Category:Undressing women in art
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Media in category "Undressing women in art"
The following 84 files are in this category, out of 84 total.
1915 cigarette model.png 260 × 464; 122 KB
A woman undresses as a man wearing a monk's habit stands nea Wellcome V0038950.jpg 2,157 × 3,245; 4.78 MB
Abans del bany.jpg 494 × 600; 60 KB
Akt2006.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 427 KB
Alfred-Philippe Roll - Apres le bal.jpg 583 × 998; 196 KB
Anita Ree (2).jpeg 570 × 793; 125 KB
Anything Goes by Joe Weiss & Ralph Dean - Bedside Book BB825 1959.jpg 1,213 × 2,048; 1.45 MB
Avila iglesia san Vicente cenotafio martires 15 lou.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.17 MB
B-25 Briefing Time.jpg 2,125 × 1,594; 957 KB
Bedtime LCCN2003670293.jpg 5,471 × 6,877; 5.22 MB
Belles - Undressing.png 1,314 × 2,232; 6.45 MB
By the stream (1888), by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg 2,500 × 1,990; 3.7 MB
Campaspe Ottin cour Carree Louvre.jpg 1,675 × 3,722; 3.4 MB
Cartoon woman bound and gagged.jpg 196 × 236; 32 KB
Charles Edouard Boutibonne - Before the bath.jpg 799 × 1,607; 713 KB
Counterfeit Lesbian by Stanley Curson - Brandon House 1963.jpg 320 × 500; 60 KB
Cover of Forbidden Sex by Joan Ellis - Midwood F234 1963.jpg 580 × 780; 156 KB
Cover of Gay Scene by Joan Ellis - Illustrator Paul Rader - 1962.jpg 540 × 915; 267 KB
Cover of Her Private Hell by March Hastings 1963.jpg 295 × 500; 95 KB
Cover of In The Shadows by Joan Ellis - Midwood F139 1962.jpg 425 × 659; 113 KB
Cover of Love Like a Shadow by Kimberly Kemp 1962.jpg 289 × 484; 75 KB
Cover of Queer Patterns by Kay Addams - Beacon B259 1959.jpg 450 × 772; 106 KB
Cover of Unnatural by Sloan Britton - Illustration by Paul Rader - Midwood Book 1960.jpg 1,191 × 2,048; 1.63 MB
Cover of Warped Desire by Kay Addams - Beacon B289 1960.jpg 450 × 756; 113 KB
Das werdenSie ja nachher schon sehen.jpg 2,400 × 3,072; 943 KB
Dirnenlieder.jpg 209 × 336; 22 KB
ErhebendeModeHGerbault.jpg 2,255 × 3,073; 943 KB
Ernst Seger, Wrocław 2a.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 990 KB
Ernst Seger, Wrocław 2b.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 865 KB
Ferdinand von Reznicek Soirée.jpg 1,003 × 1,327; 2.01 MB
Fersal - Rojo y Verde - 1932.jpg 531 × 750; 405 KB
Frans Koppelaar - Sitting nude.jpg 568 × 700; 70 KB
Franz von Bayros 005.jpg 800 × 845; 148 KB
Friis Nybo Interieur.jpg 830 × 701; 151 KB
Félicien Rops - Les bagatelles de la porte.png 336 × 526; 104 KB
GavarniLes appres du bal.jpg 1,594 × 1,943; 477 KB
Hermann Vogel Gefällt Sie ihnen.jpg 592 × 387; 145 KB
Ingres - MI.867.1245, Femme enlevant sa chemise.jpg 592 × 500; 65 KB
James Meese - 1959 - Girls in 3-B.jpg 1,280 × 1,351; 538 KB
Jan Havicksz. Steen00.jpg 1,176 × 1,600; 161 KB
Jef Leempoels - Taking off her shirt.jpg 1,280 × 1,873; 419 KB
Johann Heinrich Füssli 027.jpg 2,024 × 2,624; 209 KB
Johann Heinrich Ramberg Entdeckung.jpg 500 × 400; 84 KB
Kąpiąca się.jpg 776 × 800; 103 KB
Lautrec le coucher (mme poupoule in chemise by her bed) 1899.jpg 776 × 979; 171 KB
Le livre de la Marquise 15.jpg 407 × 516; 110 KB
Le Nu au salon (1888) (14598295787).jpg 2,336 × 1,536; 418 KB
1890s Frederick Leighton - Bath of Psyche.jpg 1,137 × 3,510; 1.05 MB
Limmatquai - Hechtplatz 2010-10-08 14-29-26.JPG 2,848 × 4,288; 4.67 MB
Limmatquai - Hechtplatz 2010-10-23 17-53-30.JPG 2,848 × 4,288; 5.2 MB
Limmatquai - Hechtplatz 2012-02-04 16-21-19 (SX230).JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 3.25 MB
Limmatquai - Hechtplatz 2012-02-04 16-21-53 (SX230).JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 3.32 MB
Lovis Corinth Mädchen sich entkleidend 1917.jpg 2,328 × 3,000; 1.21 MB
NeoPulp004.png 355 × 525; 152 KB
Nude Photograph at Cliffs.jpg 489 × 1,023; 161 KB
Pavel Brázda, Proces, 2. pol. 70. let.jpg 1,280 × 883; 1,015 KB
Pedro Weingärtner - Atelier de Pedro Weingärtner em Roma - 1890.jpg 1,114 × 709; 822 KB
Pierre Bonnard Woman Removing Her Shirt.jpg 1,017 × 1,290; 462 KB
Rene Ravaut - 1894.png 2,316 × 1,500; 6.21 MB
Rulah1908.JPG 613 × 900; 389 KB
Russian Porno Comic alphabet (1890) ч.jpg 423 × 273; 38 KB
Schiele - Knieendes Mädchen sich Rock über den Kopf ziehend - 1910.jpg 800 × 1,152; 52 KB
Serenabukowski.jpg 1,181 × 1,600; 398 KB
Stehender Mädchenakt im Boudeoir.JPG 488 × 856; 298 KB
The Bathers - Tharp.jpg 418 × 624; 88 KB
Vrouw door Maïté Duval Onder de Linden Deventer.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 514 KB
Zorn - Flicka vid fönster.jpg 1,828 × 2,230; 3.55 MB
Édouard-Henri Avril (9).jpg 455 × 676; 139 KB