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Category:Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

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English: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of low intensity current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes. TENS by definition covers the complete range of transcutaneously applied currents used for nerve excitation although the term is often used with a more restrictive intent, namely to describe the kind of pulses produced by portable stimulators used to treat pain. The unit is usually connected to the skin using two or more electrodes. A typical battery-operated TENS unit is able to modulate pulse width, frequency and intensity. Generally TENS is applied at high frequency (>50 Hz) or low frequency (<10 Hz) dependent on the type of pain and duration of treatment. Units are also used for sexual purposes.
<nowiki>TENS; Neuro-stimulation électrique transcutanée; TENS; transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation; TENS; تحریک برقی وراپوستی; 經皮神經電刺激; Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; transkutana električna stimulacija; 経皮的末梢神経電気刺激; TENS; Przezskórna stymulacja nerwów; גירוי עצבי חשמלי במעבר עורי; Электромиостимуляция; Transkutánní elektrická nervová stimulace; Ysgogydd Nerfol Trydanol Trawsgroenol; TENS; TNS-hoito; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; تحفيز كهربائي للعصب عبر الجلد; διαδερμική ηλεκτρική διέγερση νεύρων; Transkutan Elektrisk Nerve Stimulation; stimolazione nervosa a scopo terapeutico; živčna stimulacija za terapevtske namene; vrsta protibolečinske fizioterapije; Neuro-stimulation à visée thérapeutique; hoitomenetelmä; nerve stimulation for therapeutic purposes; spezielle Schmerztherapie; estimulação nervosa para fins terapêuticos; Smertebehandling; TENS; TENS; мионейростимуляция; миостимуляция; TENS; TENS; Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation; TENS; TNS; TENS; 經皮電刺激; TENS</nowiki>
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 
nerve stimulation for therapeutic purposes
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