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Category:Trobriand Islands

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<nowiki>Islas Trobriand; Islles Trobiand; illes Trobriand; Trobriand-Inseln; Трабрыянскія астравы; جزایر تروبریاند; Тробриан; ტრობრიანის კუნძულები; トロブリアンド諸島; Trobriandske ostrovy; Острови Тробріана; ट्रोब्रेंड द्वीप; Trobriand-Insle; Trobriandsaaret; Trobriand-insularo; Trobriandovy ostrovy; Trobriand; ট্রব্রিআন্ড আইল্যান্ড; îles Trobriand; Kiriwina saared; Ilhas Trobriand; Trobriando salos; Illas Trobriand; Trobriandöarna; Острова Тробриан; Trobriand Islands; Wyspy Trobriandzkie; Kiriwinaøyene; Trobriand-eilanden; 트로브리안드 군도; 特羅布里恩群島; ٹروبریانڈ جزیرے; Kepulauan Trobriand; Trobriand Islands; جزر تروبرياند; Τρόμπριαντ; Тробријан; দ্বীপবাসী; groupe d'îles; ögrupp i Papua Nya Guinea; grupu d'islles de Papúa Nueva Guinea; Inselgruppe in Papua-Neuguinea; Tyynenmeren saaristo; island group of Papua New Guinea; kepulauan di Papua Nugini; островска група во Папуа Нова Гвинеја; souostroví u Papuy-Nové Guineje; 基里維納群島; 基里维纳群岛; Trobriandské ostrovy</nowiki>
Trobriand Islands 
island group of Papua New Guinea
Bronislaw Malinowski s domorodci, rok 1918
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Instance of
  • island group
Named after
  • Jean François Sylvestre Denis de Trobriand
LocationMilne Bay Province, PNG
Located in or next to body of water
  • 440 km²
Map8° 38′ 15.11″ S, 150° 51′ 08.82″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q738652
VIAF cluster ID: 245644984
GND ID: 4060952-2
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85137956
NDL Authority ID: 00628821
NL CR AUT ID: ge807953
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10036834
J9U ID: 987007550998805171
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Media in category "Trobriand Islands"

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