidata Q899696
GND ID: 4415409-4
NL CR AUT ID: ph772376
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English: This category includes pictures that contain strictly vegan food. Any food that does not contain animal-based elements (meat of any kind, milk, eggs, and honey) is vegan.
Español: Esta categoría incluye imágenes que contienen estrictamente comida vegana. Toda comida que no contenga elementos de origen animal (carne o cualquier tipo de lácteos, huevos o miel) es vegana.


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Media in category "Vegan food"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 3,292 total.

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