Category:United States Department of Agriculture leaflets
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Media in category "United States Department of Agriculture leaflets"
The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.
Producao de pastinaca (IA 154beat).pdf 918 × 1,339, 8 pages; 843 KB
Apples in appealing ways (IA applesinappealin312unit).pdf 806 × 1,806, 22 pages; 1 MB
Background on our nation's agriculture (IA backgroundonourn491unit).pdf 597 × 1,362, 6 pages; 268 KB
Background on our nation's agriculture (IA backgroundonourn491unit 0).pdf 593 × 1,350, 6 pages; 242 KB
Background on U.S. agriculture (IA backgroundonusag491unit).pdf 570 × 1,335, 6 pages; 242 KB
Background on U.S agriculture (IA backgroundonusag491unit 0).pdf 591 × 1,345, 6 pages; 256 KB
Background on U.S. agriculture (IA backgroundonusag491unit 1).pdf 591 × 1,316, 6 pages; 256 KB
Background on U.S. agriculture (IA backgroundonusag491unit 2).pdf 591 × 1,370, 6 pages; 270 KB
Bamboos and bamboo culture (IA bamboosbamboocul18gall).pdf 806 × 1,266, 10 pages; 1.07 MB
Barberry bushes spread stem rust - to wheat oats barley rye (IA barberrybushessp315unit).pdf 864 × 1,925, 6 pages; 493 KB
Barberry eradication in stem rust control - wheat-oats-barley-rye (IA barberryeradicat416unit).pdf 850 × 1,345, 10 pages; 1.03 MB
The barrel seed scarifier (IA barrelseedscarif107hurs).pdf 789 × 1,300, 8 pages; 629 KB
Bean bacterial wilt (IA beanbacterialwil174hedg).pdf 806 × 1,289, 10 pages; 966 KB
Bedbugs (IA bedbugs146back).pdf 772 × 1,312, 8 pages; 908 KB
Bed bugs - how to control them (IA bedbugshowtocont337unit).pdf 850 × 1,354, 10 pages; 1.04 MB
Beef grading and stamping service (IA beefgradingstamp67davi).pdf 752 × 1,285, 10 pages; 852 KB
Beef grading and stamping service (IA beefgradingstamp67davi 0).pdf 775 × 1,295, 10 pages; 853 KB
Beltsville energy-saving kitchen - design no. 1 with workroom (IA beltsvilleenergy418unit).pdf 1,210 × 1,631, 6 pages; 535 KB
The Beltsville energy-saving kitchen - design no. 2 (IA beltsvilleenergy463inst).pdf 1,185 × 1,541, 4 pages; 427 KB
The Beltsville energy-saving kitchen - design no. 2 (IA beltsvilleenergy463inst 0).pdf 1,110 × 1,539, 4 pages; 424 KB
Beltsville energy-saving kitchen - design no. 3 (IA beltsvilleenergy518howa).pdf 1,156 × 1,504, 10 pages; 594 KB
Bicolor lespedeza for quail and soil conservation in the Southeast (IA bicolorlespedeza248davi).pdf 812 × 1,302, 10 pages; 1.39 MB
Bracing farm buildings (IA bracingfarmbuild77tray).pdf 768 × 1,287, 10 pages; 789 KB
Cecal coccidiosis of chickens - how to control it (IA cecalcoccidiosis393wehr).pdf 1,181 × 1,652, 8 pages; 323 KB
Centipedes and millipedes in the house (IA centipedesmillip192back).pdf 781 × 1,312, 12 pages; 705 KB
A dairy goat for home milk production (IA dairygoatforhome538lind).pdf 927 × 1,337, 12 pages; 609 KB
A dairy goat for home milk production (IA dairygoatforhome538unit).pdf 920 × 1,339, 12 pages; 684 KB
A dairy goat for home milk production (IA dairygoatforhome538unit 0).pdf 845 × 1,297, 12 pages; 704 KB
A dairy goat for home milk production (IA dairygoatforhome538unit 1).pdf 825 × 1,220, 12 pages; 707 KB
Dual-purpose pines (IA dualpurposepines168unit).pdf 783 × 1,156, 12 pages; 1.77 MB
Dust storms come from the poorer lands (IA duststormscomefr260finn).pdf 785 × 1,245, 10 pages; 1.63 MB
Dwarf fruits (IA dwarffruits178goul).pdf 775 × 1,275, 12 pages; 844 KB
Dwarf fruit trees (IA dwarffruittrees407faus).pdf 816 × 1,295, 12 pages; 798 KB
Dwarf fruit trees - selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit).pdf 818 × 1,302, 12 pages; 1.42 MB
Dwarf fruit trees - selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 0).pdf 822 × 1,297, 12 pages; 1.18 MB
Dwarf fruit trees, selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 1).pdf 820 × 1,297, 12 pages; 1.27 MB
Dwarf fruit trees; selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 2).pdf 822 × 1,295, 12 pages; 744 KB
Dwarf fruit trees (Slightly rev. Feb. 1971 (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 3).pdf 816 × 1,297, 12 pages; 729 KB
Dwarf fruit trees - selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 4).pdf 779 × 1,250, 12 pages; 677 KB
Dwarf fruit trees - selection and care (IA dwarffruittreess407unit 5).pdf 822 × 1,360, 12 pages; 762 KB
The fowl tick How to control it. (Rev. Feb. 1970 (IA fowltickhowtocon382unit 1).pdf 1,381 × 1,779, 8 pages; 363 KB
Hints on bobcat trapping (IA hintsonbobcattra78youn).pdf 835 × 1,510, 12 pages; 1.13 MB
Keeping a cow (IA keepingcow536unit).pdf 929 × 1,341, 12 pages; 863 KB
Keeping a cow (IA keepingcow536unit 0).pdf 920 × 1,329, 12 pages; 606 KB
Keep your tile drains working (IA keepyourtiledrai347jaco).pdf 1,139 × 1,475, 12 pages; 1.02 MB
Making household fabrics flame resistant (IA makinghouseholdf454reid).pdf 856 × 1,347, 10 pages; 536 KB
Making household fabrics flame resistant (IA makinghouseholdf454reid 0).pdf 835 × 1,308, 10 pages; 545 KB
Making household fabrics flame resistant (IA makinghouseholdf454reid 1).pdf 827 × 1,347, 10 pages; 610 KB
The meadow spittlebug - how to control it (IA meadowspittlebug341unit).pdf 989 × 1,381, 8 pages; 569 KB
The meadow spittlebug - how to control it on legumes (IA meadowspittlebug514unit).pdf 945 × 1,375, 8 pages; 525 KB
The meadow spittlebug; how to control it on legumes (IA meadowspittlebug514unit 0).pdf 918 × 1,304, 8 pages; 608 KB
Mealworms (IA mealworms195cott).pdf 750 × 1,310, 10 pages; 766 KB
Mealworms (IA mealworms195unit).pdf 981 × 1,593, 8 pages; 307 KB
Mealworms (slightly rev. Sept. 1971 (IA mealwormsslightl195unit).pdf 1,045 × 1,550, 8 pages; 271 KB
The narcissus bulb fly - how to prevent its damage in home gardens (IA narcissusbulbfly444douc).pdf 954 × 1,431, 12 pages; 1.78 MB
Palpating domestic rabbits to determine pregnancy (IA palpatingdomesti245suit).pdf 997 × 1,443, 8 pages; 550 KB
Pesticides and honey bees (IA pesticideshoneyb563stan 0).pdf 1,085 × 1,833, 10 pages; 385 KB
Quality guides in buying ready-made dresses (IA qualityguideinbu105scot).pdf 833 × 1,356, 10 pages; 776 KB
Quality guides in buying sheets and pillowcases (IA qualityguidesinb103obri).pdf 891 × 1,310, 10 pages; 776 KB
Quality guides in buying household blankets (IA qualityguidesinb111morr).pdf 839 × 1,350, 10 pages; 965 KB
Quality guides in buying women's cloth coats (IA qualityguidesinb117scot).pdf 858 × 1,347, 10 pages; 777 KB
Recommendations to beginners in fur farming (IA recommendationst27ashb).pdf 975 × 1,452, 12 pages; 817 KB
Using honey bees to pollinate crops (IA usinghoneybeesto549stan).pdf 777 × 1,262, 10 pages; 668 KB
Watermelons for the garden (IA watermelonsforga528unit).pdf 818 × 1,147, 12 pages; 1,012 KB
Wild turkeys on Southeastern farms and woodlands (Slightly rev. Apr. 1970 (IA wildturkeysonsou526arne 0).pdf 810 × 1,281, 12 pages; 1.3 MB
Your soil, crumbly or cloddy? (IA yoursoilcrumblyo328onea).pdf 1,154 × 1,504, 12 pages; 991 KB
Zinc deficiency of field and vegetable crops in the West (IA zincdeficiencyof495viet).pdf 822 × 1,320, 10 pages; 979 KB
Zinc deficiency of field and vegetable crops in the West (IA zincdeficiencyof495viet 0).pdf 814 × 1,300, 10 pages; 1.03 MB
Zoning for rural areas (IA zoningforruralar510solb).pdf 1,183 × 1,691, 8 pages; 453 KB
Zoning for rural areas (IA zoningforruralar510solb 0).pdf 1,160 × 1,708, 8 pages; 455 KB
Zoning for rural areas (IA zoningforruralar510solb 1).pdf 1,204 × 1,687, 8 pages; 456 KB
Zoning for rural areas (IA zoningforruralar510solb 2).pdf 585 × 1,377, 6 pages; 475 KB